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Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (185.3 KB, 4 trang )

1. Carefully listen your question
try to get some KEY words expressing what interviewer asked. Is it in simple tense or past
tense. If it is past tense, try to use this one during answers

2. well prepared and acknowledged
You should know clearly about A2 or B1 structures. You should be sure that each answers
will be adapted with each parts. Along with self-introduction part, other parts interviewers
could ask you to know how various vocabularies you have and how you could react with
some kinds of imtermediate questions. Learning English is a long journey , and this
examination is just a small part of all, please paying more attentions to some basic
structrures that familiar with vietnamese learners such as : in order to speak of watching
sport on TV, you should say about Olympic, word cup, Seagames….)

3. taking time to speak before you coming examination
When you stand in the hall and wait for your turn. Please take that time and revise. It is not
only help you outline what you should say or will say, but it also tackle your fear at that time
4. broading your answer consequentially

EX : the question is “ how many language do you speak ? you will be spontaneously
answer : two. Vietnamese and English. How short and simple your question is ( shouldnot)
Answer: “well, I speak two languages. My first language is Vietnamese and I speak English,
too. I’ve been learning English since I was at grade 6 . I started loving English from there ”.
( should)
notice : sometimes, long sentense is not a good way for show off your language. You will be
got out of your topic in may cases

5. directly see and communicate with interviewer
Many vietnamese candidates always look into the ceil or look down instead of look at
interviewer. It is not good way. You should look at and communicate with interviewer and

show him your confidene

6. avoid learning by heart your answer
Do you want to talk with a machine or robot. You could learn by heart some structures at
home but don’t learn every single words . interviewer could easily realize that. You should
make a clear outline about how many point of views you will mention, what are they?
7 :ask interviewer when you couldnot get his/her questions ?
Why not? This is speaking part not listening part. Therefore, if you might not get all his or her
saying. Don’t heritage asking for repeat question one time again. Avoiding answer your
question when you don’t really understand , you could ask
Could you repeat that, please? (Thầy cô có thể nhắc lại câu hỏi được khơng ạ). Could you
explain that, please? (Thầy cơ có thể giải thích câu hỏi được không ạ). Excuse me, what do
you mean by “environmental problem”? (Xin lỗi thầy, cơ, “environmental problem”? có ngh ĩa
8. try to use some “natural structures” or well-organised structures
In fact sometimes your flow of knowledge will be hesitated. In this case try to use some
“smart structure” as follow :

react with question ;Q : why do people like travelling nowadays?
A : It’s an interesting question. With me, I think……..

- repeat question : Q : What do you like doing in your free time?
A : What I like doing in my free time?/ About my hobby, I love….

- use some “hesitate structures”
Q : What do you think about traffic in Hanoi?
A : In my opinion (Theo ý kiến của em)

Personally I think (Cá nhân em nghĩ rằng). To tell the truth/ to be honest (Nói thật với thầy,
cơ). Các từ khác: Well Actually/ infact You know

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