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1117 funny bunny jokes

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (248 KB, 2 trang )

Match these funny bunny jokes to their answers and have fun!

1. What do you call the everyday routines of rabbits?
2. How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
3. What is furry, has two thousand eyes and eats carrots?
4. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a comedian?
5. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a millionaire?
6. When do rabbits wear green overalls?
7. Which rabbits have the smallest feet?
8. Three rabbits went to school under the same umbrella. Why didn’t they get wet?
9. What do you call a rabbits with fleas?
10. Which side of the rabbit has the most fur?
11. What book did the rabbit take on vacation?

( ) Did you ever see a rabbit wearing glasses?
( ) A bunny with money.
( ) A funny bunny.
( ) Bugs Bunny.
( ) The smallest rabbits.
( ) Rabbit’s habits
( ) One with a hoppy ending.
( ) The outside.
( ) When their blue ones are in the laundry.
( ) One thousand rabbits.
( ) It wasn’t raining.

Rabbit: Doctor, I have carrots
growing out of my ears.
Doctor: Yes, I see. How did that

Rabbit: I don’t know. I planted

1. What do you call the everyday routines of rabbits?
Rabbit’s habits.
2. How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
Did you ever see a rabbit wearing glasses?
3. What is furry, has two thousand eyes and eats carrots?
One thousand rabbits.
4. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a comedian?
A funny bunny.
5. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a millionaire?
A bunny with money.
6. When do rabbits wear green overalls?
When their blue ones are in the laundry.
7. Which rabbits have the smallest feet?
The smallest rabbits.
8. Three rabbits went to school under the same umbrella. Why didn’t they get wet?
It wasn’t raining.
9. What do you call a rabbits with fleas?
Bugs Bunny.
10. Which side of the rabbit has the most fur?
The outside.
11. What book did the rabbit take on vacation?
One with a hoppy ending.

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