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64589 animal has got

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The penguin is white yellow
green black red

The penguin has got two feet two wings two horns
two pencils

The tiger is blue purple orange black
green white

The tiger has got four eyes four legs
one tail small teeth big teeth two tails

The kangaroo has got big feet four
feet two arms four arms one tail
two tails small tail
The kangaroo runs jumps swims
plays football plays Playstation

The rabbit likes yoghurt carrots
spaghetti grass

The rabbit has got small ears big
ears four eyes two eyes no eyes

The dolphin has got a small nose big nose
two legs two eyes one tail two hands

The dolphin swims jumps runs eats fish
eats carrots eats spaghetti

The bird is yellow green red blue black

The bird has got wings legs eyes hands arms

The horse eats grass eats cats drinks water
drinks coca-cola runs jumps swims
The horse has got one tail two eyes four
legs four feet two tails

The giraffe has got a small neck long
neck two legs small tail two ears

The giraffe lives in Spain England Africa

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