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ĐỀ 1
1. When you __________ in New York tomorrow, you ___________ by one of our drivers and taken to the
conference centre.
A. will arrive / pick up
B. arrive / will pick up
C. will arrive / are picked up
D. arrive / will be picked up
2. We’re having a __________ party on the 12 . Can you come” I’ll give you our new address.
A. homecoming
B. housewarming
C. homebound
D. houseplant
3. Thieves broke into the mansion and _________ jewelry and antique paintings.
A. made off with
B. made up for
C. made in
D. made of
4. The girl was trying to kill herself. She had lost her nerve and now was trying to stay alive.
A. belief
B. attempt
C. courage
D. patience
5. I’d like to _________ right now that I am totally opposed to this idea.
A. make a decision B. make it clear
C. make an effort
D. make a suggestion
6. While he _________ in central Africa, Michael __________ malaria.
A. travelled / caught B. was travelling / was caught C. travels / catches D. was travelling / caught
7. I think we should _________ pennies. You can’t buy anything with them anymore.

A. do away with
B. do without
C. do with
D. do over
8. A button has come ___________ my shirt. Could you sew it back ________ for me?
A. away / to
B. out / in
C. off / on
D. down / at
9. I was never taught how to cook. I just _________ it _______ from my mother.
A. put … down
B. put … up
C. take … off
D. picked … up
10. Last night was such a hot night, __________?
A. didn’t it
B. wasn’t it
C. weren’t they
D. did it
11. Please drive carefully to work. It _________ and the roads are very dangerous.
A. has been snowing B. is snowing
C. has snowed
D. has been snowed
12. John’s having the kitchen __________
A. to decorate
B. decorating
C. decorated
D. decorates
13. - Can’t you ___________ more of an effort with your schoolwork, Joe?
- Well, I’m __________ my best, Dad!

A. make / being done B. do / making
C. make / doing
D. do / being made
14. I’ve been working in the same bank ___________
A. until I was 30
B. for years
C. ten years ago
D. by the time I was 40
15. Larry was a bit wild at college, but then he got a job, found a wife, __________, and had kids.
A. settled down
B. broke up
C. set off
D. cheered up
16. _________ terrible thing to happen!
A. What a
B. How a
C. What
D. How
17. - How’s your steak? Is it OK?
- Mmm! It’s absolutely delicious! __________
A. You know it’s not true.
B. Just the way I like it.
C. You wouldn’t catch me eating that!
D. Don’t worry. I’ll get you a new one.
18. Half-million inhabitants have to live with the pollution, gridlock, and crime generated by visitors.
A. robbing
B. pickpocket
C. mugging
D. traffic jam
19. To millions of tourists foreign destinations are exotic _______, unspoiled, idyllic, and full of local charm.

A. parachutes
B. paradises
C. parameters
D. parades
20. “I was yelled at for being late” – “___________?”
A. Who with
B. Who from
C. Who to
D. Who by
21. I don’t know _____________
A. where does he work
B. where he work
C. where he works
D. where he does works
22. The negative form of the sentence “My sister likes hip-hop, too” is _________

A. My sister doesn’t like hip-hop, too.
B. My sister doesn’t like hip-hop, neither.
C. My sister dislike hip-hop, too.
D. My sister doesn’t like hip-hop, either.
23. __________ can’t spell or read well.
A. Insomniacs
B. Dyslexics
C. Atheists
D. Pacifists
24. - Our teacher is always criticizing us. I feel useless.
- I know, it’s not fair – he should give us more _________ if he wants us to work hard.
A. success
B. generosity

C. encouragement
D. safety
25. The antonym of “guilty” is _________
A. innocent
B. dishonest
C. immature
D. insecure
26. I’ve had enough of her lazy attitude. __________ her a good talking-to.
A. I give
B. I’m giving
C. I’ll give
D. I’m going to give
27. We’re studying Shakespeare next year, so I __________ his plays over the summer.
A. will read
B. will have read
C. will be reading
D. am reading
28. Please don’t __________, but I don’t think your work has been up to your usual standard recently.
A. take place
B. take offense
C. take notice
D. take responsibility
29. Sue talks so much! She always has _________ to say, but she never says ________ interesting.
A. something/anything B. anyone/something
C. someone/anyone D. everything/nothing
30. _______ you eat sensibly, you won’t get better.
A. If
B. Although
C. Because
D. Unless

A/ Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.
Tourism is the world’s largest and (31) ___________ industry. But what can be done to stop tourism
(32)__________ destroying the object of its affection? To millions of tourists foreign destinations are
(33)_________ paradises. But many of the world’s resorts are struggling to (34) _________ relentless waves
of tourists. These days the industry’s most urgent question may be how to (35) ______ the crowds ______. A
prime example of this is Italy, (36) _____________ the city’s half-million or so inhabitants have to live with
the pollution, gridlock and crime (37) ____________ by 11 million visitors a year, there’s talk not only of
(38) ___________ hotel taxes, but even of charging (39) __________ to some public squares. The idea is to
(40) _________ at least some visitors as well as to pay for cleaning up the mess.
31. A. faster-grown B. fastest-growing
C. fastest-grown
D. fastly-growing
32. A. from
B. at
C. with
D. of
33. A. toxic
B. weird
C. mediocre
D. exotic
34. A. handle
B. help with
C. cope with
D. tackle
35. A. stay / in bay B. make / away bay
C. keep / at bay
D. get / out of bay
36. A. where
B. which

C. that
D. when
37. A. generates
B. generated
C. generating
D. to generate
38. A. reducing
B. decreasing
C. diminishing
D. boosting
39. A. admittance
B. admission
C. admissibility
D. admissibleness
40. A. encourage
B. promote
C. discourage
D. motivate
B/ Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each question.
Passage 1:
Politeness and good manners are very important and business meeting are very formal. Business cards are
also important and they exchange these at the beginning of a meeting. They always look at them carefully, so
you should do the same as they think you’re rude if you don’t. A lot of communication is non-verbal. They
are very good listeners and may ask a lot of questions to check they understand everything. In a conversation
they wait longer before they reply than westerners do, so it’s important not to speak in those long pauses but
to wait for their reply. In their culture it’s rude to ask direct questions or to say “No” or “I disagree”. In
business it takes a long time to make a decision because they have to ask everyone in the company. When
they say “Yes” it may mean “I understand”, not “I agree”, and when they smiled it might be because they
don’t know what to say.
41. Which country do you think the author is describing?


A. Germany
B. Japan
C. China
D. India
Why do they ask many questions after listening carefully?
A. to interrupt another speaker
B. to make decision
C. to express their politeness
D. to check they understand everything
When do they often exchange business cards?
A. at the end of a meeting
B. at the beginning of a meeting
C. in the middle of a meeting
D. All are correct
What does the word “rude” mean?
A. very impolite
B. very formal
C. very informal
D. very polite
When they say “Yes”, it may mean _____________
A. I agree
B. I see
C. I refuse

D. I accept

Passage 2:
If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decisions about which jobs
you take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career. It may mean sacrifices at first. You may
have to move to a different region or a different country to get a job that is right for you. You may have to
work late hours, at least temporarily. You might even have to take a lower salary for a job that offers you the
experience that you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals.
Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the training or experience your
need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such a position and consequently will not perform your
best. This will have an effect on the people around you, who will not feel as if you are being part of the team.
The best advice is to think carefully before accepting any position and make sure the job is one you want to
46. What is the most significant factor in evaluating a job?
A. Value to your career
B. Salary
C. Location
D. How much you will like it
47. What is NOT mentioned as a sacrifice for a valuable job?
A. Low salary
B. Moving
C. Bad hours
D. No benefits
48. What kind of job should you never accept?
A. One that requires a long commute
B. One not related to your career goals
C. One that makes you work hard
D. One that has a negative effect on people around you
49. What is wrong with taking a job outside your career path?
A. People will give you advice.

B. You will earn less.
C. You won’t perform as well.
D. You will be stuck on a team.
50. What is the author’s best advice?
A. Don’t work with other people.
B. Consider changing careers.
C. Think before accepting a job.
D. Take the first job offered.
51. As soon as / I / had / feed / cat / I / do / homework
52. What / you / do / when / accident / happen?
53. A lot / research / have / do / into / causes / cancer.
54. At present / she / work / large company / Madrid
55. I wonder / why / police / take / so long / catch / him
56. You / know / what / kind / flower / that / be?
57. I / going / be / conference / for / rest / week.
58. You / be / trouble / if / not / take any notice / what / boss / say
59. Services / as well / goods / can / buy / online
60. I know / you / lot / problems / but / I / sure / you / get through

61. She won $2,000 in a contest. Last night Sally was celebrating.
Last night Sally was _________________________________________________________________
62. They won’t recognize her in those dark glasses.
She ______________________________________________________________________________
63. My sister wants someone to pierce her ears.
My sister wants to have ______________________________________________________________
64. Where did he learn how to forge bank checks?

I’m not sure _______________________________________________________________________
65. This machine isn’t working.
This machine doesn’t seem ___________________________________________________________
66. It took him three attempts to pass the bar exam.
Do you have any idea how ____________________________________________________________
67. Are there many jobs to be done in the yard? (work)
Is there ___________________________________________________________________________
68. You will have to do it again if you don’t do well on the test.
Unless ____________________________________________________________________________
69. Archaeologists discovered a Roman temple underneath the new building.
A Roman temple ____________________________________________________________________
70. Their daughter’s moving to Germany and they aren’t happy.
They don’t want _____________________________________________________________________
Listen and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F)
71. Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1271.
72. The Silk Route was the main trade link between Cathay (China) and the West for over 2 thousand years.
73. He traveled to China by boat, but mainly on horseback, and he rarely got lost.
74. He met the emperor Kublai Khan and he was the only European to visit the territory.
75. He stayed in China for 17 years and came back home in 1295.
76. Tommy Willis has been to Vietnam, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan many times.
77. He is a backpacker in a nine-month trip around Asia.
78. He went to Bangkok by train five months ago.
79. Apart from diarrhea and insects, his only worry is pick-pocketing.
80. He’s been staying in cheap hostels and has been traveling mainly by bus, train and ferry.
-The end-

ĐỀ 2

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Mark the answer on your answer sheet.
(30 marks)
1. My daughter’s eyes are red because she …………
A. is crying B. cried
C. has cried
D. has been crying
2. Josh returned the money he ………….. a week earlier.
A. borrowed B. borrows
C. had borrowed
D. is going to borrow.
3. We get more………….. in our mailbox than letters.
A. email
B. junk mail
C. computer software D. airlines
4. The athletes ………….. two miles.
A. now run B. have now run
C. are now running D. have now been running
5. We were sitting on the beach when it …………. to rain.
A. started
B. was starting
C. had started
D. starts
6. Your flight …………. at 8:40.
A. will leave B. is going to
C. would leave
D. leaves
7. A: My grandpa’s so generous that he gives me $20 every time I see him.
Lucky you. My grandpa’s famous for his ………... . A quarter every birthday, if he

A. stinginess B. rich
C. poor
D. worse
8. The wedding …………. place in an old country church
A. took
B. got
C. put
D. made
9. Brazil ………….the next Word cup.
A. will win B. is going to win
C. wins
D. has won
10. I ………….. her at the mall later.
A. had met B. am meeting
C. have been meeting D. was meeting
11. There…………. a movie theatre where that supermarket is now.
A. has been B. had been
C. were
D. used to be
12. It takes time to …………..living in a new town.
A. get used to B. would be
C. use to
D. is
13. Megan fell off her bike, …………..her leg
A. hurt
B. to hurt
C. hurting
D. hurts
14. She was ………….. to lose the game.
A. disappoint B. disappointing

C. disappointed
D. disappoints
15. We spent the weekend ………….. at home.
A. relax
B. relaxing
C. relaxed
D. to relax
16. The gallery has a picture ………….. by Goya.
A. paints
B. is painted
C. painting
D. painted
17. He hasn’t recovered from the shock of losing the game yet.
A. gotten at B. gotten over
C. gotten through
D. gotten out
18. Progress was slow at first, but now we’re making real …………
A. head officeB. headquarter
C. headway
D. headhunter
19. I took a ………….but I still stayed awake all night.
A. drug
B. medicine
C. sleeping pill
D. cure
20. They …………. a new hospital there.
A. will build B. are going to build C. would build
D. use to build
21. I read most of the book on the plane.
A. got up

B. got around
C. got through
D. got in
22. When the sun went …………..it was really cold.
A. off
B. up
C. down
D. away
23. When you go on a job interview, it’s important to ………… a good impression

A. take
B. make
C. do
D. get
24. Could you …………… me a favor and lend me some money till tomorrow?
A. make
B. get
C. do
D. take
25. My boss …………… pressure on me to resign, but I won’t go.
A. took
B. got
C. put
D. made
26. I don’t have …………. vacation
A. many
B. some
C. a few
D. much

27. I ought to call home.
A. must
B. can
C. should
D. have to
28. I …………… there for hours when at last it was my turn to speak to the official.
A. have stood B. have been standing C. had stood
D. had been standing
29. The house …………. I want to buy is on Acacia Avenue.
A. where
B. who
C. what
D. which
30. I’ve had my bicycle …………
A. fix
B. fixing
C. fixed
D. to fix
A. Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase to complete each gap. Write the
answer on your answer sheet. (10 marks)
The Monsters look adorable but are not so great to listen to. In Maurice Sendak’s book, the monsters do
not speak. In the movie, they are given voice by (31) ………….. Hollywood actors like James Gandolfini,
(32) ……….is best –known as the mafia boss in The Sopranos. This is very distracting.
Also, (33) …………. the book is short, additional material (34) ……….. to make the movie longer. In
the book, the monsters (35) ………. roar and have fun, (36) ………… in the movie they suffer (37)
………….. loneliness, social anxiety, and (38) relationship………... While the book was written to (39)
…………. children, it seems the movie’s goal is to (40) …………. their parents.
31. A. stingy
32. A. whom

33. A. because
34. A. adds
35. A. really
36. A. though
37. A. from
38. A. difficult
39. A. meet
40. A. instruct

B. seriously
B. whose
B. while
B. is adding
B. very
B. but
B. with
B. comfort
B. entertain
B. satisfy

C. fame
C. who
C. although
C. was added
C. absolutely
C. and
C. in
C. similarity
C. threat
C. advice

D. famous
D. which
D. in spite of
D. has added
D. just
D. despite
D. for
D. troubles
D. satisfaction
D. depress

B. Read the following texts. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. (10 marks)
 Lindsay Lohan hit the big time at the age of 11 with the 1998 movie The Parent Trap. For about eight
months, she had to shuttle between the movie’s sets in London and in Napa Valley, California. This
raised one of the biggest issues for child stars: education. Tutors helped her keep up with her studies. But
Lindsay’s mom, who was also her manager, arranged for Lindsay to do most of her schooling at public
schools close to home, even after she became a big star. She lived with her parents and three younger
siblings on Long Island in New York. She refused several acting jobs because she did not want to live in
California for months at a time. That all seems normal enough.
Still, the dangers of fame waited her. The hit movies she made in her late teens, including Freaky Friday
and Mean Girls, made her enormous amounts of money. They also made her a target of reporters and the
aggressive paparazzi who stalk celebrities. Unfortunately, her personal life gave the press a lot to write about.
Her parents, during divorce hearings, fought over Lindsay’s money until a judge told them to stop. Her very
wealthy father was sentenced to prison for suspicious business dealings and was repeatedly changed with
assault. After moving to Los Angeles at the age of 18, Lindsay became the subject of many stories about

Romances and partying. Like many child stars before her she developed an alcohol problem – before she was
old enough to drink legally. The tabloid press pursed her constantly. On several occasions, paparazzi who

were chasing Lindsay crashed into cars she was driving.
Lindsay Lohan clearly needs a break from fame. As her mother, Dina, told CBS News, “I just pray the
tabloids to give us our space and leave us alone”
41. Who arranged Lindsay’s study?
A. Her tutor
B. Her director
C. Her mother
D. Herself
42. Where did the Lohan family live?
A. London
B. New York
C. The Napa Valley D. Los Angeles
43. According to the passage, paparazzi are a problem for Linsay because
A. They are trying to hurt her
C. They work for tabloids
B. They are poor drivers
D. They constantly bother her
44. Why was her dad sentenced to prison?
A. He was a murderer
C. For suspicious business dealings
B. He was a thief
D. He was a heroin dealer
45. Which of the following is implied in the passage about Lindsay Lohan’s father?
A. He left the family when she was young
C. The press wrote stories about his troubles
B. He stole her money
D. He recently moved
 Sarah Cunning had a hard time getting her baby to stop crying. She had tried everything: rocking,
carrying him, and turning on the vacuum cleaner. Finally she contacted Fussy Baby Support Services.
After two hours of observation, the representatives concluded that the baby was overstimulated and

needed a more soothing environment. They taught Sarah how to make her home more relaxing and she
immediately saw results.
At times, being a parent can be frustrating and many affluent parents are looking for assistance.
According to one parent-help service in New York City, there has been a 50% increase in parents coming in
for help with parental challenges. Some parents are willing to pay $60 an hour to have someone toilet train
their child, get their daughter to agree on modest school clothes, teach their son how to organize his
bedroom, teach their kid to ride a bike, manage their kid’s homework each week, and even sit up all night in
their child’s room in case they have a nightmare.
There are many reasons affluent parents hire someone to help their children. Impatience and lack of
confidence are typical reasons for outsourcing parental duties. Also, excellence is often expected in these
families and therefore parents hire an expert. These parents also want to avoid the exasperating
confrontations of childrearing. They don’t want to get frustrated and ruin the relationship they have with their
children. Child psychologists however, believe that when parents are not present for major steps in their
children lives, they are destroying their relationship with their children. The bond between a parent and a
child can only be built through quality time spent with one another. Children need and want to spend time
with their parents. Children learn more about life through their parents’ examples than anything else in their
46. Why did the baby need a soothing environment?
A. to entertain him
C. to reduce his stimulation
B. to help him relax
D. to make him feel more happy
47. Why does the author mention the viewpoint of child psychologist?
A. to praise parents.
C. to support the parents’ decision to outsource.
B. to criticize parents
D. to show how outsourcing affects children
48. The author discusses “quality time” in order to ………….
A. explain the reasons for outsourcing. C. highlight a negative aspect of outsourcing
B. point out an advantage of outsourcing.

D. criticize parents who outsource
49. The word “they” in the passage refers to ………….
A. the parents
B. the children
C. the psychologists D. the child and the parents
50. What helps children to study more about life?

A. experience

B. lessons at school

C. their friends

D. their parents’ examples

A. Complete the following sentences. Write the answer on your answer sheet (20 marks)
51. Someone/ fix/ coffee market/ yet?
52. I / live/ Tampa/ when/ I/ meet/ husband
53. Once I/ tell/ him/ truth/ I/ feel better
54. What/ sort/ books/ you/ interested?
55. Cecilia/ cry/ all day/ because/ she/ fail/ all the tests.
56. People/ live/ apartment buildings/ often/ complain/ loneliness.
57. Phil/ to be/ jealous/ me/ because/ I/ to be/ smart/ than/ him.
58. I/ not/ send/ you/ e-mail/ computer/ repair
59. You/ think/ weather/ improve/ tomorrow?
60. She/ scream/ when/ she/ see/ dead mouse/ floor.

Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write the answer on your answer sheet. (20 marks).
61. They won’t recognize her in those dark glasses. (She………)
62. I needed to go to the store, so I was in a hurry. (Because……….)
63. My eyes are going to be tested (I’m going to ………..)
64. Although Tom lives in Spain, he can’t speak Spanish (Despite………….)
65. This laptop is too expensive for her to buy. (This laptop is so……………)
66. Nobody has watered the plants (The plants……….)
67. It is ages since they met each other (They……..)
68. She started working at the age of seventeen. (When…….)
69. Which countries did he visit as a pilot? (I’d like to know ….)
70. What are your plans for this weekend? (What are you…..?)

Listen and fill in the gap. Write your answer on the answer sheet (10 marks)
And now the latest headlines. Ten workers have been (71) ……….. from an accident 400 (72)…………
beneath the streets of (73)………….. They had spent the past (74)………… hours trapped underground.
They had been digging a tunnel for a new (75) ……………. line when the roof of their (76) ………….
collapsed. Sixty men managed to (77) …………… immediately, but two were fatally (78) …………. Last
night the ten men were recovering in the (79) …………. An investigation into the cause of the (80)
………….. is due to start tomorrow.

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