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Should government spend money exploring outer space or on eart2

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Should government spend money exploring outer space or on Earth?

Some people think that government should spend as much money
as possible exploring outer space, while others want the
government to spend money for our basic needs on Earth. There
are arguments for both positions, but in my opinion government
should spend substantial amount of money on outer space.
Investments in areas related to space exploration are investment in
our future. There are a lot of very hazardous industrial factories, that
have great impact on the environment and cause global warming
effect. We are not capable of living without products, that those
factories manufacture - car tires, chemical solutions and many other
necessary things. But we can relocate factories, for example, on
moon or any other planet in our solar system. But to do it, we need
to invest in that area.
Space exploration is impossible without investment in science. To
build space shuttle you need to hire thousands of engineers,
mathematicians, computer programmers. Often things, that were
initially developed for space program, are applied for more down-toearth purposes. For example, high-temperature plastic was originally
built for lightweight rockets. Many other challenging tasks were
solved, during developments of space program.
But there are a lot of unresolved and daunting tasks on earth. For
instance, more than third of world`s population live below poverty
level, that UN defines at one dollar a day per person. Also to
improve ecological situation in large cities we need to invest huge
amount of money in developing environmental-friendly engines.
One of the most promising technologies for that are fuel cells.
In conclusion I want to say, that though we need to invest heavily
in space program, we need to balance it with other tasks, for
example with financing poverty relieving efforts. But if we want to
have a future, we need to explore outer space.
