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I/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ A _______ is a person who is in charge of a film and tells the actors how to
play their parts.
A. filmgoer

B. film director

C. film maker

D. film star

2/ The majority of factories in the region have a _______ of 50 to 100 (people).
A. workable

B. workbook

C. workday

D. workforce

3/ Many airline passengers face _______ delays because of the strike.
A. long

B. length

C. lengthy

D. lengthen

4/ They had made _______ quantities of food (= a lot).
A. industry

B. industrial

C. industrious

D. industrialize

5/ Are these documents _______ to the discussion?
A. relative

B. relation

C. relationship

D. related

6/ “More difficult” is the _______ of “difficult”.
A. comparison

B. comparative

C. comparable

D. comparably

7/ The success of advertising proves that we are all highly _______.
A. suggest

B. suggestion

C. suggestive

D. suggestible

8/ They started quarrelling out of sheer _______.
A. bore

B. bored

C. boring

9/ Not _______, the jury found them both guilty.

D. boredom

A. surprise

B. surprised

C. surprising

D. surprisingly

10/ She started to photograph the documents, safe in the _______ that she
wouldn't be disturbed for at least an hour.
A. know-how

B. knowledge

C. knowable

D. knowing

II/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ What _______ shame that you couldn't go to the party.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. one

2/ I just bought _______ new shirt and some new shoes. _______ shirt was quite
expensive, but _______ shoes weren't.
A. a- a -a

B. a- the- the

C. the- the- the

D. one- the- the

3/ Americans drive _______ third of _______ 400 million cars on _______
A. the- a- the

B. a- one- the

C. one- the- the

D. the- the- the

4/ Even _______ six-year-old can have _______ accident at _______ night
A. a- one- X

B. one- an- a

C. a- an- X

D. one- the- a

5/ Once he starts a decorating job he won't stop _______ it's finished.
A. before

B. after

C. when

D. until

C. often

D. sometimes

6/ How _______ do you wash your hair?

A. always

B. usually

7/ Long _______, there lived a girl called Cinderella.
A. ago

B. before

C. after

D. next

8/ I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, _______ but not least, my

A. last

B. finally

C. after that

D. lastly

9/ This shop is open for business _______ despite the shortages.
A. as before

B. as usual

C. usually

D. frequently

10/ “I'm afraid I've lost that wallet you gave me.” “Well, _______ mind, I can
easily buy you another one.”
A. ever

B. never

C. always

D. occasionally

III/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct
1/ This book (A) tells (B) a story (C) of her life from (D) A to Z.
2/ Finding (A) a cure (B) for cancer is (C) one of (D) biggest challenges facing medical
3/ It's not (A) one good idea to spend more than three hours at (B) the wheel (= driving
(C) a vehicle) without (D) a break.
4/ (A) An apple (B) a day keeps (C) a doctor (D) away.
5/ As (A) often as not when I (B) make (C) an effort to visit her, I wonder (D) why I've
even bothered.
6/ Satellite technology offers (A) the opportunity, as (B) ever before, (C) for continuous
television coverage (D) of major international events.
7/ Every so (A) often I treat (B) me to (C) a meal in (D) an expensive restaurant.
8/ (A) Sometime we take food (B) with us and (C) sometimes we buy food (D) when
we're there.
9/ (A) Seldom we receive (B) any apology when (C) mistakes (D) are made.

10/ (A) Hard had (B) a moment passed (C) before (D) the door creaked open.
