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Propulsion system products

 The taking product: robot arm, craft, propulsion system


- The worker will take the product, check the product and tails cut glue (if any) after each
injection cycle. Usually applied to the large, difficult layout propulsion system on site, or to
check out the quality of injection products.

Using a robotic arm system
applying advanced automation but high initial costs.

Use product-push system,

This is most often used.

Presenting tasks, technical requirements

After the product is cooled in the mold, the mold is opened, at which point the remaining
adhesive on cavity due to the suction of a vacuum and the product tends to shrink after the
cooling system should push to eject product out

technical requirement

There are about push and thrust appropriate to push the product.
Can take the product out easily and does not affect the shape of the product, the product's

Propulsion system
system must
must reside
reside on
on the
the mobile
mobile site
site (site
(site 22 sheets).

Hệ thống đẩy dùng chốt đẩy: Đây là hệ thống đẩy được dùng phổ biến nhất

3. The propulsion system used

1. Cell Plates, Sheets 2. push, push 3. Fasteners, 4. Fasteners recovery, 5. Plates mobile site, 6. Plates


 Using closed late
 Use the key in the latch and push
 Use dungj springs to recover
 Sometimes too many key push push in clusters, or clusters rather thin thrust, or thrust
unbalanced, tilted key may push after if push .

b) push the tongue thrust system:? the more thin-walled
and complex shapes

Using the blade push

Using thruster propulsion system: to push the more
rounded swing.

Using thruster propulsion system

d) System uses push-off plate: Used to push the detail is cylindrical or
round shape chunhat box into thin thickness.

Used to push the more rounded or rectangular thin-wall thickness.
Advantage: products always achieve aesthetic because no traces key push.
Cons: use larger thrust than other methods

Pneumatic propulsion systems: Used for deep cavity products such as
buckets, pots, ...

Arrange the flows through two gas valves on both panels mold to
obtain the product.

4. Điều khiển hệ thống đẩya) Gia tốc thêm cho một chốt đẩy: Dùng cơ cấu
thanh rang bánh rang để gia tốc thêm cho chốt đẩy


-α: coefficient which represents an increase (cm / oC)

-FP = Thrust (N)
E: elastic modulus (N / cm2)
-A: Total surface area in contact with the cavity hoaccore. (Cm 2)
-μ: coefficient of friction of plastic
-m: horizontal distortion coefficients
-d: the diameter of the largest circle circumference by the circumference of the perpendicular
projection of the direction molded sp.
-Δ�: The sp softening temperature (oC)
-t: The average thickness of the sp (cm)

When to use faint company, lighten tube, plate
and Pneumatic
 Pneumatic propulsion

For products with deep cavity such as buckets, pots, ... because when the cold, the vacuum in
the mold cavity and core are so large, the product is difficult to escape the mold. Therefore, it
should provide a big boost and distributed evenly to push the drain pan. My advice is to use
compressed air to remove panels combine to get the product.

companies back

About push to 5 ÷ 10 mm larger than the product height
After the product is removed, the propulsion system must return its original position, avoiding
damage Plunger cavity. So to latch back on (companies in).


 - Products with high surrounding walls, or deep veins, then the stick so firmly
in the mold (core section), so must be arranged near the company pushing
this position to be able to push the product out of the mold easily.
