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Pioneer Introductory Profile

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A Clarity o f vis io n mus t be o f bo th to pe rc e ive and to
Expre s s …… Go ing be yo nd S e arc h
Pio ne e r Manag e me nt Co ns ultant Pvt. Ltd.
401, New Prabhat Centre,
Sector : 1A, CBD - Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400614.
Ph : 27578801 / 02 / 03
Email :
Website : www.pioneerjobsite.com

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
We ac kno wle dg e the c o ntributio n o f o ur c lie nt to wards o ur g ro wth

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Our Intro duc tio n
Our presence in industry is since 1995
Specialist in recruitments across all functional domain in manufacturing sector
Mrs. Sarla Sharma the Head of the Organisation with Trained Team Strength of 15 people
Business is not just about money & growth, it is as much about people we work with and
society in which we operate
Its been an honour & privilege to partner the most prominent & reputed brands in market
like BASF , Henkel, Castrol , Huntsman , Owens Corning.
We are technology oriented organisation, working on Hirecraft-complete e-recruitment

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Value s & Ethic s
We work as your business service partner and not as your recruiting agent / ‘cv provider’

We are an organization that believes in itself.
We are extremely appreciative of the immense contribution of our customers, partners and
employees towards our growth.
We work as your partner and not as your recruiting agent.
We treat your business as our business.
We strive to engage in long term and mutually beneficial relationships

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Our S pe c ializatio n

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Re c ruitme nt Pro c e s s

Candidate S c re e ning Pro c e s s

Candidate As s e s s me nt S he e t

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Unde rs tand & As s e s s The Candidate s Be yo nd The Re s ume
Resume being the first face of the candidate where we do very well understand that it has
become the trend to work more on the designing part of the resume hence in this creative
designing part it is mandatory & essential for the recruitment consultant to go beyond the
resume write-up & assess/screen the candidates.
Screening the resume & the candidates in person with systematic, structured approach on
competence, required skills, talent & personality before recommending the candidate to our

clients. Making the reference check at appropriate time.
At Pioneer we strictly follow the quote of

"Right Man" for "Right Job" at "Right Place".
This is where we say

“We Keep Your Best Interest In Our Heart”

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Why Pio ne e r?
We keep your best interest in our heart , we as agency can manage your expectation better , the
more clearer you help us with the understanding.
We would not like to work as “CV PROVIDER”
Dedicated Exclusive Recruitment Accounts Executive(RAE) for Single Point Client Contact with the
Business Partners
We value your business & to partner you in optimizing your HR requirements, we depute
dedicated Recruitment Accounts Executive, -Exclusively for your business acount understanding
the business need who is in touch with your company on a regular basis and gathers feedback on
various issues in regard to latest development . The deputed RAE will only undertake the
recruitment assignment of your account & execute the recruitment process. The RAE undergoes
the specialised training process to handle the challenges in area of recruitments. The RAE keeps a
proper track over pre-hiring & post-hiring process with the candidate till the candidate joins the

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Expe c tatio ns fro m o ur Clie nt in Re s o urc ing / Hiring
Apart from Your Trust, Respect, Strong Understanding & Our Confidence our expectation from
our clients

Know your Consultant & Its Team Best
Trust your agency & Reward integrity with opportunity
Make your expectations clear
Understand the time frame to exercise the Recruitment Process
Support us with prompt , meaning full & useful feedback reciprocal
Open (and direct) lines of communication

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Expe c tatio ns fro m o ur Clie nt in Re s o urc ing / Hiring
Know Your Consultant & Its Team Best

Don't work with the world ("limit your love“)
Get specialists in your domain working on your vacancies

Trust your agency & Reward integrity with opportunity

Nobody wants to do "one-shot" business. Believe it or not, we have your best interests at
heart. If you love us, you'll come back to us, and maybe even recommend us to your Friends
and colleagues
A professional recruiter understands that a resume only tells half the story. If you trust your
agency, which you absolutely should, you'll read their introduction and interview notes
more carefully than the CV itself.

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Expe c tatio ns fro m o ur Clie nt in Re s o urc ing / Hiring
Make your expectations clear
The agency can manage your expectations better, the clearer you make them. A

good recruiter will always have questions. It's your duty to answer them. The way
the blame lies squarely with the agency when they don’t provide you with
somebody with the "absolutely- must-haves".
Understand the time frame to exercise the Recruitment Process

We are not a CV provider, presenting you with any candidate; we indeed want to find the
perfect match in terms of expertise (hard skills) and personality (soft skills). Competition
does not limit to be first, it should be also refer to quality & completeness. Too much
competition for your business means you'll be lower down the list of priorities. Too much
competition provokes for opportunity for carelessness

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Expe c tatio ns fro m o ur Clie nt in Re s o urc ing / Hiring
Support us with prompt, meaning full & useful feedback reciprocal
Just replying "Not a good fit for our needs" is not useful feedback
Open (and direct) lines of communication
The HR person must not end up as a frustrated messenger, caught between the
agency asking for feedback and the managers who won't give it to you , leaving a
gap between the systems. So why wouldn't the hiring manager want to talk to the
person directly responsible for finding the best person for their team

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Our Re turns
Apart from your Trust & Our Confidence…………
8.33 % of CTC - Entry Level to Assistant Manager
10 % of CTC

- Manager to DGM

12 % of CTC

- GM to VP

Payment within a month after joining of the candidates
Free Replacement if the candidate leaves within the 3
months after joining
Service Tax as per Govt Policy.

We ke e p yo ur be s t inte re s t in o ur he art
Thank Yo u

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