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Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“I think you should try self-hypnosis.” “_____”
I don’t know. I just don’t think it’s for me.
No, I don’t, but my father does.
Yes, I do.
No, not so much.
“Excuse me. Is this the math class?” “______”
Yes, they are your math teacher.
Yes, it is. And I’m your teacher.
No really. He’s the man over there.
No, he isn’t here.
“What are they like?” “_____”
They are very nice.
They are from London.
They’re in London.
There’re America.
“Something is worrying me.” “_____”
Well, what are you doing ?
Well, tell me who’s that ?
Well, tell me what’s worrying you ?
Well, I know.
“What sports do you like.” “______”
No, I don’t

Yes, it’s my favorite sport.
Well, I love volleyball and soccer.
I think it’s boring.
“Why was he late ?” “____”
His car wouldn’t start.
Yes, he was always late
He didn’t mind waiting.
Was he? He usually did that.
“Jane didn’t look well today, did she ?” “_____”
I’m afraid not.
No, she seemed ill
Yes, she seemed sick.

D. A or B
8. “Do you mind if I open the window ?” “_____”
A. Well yes.
B. Well, I’m busy
C. Well, it’s a bot cold.
D. Well, I can manage.
9. “Single or double ?” “_____”
A. No, it’s double.
B. No, it’s not single.
C. Yes, it’s single.
D. Single, please.
10. “ When will they get here ?” “_____”
A. By bus.
B. They got here yesterday.
C. Over there.
D. I expect them before luch.

11. “Can I give you a little more coffee ?” “_____”
A. Yes, I’m OK.
B. No, thank you.
C. No, you’re welcome.
D. Yes, you’re right.
12. “This suitcase is really heavy, and my back is killing me!” “_____”
A. I sometimes have a backache.
B. It’s very good of you to do that.
C. Oh, thank for your help.
D. Shall, I carry it ?
13. “I’m not sure what to do this evening. Any ideas?” “_____”
A. Why don’t we go to cinema ?
B. Do you go to cinema, perhaps ?
C. Why shouldn’t we go to cinema?
D. You will go to cinema, perhaps?
14. “Do you know how to start this computer?” “_____”
A. Just press the green button.
B. Sure, go ahead.
C. You know, yeah.
D. These computers are good.
15. “Well it was nice talking to you, but I have to dash.” “_____”
A. OK, see you.
B. Well, another time.
C. Yes, I enjoyed talking to you, too.

D. That’s nice.
16. “Where can I get a cup of coffee?” “_____”
A. No sugar, please.
B. I’m thirsty.

C. There’s a cafeteria downstairs.
D. I’d like coffee.
17. “Could you tell me how to get to the post office?” “_____”
A. Yes, I could.
B. Sorry, it’s not very far.
C. It’s at the end of this street, opposite the church.
D. Excuse me. Is it easy to get there?
18. “Didn’t you watch Frankenstein last night?” “_____, I hate horror films”
A. Yes
B. No
C. Of course
D. Sure
19. “_____” “This one, please.”
A. You like these magazines, don’t you?
B. Do you like these magazines?
C. Which of these magazines would you like?
D. Are these magazines interesting?
20. “I feel a bit cold, actually” “_____”
A. I don’t, either.
B. So do I.
C. Neither do I.
D. I feel so.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“I can’t thank you enough for your help.” “_____”
I don’t mind.
I’d rather not.
My pleasure.
My goodness.
“Do you think I’d enjoy spending a month in the rainforest?” “_____”
I’m not sure.
Oh, thank you.
Sometimes it bothers me.

D. Really? That great!
3. “Could I have a table for two, please?” “_____”
A. The one over there.
B. Sorry, we’ve fully booked.
C. This table, please.
D. No, thank you.
4. “Who’s making tea?” “_____”
A. No, thank you. I prefer coffee.
B. She did. It was really nice.
C. I am. I’ll be ready soon.
D. Not really. It’s not my favorite drink.
5. “Would you say that English is a global language?” “_____”
A. Yes. It has.

B. I don’t understand the difference.
C. I like it.
D. Oh, absolutely.
6. “What did you send to Mr. Smith?” “_____”
A. I went there with him.
B. I wrote a report for him.
C. I sent him a copy of the report.
D. I lent him a report.
7. “New York must be most interesting city in the world, don’t you think?” “_____”
A. Yes, I’d love to.
B. No, I don’t like tall buildings.
C. It might be. I don’t know.
D. No, I’d rather do something else.
8. “How long will it take to finish that report?” “_____”
A. I’ll report it to the manager.
B. I agree. It’s very long.
C. I’ll have it finished by next week.
D. It’s about 10 pages long.
9. “Where shall we meet?” “_____”
A. Let’s go by taxi.
B. Let’s start early.
C. Why not here?
D. Why not?
10. “How many times a week do you play tennis?” “_____”
A. At least for time.
B. Not very well.
C. I like it, too.

D. At the stadium.

11. “_____” “Oh, thank you.”
A. Will I carry that bag for you?
B. Do I carry that bag for you?
C. Shall I carry that bag for you?
D. Would I carry that bag for you?
12. “Could I get you something else to eat?” “_____”
A. Let me pay.
B. Let’s go to the restaurant.
C. I’m having a hamburger.
D. No thank, I’m full.
13. “Are you OK?” “_____, I feel really awful”
A. Yes, I am.
B. No, I’m not.
C. I don’t care.
D. I don’mind.
14. “How do you get to work?” “_____”
A. It’s a boring job.
B. Every weekday.
C. It’s a travel agency.
D. By bicycle.
15. “Have you ever been to South America?” “_____”
A. How far away is it?
B. No, but I’m going next year.
C. I don’t think so.
D. I think it’s interesting.
16. “Could you speak more quietly?” “_____”
A. I don’t know.
B. Of course. Excuse me.
C. It is noisy here.
D. I can only speak very fast.

17. “How did you like the movie?” “_____”
A. I went here by taxi.
B. Yes, it was.
C. I throught it was boring.
D. It lasted about 2 hours.
18. “Could I borrow your calculator?” “_____”
A. Yes, you could.
B. Yes, you can.
C. Yes, you do.

D. Yes, you will.
19. “Bring a knife to class tomorrow” “_____”
A. Where?
B. Whatever for?
C. Why ever for?
D. When?
20. “Who’s the new lawyer?” “_____”
A. Yes, she’s a law student.
B. I don’t think she is a law student.
C. I have known her for 2 years.
D. She’s a friend of mine law school.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“Can I help you?” “_____”
Yes, you can
Yes, here’s a lovey one.
Yes, I’m looking for a jumper.
No, you can’t.
“Peter’s gone to the States for a month.” “_____”
He’s studying English.
Oh, thanks.
He’s twenty years old.

Oh, yes? Holiday?
“Who took this phone message?” “_____”
With Mary.
The phone is right here.
She has a phone book.
“Happy birtherday, Shirley” “_____”
Not at all.
Oh, thanks, Janet.
Oh, good morning.
Never mind.
“He’s got a new car” “_____”
Oh, yes? What sort?
He works in a bank.
Not mine.

D. He’s really nice.
6. “What will you wear to the ceremony?” “_____”
A. An album.
B. My younger brother.
C. My new suit.
D. A wedding ceremony.
7. “How would you like your steak?” “_____”
A. Yes, sir.
B. Not too bad.
C. Very good.
D. Rare, please.
8. “When does this passport expire?” “_____”
A. It was very expensive.

B. I want to return to mt hometown.
C. It’s good for one month.
D. You can pick it up tomorrow.
9. “Do you prefer beer or mineral water?” “_____”
A. Actually, I usually drink just water.
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I don’t.
D. Yes, it’s a cold drink.
10. “Do you want to come with us to the museum tomorrow?” “_____”
A. I’d like two tickets.
B. I enjoy watching films.
C. Thanks, but I’d rather stay at home.
D. Titanic, please.
11. “Where can I hang up my coat?” “_____”
A. It’s very wet.
B. Put it in this closet.
C. That’s very nice.
D. What I need is a new coat.
12. “Look, don’t worry about me, there’s a bus at 12:30. So _____ by 2:00, I promise!
A. I’m back.
B. I should be.
C. I would be back.
D. I will be back.
13. “Will Dr. Stevens be at the conference?” “_____”
A. It lasts about 3 hours.
B. It won’t start until 3.
C. It’ll be in this room.

D. Yes, he plans to be there.

14. “I’m having problems at school. What do you think I should do?” “_____”
A. I think you should talk it over with your parents.
B. I talk it over with your parents.
C. You would talk it over with your parents.
D. Would you mind talking it over with your parents?
15. “I’ve got an appointment at the dentist’s. ______” “Have you brought a note from
your parents?”
A. Leave school early.
B. Can I leave school early?
C. Shall I leave school early?
D. Would I leave school early?
16. “Where did you go on vacation?” “_____”
A. To California.
B. David and I went there.
C. For 6 days.
D. Next month.
17. “Will there be a lot of people at the concert tonight?” “_____”
A. I don’t expect so.
B. I think not.
C. I expect not.
D. I expect so.
18. “_____” “You press this button”
A. Does this machine work?
B. How does this machine work?
C. Why doesn’t this machine work?
D. This machine work, doesn’t it?
19. “_____” “About half a mile”
A. How do I go to the stadium?
B. How far is it to the stadium?
C. How long does it take to the stadium?

D. How often do you go to stadium?
20. “Will the match take place in this weather?” “_____. In fact, I’m sure it won’t”
A. I think so.
B. I expect so.
C. I think not.
D. I don’t think so.


Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“Don’t drop those plates, will you?” “_____”
Ok, I’ll be carefull.
Yes, of course.
Ok, I don’t mind.
Yes, I can.
“_____” “Yes, there’s plenty of room.”
What’s the garden like?
It doesn’t have a big garden, does it?
It’s quite a big garden, isn’t it?

How big is the garden?
“These sausages are delicious, aren’t they?” “_____”
They certainly are.
Yes, they taste salty.
Yes, I’d love some.
I think so.
“Why are you leaving so early?” “_____”
It’s OK.
Let’s have an appointment.
I might be late tomorrow morning.
I have an appointment downtown.
“Thanks a lot” “_____”
Don’t mention it.
Of course.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Oh, that’s too had.
“Are we going the right way?” “I think _____”
“How far is the train station?” “_____”
Quite slow, I think.
About 10 minutes away.
Approximately two miles long
It’s really fast, isn’t it?
“How did you hear about his death?” “_____”
It’s too bad.
Your mother told me.

C. I’m not sure why he died.
D. I don’t know him very well.
9. “Can I see your passport?” “_____”
A. Sure. There you go.
B. Yes, I had one issued recently.
C. Oh, thanks.
D. No, I’m sorry.
10. “Is this your first time in the United States?” “_____”
A. Yes, I’ve been here before.
B. Yes, I came here in 1990.
C. No, I haven’t.
D. No, this is my second time.
11. “How long are you staying?” “_____”
A. In New York.
B. For 5 days.
C. Five days ago.
D. I’ll be there shortly.
12. “Can you type this letter before you go home?” “_____”
A. No, thanks. I can manage.
B. Yes, I’ll do it now.
C. Yes, you may.
D. No, not very quickly.
13. “I need to sell this bike quickly.” “_____”
A. I don’t need it quickly.
B. I don’t need to sell it.
C. I like bikes.
D. I don’t need a bike.
14. “Could you give me two bowls of beef soup, please?” “_____”
A. Do you have any soup?

B. How’s the soup?
C. You don’t have soup, do you?
D. Would you like anything else?
15. “Would you recommend that movie? I heard it was pretty good” “_____”
A. Oh, yeah. You have to see it.
B. Well how about seeing a suspense movie?
C. That’s not a bad idea.
D. I like action movies.
16. “Who is on the phone?” “_____”
A. I have a new telephone.
B. Mike is late.

C. Mike is talking to one of his friends.
D. I installed a new phone system yesterday.
17. “Hi, sorry, I’m late.” “_____”
A. Hi, my name’s Jim.
B. Hi, I’m from Canada.
C. Pleased to meet you.
D. That’s OK.
18. “Can we start the meeting now?” “_____”
A. Yesterday we met all day.
B. It takes 5 hours.
C. No, not everyone has arrived yet.
D. Yes, I was very glad to be here.
19. “I can’t wait” “_____”
A. Couldn’t you wait 5 minutes?
B. Yes, please.
C. I’d like to very much.
D. Could you wait 5 minutes?

20. “Where do you get most of your news?” “_____”
A. Yeah, a little.
B. Very interested
C. Every day.
D. TV and radio.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space


“I’m Bill Thompson” “_____”
Nice to meet you.
See you then.
It’s J-A-K-E.
Nice to meet you, too.
“Is everything all right?” “_____”
Yes, that’s right.

Oh, yes, I think so.
Oh, that take a lot of time.
You, too.
“Can I borrow your watch?” “_____”
Sorry. I need it.
Japanese, please.

C. Yes, here you are.
D. A or C
4. “Who do you play tennis with?” “_____”
A. I do
B. My sister.
C. My sister does.
D. Every weekend.
5. “I’m going to hitchhike around the world” “_____”
A. Oh, are you?
B. Oh, that’s very dangerous.
C. Of course, you’ll be all right.
D. A or B
6. “This is my last protable CD player. I’ll let you have it for fifty dollars.” “_____”
A. Could you give me a discount?
B. Could you possibly give me fifty dollars?
C. Could you give me your last CD?
D. Can you tell me your favorite type of music?
7. “What do you think of pop music?” “_____”
A. I don’t think so, too
B. I don’t think so.
C. I think there are various kinds of sports.
D. I think it’s relaxing.

8. “Uh, oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt” “_____”
A. A damp cloth, please.
B. Another coffee, please.
C. Just a minute. I’ll get a damp cloth for you.
D. Just a minute. I’m trying to put you through.
9. ‘How do you spell “accustomed”?’ “_____”
A. It’s a difficult word.
B. It’s a long word, isn’t it?
C. I’m not sure. I’ll look up for you.
D. I always have a dictionary.
10. “May I borrow your pen?” “_____”
A. I’ve just read the report.
B. Oh, may you?
C. I got a loan from the bank for my car.
D. Sure, but I need it back.
11. “I see you’re smoking. I thought you stopped last month.” “_____”
A. Did you give up smoking five years ago?
B. Smoking is harmful.

C. I did. I don’t know why I started again.
D. Here it is. I bought it last week.
12. “I feel really thirsty. Have you got anything to drink?” “_____”
A. Do you prefer some lemonade?
B. Do you take some lemonade?
C. Would you like some lemonade?
D. Could you have some lemonade?
13. “What is the purpose of your visit?” “_____”
A. My next stop is California.
B. I’m not sure.

C. I’ve been here for a fortnight.
D. I’m attending a meeting.
14. “Well, you know, it’s really close to public transportation.” “_____”
A. But I don’t own a car.
B. Yes, I always drive to work.
C. But I always drive to work.
D. No, I don’t have a car.
15. “Here. Genuine silk ties. Two for five dollars.” “_____”
A. Do you have silk ties?
B. What if I buy two?
C. Would you take four fifty?
D. Do you have any ties?
16. “Would you prefer a job with lots of excitement?” “_____”
A. I’d like that.
B. That would be OK.
C. Not really.
D. A, B, or C.
17. “I like your hair.” “_____”
A. Yeah, he is.
B. Thanks.
C. It’s long enough.
D. I don’t mind it.
18. “What kind of music do you like?” “_____”
A. I don’t like either one.
B. Really? I can’t stand her.
C. Mostly pop.
D. Really? Me, too.
19. “Could we picnic here?” “_____”
A. No, you may not.
B. I’m afraid so.

C. Not, I think.
D. I’m sorry. I’m afraid you can’t.
20. “What is his occupation?” “_____”
A. He’s a bookkeeper.
B. He’s always busy.
C. He’s occupied sometimes.
D. He’s very nice.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“What would you like to order?” “_____”
Yes, I would.
Yes, you can.
Hamburger, please.
At 2.30, please.
“It was extremely good of you to send us all these useful materials” “_____”
Oh, I did that.
Yes, please.
Yes, that’s right.
Oh, it was the least I could do.
“Where do you go skiing?” “_____”
In July.
I like skiing a lot.
In winter.
In Colorado.
“I can’t sleep at night” “_____”
At 10 pm.
Get up and do some work.

In my bedroom.
It’s good to sleep.
“_____” “I’m a doctor”
What are you doing?
What do you do ?
What’s your name?
What do you look like?
“Hello. Could I speak to Maria, please?” “_____”
Yes, of course.
Hell Alice. How are you?

C. Good morning. How are you?
D. Speaking. Who’s that?
7. “Thank you very much” “_____”
A. I like it a lot.
B. You’re alright.
C. Yes, of course.
D. You’re welcome.
8. “What sort of music do you like?” “_____”
A. No, I don’t
B. I usually listen to music at weekends.
C. Rock.
D. Michael Jackson.
9. “_____” “I’m sorry, I don’t know”
A. Excuse me. Where’s the nearest bank, please?
B. Excuse me. Are you from here?
C. Excuse me. Are you Tim Brown?
D. Excuse me. You’re Australian, aren’t you?
10. “Where should I wait for the bus?” “_____”

A. I think it takes about half an hour.
B. I’m sorry I don’t know how to get there.
C. There’s nothing to discuss.
D. There’s a bus stop over there.
11. “Why is it so cold in this room?” “_____”
A. Put it in here.
B. This isn’t a beautiful room.
C. The heating system doesn’t work.
D. Heating systems today aren’t so expensive.
12. “What a great time we had!” “_____”
A. It’s 4 past, I think.
B. I don’t know.
C. I’m sorry I don’t have the time.
D. Yes, I did enjoy myself.
13. “There are two of you for luch, right?” “_____”
A. No, we’re from elsewhere.
B. I’d like a table for two, please.
C. Yes, me and my cousin, Jimmy.
D. No, we don’t usually have lunch.
14. “How about going across the street for a cup of coffee?” “_____”
A. Jennifer is really nice.
B. Sure. Jennifer is getting on really well.

C. I should. Coffee is good.
D. I can’t. I’m meeting Jennifer at the library at 5:00.
15. “It’s very hot in here. ______” “Of course”
A. Must you open the window?
B. Shall you open the window?
C. Could you open the window?

D. A or C.
16. “Could you give me a receipt, please?” “_____”
A. Yes, of course.
B. Yes, I could.
C. Not at all.
D. OK, I could.
17. “Have they sent you some money?” “No, I’m afraid _____”
A. so
B. too
C. not
D. none
18. “_____” “Yes, good idea !”
A. Do we have a picnic?
B. We haven’t had a picnic for a long time.
C. We want to have a picnic, don’t we?
D. Why don’t we have a picnic?
19. “How much does a new computer cost?” “_____”
A. She has three computers.
B. A basic model costs about $2,000.
C. I want some new computers, too.
D. I don’t think I need a new computer.
20. “I’m hungry.” “_____. I haven’t eaten anything at all”
A. I am so.
B. I think so.
C. So am I.
D. So do I.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space

1. “_____” “I agree. It doesn’t look very nice.”
A. This building looks awful.
B. This building looks nice.



Does this building look awful?
This building looks nice, doesn’t it?
“This phone doesn’t work.” “_____”
This one does, too.
So does this one.
Neither does this one.
This one does, either.
Which of the following is the function of this sentence: “Would you like me to do
the washing up?”
Offering to do something
Introducting other people
“This cupboard is broken.” “_____”
But it’s big.

We’ll get it fixed.
But it’s small.
We have to pay extra money.
“How would you like to have this genuine gold watch ?” “_____”
Yes, please.
No, thanks. I can manage.
No, thanks. There’re not silk.
I’m sorry. I’m not wearing a watch.
“Have you checked your email today ?” “_____”
All right. I’ll do it for you.
Yes, it’s getting extremely slow.
No, I’ll check it later.
No, it costs a lot.
“These sunglasses are going cheap.” “_____”
I wear sunglasses.
They’re to expensive.
Sunglasses are good.
I’ve already had one.
“I wish you wouldn’t smoke in here !” “_____”
I don’t agree, I’m afraid.
Sorry, shall I open the door?
Would you mind opening the door?
I think it’s OK
“Whose glasses are these ?” “_____”
I find them quite bright.

B. I don’t think the fit me.
C. They’re mine
D. They are made in China, aren’t they?

10. “How do you do. I’m Bill Thompson.” “_____”
A. Very well. Thank you.
B. I’m fifteen years old.
C. I’m fine.
D. How do you do.
11. “What would you do in my situation ?” “_____”
A. Let’s ask for a loan from the bank.
B. I think you should ask for a loan from the bank.
C. I throught you would ask for a loan from the bank.
D. Please ask for a loan from the bank.
12. “Shall I collect the tickets for you ?” “_____”
A. I think you shall.
B. In my opinion you would.
C. That would be a real help.
D. No, I don’t have tickets.
13. “Mary hardly ate her dinner.” “_____”
A. She ate too much.
B. She usually eats much.
C. No, she didn’t eat much, it’s true.
D. No she usually ate much.
14. “I wish we had a washing machine.” “_____”
A. Not really. I had one.
B. So do I. It would make it a lot easier to do our laundry.
C. So it is. It is expensive.
D. It’s in the ketchen.
15. “I have an idea. Let’s go on a picnic on Saturday.” “_____”
A. Okay.
B. You’re kidding.
C. I know.
D. I’m sure.

16. “Come on, hurry up! Tidy your room and make your bad!” “______. It’s not fair!”
A. No, I won’t
B. No, I may not.
C. No, I don’t mind.
D. No, I don’t.
17. “I’d ike to place an order for delivery, please.” “_____”
A. Sure, how much is it?

B. We actually take orders at five.
C. Sure, what time is it?
D. Sure, what would you like?
18. “Who is at the door ?” “_____”
A. The guests have just arrived.
B. I can’t open it.
C. The door is stuck.
D. Have you got it fixed yet?
19. “You must be very pleased” “_____”
A. Thanks very much.
B. Yes, I am.
C. Actually, that’s a pretty good idea.
D. I don’t have time.
20. “Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Lin” “_____”
A. Hi, I don’t like appointments.
B. How did you get here?
C. Hi. Please take a seat over there, and the doctor will be with you shortly.
D. Hi, what do you like most about him?

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space


“Would you mind getting me a cup of coffee ?” “_____”
I never drink coffee.
It’s my pleasure.
Cream and sugar, please.
No, thanks.
“What a big house this is !” “_____”
Yes, it’s a nice house.
It has four bed rooms.
It has a nice view, too.
Yes, it’s my brother’s house.
“Who’s that ?” “_____”

It’s my new bike.
It’s a bike.
He’s my English teacher.
He’s English.
“What is she going to talk about ?” “_____”
She might talk for over one hours.

B. It says in the program.
C. I’ve heard he’s a good public speaker.
D. I guess he’s coming.
5. “My apartment has a view of the river.” “_____”
A. Guess what!
B. Yes, it is!
C. I’ve been there.
D. You’re lucky!
6. “When can you get it all done ?” “_____”
A. How does next Monday sound?
B. Tow hours ago.
C. I used to do it on Monday.
D. How much time do I need?
7. “He’s not a fast reader.” “_____”
A. Yes, he’s not a fast reader.
B. No, he reads very slowly.
C. Yes, he’s slow reader.
D. No, he doesn’t read very slowly.
8. “Hi Tom. How’s everything ?” “_____”
A. Not bad. How are you?
B. Hi. How do you do?
C. Not really. I’m on vacation.

D. I’m a student here.
9. “I love the Cranberries. How about you? Do you like them?” “_____”
A. I’m pretty fine. Thanks.
B. No, I’m standing here.
C. No, I can’t stand them.
D. No, they always stand there.
10. “My name’s Williams.” “_____”
A. I’m Pam.
B. It’Pam.
C. I’m from New York.
D. How old are you?
11. Which of the following is the function of this sentence: “I’d love to come, but I’m
already going out that evening.”
A. Offering to do something
B. Apologizing.
C. Giving advice.
D. Declining an invitation.
12. “I haven’t been to a party for ages.” “_______. I hate crowed rooms.”

A. So have I.
B. Neither have I.
C. Yes, so do I.
D. Yes, neither do I.
13. “Should we leave at two o’clock or two-thirty ?” “_____”
A. I’d rather we didn’t.
B. Yes, at two thirty.
C. We left two hours ago.
D. I throught we’d agreed on two o’clock.
14. “It was a super show, wasn’t it?” “_____”

A. Great. I really enjoyed it.
B. I don’t like shows.
C. Well, in fact I don’t like shows.
D. Great. It cost a lot.
15. “Do you think the grocery store is still open?” “_____”
A. It has a wide range of vegetables.
B. It’s not far from here.
C. It could be one of the most expensive groceries in the area.
D. It could be. It can’t ever remember what their hours are.
16. “Can you come to the office early tomorrow ?” “_____”
A. Yes, I don’t usually get up early.
B. I’m sorry. I can’t arrive before half past eight.
C. I don’t think the office is open tomorrow.
D. Me too. I’m not quite early.
17. “We’ve got time for a coffee, haven’t we ?” “_____”
A. Why not?
B. A quick one maybe.
C. I’d prefer tea.
D. I’ll have tea, please.
18. “How much are the garlic prawns ?” “_____”
A. Five of them.
B. Five dollars.
C. Table for five?
D. Five types of garlic prawns
19. “_____” “I generally go about once every two weeks with my boyfriend.”
A. How long does the movie last?
B. What kinds of movie do you like?
C. Would you recommend that movie?
D. How often do you go to the movie?
20. “Who uses this computer ?” “_____”


It’s a second-hand computer.
It’s my computer.
It’s broken.
She bought it five years ago.

Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space



“Let’s take the tent.” “_____”
Of course, not!
How about paying by cash?
Let’s not!
“Would you like a drink ?” “_____”
Yes, I want to.
Yes, please.
Thank you. I don’t want.
No, I won’t.
“Do you spend too much time talking on the phone?” “_____”
All the time.
Yes, a lot of time.

No problem.
“It wasn’t an important meeting.” “_____”
Do you think it’s important?
Right. The meeting was very important.
True. The meeting was unimportant.
Yes, it was very well-organized meeting.
“I have a house in the suburbs.” “_____”
Oh, is it?
Oh, whatever.
No, not much.
Oh, it bet it’s really quiet.
“Are you Jean Taylor?” “_____”
No, I’m a doctor.
Yes, that’s right.
How are you?
I’m Bill Thompson.
“What do you do to relax?” “_____”

A. Sure I would.
B. Not really.
C. Yes, I do.
D. I do some exercise.
8. “Would you ever try acupuncture?” “_____”
A. No way!
B. So would I.
C. Not too much time.
D. I kind of enjoy it.
9. “Could you give directions to the top five tourist sites in your city?” “_____”

A. I’m not bad.
B. I don’t think so.
C. It’s not far at all.
D. Yes, a lot.
10. “_____” “It’s not likely.”
A. How important is it to attend university?
B. Is it possible to get a good job without attending university?
C. Would you be interested in attending in university in a foreign country?
D. Is it very important to attend university in a foreign country?
11. “I have a terrible cold.” “_____”
A. That sounds good.
B. No, I haven’t.
C. Really? That’s too bad.
D. I’m going to see a doctor.
12. “Could you help us in the office tomorrow?” “_____”
A. Why should I?
B. Sure.
C. What a nice office you have!
D. A or B.
13. “How do you like Japanese food?” “_____”
A. Oh, I bought some in that store.
B. Oh, do you?
C. How should I?
D. Oh, I like it a lot.
14. “_____” “You use this tylus thing to input your data”
A. How does it work?
B. How is it?
C. What’s the problem?
D. What’s that?
15. “If you worked in television, which job would interest you?” “_____”

A. No, it doesn’t interest me.
B. Game show host.
C. More than twenty.
D. News or sports.
16. “I really need a new store.” “_____”
A. That sounds nice.
B. That’s super!
C. There are five of them.
D. Let’s go shopping on Saturday.
17. “Do you need bedroom furniture?” “_____”
A. Yes, I do. I need a bed.
B. It’s fantastic!
C. No, I don’t. it belongs to Jim.
D. Yes, it’s a large room.
18. “When are we going to start subscribing to the magazine?” “_____”
A. Yes, I’m going to start receiving it next month.
B. We’ll get our first issue next month.
C. Yes, I have already written the article.
D. Yeah, that sounds fantastic!
19. “Information Services. How may I help you?” “_____”
A. I’d like a phone number, please.
B. Why did you call?
C. Someone is on the line.
D. Yes, not for me.
20. “Would you like a salad?” “_____”
A. Yes, I’ll have a coffee.
B. May I take your order?
C. Yes, I’ll have a green salad.

D. Italian, please.

TEST 10.
Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits the space


“_____” “I guess I’ll have a cup of coffee.”
Do you like coffee?
Would you like some coffee?
What would you like to drink?
I don’t like coffee.
“He’s usually on time, isn’t he?” “_____”

A. No, he’s always punctual.
B. Yes, he’s never late.
C. No, he’s never late.
D. Yes, he’s not always on time.
3. “Is there a lot of traffic where you live?” “_____”
A. I could try.
B. Almost every day.
C. Yes, it’s pretty heavy.
D. Sure, no problem.
4. “Does she look like her sister?” “_____”

A. No, she likes green.
B. Yes, both like mathematics.
C. No, she doesn’t like swimming.
D. No, they are very different.
5. “What did you do last weekend?” “_____”
A. I went swimming.
B. It was last picnic
C. That’s it.
D. No, I’ve never gone swimming.
6. “Hi. Daniel.” “_____”
A. Hello.
B. Catch you later.
C. It was nice of you.
D. Nice to meet you, too.
7. “You can have these CDs for eitht fifty.” “_____”
A. Sorry, that’s too much.
B. Yes, that’s too much.
C. I have a CD player.
D. I’ll give you twelve fifty.
8. “Have you got anything with beef in it?” “_____”
A. No, just chicken and pork.
B. Chicken or pork?
C. There’s chicken in it.
D. Beef or chicken?
9. “What kind of vegetable dishes do you have?” “_____”
A. Stir-fried or steamed?
B. Do you like vegetables?
C. They aren’t expensive.
D. Just vegetables.
10. “Hi, you’re Rick, aren’t you?” “_____”
