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18060 dvd session alice in wonderland

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DVD Session: Alice in Wonderland
Scene 4: The wrong Alice
A) Watch the scene and then correct the following
1- There are flying cows in Underland.
2- There isn’t a green pig in the scene.
3- The roses don’t have faces.
4- The twins and the animals take Alice to see a cat.
5- The caterpillar is called Tweedledee.
6- The caterpillar is drinking tea.
7- Absolem shows them a book.
8- Alice isn’t in the calendar.
Scene 8: Um from Umbradge
B) Put the following actions in order:
• The Red Queen meets Alice in the gardens of the palace. _____
• The Queen calls Tweedledee and Tweedledum. _______
• Stayne arrives to the palace. _____
• The White Rabbit gives Alice a piece of cake. _____
• The Red Queen is playing in the garden. ______
• The Queen invites Alice to the palace. ______
• The guards bring the prisoner ( the Mad Hatter) _______
C) Read these descriptions and complete:
• His/Her name is ____________________. He/She is short and plump, and
his/her head is enormous He/She has got curly red hair and dark eyes.
He/She is wearing a _______________ and ________________.
• His/Her name is ____________________. He/She is tall and medium build.
His/Her legs are very long. He/She has got long, straight black hair.
He/She is wearing black _________________ and ________________.
• He/She is ____________________. He/She is tall and thin. His/her hair is long
and wavy. He/She is wearing a white and red ____________and flat shoes.
• They are ________________ and ______________. They are short and fat. They

haven’t got hair.
• He/She is ________________. He/She is medium height and medium thin.
He/She has got curly orange hair and green eyes. He/She is wearing a
blue _____________, blue _____________ and a _____________.

DVD Session: Alice in Wonderland
Scene 11: Mutiny
A) Watch this scene and decide:
1- ... waves with a glove?
2- ... brandishes an axe?
3- ... floats in the air?
4- ... blinks an eye?
5- ... yells angrily?
6- ... swings on a rope?
7- ... clap their hands enthusiastically?
8- ... rushes towards the Hatter’s hands?
Scene 13: The Frabjous day

The Mad HatterTweedledee and
Tweedledum-MallyCheshire cat-Staynethe Red Queen-the

B) Look at this dialogue. The name ‘Alice’ has been used in such a way that it
grammatically fits everywhere. Replace the name every time it appears by the
correct word. Don’t change the inflections!
WHITE QUEEN: Hello, Iracebeth.
RED QUEEN: Hello, Mirana.
WHITE PABBIT: On this the Frabjous Day, the Queens, Red and White, shall send

forth their champions to do battle on their behalf.
WHITE QUEEN: Oh, Racie. We Alicen’t to fight.
RED QUEEN: I know what you’re Alicing. You think you can blink those pretty little
eyes and I’ll melt, just like Alicy and Alicy did.
RED QUEEN: No! it is my crown! I am the Alicest! Jabberwocky!
C) In this scene, Alice thinks about six impossible things. Which are they?
1- _____________________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________________
3- _______________________________________________________________________
4- _______________________________________________________________________
5- ________________________________________________________________________
6- _______________________________________________________________________
