ii n h A x u a t BAN HA n Oi
nh A x u a t b a n t h e gicji
Cac ban hoc vien than men!
De co them tai lieu thiet thUc phuc vu nhu cau hoc tap va luyen
thi chiing chi A, B, C tieng Anh ngay cang nhieu cua dong dao cac
ban hoc vien, chung toi da bien soan va lan lUdt cho ra mat loat
sach gom 13 tap nhu sau:
1. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh do A. B (tap I)
2. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh do C (tap II)
3. Bai tap Doc Hieu Tieng Anh.
4. Bai tap Dien Tti Tieng AnJi.
5. Bai tap Dat Cau Tieng Anh.
6. Bai tap Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh.
7. Bai tap Cum Dong Tif Tieng Anh.
8. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Gi6i Tu1Tieng Anh.
9. Bai tap Tif Vung Tieng Anh.
10. Cac Bai Luan Tieng Anh.
11. Bai tap Nguf Phap Tieng Anh.
12. Bai tap Thanh NgU Tieng Anh.
13. Bai tap Luyen Viet Tieng A.nh.
Loat sach tren co nhulng dac diem cau:
Cung cap doi dao so lu!dng bai tap ve cac bai gui dinh doi vdi
mon thi Doc - Viet nhu trac nghiem, doc hieu, dien tCf, dat
cau v.v.............
Moi mot tap sach la mot chuyen de luyen thi rieng re giup
ban ren luyen va nam vUng kien thijfc cung nhil kl nang ma
moi loai hinh bai tap doi hoi.
Cac bai tap dUdc bien soan cho ca 3 trinh do A, B, C theo dung
dang thtic de thi cua Bo Giao Due - Dao Tao. Rieng ve Bai Tap
Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh chi co bai tap cho 2 trinh do B va C
vi theo m iu de thi A cua Bo khong co ph4n bai tap nay.
Rat m ong nhan ditoc nhieu dong gop qui bau cua ban doc gan xa.
Chuc cac ban thanh cong.
Tac gia
• f
T e n s e s ......................................................................................
S eq u en ce o f T e n s e s .........................................................
III/ T h e p a ssiv e a n d a ctiv e s e n t e n c e s ................................
IV /
T h e p a rts o f s p e e c h ...........................................................
1.N o u n s
2 .P ro n o u n s
3 .A je ctiv e s
4..A d v e r b s ..............................................................................
5.W ord s t u d y .......................................................................
6 .D egrees o f com p a rison o f A djectives and A d v erb s
7..V e r b s ......................................................................................
8 .N u m e ra l s
9..P r e p o s it io n s .......................................................................
1 0 .C o n ju n ctio n s
11..A r t i c l e s ...............................................................................
C la u ses a n d P r a s e s ............................................................
V I/ E xep ression o f q u a n t it y ....................................................
V II/ E m p h a s is ...............................................................................
V III/ S t y l e s ......................................................................................
IX / R ep orted s p e e c h ................................................................
X I/
S e n t e n c e s ............................................................................
P ra ctice T e s t ........................................................................
K e y .........................................................................................
A p p e n d ix A
A p p e n d ix B
T o ch iic qu oc te - chvif v ie t tat th on g d u n g
D o, can , d on g
B an g liet ke cac dong tti b a t quy tac
1 The Simple Present Tense (Thi hien tai dOn)
a. Form
- I, We. You, They + Verb (without to)
- He, She, It + Verb + s/es
- Dong tti chia d hien tai (V,)
(Neu chu ngut d ngoi thti ba so ft, ta phai them “ S” hoac “ ES” vao
sau dong tuf)
ij U sa g e:
Thi hien tai ddn dien ta mot thoi quen, mot hanh dong xay ra
thUdng xuyen lap di lap lai d hien tai.
He watches TV every night.
+ W hat do you do everyday?
+ I go to school by bicycle.
Thi hien tai ddn d iln ta mot chan ly, mot sU that hien nhien.
Ex: + The sun rises in the East.
+ Tom com es from England
+ I am a student.
Thi hien tai ddn dude dung khi ta noi ve thdi khoa bieu
(tim eta b les), chUdng trinh (program m es) ... .
Ex: + The plane leaves for London at 12.30 p.m.
+ She departs for Australia tom orrow .
+ The film begins at 8 o’clock.
Thi hien tai ddn de chi “ Hien tai lich s t f , nhat la trong nhQng
bai binh luan ve cac mon chdi hoac cac vd kich.
Ex: + The badm inton player sends the shuttlecock over the net.
Thi hien tai ddn dung sau nhUng cum tii chi thdi gian "when” ,
“as soon as” va nhung cum tu: chi dieu kien “ i f ’, “ unless” ...
Ex: + We will not believe you unless we see it ourselves.
+ If she asks you, tell her that you do not know.
c. S p e llin g :
* Ta them S de hinh thanh ngoi thCf b a ’so* it cua hau het cac dong
tu!. NhUng ta them ES khi dong tii co tan cung la o, sh. s. ch. x, z.
Ex: He teaches French.
* Neu dong tii tan cung la “y” va diing tru(6c no la mot phu am, thi
ta doi “y” thanh “ i” trUdc khi them “es” .
Ex: + He tries to help her
+ She studies at Canberra.
d. C ac p h o tif th iid n g dxidc d u n g c h u n g vcfi th i h ie n tai dtfn:
+ Often, usually, frequently
+ Always, constantly
luon luon
+ Sometimes, occasionally
+ Seldom, rarely
thinh thoang
it khi, hiem khi
+ every day/ week/ month...
hang ngay/ tuan/ thang...
e. N e g a tiv e F o r m (T h e p h u d in h )
* Doi vdi dong tu: dac biet (be, can, may...), ta them “not” ngay sau
dong tii do.
Ex: + He is a good pupil.
—> He isn’t a good pupil.
+ My brother can swim.
-* My brother can t swim.
* Doi vdi dong tti thUdng, ta dung trd dong tu "D o” hoac “ Does” tuy
theo chu ngCt.
Ex: + She doesn’t hke coffee.
+ They don’t want new shoes.
f. I n t e r r o g a tiv e fo r m (T h e n g h i va n )
* Doi vdi dong tu1dac biet. ta chuyen no len dau cau va them dau
“?” d cuoi cau.
Ex: + Are you tued now?
+ Can Peter drive a car?
* Doi v6i dong tii thUdng, ta them “Do” hoac "Does” vao dau cau.
(Nhd dUa dong t if chfnh ve nguyen mau)
Ex: + Her father likes tea.
—> Does her father like tea?
+ They do their homework every day.
-> Do they do their homework every day9
2. T h e P r e s e n t C o n tin u o u s T e n se (T h i h ie n tai tie p d ie n )
a. F orm :
- He, She, It
- We, You, They
+ am
+ is
+ are
+ V-ing
b. U sa g e:
- Thi hien tai tiep dien mo ta mot hanh dong dang dien ra va keo
dai met thdi gian d hien tai, (no thUdng di kem vdi cac cum tti chi
thdi gian "N OW ” , “ RIGHT N O W ’, “AT THE
Ex: + The children are playing football now.
+ W hat are you doing at the moment?
- Thi n ay cung thUdng dude dung theo sau cau de nghi, menh lenh.
Ex: + Look! The child is crying.
+ Be quiet! The baby is sleeping in the next room.
- Thi nay con dude dung de dien ta mot han h dong sap xay ra (d
tUdng lai g&n)
Ex: + He is com ing tomorrow.
+ My parents are planting trees tomorrow.
c . Spelling
* Neu dong tif tan cung la “e” ddn thi bo "e” nay di trUdc khi them
• ti •
mg .
come —> coming
Ngoai trii cac dong tU: to age (gia di), to dye (nhuom), to singe
(chay xem) va cac dong tti tan cung la ee.
* Neu dong tuf co mot am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am d giiia
hai phu am thi nhan doi phu am cuoi len roi them “ ing” .
run —> running
* Neu dong tCf co hai hoac hdn hai am tiet, tan cung la mot
nguyen am d giuta hai phu am va trong am rdi vao am tiet cuoi thi
ta nhan doi phu am do len roi them "‘mg” .
begin —» beginning
* Neu dong tti tan cung la “ie” thi doi thanh “y” roi m6i them “ing”
lie —> lying
* Neu dong tti tan cung la “1” ma trUdc no la m ot n gu yen am ddn
thi ta cung nh an doi “1” do len roi them “ing” .
travel —> travelling
Ngoai le: tie (cot, buoc) —> tieing hoac tying
hie (voi va, di voi va) —> hieing hoac hying
L ifu y : Khong dung thi hien tai tiep dien v6i cac dong tiT chi nhan
thile, tri giac nhu: to be,, see, hear, understand, know, like, want,
glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember,
forget, belong to, believe ...
Vdi cac dong tti nay. ta thay bang thi Simple Present.
Ex: + I am tired now.
+ She wants to go for a walk at the moment.
+ Do you understand your lesson?
Yes, I understand, it now.
d. Negative Form (The phu dinh)
Them “not” vao sau dong tu: “to be” : “am. is, are” tuy theo chu ngU.
Ex: + She is not working.
+ They are not learning now.
Chu y :
is not viet tat la isn’t
I am not
I’m not
are not
e. Question form (The nghi van)
Dao am, is, are len trUdc chu ngut
Ex: + Are you a teacher?
- Yes, I am
- No, I am not
+ Is she watching T.V. now?
- Yes, she is
- No, she isn’t
3. The Present Perfect Tense (Thi hien tai hoan thanh)
a. F orm :__________________________________________________
I, W e, They, You + have
He, She, It
+ has
+ past part,;clple ( v 3)
The ph u dinh: S + h a ven ’t/ h asn ’t + Vs...
The nghi vain: H ave/has + S + Vs ... ?
b. U sage:
- Thi hien tai hoan thanh dien ta hanh dong vtia mdi xay ra. vifa
mdi ket thuc, thUdng di vdi trang tti “just”.
Ex: + The concert has just begun.
+ I have finished my hom ework recently.
- Thi hien tai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong bat dau tif qua
khif, con keo dai den hien tai va co kha nang tiep tuc d tUdng lai.
Ex: + Mary has lived m this house for ten years.
+ They have studied English since 1990.
- Hanh dong xay ra trong qua khif ma khong biet ro thdi gian.
Ex: + I have gone to Hanoi.
+ He has done his housework.
- Th) hien tai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong dude lap di lap lai
nhieu lan d qua khti.
Ex: + Daisy has read that novel several times.
+ I have seen “Titanic” three times.
c. Cac pho tif thu’ofng di kerrt vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh la:
just, recently, lately: gan day, vtia mdi
ever: da tting
never: chUa bao gid
already: roi
yet: chUa
since: tii khi (thdi diem)
for: khoang (thdi doan)
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho den bay
Cac pho tut nay chi dUdc dung kern vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh
trong cac cau ddn. Doi vdi cau co tti hai menh de trd len hoac trong
mot doan van thi dong tii phai dUdc chia theo ngii canh chti khong
phu thuoc vao cac pho tif (xem them d phdn Sequence of Tenses)
Ex: + He has just seen her.
(but) He said that he had just seen her.
+ I have already done my exercises.
(but) When I came, they had already shown the film.
c. N otes:
- Ta thUdng dung “ju s t ” vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Ex: Would you like something to eat?
No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch.
- Dung “for” de chi khoang thdi gian cua hanh dong, va “since” de
chi thdi diem ma hanh dong bat dau.
Ex: + He has worked there for six months
+ I have learnt English since 1999.
- Dung “yet” trong cau phu dinh va nghi van, dung “already” trong
cau khang dinh.
Ex: + Has John called vet?
+ I’ve already posted the letter.
+ He has already started his new job.
- Ta thUdng dung “ever” va “never” vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Ex: + Have you ever eaten snake meat?
+ He has never been there.
- Dung thi hien tai hoan thanh sau nhting tut so sanh d c£p cao
Ex: + What a boring film! It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
- Diing thi hien tai hoan thanh vdi: This is the first time, it is the
first time...
Ex: + It is the second time he has lost his passport.
+ This is the first time he has driven a car.
- Gone to khac vdi been to
Ex: + Ann has gone to Italy.
Ann da di nUdc Y.
(Cau nay co nghia la bay gid co ay dang d nude Y hoac co ay dang
tren dUdng den nU6c Y)
+ Ann has been to Italy
Ann da di nUdc Y.
(Cau nay co nghia Ann da den nU6c Y vao mot luc nao do trong
qua khuf nhifng bay gid co ay khong con d Y niia).
- Ta dung thi hien tai hoan thanh v6i This morning/ This evening/
today/ this week/ this term... Khi nhOng thdi gian nay van con
trong luc noi.
I’ve smoked ten cigarettes today.
I haven’t seen Tom this m orning. Have you?
4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi hien tai hoan
thanh tiep dien)
a. Form:
I, We, You, They
+ have
He. She, It
+ has
+ been + V ' mg
b. Usage:
- Thi nay dien ta mot hanh dong bat dau trong qua knu va Keo uai
lien tuc den hien tai.
* Khong dung thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien de noi
rihutng tinh huong ton tai m ot thofi gian dai nhat la khi co
AIiCv, has always worked hard.
(Khong dung has always been working)
* Khong dung thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien vdi cac
dong tif difctc liet ke d thi hien tai tiep dien. (Cac dong tif
chi nhan thtic, tri giac)
Ex: How long have Bob and Alice been married?
(Khong dung have Bob and Alice been being married)
* C a c tix’ hay di k e m la : s in c e (+ m o c th d i g ia n ), fo r (+
k h o a n g th d i gia n )
Ex: I have been studying French for five years.
5. T h e S im p le P a st T e n se (T h i q u a kh ti dcfn)
a. F o rm :
1 I, We, You, They C + Verb + ed (regular)
He, She, It________L + Verb in the past tense (irregular)
R egular Verbs la nhung dong t£f co qui t ic nhU:
to work (lam viec)
to die (chet)
to stay (d lai)
to play (chdi) . . .
Irregular Verbs la nhung dong tti bat qui tac co 3 cot nhU:
to sleep/ slept/ slept (ngu)
to go/ went/ gone (di)
to com e/ cam e/ come (den)
to have/ had/ had (co)
b. U sa g e:
Thi qua khil ddn d iln ta hanh dong da xay ra trong qua khii, cham
diit roi va biet ro thdi gian.
Ex: + Tom went to Paris last summer.
+ My mother left this city two years ago.
+ He died in 1980.
c. C a c p h o tu” d i k e m : last (trU6c) ..., ago (cach day), yesterday
(horn qua).
d. N eg a tive fo rm (T h e p h u d jn h )
* Doi vdi dong tii d&c biet, ta them “N O T ’ vao sau no.
Ex: + He wasn’t absent from class yesterday.
+ I couldn’t open the door last night.
* Doi v6i dong tu: thUdng, ta dat trd dong tti “didn’t” trade dong tti
Ex: + He didn’t watch TV last night
+ She didn’t go to the cinema with him last Sunday.
e. I n te r r o g a tiv e fo rm (T h e n g h i van )
* Doi v6i dong tCf dac biet, ta chuyen no len dau cau.
Ex: + Were they in hospital last month?
+ Could she answer your questions then?
* Doi vdi dong tti thUdng, ta dat trd dong tii “did” d dau cau.
Ex: + Did you see my son, Tom?
Li/u y: Khi d o i sa n g p h u d in h va n g h i v a n n h d diia d o n g tif
c h in h ve n g u y e n m au.
f. S p e llin g
* Thong thUdng thi them “ed” sau dong tfi co qui tac.
work —> worked
* Neu dong ttf co qui tac tan cung la “e” thi chi them “d” thoi.
die —> died
* Neu dong tti co qui tac tan cung la “y” ma trUdc no la mot phu
am thi doi “y” thanh “i” roi them “ed”.
* Neu dong tii co qui-tac co mot am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen
am d giufa hai phu am thi ta nhan doi phu am cuoi len roi them
“ed” .
stop —> stopped
* Neu dong i u co qui tac co hai am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am
0 giuta hai phu am va trong am rdi vao am tiet cuoi thi ta nhan doi
phu am cuoi len roi them “ed” .
permit —> permitted
* Neu dong tu tan cung la “1” , trUdc no la mot nguyen am ddn thi
ta n han doi “1” len roi them “ed” .
travel —> travelled
g. P r o n u n c ia t io n (C a ch p h a t am )
* NhUng dong tti co qui tac tan cung la am [t] va [d] khi them “ed”
ta doc them am [id]
divide [di’vaid] -> divided [di’vaidid]
* Nhufng dong tu! co qui tac tan cung la am [k], [p], [f], [s], [1], [tj]
khi them “ed” ta doc them am [t].
laugh [la:f] —> laughed [la:ft]
* Ngoai hai trUdng hdp tren, cac dong tif co qui tac con lai sau khi
them “ed” ta doc them am [d]
play [plei] - » played [pleid]
6. T h e P a st C o n tin u o u s T e n se (.Thi q u a khuf tie p d ie n )
a. F orm :
I, She; He, It
+ was
We, You, They
+ were
b. U sa g e: T h i q u a k h ii tie p d ie n d ie n ta:
- Hanh dong da xay ra va k6o dai mot thdi gian d qua khti.
Ex: + Yesterday, Mr Moore was working in the laboratory all the
+ W hat were you doing from 3 p.m to 6 p.m yesterday?
- Hanh dong dang xay ra vao mot thdi diem d qua khii.
Ex: + I was doing my homework at 6 p.m last Sunday.
+ They were practising English at that time.
+ What were you doing at this time yesterday?
- Hanh dong dang xay ra (d qua khOO thi co mot hanh dong khac
xen vao (hanh dong dang xay ra dung Past Continuous, hanh dong
xen vao dung Simple Past)
Ex: + When I came yesterday, he was sleeping.
+ What was she doing when you saw her?
+ As we were crossing the street, the policeman shouted at us.
- Hai hanh dong xay ra song song cung mot luc cl qua k h i.
Ex: Yesterday, I was cooking while my sister was washing the
Ltfu y: Khong dung thi nay vdi cac dong tif chi nhan thvifc,
tri giac. Thay vao do, ta dung thi Simple Past.
c. Negative form (The phu dinh)
Dat “not” sau “was” hoac “were”
Ex: + They were not (weren’t) eating dinner when you arrived.
+ She was not (wasn’t) watching television at 8 o’clock
yesterday evening.
d. Question form (The nghi van)
Ta chuyen “was” hoac “were” len trUdc chu ngut.
Ex: + Were they eating dinner when you arrived?
+ Was she having breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday m orning?
7. The Past Perfect Tense (Thi qua khvf hoan thanh)
a. Form:
Subject + had + V 3
- (V3 : past participle)
(- Negative form: S + Hadn’t + V 3
- Interrogative form: Had + S + V 3?)
b. Usage:
Thi qua khii hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong qua khti xay ra
trUdc mot thdi gian qua khil hoac trU6c mot hanh dong qua khCf
khac. (Neu trong cau co hai hanh dong qua khil. hanh dong nao
xay ra trUdc ta dung Past Perfect, hanh dong nao sau ta dung
Simple Past)
Ex: + We had lived in Hue before 1975.
+ When I got up this morning, my father had already left.
+ After the children had finished theu homework, they went
to bed.
+ It was the most difficult question that I had ever known.
8. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi qua khtf hoan
thanh tiep dien)
a. Form:
Subject +• had + been + V-mg
b. Usage:
Thi qua khti hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta mot hanh dong qua khti
da xay ra va k6o dai cho den khi hanh dong qua khii thi? hai xay
ra (hanh dong thti hai dung Simple Past). ThUdng thUdng khoang
thdi gian k6o dai dUdc neu ro trong cau.
Ex: + The men had been playing cards for 3 hours before I came.
+ They had been living m Lodon for 10 years when I met them.
9. The Simple Future Tense (Thi tifcfng lai dofn)
a. Form:
t You, He, She. I. They
+ will
I I, W e
+ shall
------------ -
+ V l W .,
bare-mf: bare-infinitive (dong tCf nguyen the khong “to”)
IAVe + shall ...
IAV e/he/She ... + w ill...
* Negative form: S + W ill/ Shall + Not + V
ml-} ...
W on’t/ Shan’t
* Interrogative form: W ill/Shall + S + V (bare int.)
U sage:
* Dung khi ta quyet dinh lam mot dieu gi do vao luc noi.
Ex: A: Did you phone Ann'-1
B: Oh no, I forgot. I will (’11) do it now.
- Oh, I’ve left the door open. I will (’II) go and shut it.
* Dung de yeu cau ai do lam viec gi.
Ex: + Will you shut the door?
+ Will you please be quiet9
* Dung de de nghi lam dieu gi.
Ex: + That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it.
O f course. I’ll bring it back this afternoon.
+ I’ve asked John to help me but he w on't.
* Dung de dong y hoac tu1choi lam dieu gi.
Ex: - You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?
- I need some money.
- Don’t worry. I will lend you some.
* Dung de hiia hen lam dieu gi do.
Ex: 1- I promise I will call you as soon as I irnv^
+ I won’t tell Tom what you said. I promise.
* Dung shall / va shall we de de nghi hoac gdi y.
Ex: + Where shall we go this evening?
+ Shall I open the window?
*Dung I think I ’ll ... hoac / d on ’t think I ’ll ... khi ta quyet dinh
lam dieu gi.
Ex: + I think I’ll stay at home this evening.
f 1 don't think I'll go out tonight. I’m too tired.
c. Cac pho tiV di kem:
Someday: mot ngay nao do
Tomorrow: mai
Next week, next month ...: tuan/thang ... tdi
Soon: Chang bao lau niia
10. Near future (Tu’cfng lai gan)
a. Form:
1 + am
He, She, It + is
We, You, They + are
I + am
He, She, It + is
[ We, You. They + are
+ going to + V lW<,.,nf, | (,Du dinh se)
+ V-mg
(sap sU»)
_______ _j
b. U sa ge:
Thi nay dUdc dung de dien ta mot hanh dong sap xay ra hoac mot
du dinh sap tdi (thUdng thu'dng ti ">ng cau khong co cum tu1chi thdi
Ex: + My father is retiring.
-h W here are you going to spend your holidays?
c. Phan biet giufa ttftfng lai thu’ofng (will) va tu’cfng lai chi’ y
dinh (be going to).
* Ta dung will khi ta quyet dinh lam dieu gi do vao luc noi, chUa
co quyet dinh trUdc.
Ex: Tom: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me0
Father: Okay, but I can’t do it now. Ill repair it tomorrow.
* Ta dung be going to khi ta da quyet dinh lam dieu gi do roi.
Ex: Mother: Can you repair Tom's bicycle? It has a flat tyre.
Father: Yes, I know. He told me. I’m going to repau
11. The Future Continuous Tense (Thi tiitfng lai tiep dien)
a. Form:
'1 /W e
j He/She/It/You/They
+ Will (or Shall)
+ Will
+ Be + Verb -m g
b. Usage:
*Chi hanh dong dang tien hanh tai mot thdi diem d tUdnglai.
Ex: + At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning he w ill be w orking.
+ I will be watching TV at 9 o’clock tonight.
* Chi hanh dong dang xay ra d tUdng lai thi co m ot han h dong
khac xay ra.
Ex: + I will be studying when you return this evening.
+ They will be travelling in Italy by the time you arrive here.
* Ta dung will you be + verb-ing? de hoi ve du dinh cua mot
ngUdi khi ta can dieu gi hoac can ngUdi do lam dieu gi.
Ex: A: Will you be using your motorcycle this evening?
B: No, you can take n.
A: Will you be passing the post office when you go out?
B: Yes, why?
12. The Future Perfect Tejnse (Thi ttfdng lai hoan thanh)
a. Form:
Subject + will + have + V 3
b. Usage:
- Thi tildng lai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong se hoan tat vao
mot thdi diem cho trildc d tUdng lai.
- Thi nay thUdng dung trong cau co cac cum tCi chi thdi gian nhtf
“ By (+ moc thdi gian)” ; “BY THE TIME” ; “ BY THEN” .
Ex: + I’ll have finished my work by noon.
+ They’ll have built that house by July next year.
+ When you come back, I’ll have written this letter.
13. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi tiicfng lai
hoan thanh tiep dien)
a . F o rm :
Subject + will + have been + V-ing
b. Usage:
- Thi tUdng lai hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta mot hanh dong bat
dau tit qua khil va keo dai den mot thdi diem cho trudc d tUdng lai.
- Cac cum tti chi thdi gian di kem la:
+ BY ... for (+ khoang thdi gian.)
+ BY then
+ BY the time
Ex: + By November, we’ll have been living in this house for 10 years.
+ By March 15th, I’ll have been working for this company for 6
1. Khong dung cac thi tiep dien (Continuous Tenses) vdi cac dong
tif chi nhan thuc, tri giac (see, be, hear...)
Khong dung cac thi tUdng lai (Future tenses) trong cac menh
de trang ngiit chi thdi gian, thi Simple Future dUdc thay bdng
Simple Present;
Perfect (hoac Future
Continuous) dUdc thay bang thi Present Perfect (hoac Present
Perfect Continuous).
I. S u p p ly the c o r r e c t v e r b fo rm s: T h e S im p le P re se n t T e n se
o r T h e P re se n t C o n tin u o u s T en se:
Hurry! The buslcom e). H not want) to miss it.
Listen! Somebody (sing).
How often ^yofu rean; a newspaper9
The sun always (ris^j^n the east. Look, it (rise) now.
I (hear) you: I(knqw) what you (say)
The concert (start^&t 7.30 this evening.
Ann, we (go) to town, (jo v l^ r T ^ w ith us?
She^have?) coffee(for^breakfast every morning.
I (see) that you (wear) your best clothes.
She sometimes (buy) vegetables at this market.
11. S u p p ly th e c o r r e c t v e r b fo rm s: T h e P re se n t P e r fe c t o r
P re s e n t P e r fe c t C o n tin u o u s :
1. I (try) to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) yet.
2. Mary (rest) m the garden all day because she (be) ill.
3. She (work) so hard this week that
(not have) time to go to
the movies.
4. That book Hie) on the table for weeks. You (not read'
5. He (not, be) here ;ince Christmas. I wonder where he (live)
since then.
6. Jack (go) to Pans for a holiday. He never (be) there.
7. You (sleep) so far? I (ring) the bell for the last twenty minutes.
8. He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not finish) it yet.
9. Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for ^ until now
1 0 .1 (see) that film several times because I like it.
III. S u p p ly th e c o r r e c t v e r b fo rjn s: P r e s e n t T en se^ .
1. Jack
(lo o k )
no trouble with my English lesson up to
now .
2. The weather generally (get) quite hot in July and August.
3. That brown briefcase (belong) to Dr. Rice.
4. Yes, I (remember) that older fellow’s name now.
5. Michael (work) thirty eight hours a week.
6. I (be) sorry. I (forget) that girl’s name already.
7. How many times you (see) him since he went to Edinburgh /
8. Fred’s brother just (graduate) from Oxford University.
9. The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
10. Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in the book.
IV. Supply the correct verb forms: Simple Past or Pre'sknt
We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
I (read) that novel by HemingwayCseveral times before.
We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer.
I (have) a little trouble with my car last week.
What you(do) yesterday?
How long you (learn) English?
Tom (never be) in Hanoi.
The plane (stop) at a small town. It then (take) off
immediately after refuelling.
10. She (be) so happy when she (hear) the news that she (cry).
V . Supply the correct verb forms : Simple Past or Past
1. W hen I (arrive) at his house, he still (sleep).
2. She (water) the flowers in her garden while her next door
neighbour (chat) with her over the fence.
3. As we'(cross) th e street, we (sfee) an accident.
4. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath.
5. She (hear) a noise and (get) out of bed when the door (open)
6. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back.
7. Who (be) that man that you (talk) to? I (see) him at the gate
when I (come) in.
8. We (wait) for the bus when he (pass) by in his car and (offer) us
a lift.
9. I (be) very tired because I (work) all day yesterday.
10. When the students (hear) the bell, they (get up) and (leave).
VI. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple
Past or Past Perfect.
1. He (forget) what I (tell) him. I (remind) him many times, but
he still (not bring) what I (want).
2. He (ask) me whether I (see) his pen on the table. I (tell) him
that I (not see) it around.
3. If I (wait) only a little while longer, I would have met her. I
(not see) her since we last (meet) two years ago.
4. They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
5. When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin).
6. They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before.
7. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).
8. After taking a bath, he (go) to bed.
9. What (be) he when he (be) young?
10. It was the first time I (ever, see; such a beautiful girl.
VII. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Past
The house (be) much smaller than he (think) at first.
Before you (mention) him, I never (hear) of that author.
She (win) the gold medal in 1986.
When he (go) to see them last night, they (play) cards. They
(say) they (play) since six o’clock.
5. He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for London.
6. Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting.
7. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) E n g la n d in 197Q.
8. While you (play) the piano, I (write) a letter.
9. The little girl (ask) what (happen) to her ice-cream.
1 0 .1 didn’t recognise Mrs Johnson. She (change) a lot.
VIII. Give the right forms o f the verbs in brackets: Simple
Future or Sim ple Present.
W'e'll go out when the rain (stop).
I (stay) here until he (answer) me.
Wait until I (catch) you.
She (not come) until you (be) ready.
Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) that letter
6. After the class (be) over, ask the teacher about that sentence.
7. I (come) and (see) you before I leave here.
8. We (go) hom e as soon as we have finished our work.
9. I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow.
10. I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arnve) in London.
DC Give the right forms o f the verbs in brackets: Simple
Present, Sim ple Future, Present Perfect or Future Perfect.
I’ll wait until he (finish) his novel.
When you (come) back, he already (buy) a new house.
Don’t com e until I (finish) lunch.
I (hope) it (stop) raining by 5 o’clock this afternoon.
The river (not begin) to swell until some rain (fall).
By next month I (leave) for India.
The film (end) by the time we (get) there.
They (build) a house by June next year.
We (start) our plan next week.
I (give) her your letter when I (see) her tomorrow.