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45539 word order

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Word order - Sentences - exercise 4
Form affirmative statements using the given words/phrases.
Click on the underlined words/phrases.
reading / the children / books / are
The children are reading books.

1) is it quarter eleven past


2) make a phone call can we
3) am now home I going



4) at breakfast has she sometimes 6:40
5) playing cards are they


6) at watch films often home we
7) gym the the girls in are dancing
8) in the morning never I the listen to radio

9) my Saturdays cooking sister the does on
10) evening he every teeth cleans his

Word order in statements with expressions of place and time

Use the words and form meaningful statements.
Always use the expression of time at the end of the sentence.
Example: goes / to school / every morning / Andy
Answer: goes / to school / every morning / Andy
Andy goes to school every morning.

1) take / photos / they / every Monday
2) goes / every day / she / to school
3) football / Eric / after school / plays
4) is making / he / at the moment / breakfast
5) to the club / the girls / go / on Saturdays
6) o'clock / school / at / 8 / starts


7) Tuesday / the boys / their bikes / ride / every
8) I / home / going / am / now

9) Simon / on Fridays / the dishes / washes
10) are / questions / we / answering / the / now


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