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Diseases of nerves system

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Diseases of Nerves System
Made by : Le My Hoa

Alzheimer’s disease
A form of chronic, progressive dementia
caused by atrophy of brain tissue

Bell’s palsy
A form of facial paralysis, usually unilateral
and temporary

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Damage or death of brain tissue caused by
interruption of blood supply due to a clot or vessel
rupture; also known as stroke or brain attack

Brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures

Huntington’s chorea
Hereditary nervous disorder that leads to
bizarre, involuntary movements and dementia


of the spinal
cord by a
virus, which
may result in
spinal and
and paralysis

Severe sciatic nerve pain that radiates from
the buttocks to the feet

Unilateral painful vesicles, occurring on the
upper body, caused by the herpes zoster

Spina bifida
Incomplete closure of the spinal canal that
may allow protrusion of the spinal cord and
meninges at birth, leading to paralysis

Transient ischemic attack ( TIA )
Temporary strokelike symptoms caused by a brief
interruption of blood supply to a part of the brain


Cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) analysis
Analysis of fluid for blood, bacteria, and
other abnormalities

Computed tomography ( CT )
Study of the brain and spinal cord using
radiology and computer analysis

Electroencephalography (EEG)
Study of electrical activity of the brain

Electromyogram ( EMG )
Record of muscle activity from electrical stimulation

Lumbar puncture ( LP )
Puncture of subarachnoid layer at 4th intervertebral
space to obtain CSF fluid for analysis

Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI )
Uses an electromagnetic field and radio waves

to create visual images on a computer screen

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