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I/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each
sentence in the unit:
1/ Work with a partner and choose the correct answers.
A. pick B. have C. get D. select
2/ When did the 1
Asian Games take place?
A. begin B. appear C. happen D. play
3/ Where were the 1
Asian Games held?
A. gone B. taken C. organized D. started
4/ How many countries participated in the 14
Asian Games?
A. took part B. took place C. took care D. took hand
5/ How many gold medals did the Vietnamese athletes win at the 14
A. strengthen B. succeed C. receive D. reach
6/ The Asian Games, which take place every four years, are held for the
purpose of developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.
A. promotion B. view C. sight D. plan
7/ In this multi-sport event, young people from all over Asian gather together to
A. collect B. assemble C. understand D. pick

8/ It is an occasion when strength and sports are tested; friendship and
solidarity are built and deepened.
A. health B. will C. power D. competence
9/ During their five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all
A. going ahead B. going away C. going by D. going at
10/ The number of participants has been increasing.
A. persons B. members C. classmates D. neighbors
II/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each
sentence in the unit:
1/ Work with a partner and choose the correct answers.
A. ill B. irregular C. false D. uninteresting
2/ How many gold medals did the Vietnamese athletes win at the 14
A. forget B. lose C. loosen D. weaken
3/ The Asian Games, which take place every four years, are held for the purpose
of developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia.
A. pausing B. stopping C. running D. receding
4/ In this multi-sport event, young people from all over Asian gather together to
A. divorce B. separate C. deny D. avoid
5/ It is an occasion when strength and sports are tested; friendship and
solidarity are built and deepened.
A. poorness B. sickness C. weakness D. tiredness
6/ During their five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all
A. holding back B. holding to C. holding by D. holding at
7/ The number of participants has been increasing.

A. falling B. diminishing C. cutting D. failing
8/ New sports and traditional sports have been introduced and added to the
A. divided B. multiplied C. removed D. stopped
9/ The 14
Asian Games in Busan, Korea, the biggest event held in 2002,
attracted 9919 participants from 42 countries.
A. repelled B. killed C. rented D. separated
10/ The Vietnamese participants took part in this event with great enthusiasm.
A. small B. minor C. clumsy D. bad
III/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ He's always wanted to go into _______.
A. teach B. teacher C. teaching D. taught
2/ It's a pretty steep _______ curve when you're thrown into a job with
no prior experience.
A. learn B. learner C. learning D. learned
3/ She's been _______ for her doctorate for three years already.
A. student B. study C. studied D. studying
4/ She was probably the most highly _______ prime minister of this
A. educate B. educated C. educating D. educational
5/ A lot of wealthy people have their own personal _______.
A. train B. trainer C. trained D. training
6/ My daughter used to _______ with the kids next door.
A. play B. player C. played D. playing
7/ She keeps a _______ eye on her husband to see that he behaves

A. watch B. watched C. watching D. watchful
8/ My father is quite old now and he's _______ hard of hearing.
A. increase B. increased C. increasing D. increasingly
9/ Are these documents _______ to the discussion?
A. relate B. related C. relative D. relating
10/ She is studying women's _______ at the turn of the century.
A. write B. writer C. written D. writing
IV/ Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences:
1/ Her parents _______ her awarded the winner's medal.
A. saw B. see C. to see D. seeing
2/ Cigarette _______ kills lots of people every year.
A. smokes B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoking
3/ His mother was a much ______ baby.
A. wanted B. want C. to want D. wanting
4/ Everyone looked under eighteen and I really _______ my age.
A. felt B. feel C. to feel D. feeling
5/ If you're ever in Ho Chi Minh city, _______ and visit us.
A. will come B. come C. to come D. coming
6/ They’ve gone down to the corner store _______ some bread.
A. will get B. get C. to get D. getting
7/ Her children spent the morning _______ in the room.
A. played B. play C. to play D. playing
8/ She _______ the man on the arm to get his attention.
A. touched B. touches C. to touch D. touching
9/ It’s said that there are more people _______ at this time of the year
so prices are high.
A. bought B. buy C. to buy D. buying
10/ Not only _______ we speak to him, we even got his photograph!
A. did B. do C. to do D. doing
V/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation

from the others in each group:
1/ A. mu sic B. discu ss C. communicate D. hu man
2/ A. type B. busy C. happy D. physic
3/ A. match B. jazz C. pa ssage D. cla ss
4/ A. description B. tradition C. question D. expression
5/ A. folk B. rock C. stro ng D. pop
6/ A. grou p B. lou d C. prou d D. cou nt
7/ A. bea t B. wea k C. fee l D. brea d
8/ A. forks B. instruments C. feelings D. thoughts
9/ A. foo t B. boo k C. goo d D. poo r
10/ A. worked B. talented C. appreciated D. rejuvenated
V I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation
from the others in each group:
1/ A. mu sic B. discu ss C. communicate D. hu man
2/ A. type B. busy C. happy D. physic
3/ A. match B. jazz C. pa ssage D. cla ss
4/ A. description B. tradition C. question D. expression
5/ A. folk B. rock C. stro ng D. pop
6/ A. grou p B. lou d C. prou d D. cou nt
7/ A. bea t B. wea k C. fee l D. brea d
8/ A. forks B. instruments C. feelings D. thoughts
9/ A. foo t B. boo k C. goo d D. poo r
10/ A. worked B. talented C. appreciated D. rejuvenated
VII/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
in each group:
1/ A. music B. peaceful C. tempo D. relax
2/ A. traditional B. combination C. communicate D. rejuvenate
3/ A. African B. energy C. instrument D. musician

4/ A. European B. especially C. emotional D. considerate
5/ A. popular B. powerful C. description D. talented
6/ A. human B. solemn C. whether D. contain
7/ A. important B. musical C. wonderful D. telephone
8/ A. beautiful B. example C. cinema D. favorite
9/ A. express B. grammar C. record D. office
10/ A. ballad B. concert C. enough D. contest
VIII/ Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/ suitable 2/ young A/ renew B/ keep
3/ strong 4/ express C/ assist D/ rest
5/ rejuvenate 6/ maintain E/ reveal F/ acceptable
7/ fast 8/ cheer G/ applaud H/ youthful
9/ relax 10/ help I/ powerful J/ quick
IX/ Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ serious 2/ traditional A/ warlike B/ powerless
3/ strong 4/ loud C/ tighten D/ quiet
5/ clearly 6/ powerful E/ run down F/ weak
7/ boost 8/ relax G/ uncommon H/ possibly
9/ lower 10/ peaceful I/ simple J/ higher
X/ Match the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column
B to make meaningful sentences:
1/ It was late, so we decided A/ not to go out because of the weather.
2/ I like George, but I think he tends B/ to work harder.
3/ How old were you when you learned C/ to be doing a good job.
4/ He’s lazy. He needs D/ to mail the letter I gave you.

5/ I’m sorry. I didn’t mean E/ to talk so much.
6/ We decided F/ to hurt you.
7/ She pretended G/ to take a taxi home.
8/ Don’t forget H/ not to see me as she passed me on
the street.
9/ This evening I plan I/ to drive?
10/ He appears J/ to go to the theatre.
XI/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then
correct them:
1/ (A) Would you like (B) to have lunch now (C) and (D) later?
2/ We are reminded (A) once again (B) of the writer's love (C) of (D) a sea.
3/ I’d like (A) to have taken a holiday, (B) but I (C) didn’t have (D) too much
4/ “I can't come (A) in Saturday.” “That's (B) too bad - we've (C) already
bought the tickets (D) so you'll still have to pay.”
5/ We’d love (A) to have gone (B) to the barbecue, (C) but it was (D) possible.
6/ They (A) went to a restaurant (B) and they didn’t enjoy it. They’d prefer (C)
to have eaten (D) at home.
7/ You remembered (A) locking the door (B) before you left, (C) but you forgot
(D) to close the windows.
8/ Ms. Hoa could remember (A) to drive (B) along the street (C) just before the
accident happened, (D) but she couldn’t remember the accident itself.
9/ The old woman was (A) very tired. She tried (B) to keep her eyes (C) to
open, but she (D) couldn’t.
10/ My brother has got a (A) terrible headache. He tried (B) taking an aspirin,
(C) but it (D) doesn’t help.
XII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and
then correct them:
1/ It's (A) neither Spanish or Portuguese (B) that she (C) speaks, but I've
forgotten (D) which.

2/ "That's (A) the three time (B) you've done (C) that!" "Yeah, (D) what of it?"
3/ (A) Since when did you (B) have the right (C) telling me (D) what to do?
4/ (A) The police asked me (B) to explain (C) what I hadn't reported the
accident (D) sooner.
5/ (A) I've left my keys (B) nowhere (C) and I don't know (D) where.
6/ (A) How long are you going to be (= what (B) number of time are you (C)
going to spend) (D) in the bathroom?
7/ "Jacinta was (A) there with her (B) boyfriend." "(C) Who one? She's got (D)
8/ (A) It’s that! I'm not putting (B) up with (C) any more of her (D) rudeness.
9/ (A) After (= Despite) everything (B) I've done for you, is this (C) the
behavior you (D) treat me?
10/ Cohen, (A) whose contract expires (B) next week, is likely (C) to move to
play for (D) an European club.
XIII/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option
A, B, C or D to complete it:
The application (1) _______ for volunteers for the 15th Asian Games
Doha 2006 is now closed.
Organisers have been flooded with interest and have now filled all
available roles. Any further (2) _______ will have their details stored on file
and will only be contacted in the event of any vacancies unexpectedly arising.
Over 30,000 men and women, not only from Qatar, but also from the Gulf
(3) _______ and even further afield, have volunteered to help out at Doha 2006
after more than two years of meetings and interviews.
First of all, a big THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and
commitment in volunteering to give up some of your precious free time to
become part of the Games of your Life. The (4) _______ has been quite
overwhelming and has far exceeded expectations.

"It shows that the Qatar public has embraced the Spirit of the Games,"
says Khaled Helaly, (5) _______ of the Doha 2006 Volunteers Programme.
Over the next few months, you will become familiar with all the venues
and learn everything you will need to carry out your jobs, (6) _______ range
from meeting delegations at Doha International Airport, to escorting athletes
onto the track at the Khalifa Stadium.
You will have the opportunity to witness the countdown to one of the (7)
_______ shows on earth as it unfolds.
As Games-time approaches, you will have the thrill not only of seeing
world-renowned athletes (8) _______ and preparing, but of knowing that your
hard work is helping these great sporting stars fulfil their destiny and to compete
at their very best.
When competition time starts on 1 December, many of you will be part of
the spectacular Opening and Closing Ceremonies. An unforgettable experience
(9) _______!
Get ready to have the time of your life, (10) _______ the Games of your
Life, from 1-15 December!
1/ A. development B. process C. growth D. progress
2/ A. students B. citizens C. competitors D. applicants
3/ A. region B. zone C. section D. corner
4/ A. repeat B. replace C. response D. reply
5/ A. manager B. producer C. maker D. conductor
6/ A. it B. which C. what D. that
7/ A. biggest B. hugest C. greatest D. vastest
8/ A. teaching B. training C. education D. knowledge
9/ A. awakes B. appears C. arrives D. awaits
10/ A. in B. on C. by D. at
XIV/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A,
B, C or D to complete it:
Music, artful arrangement of sounds (1) _______ time. This definition is

obviously very broad, but a narrower one would exclude (2) _______ much.
Music is part of virtually every culture on (3) _______, but it varies widely
among cultures in style and structure. Definitions of music can (4) _______
dramatically over a short time, as they have across the world during the 20
Can music exist without (6) _______? Some philosophers argue that
music should be defined as a kind of “mental (7) _______” and that the physical
aspects of sound are simply by-products of this image. If you (8) _______ you
can have a musical experience by imagining the sound of a piece of music, then
you think (9) _______ can exist without sound. But most musical experiences
involve producing or (10) _______ to physical characteristics of sound such as
pitch and timbre (quality comparable to texture or color in sight).
Is the tape-recorded sound of a large metal-stamping machine music?
Are 4 minutes (11) _______ 33 seconds of silence music? Is the activity of

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