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Reading Practice Test

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Bees’ English Club


Monday, September 12 th 2016

Class: C

Ex 1: Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of
using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the
United States, usually several feet below the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most
often found in places where petroleum, the oil from which gasoline is made, is found.
Often the natural gas must be removed before the oil itself can be reached.
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no
value. Finally, however, people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it
and moving it from place to place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for
lighting, cooking and heating. It has also been used for electric generators and hybrid cars
recently. In many ways natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be used for cooking
without making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to
another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. natural gas is useless
B. people once wasted natural gas
C. natural gas is moved in trucks
D. natural gas is found where there is no petroleum
2. This passage as a whole is about ________.
A. discovering natural gas
B. finding petroleum
C. using natural gas and petroleum

D. natural gas and its use
3. Which of the following is NOT true about natural gas?
A. It is not used for heating.
B. It moves through pipes.
C. It is cheap.
D. It can be stored.
4. According to the passage, the easiest way to move natural gas from one place to
another is ________.
A. to liquidize it and move it through pipelines
B. to liquidize it and move it by trucks
C. through pipelines
D. to store it in large tanks to move
5. How many uses of natural gas are mentioned?
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Ex 2: Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many
communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce


Bees’ English Club

Monday, September 12 th 2016

electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and
coal tars. But to date, the process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway
to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power, heart form earth, is also being
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived form
streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the
electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans
are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy
of ocean currents, tides and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make
use of the temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.
1. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. The Use of Water Productions for Energy.
B. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy.
C. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste.
D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power.
2. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by…..
A. wind
B. waste products
C. water
D. oil
3. In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which
of the following?
A. Biological fuels
B. Low burning fuels
C. Fast burning fuels
D. Artificial made fuels
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of
A. Electricity
B. Geothermal power

C. Synthetic Fuels
D. Burning of garbage
5. According to the author, the impracticality of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as
sources of energy is due to…….
A. their being time consuming
B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources
D. the lack of technology
Ex 3: Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
We know that every year less than 100 people are attacked by sharks and about 5 to
10 of these people die. But, let's look at the other side of the story - How many sharks do
people kill? Well I think you already know this: People kill many more sharks. Every


Bees’ English Club

Monday, September 12 th 2016

year, people hunt and kill thousands of sharks. One reason people kill sharks is for sport;
they hunt them just for fun. Some people started to have contests to see who kill the most
sharks or the biggest sharks. Another reason that people kill sharks is for food. In some
countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, shark meat is a popular food. In
other countries, such as China, people use shark fins to make soup. Because so many
people like to eat shark, fishing boats catch a lot of sharks to sell for food.
So, for both of these reasons, people are killing many sharks. Some biologists are
getting worried that the number of sharks is getting too small. That's why many biologists
think we should stop killing so many sharks, and instead try to protect them - or else
some day they may all be gone. Some countries have already passed some laws to help

protect sharks. The United States, for example, has passed laws that limit the number of
sharks that people can kill for food or for sport. So even though some people like to hunt
sharks, we do need to protect them.
1. The number of sharks in the world is........................
A. getting bigger
B. getting smaller
C. being killed
D. getting worried by some biologists
2. How many sharks are hunted and killed every year?
A. man
B. five to ten
C. thousands

D. one hundred

3. Why do biologists wants to protect sharks?
A. Because of the number of sharks that were killed.
B. Because sharks fins can be used in medicine.
C. Because they want to learn more about sharks
D. Because they are afraid some day sharks may become extinct.
4. Why do people want to kill sharks?
A. shark meat is a popular food
B. they are afraid of sharks
C. they get their enjoyment from killing sharks
D. “shark meat is a popular food” and “they get their enjoyment from killing sharks “
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A. The governments prohibited people from killing sharks.
B. Laws have been passed in sharks’ defence.
C. People are killing many sharks for some reasons
D. People like to hunt sharks


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