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PowerPoint and multimedia presentation

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PowerPoint and Multimedia in the
Foreign Language Classroom
Presenter: Yi-Chen (Jenny) He
Chinese Instructor, West Los Angeles College

Outline of thie presentation
 The pros and cons of using PowerPoint
 A demonstration of applying PowerPoint into

a language classroom
 Conclusion

What is PowerPoint
 A business presentation tool
 In education, a visual aid, a knowledge

delivery system

The good things about using
 You look professional
 You look more prepared
 Your lesson is more structured and organized
 You won’t forget your lesson plan
 You can always use your slides again in the

 You’ll never need to turn your back in class

From students’ perspectives
 They love it!
 Enhance note-taking skills
 Slides can be used for their study guides
 Increased self-efficacy beliefs
 Pictures, sounds, movies, graphics, etc
 Positive learning attitudes and motivation

What you should be aware of
 Limited flexibility in class
 Less classroom engagement
 Loss of teaching creativity
 Always have your backup plan in case your

equipment breaks down

Map; ditu; 地地 ; 地图

Huntington Library
 The new Chinese garden
 Photos

dim sum; 地地 ; 点心

Shāomài; 地地 ; 图图
 Small steamed dumplings with pork inside a

thin wheat flour wrapper. Usually topped off
with crab roe and mushroom.

Boba tea
 bubble tea; pearl tea
 地地地地 ; 地地地地
 a tea beverage

containing gelatinous
tapioca pearls
 Usually in milk tea
 Milk tea: black tea with
milk, cream, or
condensed milk

Chinese dress: qípáo ( 地地 )
 body-hugging one-piece Chinese

dress for women
 The modern 地地 is a version of
the Manchurians who ruled
China in the 17-19th century
(Qing Dynasty).
 They are also commonly seen in

beauty contests, along with swim
 Women in video games are often
in 地地 , so cosplay showgirls
may wear a 地地 in show times.

Xī Shī; 地地
 one of the Four Beauties of

ancient China
 It was said that when she
did her laundry by the river,
fish would be so amazed by
her beauty that they would
forget to swim and sink.
(chén yú luò yàn; 地地地地 )
 She was actually a spy!!

Terra Cotta Warriors
 bīngmǎ yǒng 地地地
 soldier and horse funerary

Qín Shĭ Huáng Dì

the First Emperor of China
City: Xī'ān
Their purpose was to help
rule another empire with
Shĭ Huáng Dì in the

bīngmǎ yǒng 地地地
 The remains of the

craftsmen working in the
tomb have also been found
within its confines, and it is
believed they were sealed
inside alive to prevent them
from divulging information
about the tombs.
 It was also said as a legend
that the Terracotta Warriors
were real soldiers, buried
with Emperor Qín so that
they can guard him in the
next life.
 Movie clip

What do you observe from this photo?

What do you observe from this photo?

What does “Y” mean? Why do Asian people
like to do “Y” when they take photos?

I used to do that, too!

I used to do that, too!

Chinese vampires
 Jiāngshī; 地地
 Movie
 The movie was made in

early 80’s, Hong-Kong
“What are the
characteristics of 地地 ?”
“What should they be afraid


Jiāngshī; 地地
 Just like the western vampires, 地地 bite

 People who are bitten by 地地 , the become
part of them as well.
 What they want is not human blood. Instead,
they want life essence ( 地 / 地 qì) from their

When you see a 地地 , you can…
 Temporarily stop breathing
 They can be put to sleep by putting a piece of

yellow paper with a spell written on it on their
 Spread glutinous rice on them
 Fire
 Bagua mirror

More about 地地
 They are dressed in imperial Qing Dynasty

clothes, their arms permanently outstretched
 Their origin: Xiangxi, a mountain city in

 A very unusual way to transport dead bodies.

Cultural note
 a threshold
 a piece of wood

approximately 15 cm
(6 in) high,
 be installed along the
width of the door at the
bottom to prevent a 地
地 from entering the
