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Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Luyện giải ñề số 04


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 1:
B. have
C. behave
D. pave
A. cave
Question 2:
B. recall
C. recollect
D. recover
A. recognize
Question 3:
A. tear
B. bear
C. near
D. bare
Question 4:
B. refuse
C. fuss
D. future
A. abuse
Question 5:

A. adventure
B. future
C. mature
D. figure
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 6:
A. migration
B. observation
C. ridiculous
D. respectful
Question 7:
A. official
B. mechanic
C. preference
D. convenience
Question 8:
A. publication
B. disability
C. fertility
D. intuition
Question 9:
A. prevent
B. patient
C. medicine
D. pleasant
Question 10:
A. cigarette
B. contaminate
C. appreciate

D. succession
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 11: After so many years, it is great to see him ______ his ambitions.
A. get
B. realize
C. possess
D. deserve
Question 12: People were ______ moved by the photographs in the newspapers.
A. genuinely
B. totally
C. earnestly
D. lovingly
Question 13: The team won the championship four years ______.
A. running
B. passing
C. following
D. rotating
Question 14: My attention was drawn ______ the picture on the far wall.
A. with
B. to
C. for
D. on
Question 15: Do you think he could be ______ up on to make a speech after the presentation?
A. prevailed
B. impelled
C. urged
D. pressured

Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Luyện giải ñề số 04

Question 16: The prospects of picking up any survivors are now ______.
A. thin
B. narrow
C. slim
D. restricted
Question 17: He has a ______ talent for mime.
A. wealthy
B. natural
C. born
D. skillful
Question 18: What happened in 1989 was a ______ in European political history.
A. watershed
B. borderline
C. waterfall
D. water
Question 19: The bride suddenly turned on her heels and ______ out of the church.
A. soared
B. accelerated
C. flew
D. went

Question 20: You’ll have to be on your ______ if you want to beat her.
A. fingers
B. feet
C. toes
D. hand
Question 21: Julia played a ______ role in the planning of the millennium exhibition.
A. consultation
B. consulting
C. consultative
D. consulted
Question 22: I’m afraid you may find the truth somewhat ______.
A. inedible
B. unmanageable
C. indigestible
D. unpalatable
Question 23: Was it just poor time-keeping that resulted ______ his dismissal?
A. from
B. to
C. of
D. in
Question 24: No matter how much pressure you put on Simon, he won’t budge a(n) ______.
A. mile
B. inch
C. foot
D. meter
Question 25: I’m in a bit of a ______ as to what to wear to his wedding.
A. loss
B. quandary
C. problem
D. bewilderment

Question 26: The celebrations were somewhat ______ by the announcement of her resignation.
A. outshone
B. overshadowed
C. overcast
D. overweighed
Question 27: She was caught cheating in the race. ______ she was disqualified.
A. Accordingly
B. Equally
C. Explicitly
D. Fundamentally
Question 28: The painting bears a ______ resemblance to EI Greco’s earlier works.
A. heated
B. fine
C. striking
D. comparable
Question 29: He’s a rumbustious character who always tries to live life to the ______.
A. full
B. extent
C. fun
D. end
Question 30: The difference in their computer skills was attributed to the generation ______.
A. space
B. difference
C. gap
D. hole
Question 31: The speeding car only missed us by a hair’s ______.
A. width
B. breadth
C. high
D. length

Question 32: I simply couldn’t cope with such an enormous work ______.
A. amount
B. quantity
C. load
D. volume
Question 33: Even the tiniest ______ of dust can damage delicate electrical equipment.
A. piece
B. portion
C. shred
D. speck
Question 34: I don’t think there’s a ______ of truth in what either defendant said.
A. shred
B. grain
C. gust
D. touch
Question 35: Unless she makes a dramatic recovery, her ______ will have to play the part.
A. onlooker
B. outcast
C. stand-in
D. stand-off
Question 36: I seem to be ______ in energy this morning.
A. bereft
B. short
C. lack
D. low
Question 37: I’m not at all put out by their decision ______, I welcome it.
A. All the same
B. On the contrary
C. In contrast
D. On the other hand

Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Luyện giải ñề số 04

Question 38: The ______ are of the opinion that they have been badly treated.
A. underwritten
B. undersigned
C. below
D. initialed
Question 39: He’s been going through a bad ______ for some time.
A. streak
B. mess
C. front
D. patch
Question 40: All the workers complained that the price of food had increased so that their ______ of
living had fallen.
A. cost
B. limit
C. standard
D. measure
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D… on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
A. safer

B. amenities
C. peaceful
D. nature
E. pollution
F. commuters
G. jams
H. crowded
I. suburbs
J. fresh
K. rush hour
L. countryside
M. rural
N. stressful
O. fields
P. public
R. nightlife
S. urban
T. cosmopolitan
I’ve always preferred an (41) ______ lifestyle to a (42) ______ lifestyle. I’d much rather live in a
city than in the (43) ______ because there’s so much more to do. The (44) ______ is great – lots of bars,
restaurants and nightclubs – and there are lots of (45) ______ such as sports centers, swimming pools,
museums and so on. What I particularly like is the fact that my home city is so (46) ______; there are
people there from all over the world. Of course, with so many people everywhere it can get very (47)
______, especially during the (48) ______ (in my city, this is between 7 and 9 in the morning, and
between 4 and 6 in the evening). At those times, the trains and buses are packed with (49) ______ coming
to the city to work, and then going back to the (50) ______ around the city where many of them live.
Those who don’t use (51) ______ transport drive to the city in their own cars; this causes terrible traffic
(52) ______ on the roads, and of course lots of (53) ______, which makes the air dirty and unpleasant. It
can get quite (54) ______ at times. Consequently, it is good to get away from the city now and then, and
get back to (55) ______; lots of lovely (56) ______ air, green (57) ______ and (58) ______ villages where

the only noise is the sound of birds and sheep. It’s also much (59) ______; there’ less crime and the roads
aren’t as dangerous.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer for each of the questions.
Campers Gene and Maire Marsden took pride in being good citizens when in the wild. While
driving the three hundred miles from their home in Colorado to the Green River Lakes area of the Wind
River Mountains in Wyoming, they instructed their children in the protocol they’d learned in the bear
safety pamphlet put out by the Bridger – Teton Forest Service. The number-one rule was “Don’t feed the
bears!” – whether intentionally or not. Warning the kids not to go anywhere near a bear, the Marsden had
no problem with the intentional part, but the unintentional part was not as easy to avoid as they thought.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsden did their best to keep a tidy camp. While the bear manual had said to hang
all food at least ten feet off the ground and four feet out from the trunk of a tree, they did what all the other
people in the nearby public campground were doing and locked their food in their little utility trailer at
night. Afraid that the scent of the bait might attract a bear, they even locked up Marie’s fishing pole. It
was always dark when they went to bed, but they perused the campsite with flashlights, making sure
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Luyện giải ñề số 04

nothing was left out. Taking the recommended precaution of sleeping a hundred yards from where they
cooked their food, they kept the car near their tents, unhitched from the trailer, which they left up at the
other camp. Before going to bed each night, all of the Marsdens took off the clothes they had worn during

the day while eating, replacing them with pajamas that they used only for sleeping. They were also careful
to lock the dirty laundry in the trailer. As the pamphlet advise, they took no snacks into their tents.
Gene says he now regrets not having taken their dogs into the tent at night, but they liked having
him on guard. Small animals would often come sniffing around and the dog would chase them back into
the thickets, then return to the hollow he’d dug for himself in front of the children’s tent. But on the night
of the encounter, Spike would not stop barking, and Marie Marsden knew he must be sounding the alarm
on something more dangerous and dauntless than a raccoon or squirrel. When she unzipped the tent and
shined her flashlight in the direction of the cooking area, she saw Spike attempting to hold a young grizzly
bear at bay.
They all managed to pile into the car, and with the kids sitting atop stuffed sacks full of clothes and
gear, they drove quickly down the trail, calling out the window to Spike and abandoning the cargo trailer
to whatever fate the bear might have in store for it. Uncertain whether the bear was following, one of the
children opened a door and loaded Spike up on the run. They drove to a pay phone twenty miles away and
called a Fish and Game Department ranger, who identified the bear by the white ruff the Marsdens had
seen around his neck. The authorities informed the Marsdens that the bear was a young, recently weaned
male that they’d been keeping an eye on.
The next morning, the Marsdens heard helicopters circling over the mountain above them and
wondered if it might have something to do with the bear. After spending the night in the public
campground, they drove back to their site. Wandering the area in search of clues, Marie came to a halt
below the tallest spruce. She slapped her head and shouted, “Oh no!”.
“What is it?” Gene asked.
Marie pointed at the ground where Spike’s dog food bowl lay upside down. A week after their
return home, the Marsdens read the headline in their local paper. “Bear Euthanized in Wind Rivers.”
According to the article, the Fish and Game Department had shot the young bear because, having been
rewarded for invading a human campsite, it would likely do so again.
The Marsdens knew they had been lucky in the encounter, yet much to their shame and sadness,
they also knew that the bear had not.
Question 60: Which of the following statements is true?
A. The Marsdens went camping in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming.
B. The pamphlet on camping in bear country was sent to the Marsdens by the Fish and Game

C. The Marsdens went camping in the Green River Lakes area near their hometown.
D. all of the above
Question 61: Who does the author imply is mostly to blame in the bear’s death?
A. The Marsdens, because they were not careful enough.
B. The bear, because he invaded a human camp.
C. The Fish and Game authorities, because of poor communication with campers.
D. The Forest Service, for putting out incomplete information.
Question 62: In paragraph 2, it can be determined from the context that the word “perused” means
A. neglected
B. cleaned
C. studied
D. hid
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12

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Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Luyện giải ñề số 04

Question 63: In paragraph 3, it can be determined from the context that the word “dauntless” means
A. stupid.
B. fearless.
C. clumsy.

D. spineless.
Question 64: This story is arranged ________
A. like a news story, with the most important event told first.
B. in reverse chronological order, with events told in the order they occurred.
C. in standard chronological order, with events told in the order they occurred.
D. in mixed, random order.
Question 65: What was the “reward” referred to in the next to last paragraph?
A. The bear seeing the Marsdens run from him.
B. The bear receiving no punishment for disturbing humans.
C. The bear being able to stand off Spike.
D. The bear getting the dog food.
Question 66: The tone and style of this piece make it appropriate for which of the following types of
A. A scientific report on human-bear interaction.
B. A pamphlet on bear safety such as the one the Marsdens read.
C. A statistical study on bear fatalities in the Western mountains.
D. A human interest article in the Sunday magazine of a newspaper.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 67: Is it important that the secretary finishes the typing today?
A. Is it
B. that
C. finishes
D. typing
Question 68: The most time to take a nap is the two hours after lunch.
A. The most
B. to take
C. is the
D. after lunch
Question 69: Each person has to consider how react to such an emergency.
A. Each person

B. to consider
C. how react
D. emergency
Question 70: Unlike his fellow students, Jim preferred written tests than oral tests.
A. Unlike
B. students
C. written tests
D. than
Question 71: Mike regrets having not studied English in high school.
A. regrets
B. having not
C. studied
D. in
Question 72: There are various reason why one should avoid to discuss religion.
A. various
B. why
C. one should
D. to discuss
Choose the best sentence that is made from the words given.
Question 73: how / time / you / spend / English / day?
A. How much time do you spend to study English a day?
B. Many time do you spend studying English a day?
C. How much time do you spend on English a day?
D. How much time you spend to studying English a day?
Question 74: Joe / not like jazz / neither / friends.
A. Joe doesn’t like jazz, neither are his friends.
B. Joe doesn’t like jazz, neither his friends.
C. Joe doesn’t like jazz, his friends neither.
D. Joe doesn’t like jazz, neither do his friends.
Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12

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Luyện giải ñề số 04

Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Question 75: Mike / have / flat / redecorate.
A. Mike has had his flat to be redecorated.
B. Mike has had his flat be redecorated.
C. Mike had his flat redecorated.
D. Mike has had his flat being redecorated.
Question 76: I / remember / ask / you / do exercise / home.
A. I remember asking you to do this exercise at home.
B. I remember ask you to do this exercises at home.
C. I remember asking you do this exercise at home.
D. I remember asking you to doing this exercise at home.
Question 77: he / admit / be punished / teacher yesterday.
A. He admitted to be punished by the teacher yesterday.
B. He admitted being punished by the teacher yesterday.
C. He admitted to be punished the teacher yesterday.
D. He admits being punished by the teacher yesterday.
Question 78: Nobody / allow / see him / any time / meeting.
A. Nobody was allowed seeing him at any time during the meeting.
B. Nobody was allowed to see him any time during the meeting.
C. Nobody allowed seeing him at any time during the meeting.
D. Nobody was allowed seeing him at any time during the meeting.

Question 79: She / be like / suffer / cold / winter.
A. She is likely to suffer from a cold in winter.
B. She is likely suffering from a cold in winter.
C. She is likely to suffer cold in winter.
D. She is likely to suffer from a cold winter.
Question 80: I never / meet / young reader / not like / Harry Potter.
A. I’ve never met a young reader doesn’t like Harry Potter.
B. I’ve never met a young reader who doesn’t like Harry Potter.
C. I never met a young reader who doesn’t like Harry Potter.
D. I’ve never met a young reader not like Harry Potter.
Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương

Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt

Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12



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