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the list what the top fitness models don t want you to know

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Author : Bryan Hawn
Tired of spending countess hours in the gym? Hundreds of dollars
on supplements that don’t work? Diet plans that just leave you
frustrated with the same pot belly?
There’s an overwhelming amount of information to sort through,
half of which is contradictory, a supplement industry where every
product promises the same thing and it seems impossible to know
what to believe.
In my fitness journey, I have found one common thread. All the
top fitness models, who are serious about what they do and have a
phenomenal physique to show for it, share the same information.
Imagine if you spent your whole life searching for accurate
information to finally find what works. Hundreds of dollars
spent… Thousands of hours at the gym… What makes you believe
that same fitness model is going to just give that information away
just because you asked?
There is a certain amount of respect for those that have attained a
certain level of success in the fitness industry, and oddly enough
that valuable information seems to stay inside the tight circle of
hard bodies.

exposes the truth behind
controversial subjects such as diet, supplements, exercise, fat loss,
and steroid use. All those years of research and hours of work are
now combined into a powerful life changing essay with nothing
but the bare essential truths that could leave you speechless as you
watch your body re-shape and harden in a time that seems as if it
were overnight.
The information many of America’s sexiest bodies don’t believe

you deserve to know, don’t believe you’ve worked hard enough
and earned the privilege to be entitled to. The information that
could change your body instantaneously has leaked!
The document that has everyone talking…

Content Reveals:
#1 worst food you can eat that will make fat-loss literally impossible!
(71% of Americans par-take in it on a weekly basis)
There are only 2 times a day when cardio is actually productive for fat
loss! Find out when they are, as well as the most common cardio
mistake that will actually make the body hold onto fat!
The Best 3 exercises for a great ass!
4 supplements that you must take to have a phenomenal physique!
5 things you can flavor your food with that will speed up the fat
burning process!
Six common mistakes that are detrimental to becoming physically fit!
Seven secrets that only the top fitness models know about including:
*the truth about how to get a 6-pack
*the one time of day where sweets are actually productive in sculpting
a perfect body
8 common myths that are catastrophic to your fitness goals!

Nine fastest ways to melt fat off the body outside of the gym!
10 foods that will burn more calories digesting then the actual calorie
content of the food itself!!
You’ve done enough hard work. It’s time to work smart. It’s time to
know the truth. Most supplements alone cost over $50. About 2% of
them actually work. Do you really want to buy another useless
supplement, or spend another hour in the gym doing the wrong

Save yourself the time…
Stop wasting the money…
It’s time for you to know the truth!

#1 worst food you can eat that will make fatloss literally impossible!
Alcohol is the worst substance you can put in your body when trying
to achieve fat loss. It’s very entertaining to me when I hear somebody
talk about the new vodka that has zero calories. I hate to break it to
you, but lowering the calorie content of your alcohol intake is the least
of your worries.
Most diet plans center around trying to eat foods that do NOT cause
an insulin reaction in the body. Sugar and simple carbs are primary
examples that will cause the body to produce insulin to regulate your
glucose levels. The reason why you don’t want the body to produce
insulin is because it is responsible for fat storage.
Alcohol can cause an insulin reaction that will last up to 36 hours. On
top of that, it shatters your testosterone levels, which help you burn

fat and build muscle. One of the limiting factors that determine how
much muscle you can gain is the level of free flowing testosterone in
the body. Instead, it increases the estrogen levels of the body
causing water retention and even more FAT STORAGE!
Besides the catastrophe created with shedding fat, it becomes just as
increasingly difficult to burn muscle due to the hindering of protein
synthesis. This is the process where amino acids are joined to form
complete proteins. Our muscles are made up of protein, so you
understand how that is a huge dilemma. In a nutshell, you can forget
protein shakes, because your body isn’t going to absorb any of it, if
there is alcohol impairing your system.
Dehydration is another aweful side effect since the muscles are
comprised of 70% water. Vitamin A, C, B, calcium, zinc, and
phosphorus are all drained at rapid rates!
71% of Americans drink at least one alcoholic beverage a week.
…and we wonder why our bodies aren’t responding!

There are only 2 times in the day when cardio is
productive for fat loss!
Let’s start with a simple education of what causes the body to burn
that horrible tissue that we are all trying to get rid of. It’s very
important to understand that the body only cares about one thing…
Fat is the #1 source of energy to the body.
Because of this, there is an order to how our bodies resource energy.
It will start first with the food in your stomach that you have just
swallowed. After that is digested and used, it will then start pulling
from the glycogen stored in your muscles. Basically, a sugar called
glucose is stored in the muscles for energy. When you’re working out,

this is usually being utilized to propel you through your regimen.
Only then, after all food has been digested, and all the glycogen has
been completely depleted will the body burn fat.
You mean all this time, I’ve been eating to give my body energy for
my cardio workouts just to spend half an hour burning the food I just
Yes…it sucks I know… take a second to grieve…
So now that the grieving process is over, let’s take our new
knowledge of fat burning and apply it effectively.
What are the only 2 times of the day when there is no food in the
stomach and all the glycogen in the muscles have been depleted?
In the morning! …obviously before breakfast.
When you first wake up is one of the most effective times to do
cardio. Your body has been without food for hours!
But wait…
Cardio on an empty stomach… how am I going to have energy?
Take a second to locate the fat on your body.
Meet your new source of energy ☺

The second time when it becomes productive to do cardio is right
after weight lifting. Hopefully, you have done a hard rigorous workout.
Your muscles are completely exhausted, and you have successfully
depleted the glycogen.
It is now effective to do 20 minutes of low intensity cardio.
You might be one of those over achievers that are thinking, “I wanna
get there faster!” So you decide that you’re going to run for an hour.
Here’s the problem: If your heart rate goes too high out of the fat
burning zone, your body is going to go into survival mode. It’s going
to hold onto the fat, it’s number one source of energy, and burn the

muscle instead.
You mean all those miles I’ve been running, I’ve just been burning the
muscle that I’ve worked so many hours in the gym to try and build?
Yes… I know it sucks
Take another second to grieve.
It’s also important not to exceed 20 minutes of cardio at a time, if your
goal is fat loss. When the heart rate of the body is elevated for longer
periods of time, there’s a good chance your body will go back into
survival mode and hold onto that lovely tissue that we all hold so dear
to our hearts.
Don’t get me wrong, you will still lose weight doing higher intensity
cardio for long periods of time. It just won’t be successfully targeting
the fat like it could.

The Best 3 exercises for a great ass!
It’s important to know that the exercises and machines that allow you
to lift the greatest amount of weight are the same ones that increase
the greatest amount of muscle growth.
Many people like squats. I find that the squat is limited by the strength
of the back. There is a significant difference in the power of the lower
body and upper body. The lower body can handle a lot more weight.
Understanding this, I find that the leg press is a much more effective
exercise taking the stress off the back and redirecting it to the
hamstrings, quads, and most importantly, the glutes.
You want to adjust the seat as close as possible horizontally to the
platform where the feet are placed. This will allow the movement to
be as deep as possible. The deeper the movement, the more it will
target the glutes. Also, make sure you place your feet as high as
possible vertically on the platform. The higher your feet, the more

your body will rely on your glutes to do the work. The lower your feet,
the more your quads will feel the movement.
The last tip in executing the movement most effectively, is to place
your knees together. As you’re lifting the weight, press them together
as you do each repetition. This will cause the glutes to squeeze
together making them firmer and tighter, as well as working the
muscles of the inner thigh.
My next favorite exercise targeting the glutes are hill sprints. Sprints
are great because they are fast bursts of movements that activate the
entire body creating an anabolic environment for your muscles. They
increase your natural production of testosterone and growth
hormone, which are 2 of the most powerful substances in the body for
fat burning and muscle growth.
Make sure the hill is not too steep. You want your fast twitch muscles,
which are the larger of the muscle fibers, to be activated. If the hill is
too steep, your body will not be able move as fast. Basically, you still
want to be able to burn rubber.

Because sprints are such a natural movement for the body as
opposed to weight lifting exercises. I find that the shape of the lower
body developed from sprinting movements is more aesthetically
pleasing to the eye. It gives the legs a very nice natural shape and
development. It keeps the legs from looking like 2 heavy tree trunks,
and gives them a more athletic edge to their shape.
My third favorite exercise is the stairmaster. If you are having trouble
deciding which cardio equipment to utilize, I would highly recommend
the stairmaster.
Approaching the starimaster for a fat burning/cardio workout is
different then doing it for the purpose of building the glute muscles.

For a muscle building workout, I like to do short bursts on the
stairmaster for 1-3 minutes with a high intensity level implemented,
followed by 50 immediate squat pops. Most starimasters range in
levels between 15-20 being the highest. You need at least a 15 to
execute this exercise accurately.
The higher the intensity, the better.
You will find as you increase the level, the trick becomes staying up,
as you will notice your feet falling to the ground faster and faster. You
should be completely out of breath after your 1-3 minutes of the
Immediately jump off the machine and go into a squat position. The
quicker you make that transition the better. Stay in that position and
with very little movement pop up and down. Your body should only
move with the range of a couple inches as you complete 50 reps.
That was your first set. I like to do three.
You might not make it through all 50 pops. That’s ok…work up to it.
If you do this correctly with enough intensity, it should be one of the
most painful experiences you’ve ever had in your life.
There have been times where my body has been immobilized on the
ground and incapable of walking for a good half hour.
You might be thinking, why would any rational human being put
themselves through that?
The answer: Because it gives you an ass of death ☺

4 supplements that you must take to have a
phenomenal physique
Protein is the most essential supplement for the body to build
muscle. If your body is a brick house. Protein would be your bricks.
How do you build a brick house without bricks?

My favorite is 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Cream Flavor.
It’s awesome with a banana and your choice of milk or water.
Over the years many shakes become hard to stomach day after day.
This particular flavor, I have never gotten sick of. ☺
If you’re really serious, you can get a night time protein supplement
as well. These protein supplements are anti-cataboic meaning they
prevent muscle breakdown. Your body is most likely to feed off your
muscle at night time, due to the long period that it goes without food.
These supplements consist of casein protein, which is basically milk
protein. Casein protein is digested slower in the body and is effective
for up to 7 hours. Whey protein is more important after a hard weight
training workout. Because it is absorbed quickly by the body, it will
deliver the essential proteins within the hour.
Creatine Monohydrate is the most popular and effective
bodybuilding supplement on the market. It’s 100% safe and occurs
naturally in many foods.
Creatine draws water in the muscle cells creating potential for more
power, muscular endurance, faster recovery, and more lean muscle
mass. This process is called cell voluminization. Because it’s drawing
the water into your cells, you must replenish your body with an
abundance of water.
My personal favorite is a product called CELL-Tech made by the
body building company MuscleTech.

NO2 is short for the name nitric oxide. It is a blood vessel dilator
increasing blood flow and oxygen throughout the body and more
importantly to the muscles.
It allows the muscle to stay perpetually pumped without fatigue. Due

to the increase blood flow, it also has a positive effect on your skin,
hair, and overall mental clarity due the brain’s increase in blood flow
and oxygen.
My favorite is a product is by the company BSN called Nitrix.
BCAA’s are another name for your branch chain amino acids. Their
specific names are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The combination
of these three essential amino acids make up 1/3 of skeletal muscle
in the human body. They also play an extremely important role in
protein synthesis. Eat them like candy!
I recommend the product Amino Sports 4500

5 things you can flavor your food with that
speed up the fat burning process
Cayenne Pepper
The active ingredient that is responsible for the “hotness” in
cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It’s main ability to stimulate the
hypothalamus and desensitize the warmth detectors in the
hypothalamic region of the body, result in a significant drop in
body temperature. Natives of tropical climates use the pepper to
aid in cooling the body. A side effect of this action is the resetting
of the body’s “fat thermostats” controlled by a tissue called “brown
fat”. This action causes the body to burn off excess fat through the
act of metabolic combustion and keeps the body from storing fat
alongside muscular tissues.
Garlic is a blood thinner but also has the ability to burn fat. The
active ingredient is S-allylcsteine sulfoxide and operates in a
similar fashion to cayenne.
Garlic is also used as a powerful antibiotic. Some studies show it

being as powerful as penicillin.
Ginger has numerous properties that make it effective for treating
inflammation, nausea, and motion sickness. It increases the
production of lactic acid as well as increasing the body’s metabolic
rate. Lactic acid stimulates growth hormone, which increases
lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells).
Essential Fatty Acids
There are different blends of oils that you can buy at whole food
markets that contain healthy fats such as oleic acid, and omega
3,6, and 9. Besides making your skin, hair and nails healthier,
these acids are proven to prevent degenerative illnesses such as
heart disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and
diabetes. In addition to disease prevention, they aid in weight loss.
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) specifically targets this cause. It’s
stimulation of sodium-potassium-ATPase burns up a large
proportion of stored fat in the body.

Cinnamon Extract
This is not the same as cinnamon sugar! Another name for the
compound is Cinnulin PF. It helps with blood glucose levels,
supports healthy cholesterol levels, regulates stable blood
pressure, and improves body composition.
It’s a must for anyone prone to type II Diabetes. It’s ability to keep
your glucose levels in control make it apart of many weight
management products.
These 5 flavorings are amazing and affect the body tremendously
in many positive ways, but don’t go run off flavoring your big mac
with cayenne pepper and expect results. These are things that can

give you an edge. It’s like using premium gas instead of regular.
Your car will run better long term.
But I will say it again…
Smart Diet and Exercise are going to get you the results.
No one can do your pushups for you!

Six common mistakes that are detrimental to
becoming physically fit!
Not Eating
This is probably the most common attempt that people use to
loose weight. Most people are aware that it’s not a good plan, but I
believe their inability to understand why, keeps them implementing
this non-productive strategy subconsciously.
Most people ask, “How can my body not loose weight if I’m not
giving it anything?” The problem is when you don’t eat you put
your body in starvation mode. The next time you do decide to put
something in your mouth, your body will immediately store it as fat.
That one potato chip, that would just be extra energy for the
person who is feeding their body frequently, has become
immediate fat storage for you.
What do you think happens when you finally decide to eat an
entire meal?
Yes, it’s true… you might as well try it on as a fashion statement,
and see how it looks. Every time you swallow something, you’re
one bite closer to one size higher.
It’s ok…take another second to grieve.
This was one of my biggest problems for a long time. If you are an
overachiever and you are struggling with building muscle mass,

there’s a good chance these next few paragraphs are for you.
It always makes me laugh when people say to me, “You must be
in the gym everyday!” Maybe the enlarged look of increased blood
flow in the muscles, influences people to believe muscles are
growing in tissue size during training. Yes they are being filled with
blood, but the actual tissue is gently tearing apart.
Let’s start with redefining the purpose of the gym. Lifting weights is
activity designed to break down the muscle tissues in hopes of
rebuilding stronger. If you are breaking down the muscle everyday,
the tissue will never get a chance to rebuild stronger.

The muscles in our body, sore or not, need at least 72 hours to
recover before working them out again. Breaking down the muscle
is important, but it’s the rebuilding that gives us the results we are
looking for. That means proper diet and rest.
Artificial Sweeteners
There is nothing more annoying than somebody drinking a diet
coke thinking that they are somehow making a sacrifice to be
physically fit. Part of me feels compassion for them because I
know they truly believe they are doing the right thing, and the other
part of me wants to knock them upside the head!
I’m jk!, but it can be really annoying.
I can hear them now, “but it has zero sugar!”
It’s not sugar that causes fat storage, it’s the insulin released from
sugar intake. Just the taste of something sweet elicits an insulin
spike. On top of that, artificial sweeteners disrupt satiety, which is
the feeling of being full. Basically, it signals your body to want to
eat, when it actually doesn’t need food at all, causing people to
intake more calories than normal.

So you mean to tell me that the six pack of diet coke that I’m
drinking everyday has pretty much the same insulin releasing, fat
storing effect as if I were drinking a regular coke, and on top of
that it’s increasing my appetite for no good reason??
It’s true…I cannot lie
Take another second to grieve…
I know you could have been enjoying the regular one this whole
Take another second…its ok ☺

Lack of Sleep
Our bodies need a good 8 hours of sleep, hopefully attaining the
deep NREM sleep at some point in the night. It’s in this stage that
the body repairs, regenerates tissues, builds bones and muscles,
strengthens the immune system, and produces the most growth
hormone. If aroused from sleep during this stage, a person may
feel disoriented for a few minutes. Your best hours of sleep are
between 10 pm and 2 pm.
Rewarding Yourself with Bad Foods
This one should be a comedy skit on Saturday Night Live.
I’m truly beside myself when I hear people say things like:
“I’ve been so good all week long, so I’m gonna have a snickers”
“Let’s celebrate my new training program with a glass of wine”
Basically, let’s undo everything that you just did. I’ve watched it
happen time and time again. Somebody spends their entire week
working their butt off managing to lose a couple pounds and
decide to go out and celebrate.
The next day:

“OMG I gained like 4 pounds! How did that happen??
Consistency is key. You have to spend months being perfectly on
point, developing new habits and restructuring your body, boosting
your metabolic rate, and making bad foods a foreign entity that the
body can’t remember and is not used to processing. Only at that
point, can you get away with that type of celebration.
What is interesting though, is the people who get to that point,
have lost all desire to celebrate in that way. Their body is not
interested, nor appetized by any of those things.
You CAN’T think of it as a sacrifice. You have to think of it as
developing a new mindset and a new lifestyle if you want to be
successfully CONSISTENT long term.

Focusing on the Negative
This is the #1 biggest mistake that I see people make when trying
to lose weight. Our minds are extremely powerful. It’s like Oprah
said, “Whatever you focus on in life, get’s bigger”
I watch it happen ALL THE TIME!
Somebody puts so much time, money, effort, and training into their
body, but is so focused mentally on the fat that they somehow
draw even more fat into their life, despite everything else they are
doing. It’s fascinating to watch in the sense that our minds could
have that much power and control over our lives.
Because they are focused on the fat, they subconsciously
throughout the day, are drawn to everything that would make them
more fat. The stress alone of that mindset is proven to cause
weight gain.
The good news is, we can use the same power in the opposite
direction. Focusing of the positive progress that we are making

and finding joy in the small successes along the way will put us on
the fast track of getting where we want to be.

Seven secrets that only the top fitness models
know about!
Secret #1
You might be one of the millions of individuals who get into fitness
just to become leaner, and don’t care about bulking up.
“I just wanna get ripped!”
You most likely spend hours doing cardio and sit ups. The
treadmill has become your new best friend, but for some reason
the fat just seems so stubborn.
The truth is you probably wouldn’t mind building a little muscle, but
in your mind that is a lot more work, so you are settling for just the
lean part.
Here’s the secret: For every additional pound of muscle you attain,
your body will burn 50 additional calories a day just to maintain it.
Muscle opposed to other tissue is metabolically active and burns
calories even when you are not moving.
By lifting weights, you can get your body doing the cardio for you
in a sense. As you build more and more muscle, you will find your
body getting rid of more and more fat. Think of it as building a fat
eating tissue on your body.
People often say, “You do a lot of cardio don’t you”
The truth is I can’t remember the last time I did cardio.
I might get my heart rate up with my hill sprints, but doing cardio
for the purpose of burning fat would be pointless. You reach a
point where there is enough muscle to do the work for you ☺
My favorite excuse from people struggling to tighten their middle

“I think it’s baby fat!”
…and then they go get lipo and suck it out to find it reappear in
just a few short weeks.

People who undergo lipo don’t understand that their body has put
the fat there for a reason based on their diet and exercise habits.
If you could somehow replace your body with a ripped and shredded
one, overtime the body would morph back into what is was before if
your lifestyle is the same. It doesn’t care about looking pretty. It only
cares about survival. It won’t build muscle nor keep it, unless you put
a survival demand to do so. You want your body to say, “We have to
change something if we are going to have to go through that workout
again!” It also won’t get rid of fat unless you put a demand on the
body to use it as a source of energy.
Secret #2
Another favorite quote from gym goers:
“I just want to lose the fat around my middle, that’s it”
If this is you, there is a good chance you are doing hundreds of
situps, crunches, you’ve tried a few ab videos, and possibly have
bought the ab belt advertised on tv.
Here’s the secret: You can’t spot reduce fat. It’s funny because I
tell people this and they still don’t believe me, and then they say
something ignorant like:
“…but I feel it burning?”
Your body will usually store fat in the middle areas of the body
first. The abdominal area is more common for men, where the
thighs and glutes are more common for women. When all the fat
stores are filled in the middle area, it will then start storing in areas

slightly above and below the middle. When people start on their
journey to lose weight, it usually comes off in the arms and the
lower legs first and slowly works it way from both ends to meet in
the middle.
You might be one of those people who asked:
“Why is it not coming off my middle?”

That, my friend, is your answer. Your body will rid itself of the all
the fat in the other areas before it will even touch the middle.
Having said that, let’s now address sit-ups and crunches. The
average person burns 9 calories for every 10 sit-ups.
There are 3,500 calories in a pound. Assuming that there is
nothing in your stomach, and all the glycogen in your muscles
have been completely depleted, you would have to do 3,889 situps to burn a pound of fat.
It’s not that I don’t have faith in your ability to do them, it’s just that
there are more effective ways of burning calories. Sit-ups are
great, and crunches are awesome, but the exercises are purposed
to strengthen the abdominal muscles, they do not burn the fat.
Building more muscle in your abdominal area could actually make
you look fatter, if you are not correctly targeting the fat in other
ways. Building those abdominal muscles first could push the fat
further out from underneath making the stomach area appear
even larger for a while.
What good are abs if you can’t see them, right?
The key is getting your overall body fat percentage low enough
where the muscle can be seen. Most of us have abdominals, they
are the core muscle structure of our bodies. They are just hiding ☺
Secret #3
This next secret is for our overachievers. It’s January 1st and your

new resolution is to get into shape. You got the new workout outfit,
you just bought a membership at the gym down the street, and
your ready to rock n’roll. Your ready to pump some iron!
You walk into the gym with your new ipod shuffle and work your
butt off! 2-3 hours later, you finish your workout with a smile and
drive home to try your new protein shake that you just bought at
Blissfully unaware that your testosterone levels were only raised
for the first 45 minutes of your workout, you smile with out any clue

that the rest of your workout put your body in a catabolic state
burning the muscle for energy.
You mean to tell me that the only effective part of my workout was
the first 45 minutes, and the rest of the time was spent burning off
the little muscle that I do have?
Yes… it’s true
…all those pointless hours in the gym thinking your building
something that you are actually making disappear.
It’s ok…take another second to grieve
If you are trying to build muscle, you want to fatigue the muscle as
quickly as possible. Don’t rest too much between sets because
your body is on a time clock. Lifting weights after 45 minutes
becomes counter productive.
Secret #4
There is one time where it is actually productive to spike your
insulin with sugar intake. You’ve spent all this time thinking sweets
are the devil and are about to find out when they are beneficial.
Here’s the secret: If you spike your insulin immediately after your
workout in addition to your supplement intake. The insulin will

shove all the nutrients and protein into your muscles faster and
more effectively creating a more efficient recovery. Because the
body’s purpose, after a workout, is completely focused on
repairing the muscle, the insulin will bypass any fat storing signals
and put all its efforts into getting the nutrients into your muscle
This technique is great for building muscle mass.
Do not do this is you are looking for a lower number on the scale.
Insulin is the most anabolic substance in the body. Leveraging its
efforts in this way will build muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat
as well, so keep that in mind.

Secret #5
Another one of my favorite quotes is:
“I would love to be in shape, but I don’t have time to go to the gym”
Here’s a secret: 80% of having a great body is a result of what
happens outside of the gym.
You definitely must exercise at least a couple times a week to get
great results, but most of the work is done outside of the gym.
Let’s do the math. Even if you worked out 5 days a week, that would
be 5-10 hours out of your week, depending on if you have a second
cardio workout in the morning.
Don’t you think the other 158 hours in your week are going to have a
slight effect on the physicality of your human form?
Absolutely! It’s going to have an enormous effect! Fitness cannot be a
small part of your day, it’s the people that make it a lifestyle that incur
great success. Smart nutritional choices throughout the day, and a
few smart workouts during the week can go along way.
Diet, nutrition, supplementation, proper hydration, and sleep are all

crucial elements that make up a huge percentage of the efforts for
Drinking water as your only beverage alone can bring dramatic
results to your fitness goals. Lean muscle tissue is made up of
75% water. It transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, eliminates
toxins and wastes, and regulates body temperature. It also plays a
major role is reducing the risk of diseases, and keeps all the vital
organs of the body in top function.
Sometimes, diet can be overwhelming to think about. Trying to find
accessibility to the right foods in a crammed schedule can cause
consistency to die very quickly.
Here’s a tip: Focus on eating with a purpose. Everything you put in
your mouth must serve some type of positive purpose for the body.
There are hundreds of processed foods out there that offer nothing
positive for the human physique.

Secret #6
Sometimes eating healthy food is not the most exciting thing on
the planet. Especially without sugar, most healthy options lack
flavor and appetite appeal.
Here’s a secret: Sucralose sold under the trade name Splenda is
the one sugar substitute that does not cause an insulin reaction.
Because of its molecular structure, it passes directly through the
body without being broken down, and is excreted from the body
unchanged. This ability to bypass the system makes it
unidentifiable as a carbohydrate, much less a simple sugar. No
insulin surge occurs; therefore, no fat storage takes place.
Unlike table sugar it also does not promote tooth decay.
Secret #7

Let’s talk more about fat loss for a second. Who, out of all the
athletes in the world, achieve the lowest percentages of body fat,
and have the most knowledge on how to incinerate fat, while holding
onto lean muscle tissue?
Answer: Bodybuilders
Let’s take a second and examine their routine a little closer. If you
watch a bodybuilder in the gym, 9 times out of 10, you will see them
finish their workout with 20 minutes of low intensity cardio walking on
an inclined treadmill.
If you only want to burn fat, you must keep the body in the fat burning
heart rate zone. Running will burn more calories, but due to the
higher demand on the body to perform, it will actually hold onto fat.
It recognizes fat as its #1 energy source for survival, and will burn the
muscle instead. It only holds onto what it needs to survive, which is in
direct correlation to what you demand of it. Don’t give it a reason to
“need” the fat. Make sure your cardio is low intensity if you are
targeting fat loss.

8 common myths that are catastrophic to your
fitness goals!
I can stay lean with diet alone
Your days are numbered my friend. Chances are you are probably
starving yourself, or eating one meal a day, in which your
metabolic rate is taking a serious plunge. Maybe you’re one of the
Atkins dieters or just joined Jenny Craig. The problem is the
minute you go off that diet, the weight is going to come piling on
faster than ever. Keeping this plan up long term will also be
difficult because your not enjoying what you’re eating.
The truth is: people who have managed to get skinny without

exercise are technically still fat. Let me explain:
When you don’t feed your body, it will start storing everything you
do feed it. Your body will fight tooth and nail to hold onto each and
every calorie. What better way to hold onto it, then to store it in a
fat cell, where it’s only accessed as an emergency source of
You would be amazed at how many skinny individuals that don’t
work out, test extremely high when body fat percentages are
measured. Basically, the little that’s left of you is still a high
percentage of fat.
You must exercise to have a great body. You’ll get over it, just buy
some new gym attire that you’re excited about, and you’ll be just
Light weight and more reps is the fastest way to get ripped
Many people believe that heavy lifting is only for those wishing to
bulk up. It is correct that if you want your muscles to get bigger,
you must demand more of them.
However, the size of your body is a direct correlation between how
many calories you are putting into your body, and how many you
are burning. The content of your body, whether it’s made up of
muscle or fat, has more to do with your exercise habits.

Bodybuilders actually lift the heaviest when they are trying to trim
down for a show. The secret is they cut their calories at the same
time, forcing the body to hold onto the muscle they have built, and
melt every once of fat off their body.
Size = food input/output.
Fat/Muscle Ratios = exercise habits/or lack of
Obesity is genetic and hereditary

Obesity seems to run in certain families suggesting a belief that it’s
hereditary. But nothing is further from the truth. Family habits are
learned and observed by children at an early age. They grow up
with a certain lifestyle, and develop certain eating habits, and are
usually fairly inactive, eventually creating the same spitting image
of their parents. Even a genetic predisposition can be overcome
with healthy eating habits and a consistent exercise plan. Studies
have proven that obesity is more of a psychological problem that
blooms into physical form as a symptom.
Finding a healthy outlet to deal with emotional stress, anxiety,
depression, and boredom instead of overeating would be an
excellent start. The sooner the victim mentality is given up and
responsibility is taken for one’s body, the sooner change will
Put the potato chips down!
Now slowly move away from the television.
If you examine the lives of obese individuals, it becomes extremely
clear that the reason they are obese is far from genetic and just
the simple product of their every day lifestyle.
Drinking water during exercise causes cramps
Cramps are actually a symptom of dehydration. You must
constantly hydrate your body before, during, and after your
workout for it to perform at it’s best.
Poor blood circulation and lack of minerals such as calcium,
sodium, magnesium, and potassium are also a common cause of
muscle cramps.
