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Globalization of food

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Globalization of food

Different people in different
country eat different food.The
way a person eat may reflect
what the culture is

Food is the foundation of a culture.

Man eats by nature
《 Hanshu 》


With the development of economy and The political
environment , use of the term "globalization" had
become commonplace.That influence not only the way
we go,but also the way we eat.As a trend,It’s not strange
to see food all over the world.In the meanwhile,some
food combine the characteristic of Chinese food and
foreign food,which is fresh and new.

Take KFC for example

The first KFC is founded in Beijing

25th june,1996

The 100th KFC is founded in Beijing

12th September,2002

KFC has about 700 brunch


KFC has more than 4000 brunch

Do you know the name of the food?

Pizza hut


At the same time,we can eat Chinese food everywhere.

Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles ,America

Chinese restaurant in

Why does it happens?

Floating population
Today,people travel more compared with our
ancester, with our convenient transportation.
When people are travelling,they tend to take the
way they live with them.As a result,eating habits
moves in and out.

Widely use of internet
Internet offer a platform for us to know
people from different country.

Restaurants and food company set brunch
all over the world
 Some foreign food cater to
our taste

Benefits and harm

Recognize foreign
culture,broaden our
Export more
Offer vacant occupions
Strengthen mutual
between nations

Cause loss of culture
Cause unbalanced
High Calorie some
fast food contains
lead to deseases

What should we do?
As far as I’m concerned,it’s important for us
to maintain advantages of our eating
culture,get rid of disadvantages,and learn
from foreign food.

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