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Chief Organizer for Implementation
Nguyen Thanh Xuan
Nguyen Duc Vinh
English Texts by
Pham Van Chuong

Vietnamese legal documents
on belief and religion

religion publishing house
Ha Noi - 2013



Vietnam is a nation with diverse forms of belief and
religion, and a large number of belief and religious
followers. Reflecting the policy of respect for and
guarantee of the citizens’ right to freedom of belief and
religion, to follow or not to follow a religion, and creating
conditions for religious communities in Vietnam to be an
integral part of the nation and abode by the law, on June
18th, 2004, the Standing Committee of the National
Assembly (XIth Legislature) promulgated the Ordinance on
Belief and Religion, and on March 1st, 2005, the

Government issued Decree No. 22/2005/ND-CP guiding
implementation of a number of articles of the Ordinance on
Belief and Religion.
In the process of its implementation, Decree No.
22/2005/ND-CP has shown inadequacies and limitations.
On November 8th, 2012, the Government issued Decree No.
92/2012/ND-CP detailing and providing measures for the
implementation of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion, in
order to overcome the complications and inadequacies in
N o.
implementation of the Government Resolution on
simplification of administrative procedures, and facilitate
belief and religious activities in the framework of the law.
This Decree replaces Decree No. 22/2005/ ND-CP and took

effect on January 1st, 2013. It is composed of 5 chapters, 14
sections and 46 articles, with amendments and additions,
including 12 articles with new stipulations compared with
Decree No. 22/2005/ NĐ-CP.
With a view to helping overseas readers, foreigners
living and working in Vietnam, and Vietnamese residing
abroad study or get acquainted with Vietnamese
legislation on belief and religion, notably the newly
issued Government Decree No. 92/2012/ND-CP detailing
and providing measures for the implementation of the

Ordinance on Belief and Religion, the Government
Committee for Religious Affairs has compiled the book
“Vietnamese Legal Documents on Belief and Religion”
in English.
The Government Committee for Religious Affairs
would like to recommend it to all readers.

March, 2013




--------------N . 18/2004/L/CTN

Independence - Freedom - Happiness





Hanoi, June 29 , 2004


Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 21/2004/PL-UBTVQH11


On Issuance of the Ordinance
of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly

Pursuant to Article 103 and Article 106 of the 1992
Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as amended
and supplemented according to Resolution No.
51/2001/QH10 dated December 25th, 2001 of the National
Assembly, 10th Legislature, at its 10th session;
Pursuant to Article 19 of the Law on Organization of
the National Assembly; and
In accordance with Article 51 of the Law on
Promulgation of Legal Normative Documents,

Pursuant to the 1992 Constitution of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam as amended and supplemented
according to Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10 dated

December 25th, 2001 of the National Assembly, 10th
Legislature, at its 10th session;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 21/2003/QH11 dated
November 26th, 2003 of the National Assembly, 11th
Legislature, at its 4th session on Legislation Program for 2004;
This Ordinance is to regulate activities related to belief
and religion.
Chapter I


The Ordinance on Belief and Religion, which was
passed by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on June 18th, 2004.
The President
of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Tran Duc Luong


Article 1
Citizens have the right to freedom of belief and religion,
to follow or not to follow a religion.
The State guarantees the right to freedom of belief
and religion of its citizens. Nobody is allowed to infringe
upon that right.



All religions are equal before the law.
Citizens who follow a belief or religion, or who do not
follow any belief or religion, as well as citizens who follow
different beliefs or religions, shall have to respect each other.
Article 2
Dignitaries, clergypersons, and citizens who follow a
belief or religion shall be entitled to all civic rights and shall
be liable to perform civic obligations.
Dignitaries and clergypersons shall have the responsibility
to educate regularly believers about patriotism, exercise of civic
rights and obligations, and the sense of law observance.
Article 3
For the purposes of this Ordinance:
1. “Belief activity” means an activity expressing respect
for, and worship of, ancestors; remembrance and glorification
of persons having rendered meritorious services to the country
and/or communities; worship of gods, saints and traditional
symbols, and other activities related to folk belief, symbolizing
fine historical and cultural values and social ethics.
2. “Belief establishment” means a place where belief
activities of communities are carried out, including
communal houses, temples, shrines, hermitages, ancestral
halls, lineal worship houses and similar establishments.
3. “Religious organization” means a grouping of
people who believe in one and the same system of religious

dogmas, canon laws and religious rites, which is organized
according to a given structure recognized by the State.
4. “Grassroots religious organization” means a
grassroots unit of a religious organization, including
assistance or management boards of pagodas in Buddhism,
parishes of Catholicism, local branches of Protestantism or of
Cao Dai, management boards of Hoa Hao Buddhism in
communes, wards or towns, and grassroots units of other
religious organizations.
5. “Religious activity” means the dissemination and
practice of religious dogmas, canon laws, religious rites and
organizational administration of religions.
6. “Religious association” means a form of grouping
believers set up by a religious organization with the purpose
of serving religious activities.
7. “Religious establishment” means a place of worship,
for leading a religious life, training religious workers, offices
of religious organizations and other establishments belonging
to religions recognized by the State.
8. “Believer” means a person who believes in a religion
and is recognized by the religious organization.
9. “Clergyperson” means a believer who voluntarily
and regularly leads a private life according to dogmas and/or
canon laws of the religion he/she follows.
10. “Dignitary” means a believer who holds a position
or title in the religion.

Article 4

Pagodas, churches, mosques, monasteries, communal
houses, temples, shrines, offices of religious organizations,
training institutions of religious organizations, other lawful
establishments related to belief and religion, religious
scriptures and worship articles shall be protected by the law.
Article 5
The State shall guarantee the right to belief and
religious activities in compliance with stipulations by the law;
respect the cultural and moral values of religions; preserve
and promote positive values in the tradition of worship of
ancestors, remembrance and glorification of persons who
have rendered meritorious services to the country and/or
communities, with a view to helping consolidate the allnation unity and meeting the spiritual needs of the people.
Article 6
Relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
and other States and/or international organizations in
religion-related matters shall be based on the principle of
respect for each other's independence and sovereignty,
non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality,
mutual benefit, and in conformity with each other’s law
and international law and practice.
Article 7
1. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its memberorganizations, within the scope of their duties and powers,
shall have the responsibility to:

a) Rally followers and non-followers of beliefs and
religions in building the great all-nation unity, for national
construction and defense.
b) Inform in time the competent State authorities about

the people's opinions, aspirations and proposals on matters
related to belief and religion;
c) Participate in persuading and motivating
dignitaries, clergypersons, believers, followers, religious
organizations and the people to implement legislation on
belief and religion;
d) Take part in working out and monitoring the
implementation of policies and laws on belief and religion.
2. The State agencies shall, within the scope of their
duties and powers, be proactive in coordinating with the
Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees and its memberorganizations in the persuasion, motivation and
implementation of the policies and laws on belief and religion.
Article 8
1. No discrimination by reasons of belief or religion,
nor infringement upon the right to freedom of belief and
religion of citizens, shall be permitted.
2. No one shall be permitted to abuse the right to
freedom of belief and religion to undermine the peace,
independence and unity of the country, to instigate
violence or to carry out war propaganda, or propaganda
against State laws or policies; or to sow division among the

people and religions; to disturb public order, to encroach
upon the life, health, human dignity, honor or property of
others, or to obstruct the exercise by the people of their
civic rights or obligations; to carry out superstitious
activities; or to commit other breaches of the law.
Chapter II


Article 9
1. A follower or believer shall be free to express his/her
faith, to practice worship or pray, to participate in religious
activities, religious ceremonies and rites, and to study dogmas
of the religion that he/she follows.
2. In carrying out belief or religious activities, a
follower or believer shall have the responsibility to respect
the right to freedom of belief and religion as well as the right
to freedom of non-belief and non-religion of others; to
exercise his/her right to freedom of belief and religion in a
manner that will not obstruct the performance of civic rights
and obligations; and to carry out belief and religious activities
in accordance with stipulations by the law.
Article 10
A person who participates in the practice of belief and
religion shall have to respect the regulations of the belief or

religious establishment and of ceremonies, village rules and
community's conventions.
Article 11
1. Dignitaries and clergypersons shall be entitled to
perform religious rites within the area of their charge, to
preach and disseminate religion at religious establishments.
2. The performance of religious rites, preaching and
missionary work in cases other than those stipulated in

Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be subject to approval by
the people’s committee of the rural district, urban district,
provincial capital, or city under provincial authority
(hereinafter referred to as 'district-level people’s
committee') where such religious rites, preaching or
missionary work take place.
Article 12
1. The person in charge of a grassroots religious
organization shall have the responsibility to register an annual
program of religious activities to be carried out in the locality
with the people’s committee of the commune, ward or town
(hereinafter referred to as 'commune-level people’s
committee'); the organization of religious activities that are
not listed in the registered program shall be subject to
approval by the competent State authority.
2. The competence to approve the organization of a
belief ceremony shall be stipulated by the Government.

Article 13
1. A person who is serving a sentence of
imprisonment or under probation according to stipulations
by the law shall not be entitled to preside over a religious
rite, to disseminate or preach religions, or to handle the
organizational management of a religion, or to preside over
a belief ceremony.
2. A person who has served the sentence or
administrative sanction stipulated in Paragraph 1 of this
Article shall be entitled to preside over a religious rite,

disseminate or preach religions, or handle the organizational
management of a religion only after his/her religious
activities have been registered by the religious organization
and approved by the competent State authority.
Article 14
Belief and religious activities shall be conducted safely
and economically and in keeping with the traditions and
cultural identity of the nation, and shall have to ensure
environmental preservation and protection.
Article 15
A belief and religious activity shall be suspended if it
falls under any of the following circumstances:
1. Such an activity encroaches upon national security,
or seriously affects public order or the environment;
2. Such an activity adversely affects the unity of the
people or the fine cultural traditions of the nation;

3. Such an activity encroaches upon the life, health,
human dignity, honor, or property of others; or
4. Other serious violations of laws.
Chapter III

Article 16
1. An organization shall be recognized as a religious
organization if it meets all the following conditions:
a) Being an organization of people sharing the same
religious belief, of which the religious dogmas, canon laws

and rites are not contrary to the fine customs and habits and
the interests of the nation;
b) Having a charter and/or statutes depicting the goal,
objectives and action orientation that are in close association
with the nation and not contrary to stipulations by the law;
c) Having its religious activities registered and
conducted on a stable basis;
d) Having a lawful office, organization and representative;
e) Having a name not duplicating that of any other
religious organization that has been recognized by the
competent State authority.
2. The competence to recognize a religious organization:

a) The Prime Minister shall recognize a religious
organization operating in more than one province or city
under central authority;
b) The Chairman of the people’s committee of a
province or a city under central authority shall recognize
a religious organization operating mainly in the province
or city.
3. The registration of religious activities is stipulated in
Section c, Clause 1 of this Article; the religious activities of a
registered organization and the proceedings and procedures
for recognition of a religious organization shall be stipulated
by the Government.
Article 17
1. A religious organization shall be entitled to establish,
divide, separate, consolidate, or merge its dependent units in

accordance with its charter and/or statutes.
2. The establishment, division, separation, consolidation
or merger of grassroots religious organizations shall be
subject to approval by the people’s committee of a province
or city under central authority (hereinafter referred to as
'provincial-level people’s committee').
3. The establishment, division, separation, consolidation
or merger of religious organizations which is not stipulated in
Paragraph 2 of this Article shall be subject to approval by the
Prime Minister.

Article 18
1. A conference or congress of a grassroots religious
organization shall be held after approval by the district-level
people’s committee where it is to be held.
2. A central-level or plenary conference or congress of a
religious organization shall be held after the holding of such a
conference or congress has been approved by the central
State governance agency for religious affairs.
3. A conference or congress of a religious organization,
in cases not stipulated in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of this
Article, shall be held after the holding of such a conference or
congress has been approved by the provincial-level people’s
committee where the conference or congress is to be held.
Article 19
1. A religious association shall be entitled to operate
after it has been registered by the religious organization with
the competent State authority.
2. The registration of a religious association shall be

carried out according to the following stipulations:
a) A religious association whose operations are to cover
a rural district, urban district, provincial capital or city under
provincial authority shall be registered with the district-level
people’s committee where it is to operate.
b) A religious association whose operations are to cover
more than one rural district, urban district, provincial capital

or city within a province or a city under central authority shall
be registered with the provincial-level people’s committee
where it is to operate.
c) A religious association whose operations are to cover
more than one province or city under central authority shall
be registered with the central State governance agency for
religious affairs.
Article 20
Religious orders, monasteries and other collective
practicing institutions shall be entitled to operate after they
have been registered with the competent State authority.
The provisions in Paragraph 2, Article 19 of this
Ordinance concerning religious associations shall apply
mutatis mutandis to the registration of religious orders,
monasteries and other collective practicing institutions.
Article 21
1. A person shall lead a religious life in a religious
establishment voluntarily, without any coercion or
obstruction. A juvenile who wishes to lead a religious life
shall require agreement by his/her parents or guardian.

2. The person in charge of a religious establishment,
upon admission of a person who wishes to lead a religious
life shall have to register with the commune-level people’s
committee where the establishment is located.


Article 22
1. Ordainment, conferment, appointment, election and
designation in a religion shall be conducted according to the
charter and/or statutes of the religious organization and shall
have to meet the conditions stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this
Article; in foreign-related cases, agreement with the central
State governance agency for religious affairs shall also be
required in advance.
2. A person who is ordained, conferred, appointed,
elected or designated shall have to meet the following
conditions in order to be recognized by the State:
a) Being a Vietnamese citizen and qualified in terms of
behavior and morality;
b) Having a sense of national unity and reconciliation;
c) Strictly observing the law.
3. The discharge or dismissal of a religious dignitary
shall be conducted according to the charter and/or statutes of
the religious organization.
4. A religious organization shall have the responsibility
to register with the competent State authority persons who
have been ordained, conferred, appointed, elected or
designated; and to inform it of the discharge or dismissal of

religious dignitaries.

Article 23
In case of transfer of a dignitary or clergyperson from
one religious practicing place to another, the religious
organization shall have the responsibility to inform the
district-level people’s committee of the place of departure
and register with the district-level people’s committee of the
place of arrival.
Any transfer of a dignitary, or clergyperson, who has
violated legislation on religion and has been given an
administrative sanction by the chairman of a provincial-level
people’s committee, or a criminal punishment, shall be subject
to approval by the provincial-level people’s committee of the
place of arrival according to Government stipulations.
Article 24
1. A religious organization shall be entitled to establish
training schools, or refresher courses, for religious workers.
2. The establishment of training schools for religious
workers shall be subject to approval by the Prime Minister.
The enrollment of trainees by a religious training school
shall be conducted on the principle of disclosure,
voluntariness of the enrollees, and in accordance with the
school’s approved rules of operation.
Vietnamese history and Vietnamese law shall be
compulsory subjects in the curriculum of training schools for
religious workers.

3. The setting up of refresher courses for religious
workers shall be subject to approval by the chairman of the
provincial-level people’s committee where such a course is to
be held.
4. The proceedings and procedures for establishing or
dissolving a religious workers' training school or refresher
course shall be stipulated by the Government.
Article 25
A ceremony of a religious organization, when held
outside the religious establishment, shall be conducted in
compliance with the following stipulations:
1. A ceremony with the participation of believers within
a rural district, urban district, provincial capital or city under
provincial authority shall be subject to approval by the
district-level people’s committee where the ceremony is to
take place;
2. A ceremony with the participation of believers from
more than one rural district, urban district, provincial capital
or city under provincial authority within one province or a
city under central authority, or from more than one province
or city under central authority, shall be subject to approval by
the provincial-level people’s committee where the ceremony
is to take place.


Chapter IV


Article 26
The lawful property of a belief or religious
establishment shall be protected by the law; any
encroachment upon it shall be strictly forbidden.
Article 27
1. Land having facilities used by religious
organizations, including land belonging to pagodas, churches,
mosques, monasteries, convents, religious workers' training
schools, offices of religious organizations and other religious
establishments, the operation of which has been permitted by
the State, shall be used on a long-term and stable basis.
2. Land having such facilities as communal houses,
temples, shrines, hermitages, ancestral halls, lineal worship
houses shall be used on a long-term and stable basis.
3. The administration and use of land as stipulated in
Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of this Article shall be in
compliance with stipulations by land-related legislation.
Article 28
1. Belief establishments and religious organizations
shall be entitled to raise funds and accept assets donated and

presented voluntarily by domestic and foreign organizations
and individuals, in compliance with stipulations by the law.
2. The purposes of fund-raising by a belief
establishment or religious organization shall be announced

publicly and clearly, and the fund-raising shall be informed in
advance to the people’s committee of the locality where it is
to be organized.
3. No abuse of fund-raising for individual benefits, or
illegal purposes, shall be allowed.
Article 29
Belief and religious activities in a belief or religious
establishment classified as a cultural or historical relic or a
scenic spot shall be conducted normally as for other belief or
religious establishments.
The administration, use, renovation or upgrading of
facilities in a belief or religious establishment classified as
a cultural or historical relic or a scenic spot shall be
conducted in compliance with stipulations by legislation on
cultural heritage and other relevant laws.
Article 30
The renovation or upgrading of existing facilities, or
construction of new facilities, in a belief and religious
establishment shall be conducted in compliance with
stipulations by legislation on construction.
Any change in the defined purposes of facilities in
belief establishments shall be subject to approval by the

district-level people’s committee; any change in the defined
purposes of the facilities in religious establishments shall be
subject to approval by the provincial-level people’s committee.
Article 31
The displacement of facilities in a belief or religious

establishment as required by a socio-economic development
plan shall be subject to advance consultation with the
establishment's representative, and compensation shall be
made in compliance with stipulations by the law.
Article 32
The publishing, printing and issuance of scriptures,
books, newspapers, journals or other publications related to
beliefs and religions; the trading, exportation or importation
of cultural products related to beliefs and religions; or the
manufacture of articles for use in belief and religious
activities, shall be in compliance with stipulations by the law.
Article 33
1. The State shall encourage and create conditions for
religious organizations to take part in providing care and
education for children in special situations; to give assistance
to institutions caring for the health of the poor, persons with
disabilities, HIV/AIDS carriers, leprosy patients and patients
of mental diseases; to help develop pre-school educational
establishments; and to take part in other activities for
charitable and humanitarian purposes in conformity with their

respective charters and/or statutes and in accordance with
stipulations by the law.
2. Dignitaries and clergypersons, as citizens, shall be
encouraged by the State to organize educational, medical,
charitable and humanitarian activities in accordance with
stipulations by the law.
Chapter V


Article 34
Religious organizations, believers, clergypersons and
dignitaries shall be entitled to carry out activities in
international relations in accordance with their respective
charters, statutes or canon laws and in conformity with the
law of Vietnam.
In carrying out activities in international relations,
religious organizations, believers, clergypersons and
dignitaries shall be as equals, and shall respect each other and
the independence, sovereignty and internal affairs of States.
Article 35
The carrying out of the following activities in
international relations shall be subject to approval by the
central State governance agency for religious affairs:

1. Invitation of a foreign organization or individual to
Vietnam or implementation in Vietnam of a decision of a
foreign religious organization; and
2. Participation in a religious activity, or sending off a
person for a religious training course, in a foreign country.
Article 36
A dignitary or clergyperson who is a foreign national
shall be entitled to preach at Vietnamese religious
establishments after approval by the central State governance
agency for religious affairs, and he/she shall respect the rules

of Vietnamese religious organizations and observe
stipulations by the law of Vietnam.
Article 37
A foreign national, when entering Vietnam, shall
observe the law of Vietnam; shall be entitled to bring along
publications and other religious articles for his/her personal
use in compliance with stipulations by the law of Vietnam;
shall be provided with conditions to practice religion in
religious establishments like Vietnamese religious
believers; shall be entitled to invite religious dignitaries
who are Vietnamese nationals to perform religious rites for
him/her; and shall respect the rules of religious
organizations in Vietnam.

Chapter VI

Article 38
In the case where an international treaty concluded, or
acceded to, by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam contains a
stipulation that contravenes stipulations by this Ordinance,
the stipulation of the international treaty shall prevail.
Article 39
1. A religious organization that has been recognized by
the competent State agency before the date this Ordinance
takes effect shall not be required to apply for re-recognition.
2. Religious associations, religious orders, monasteries
and other collective religion-practicing institutions that have
been registered and permitted to operate before the date this
Ordinance takes effect shall not be required to re-register.

Article 40
This Ordinance shall take effect on November 15th, 2004.
Article 41
The Government shall detail and provide guidance for
the implementation of this Ordinance.
Hanoi, June 18th, 2004

Nguyen Van An





Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 92/2012/ND-CP


Hanoi, November 8 , 2012

Detailing and providing measures for the implementation
of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion

Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the
Government dated December 25th, 2001;
Pursuant to the Ordinance on Belief and Religion
dated June 18th, 2004;
At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,
The Government promulgates the Decree detailing
and providing measures for the implementation of the
Ordinance on Belief and Religion.

Article 2. Citizens’ right to freedom of belief and religion
The State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
respects and guarantees the right of citizens to freedom of
belief and religion, to follow or not to follow a religion,
and nobody shall be allowed to infringe upon that right.
Acts designed to coerce a citizen into following or
renouncing a religion, or to abuse the right to freedom of
belief and religion to undermine the peace, independence
and unity of the country: to incite violence or engage in
war propaganda, to conduct propaganda against State laws
and policies; to sow division among the people, ethnic
groups and religions; to cause public disorder, infringe
upon the life, health, dignity, honor or property of other
people, to obstruct the exercise of citizens’ rights and
obligations; and to engage in superstitious practices and
other breaches of the law shall be strictly prohibited.

Any organization or individual that violates
legislation on belief and religion shall be sanctioned in
accordance with stipulations by the law.

Chapter I

Article 1. Scope of regulation and objects of
This Decree provides stipulations for belief activities;
religious organizations; religious activities of believers,
clergypersons, dignitaries and religious organizations; and
responsibilities of State agencies in the governance of
belief and religious activities.

Chapter II

Article 3. Belief activities at belief establishments
1. A community with a belief establishment shall
elect or designate its representative or management board.

A representative or a member of the management
board of a belief establishment shall be a Vietnamese citizen
having full civil behavior capacity, ẹnjoying credibility in
his/her community, and strictly observing the law.
The representative or management board of a belief

establishment shall send a notice to the people’s committee
of the commune, ward or township (hereinafter referred to
as commune-level people’s committee), clearly stating the
full names, ages and places of residence of the elected or
designated persons within 3 working days after election or
designation results are available.
2. Before October 15 every year, the representative or
management board of a belief establishment shall send to
the commune-level people's committee a notice on belief
activities expected to be conducted at the establishment in
the following year. The notice shall clearly state the name
of the belief establishment and the organizers of the
activities; and the prospective attendances, contents, forms
and time of the belief activities.
Ten working days after lodging a valid notice, if the
commune-level people’s committee gives no other opinion,
the belief establishment shall be entitled to operate in
accordance with the notice, except the case provided in
Clause 5, Article 4 of this Decree.

3. The representative or management board of a belief
establishment shall be responsible before the law for belief
activities conducted at the establishment.
Participants in belief activities at belief establishments
shall behave with civility, and comply with the law as well
as establishment rules.
4. Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article are not applicable to
such belief establishments as ancestral halls and lineal
worship houses.
Article 4. Belief festivals and their organization

1. A belief festival is a form of organized belief activity,
reflecting the worship, commemoration or glorification of
persons with meritorious services to the country and the
community, the worship of ancestors and traditional symbols,
or other folk belief activities symbolizing fine historical,
cultural, moral and social values.
2. The organization of the following belief festivals
shall require approval by the people’s committee of a
province or city under central authority (hereinafter
referred to as province-level people's committee) where
they are to be held:
a/ Those organized for the first time;
b/ Those restored after a period of interruption;
c/ Those organized periodically but with changes in
contents, time, or location.



3. For a belief festival specified in Clause 2 of this
Article, the representative shall send a dossier to the
province-level people’s committee.

Chapter III

Section 1

The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written request for organization of the festival,
clearly stating its name history, scope, time, venue,
program and contents. For a belief festival specified at
Point c, Clause 2 of this Article, the request shall not state
again the history of the festival;
b/ A list of members of the festival organizing
4. Within 20 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the province-level people’s committee shall issue a
written reply. In case of disapproval, the reason shall be
clearly stated.
5. For a belief festival other than those specifìed in
Clause 2 of this Article, the organizer shall send to the
commune-level people’s committee, 15 working days
before its organization, a written notice on the time, venue,
contents and organizational form of the festival and a list
of members of the festival organizing committee. In case of
a natural disaster or epidemics, or for security and order
reasons, when the organization of a festival may adversely
affect local social life, the commune-level people’s
committee shall decide on its organization.


Article 5. Registration of religious activity
1. Citizens wishing to gather to practise worship

rituals, pray, or express their religious faith shall have their
representative submit a religious activity registration
dossier to the commune-level people's committee.
2. Registration dossier and reply deadline:
a/ A written registration of religious activity clearly
stating the name of the religion, its goal and objectives, full
name and place of residence of the representative, contents,
organizational form, venue and time of the activity, and
prospective attendance;
b/ Within 15 working days after receipt of a complete
and valid dossier, the commune-level people’s committee
shall issue a written reply. In case of disapproval, the reason
shall be clearly stated.
3. Conditions for approval of religious activity:


a/ Goal, objectives and contents of the religious
activity do not violate stipulations in Clause 2 of Article 8
and Article 15 of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion;

f/ Its representative being a Vietnamese citizen who
has full civil behavior capacity and credibility in the
organization, and strictly observes the law.

b/ A lawful location for the activity is available;

2. An organization fully satisfying the conditions
specified in Clause 1 of this Article and wishing to register

for religious operation shall submit a registration dossier to
a competent State agency specified in Clause 3 of this

c/ The representative is a Vietnamese citizen who has
full civil behavior capacity, strictly observes the law, and
has a sense of national unity and harmony.
Article 6. Registration of religious operation
1. To obtain a religious operation certificate, an
organization shall fully satisfy the following conditions:
a/ Having conducted religious activities on a stable
basis for at least 20 years as of the date of approval by a
commune-level people’s committee for religious activities,
and has not violated Clause 2 of Article 8 and Article 15 of
the Ordinance of Belief and Religion;
b/ Being an organization of persons sharing the same
belief; its tenets, canons, rituals, practice orientations and
activities are attached to the nation and not contrary to fine
customs and habits, and stipulations by the law;
c/ Not belonging to any religious organization already
recognized by a competent State agency;
d/ Having a name not identical to that of any religious
organization already recognized by a competent State
agency, or of any national celebrity or hero;
e/ Having a lawful venue for religious operation;

The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written registration for religious operation,
clearly stating the name of the religion, the name of the

organization, full name and place of residence of its
representative, the formation and development of the
organization in Vietnam, its goal, objectives,
organizational structure and scope of operation,
prospective location of its headquarters;
b/ Religious tenets, canons and rituals;
c/ A list of prospective representatives of the
organization certified by the commune-level people’s
committee of the places of their lawful residence;
d/ Number of followers.
3. Competence to grant registration certificates and
reply deadline:
a/ Within 45 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the central State governance agency for religious

affairs shall grant a registration certificate to an
organization operating in more than one province or city
under central authority. In case of refusal, a written reply
clearly stating the reason shall be issued;
b/ Within 30 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the province-level State governance agency for
religious affairs shall grant a registration certificate to an
organization operating mainly within one province or city
under central authority. In case of refusal, a written reply
clearly stating the reason shall be issued.
Article 7. Religious operation of organizations
having obtained registration certificates
1. An organization that has registered for religious

operation shall be entitled to:
a/ Conduct religious ceremonies, rituals, missionary
work and preaching at the registered venue for religious
b/ Hold congresses to adopt its charter, statutes and
relevant matters prior to submission for recognition by
competent State agencies;
c/ Elect or designate its leaders, and organize training
courses on religious tenets;
d/ Repair, renovate or upgrade its facilities;

2. In conducting activities specified in Clause 1 of
this Article, the organization shall comply with stipulations
by this Decree and other related legal documents.
Article 8. Recognition of religious organizations
1. Three years after obtaining a religious operation
certificate, a religious organization that has conducted
religious activities continuously, not violated stipulations
by this Decree, and satisfied the conditions provided in
Clause 1, Article 16 of the Ordinance on Belief and
Religion shall be entitled to apply for recognition by a
competent State agency.
2. The organization shall send a dossier to the
competent State agency specified in Clause 2, Article 16 of
the Ordinance on Belief and Religion.
The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written application for recognition of the
religious organization, clearly stating the name of the
religion, the name of the organization, its international
transaction name (if any), full name of the representative,

number of believers and scope of operation at the time of
application, organizational structure, and headquarters of
the organization;
b/ A summary of the organization’s operation since
obtainment of a certificate;

e/ Carry out charity and humanitarian activities.

c/ Tenets, canons and rituals;


d/ Charter or statutes of the organization.

Section 2

3. Recognition competence and reply deadline:
a/ Within 45 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the Prime Minister shall consider recognition of a
religious organization stipulated in Point a, Clause 2,
Article 16 of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion. In case
of non-recognition, a written reply clearly stating the
reason shall be issued;
b/ Within 30 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the chairperson of the province-level people’s

committee shall consider recognition of a religious
organization stipulated in Point b, Clause 2, Article 16 of the
Ordinance on Belief and Religion. In case of non-recognition,
a written reply clearly stating the reason shall be issued.
4. An organization that had obtained a religious
operation registration certificate for three full years but
during its operation has violated Article 15 of the
Ordinance on Belief and Religion and has been sanctioned
by a competent State agency shall not be considered for
recognition. To be considered for recognition, it shall reregister under Article 6 of this Decree. One year after
obtainment of a new registration certificate, and provided
that it does not violate the law, it shall be entitled to apply
for recognition by a competent State agency.


Article 9. Conditions for establishment, division,
separation, merger or consolidation of dependent
religious organizations
1. The establishment of a dependent religious
organization shall meet the following conditions:
a/ The religious organization shall submit a written
b/ The organization to be established shall belong to the
system of a religious organization recognized by the State;
c/ The number of local believers meets the conditions
specified in the charter or statutes of the religious
2. The division or separation of a dependent religious
organization should satisfy the following conditions:

a/ The religious organization shall submit a written
b/ The divided or separated organization shall remain in
the system of a religious organization recognized by the State;
c/ The dependent religious organization has a large
number of believers, its operational area is vast, and the
organization of religious activities is difficult.

3. The merger or consolidation of dependent religious
organizations should satisfy the following conditions:
a/ The religious organization shall submit a written
b/ The merged or consolidated organization shall
remain in the system of a religious organization recognized
by the State.
Article 10. Proceedings and procedures for
establishment, division, separation, merger and
consolidation of dependent religious organizations
1. A religious organization wishing to establish,
divide, separate, merge or consolidate its dependent
religious organizations shall submit a written request to the
competent State agency specified in Clause 2 of this
Article. The request shall clearly state the following:
a/ Name of the dependent religious organization to be
established; name(s) of the dependent religious
organization(s) before division, separation, merger or
consolidation, and prospective name(s) of the dependent
religious organizations after division, separation, merger or

b/ Reason for establishment, division, separation,
merger or consolidation;
c/ List of prospective representative(s) of the
dependent religious organization(s) to be established,
divided, separated, merged or consolidated;

d/ Number of believers at the time of establishment;
number(s) of believers before and after division,
separation, merger or consolidation;
e/ Scope of religious operation;
f/ Prospective





2. Decision-making competence and reply deadline:
a/ Within 30 working days after receipt of a valid
written request, the Prime Minister shall consider, make
decision and issue a written reply to a religious organization
specified in Clause 3, Article 17 of the Ordinance on Belief
and Religion. In case of disapproval, a written reply clearly
stating the reason shall be issued;

b/ Within 20 working days after receipt of a valid
written request, the province-level people’s committee
shall consider, make decision and issue a written reply to a
religious organization specified in Clause 2, Article 17 of
the Ordinance on Belief and Religion. In case of
disapproval, a written reply clearly stating the reason shall
be issued.
Article 11. Seals of religious organizations
Religious organizations and their dependent
organizations that have been recognized by competent State
agencies shall be entitled to use their seals in accordance
with stipulations by the law.

Section 3

Article 12. Registration of religious associations
1. Associations formed by religious organizations
for the purpose of serving religious ceremonies,
including clarion band, drum band, flower-offering team,
choir, funeral service team, ritual music band, children’s
choir and similar groupings, shall not be required to
register with competent State agencies for operation.
2. For a religious association other than those
stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article, the religious
organization that has founded it shall send a registration

dossier to a competent State agency specified in Clause 2,
Article 19 of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion.
The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written registration clearly stating the names of
the registering religious organization, of the association,
and of the person responsible for its operation;
b/ A list of the association’s management personnel:
c/ Internal rules, operational regulations or statutes of
the society clearly stating its objectives, and organizational
and managerial structures.

3. Within 15 working days for religious associations
operating within one district, town or provincial city; 20
working days for religious associations operating in more
than one district, town or provincial city; or 30 working
days for religious associations operating in more than one
province or city under central authority, after receipt of a
valid dossier, a competent State agency specified in Clause
2, Article 19 of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion shall
grant a registration certificate to the religious organization.
In case of refusal, a written reply clearly stating the reason
shall be issued.
Article 13. Registration of religious orders,
monasteries and other collective religious practice
1. Heads of religious orders, monasteries or other
collective religious practice institutions shall send a dossier
to a competent State agency specified in Clause 2, Article
19 of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion.

The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written registration clearly stating the name of
the religious order, monastery or other collective religious
practice institution, its headquarters or office, name of the
head of the order, monastery or other collective religious
practice institution;
b/ A list of clergypersons;

c/ Internal rules, operational regulations or statutes
clearly stating the goal, objectives, organizational and
managerial system, material facilities, social activities,
international activities (if any) of the order, monastery or
other collective religious practice institution;
d/ A list of religious establishments attached to the
order, monastery or other collective religious practice
institution, certified by the commune-level people's
committee where these establishments are located.
2. Within 15 working days for a religious order,
monastery or other collective religious practice
institution operating within one district, town or
provincial city; 20 working days for a religious order,
monastery or other collective religious practice
institution operating in more than one district, town or
city of one and the same province; or 30 working days
for a religious order, monastery or other collective
religious practice institution operating in more than one
province or city under central authority, after receipt of a
complete and valid dossier, a competent State agency

provided in Clause 2, Article 19 of the Ordinance on
Belief and Religion shall grant a registration certificate
to the religious order, monastery or other collective
religious practice institution. In case of refusal, a written
reply clearly stating the reason shall be issued.

Section 4

Article 14. Establishment of schools for religious
1. A lawful religious organization wishing to
establish a school for training religious workers shall send
a dossier to the Prime Minister.
The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written request for establishment of the school;
b/ The school founding plan, clearly stating the name
of the religious organization wishing to establish the
school, the need for establishment of the school, the name
and prospective location of the school, enclosed with files
on land, material facilities, financial capacity, training
objectives, functions, tasks, scope, curriculum, contents,
draft operation regulation, draft enrollment regulation,
enrollment quotas, prospective list of members of the
management board or directorate (hereinafter referred to as
management board) together with their curricula vitae, and
a list of prospective lecturers.

2. In the curriculum, Vietnamese history and
Vietnamese law shall be compulsory subjects.

3. Within 30 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the Prime Minister shall consider, make decision
and issue a written reply to the religious organization. In
case of disapproval, a written reply clearly stating the
reason shall be issued.

Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Home Affairs and other
related agencies in providing guidance on the curriculum
and contents, and supervision over the teaching of
Vietnamese history and Vietnamese law in accordance
with stipulations by the law.

Article 15. Management of schools for religious

Article 16. Foreigners studying at schools for
religious workers in Vietnam

1. Before enrollment, a school management board
shall send a notice on the enrollment quota to the central
State governance agency for religious affairs. Such a notice
shall clearly state the prospective number of enrollees and
assurance conditions.

1. A foreigner wishing to study at a school for religious

workers in Vietnam shall comply with immigration and other
relevant legal stipulations; and shall require approval by the
school management board which shall submit a request to the
central State governance agency for religious affairs for
consideration and decision.

Fifteen working days after submission of a valid
notice, if the central State governance agency for religious
affairs gives no other opinion, a school shall be entitled to
enroll according to its notice.
2. Vietnamese citizens studying at schools for
religious workers shall be persons having full civil
behavior capacity and strictly observing the law.
3. Responsibilities of competent State agencies:
a/ The province-level people’s committee shall be
responsible for the administrative management of local
schools for religious workers;
b/ The Ministry of Education and Training shall
assume prime responsibility and coordinate with the

The school management board shall send a dossier of
the foreign student to the central State governance agency
for religious affairs.
The dossier shall comprise:
a/ A written request from the school for enrollment of
the foreign student, clearly stating the school’s name and
the student's full name, citizenship, enrollment reason and
b/ A copy of the foreign student’s passport with a

certified Vietnamese translation;
c/ Relevant documents as required by the school’s
enrollment regulations.

2. Within 25 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the central State governance agency for religious
affairs shall issue a written reply. In case of disapproval, the
reason shall be clearly stated.
3. Foreign students at schools for religious workers
shall comply with stipulations in Articles 37, 39, 40 and 41
of this Decree when conducting religious activities in
Vietnam during their studies and after graduation.

shall clearly state the name of the course, its location, the
reason for its opening, its duration, contents, curriculum,
and a list of trainees and lecturers.
2. Within 15 working days after receipt of a valid
dossier, the province-level people’s committee chairperson
shall issue a written reply. In case of disapproval, the reason
shall be clearly stated.
Section 5

Article 17. Dissolution of schools for religious
1. A religious organization wishing to dissolve a
school for religious workers shall send a notice to the
Prime Minister, clearly stating the reason for and mode of

Within 15 working days after receipt of a valid
notice, the Prime Minister shall issue a written reply on the
2. The dissolved school’s land and other assets shall
be treated according to current stipulations by the law.
Article 18. Opening of refresher courses for religious
1. A religious organization wishing to open a
refresher course for religious workers shall send a written
request to the chairperson of the province-level people's
committee where the course is to be opened. The request


Article 19. Registration of ordained, conferred,
appointed, elected and designated persons
1. Religious organizations wishing to ordain, confer,
appoint, elect or designate members of the Sangha
Patronage Council and Dharma Executive Council of the
Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam, Most Venerables,
Venerables, Chief Nuns and Nuns in Buddhism; members
of the Executive Committee and chairpersons of
committees of the Episcopal Council of Vietnam,
Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, coadjutor Bishops,
auxiliary Bishops, apostolic Administrators, heads of
Catholic orders in Catholicism; members of the Central
Councils of Administrators of Protestant Churches;


members of Executive Councils, Holy Councils, Standing
Committees of Holy Councils, Bishops and equivalent or
higher dignitaries of the Cao Dai Churches; members of
the Central Executive Council of the Hoa Hao Buddhist
Church; equivalent positions and titles of other religious
organizations; and heads of schools for religious workers,
shall send written registration forms to the central State
governance agency for religious affairs.

b/ Ten working days after submission of a valid
written registration, for cases specified in Clause 2 of this
Article, if the province-level people’s committee gives no
other opinion, an ordained, conferred, appointed, elected or
designated person shall be entitled to conduct religious
activities in his/her registered title.

2. For cases not specified in Clause 1 of this Article,
religious organizations wishing to ordain, confer, appoint,
elect or designate religious dignitaries shall send written
registration forms to the province-level people's committee
where those persons reside and conduct religious activities.

appointment, election and designation shall require written

approval by the central State governance agency for
religious affairs.

3. A religious organization’s registration form shall
clearly state the full name, religious title, position, scope of
responsibility, and a summary of religious activities of the
registered person.
4. Deadline for reply:
a/ Twenty working days after submission of a valid
written registration, for cases specified in Clause 1 of this
Article, if the central State governance agency for religious
affairs gives no other opinion, an ordained, conferred,
appointed, elected or designated person shall be entitled to
conduct religious activities in his/her registered title;


Article 20. Foreign-related ordainment, conferment,
appointment, election and designation

A religious organization in Vietnam having a person
nominated for foreign-related ordainment, conferment,
appointment, election or designation shall send a written
request to the central State governance agency for religious
affairs, clearly stating the name of the nominator religious
organization, reason for nomination, and full name, religious
title, position, scope of responsibility, and a summary of
religious activities of the nominee.
2. Within 60 working days after receipt of a valid
written request, the central State governance agency for

religious affairs shall issue a written reply. In case of
disapproval, the reason shall be clearly stated.

