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I/ Pronunciation:

a. coach
a. bureau
a. study
a. gar
a. gentle
a. master

b. cull
b. durable
b. hull
b. garlic
b. gay
b. ask

c. cease
c. pure
c. bull
c. garage
c. great
c. absent

d. cut
d. pull

d. hut
d. garbage
d. gate
d. cast

II/ Find the mistakes:
7. Although there are approximately 100 intensive language institutes in the
United States in 1969, there are more than three times as many now.
A. are
B. approximately C. in
D. three times as
8. Cartographers did not make an accurate map because the political situation
in the area changes so rapidly that they were not able to draw the boundaries
A. changes
B. so
C. to draw
D. correctly
9. This year designers are showing very bright colors and styles that were
worn closer to the body than those shown last year.
A. very
B. were
C. than
D. those
10. Everyone who saw STAR WARS said that it is one of the best science
fiction movies that had ever been released.
A. who
B. is
C. the best

D. been
11. Before he retired last April, Mr. Thompson is working as foreign student
advisor for thirty years at Community College.
A. retired
B. last April
C. is working
D. for thirty years
12. She couldn’t ………... Her children to his care.
A. admit
B. confide
C. trust
13. It was an extraordinary villa. It was quite ……….
A. Extreme
B. confide
C. big

D. convince
D. exceptional

14. His answer was so confused that the teacher could hardly make any
………. of it at all.
A. meaning
B. interpretation C. intelligibility D. sense
15. Commodities were sent from various parts of the world. They came from
………. parts.
A. different
B. same
C. different

D. differently
16. An old man taught her how ……… the violin.
A. Play
B. playing
C. to play

D. played

17. There was a great deal of machinery. This means there ………
A. was one big machine
B. was one big engine
C. were many machines

D. was one powerful machine

18. Mr Minh’s passport……….last month, so he will have to get a new one.
A. anded
B. elapsed
C. exprired
D. researched
19. There were ten million viewers in all. That was the ……….
A. all
B. whole
C. result
D. total
20. “Where ……………………?” “In Lon Don.”
A. were
B. are you born
C.have you been born

D. did you born

21. Hospitals were built with the profits. They were built with the …………
A. Benefits
B. earnings
C. winnings
D. excesses
22. Nam …………to school alone if Tam doesn’t come.
A. Goes
B. will go
C. had gone
23. This girl was fast asleep. She had a ……………..sleep.
A. Deeply
B. sound
C. quick
24. He doesn’t want to let me ………….he was going out
A. To know
B. knew
C. knows
25. He got a ladder from the shed. He ……..one.

D. went
D. soundly
D. know

A. Fetched

B. took

C. brought

26. We ………….everything we can to help you.
A. Do
B. shall do
C. would do

D. carried
D. Had done

27. My boss spoke in a sarcastic voice. He spoke in a ……….ghivoice.
A. Critical
B. laughing
C. despicable
D. mocking
28. I’ll have Mary……….. the umbrella to you immediately
A. Take
B. to take
C. taking
D. took
29. His daughter nearly fell off the ladder . She nearly…………
A. fell in
B. fell over
C. fell down
D. fell away
30.……………… what is he saying ?
A. do you understand

B. did you understand

C.you understand

D. you understood

31. If I walk in with muddy boots, Dad always……………….me.
A. scolds

B. beats

C. rebukes

D. both a & c are correct

32. I wish I …………….a famous singer.
A. am

B. be

C. will be

D. were

33. When the company had to close because of economic difficulties, he
A. Inconsiderate B. affected
C. redundant
D. concerned
34. It’s 5 month since I last ……………to her.
A. talk
B. talking

C. talked

D. have talked

35. This summer resort is absolutely wonderful and I’d …………..it to anyone.
A. Recommend B. talk
C. praise
D. accommodate

36. “Can we begin the test ?” “we can’t unless the teacher …………..so.”
A. will say
B. is saying
C. shall say
D. says
37.When was the last time she …………..her bedroom ?
A. cleaned
B. clean
C. have cleaned

D. are cleaning

38.We had to walk since we couldn’t ………….to take a bus.
A. afford
B. be wealthy
C. supply
D. furnish
39. Whose child ……………. he is ?
A. do you think
C. will you think

B. have you thought
D. were you thinking

40. Our life would be very difficult without ……………..
A. luxury furniture
B. water
C. saving – labor machine

D. electricity

41. I felt embarrassed when I …………… in front of the glass.
A. stand up
B. will stand up
C. stood up
D. are standing up
42. The boy took a long …………….. on his first morning at camp.
A. horseback ride
B. walk
C. bicycle ride
D. swim
43. It was …………. lovely weather that we spent the whole day on the beach.
A. so
B. such a
C. so a
D. such
44. After retiring, may aunt spent her ………….. on an expensive holiday.
A. dollars
B. accounts
C. savings

D. cheques
45. …………….games without asking for my permission.
A. do not play
B. not play
C. won’t play

D. didn’t play

46. My …………. is collecting coins from all over the world.
A. pastime
B. career
C. business
D. vocation
47. Never ………….. too much wine.
A. drink
B. have drink

C. to drink

D. drinking

48. Mr. Pike should ………….. the speech welcome.
A. do
B. make
C. have

D. speak

49. I’m working . Please do ………… talking.

A. stopping

B. stopped

C. being stopped D. stop

50. Smoking is …………… in many companies in our country.
A. permitted
B. taught
C. banned
D. stopped
1. c
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. a
8. a
9. b
10. b

11. c
12. b
13. d
14. d
15. c
16. c
17. c

18. c
19. d
20. a

21. b
22. b
23. b
24. d
25. a
26. b
27. d
28. a
29. c
30. a

31. d
32. d
33. c
34. c
35. a
36. d
37. a
38. a
39. a
40. d

41. c
42. b
43. d
44. c

45. a
46. a
47. a
48. b
49. d
50. c

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