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42173 grammar exercises too enough

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too / enough
A. Complete the sentences with too or enough.
1. I must let the coffee for a minute to cool because it is _______ hot
to drink.
2. He isn’t strong _______ to lift this heavy box.
3. There aren't ________ policemen in our town.
4. I haven’t got ________ information to help you with this problem.
5. It is _______ difficult to become a doctor.
6. She hasn’t got ________ time to cook dinner.
7. I didn't buy the car because it was _______ expensive.
8. He didn't study hard ________ to pass the exam.
9. My mum can't sleep because she drinks _______ much coffee.

She isn't old ________ to drive a car.

B. Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjectives.
1. Peter is _______________ to become a police officer. (short)
2. I want to buy a new car and a good house, but I'm not
________________ to do it.
3. My school is _____________ from my house and I go by bus. (far)
4. Kelly is _______________ to drive a car. She's only 14. (young)
5. That skirt is ____________ for you. You need a bigger size. (tight)
6. We want to go to Paris but the plane tickets are ______________
so we must stay at home. (expensive)
7. This T-shirt isn't _____________ for me. I need a bigger one. (big)
8. We must buy this sofa because it is _______________ for the
living room. (comfortable)
9. The students are _________________ to study for the test. (lazy)

The music is ________________ and I can't hear what you
say. (loud)
