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TEST ON UNITS 911 ANH VAN 10 09 ma de

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(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. received
B. designed
C. terrified
D. influenced
Question 2:A. sea
B. bean
C. beat
D. idea
Question 3:A. penguin
B. jellyfish
C. challenge
D. percent
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 4:A. mysterious B. technology
C. investigate
D. population
Question 5:A. tiny

B. marine
C. surface
D. precious
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 6: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. are made
B. get
C. may correct
D. the brochure
Question 7: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. Would you buy
B. if
C. enough
D. house
Question 8: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. in his flat
B. by the police
C. A lot of
D. were found
Question 9: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. miss
B. for
C. If
D. the direction
Question 10: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. If
B. have
C. my grandparents
D. this weekend
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.

Question 11: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. would be controlled B. might control
C. should be controlled
D. could be controlled
Question 12: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. has no
B. hadn’t been
C. weren’t
D. isn't
Question 13: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preserving
B. preservation
C. preserve
D. preserved
Question 14: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. at stake
B. at risky
C. dangerously
D. danger
Question 15: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. was built
B. will be built
C. has been built
D. is built
Question 16: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. oversize
B. too small
C. oversized
D. big enough
Question 17: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.

A. water
B. sea
C. watery
D. marine
Question 18: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conservational
B. conservation
C. conserving
D. conserve
Question 19: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. shrimps
B. krill
C. crabs
D. starfish
Question 20: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would be
B. would have
C. is
D. would
Question 21: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. will drive
B. drove
C. drive
D. would drive
Question 22: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. is
B. are
C. would be
D. will be
Question 23: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.

A. must
B. should
C. ought
D. had better
Question 24: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. knows
B. was known
C. knew
D. is known
Question 25: Our school........several times this year.
A. has repaired
B. has keen repaired
C. repaired
D. is repaired
Question 26: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. would do
B. did
C. has done
D. does
Question 27: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equal
B. equivalent
C. balanced
D. scaled

Question 28: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. failed

B. don’t pass
C. won’t pass
D. passed
Question 29: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. fish
B. mammals
C. reptiles
D. insects
Question 30: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. would - stood
B. will - stand
C. would - stand
D. will - will stand
Question 31: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. would have been
B. weren’t
C. hadn’t been
D. had been
Question 32: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. has been put
B. was put
C. had been put
D. could be put
Question 33: A lot of work......done yet.
A. hasn’t been
B. weren't
C. wasn’t
D. haven’t been
Question 34: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. discover

B. look for
C. test
D. investigate
Question 35: His actions........his thought.
A. say
B. make
C. reveal
D. are
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...(36).... However, little is known about the longterm effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(37)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's natural ...
(38)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(39)... to feed the
world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(40)... on the earth must also be found as many species are
in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 36:A. pollution B. polluting
C. polluted
D. pollute
Question 37:A. problems B. things
C. thing
D. problem
Question 38:A. resource B. source
C. resources
D. sources
Question 39:A. a lot
B. enough
C. many
D. much
Question 40:A. wildlife
B. life
C. animals
D. lives

Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 41: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
B. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
C. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
D. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
Question 42: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 43: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
B. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
C. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
D. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
Question 44: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
B. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
C. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
D. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
Question 45: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
B. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
C. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such

unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.

Question 46: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
B. The large number of national parks in the USA
C. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
D. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
Question 47: National parks in the USA.......
A. are completely different from other parks in the world B. are made more interesting
C. are a lot different from each other
D. change a lot in landscape and mood
Question 48: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
B. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
C. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
D. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
Question 49: Everglades National Park is.......
A. in the south of the United States
B. an area of land that is full of water
C. All are correct.
D. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
Question 50: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
B. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
C. Everglades National Park

D. the 12th and 13th centuries


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 1: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
B. Everglades National Park
C. the 12th and 13th centuries
D. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
Question 2: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
B. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
C. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
D. The large number of national parks in the USA
Question 3: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
B. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
C. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
D. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
Question 4: National parks in the USA.......
A. are completely different from other parks in the world B. are made more interesting
C. are a lot different from each other
D. change a lot in landscape and mood
Question 5: Everglades National Park is.......
A. an area of land that is full of water
B. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
C. All are correct.
D. in the south of the United States
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 6:A. precious
B. surface
C. tiny
D. marine
Question 7:A. mysterious B. technology
C. investigate
D. population
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 8: A lot of work......done yet.
A. weren't
B. haven’t been

C. hasn’t been
D. wasn’t
Question 9: His actions........his thought.
A. are
B. say
C. make
D. reveal
Question 10: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conservational
B. conservation
C. conserving
D. conserve
Question 11: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would
B. would be
C. is
D. would have
Question 12: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preserved
B. preserve
C. preserving
D. preservation
Question 13: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. test
B. investigate
C. discover
D. look for
Question 14: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. will drive
B. would drive

C. drive
D. drove
Question 15: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. would be controlled B. could be controlled
C. might control
D. should be controlled
Question 16: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equivalent
B. scaled
C. equal
D. balanced
Question 17: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. reptiles
B. insects
C. mammals
D. fish
Question 18: Our school........several times this year.
A. is repaired
B. has keen repaired
C. repaired
D. has repaired

Question 19: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. don’t pass
B. failed
C. passed
D. won’t pass

Question 20: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. sea
B. marine
C. watery
D. water
Question 21: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. knew
B. knows
C. was known
D. is known
Question 22: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. danger
B. at risky
C. at stake
D. dangerously
Question 23: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. will - stand
B. would - stood
C. will - will stand
D. would - stand
Question 24: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. starfish
B. shrimps
C. crabs
D. krill
Question 25: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. too small
B. big enough
C. oversized
D. oversize

Question 26: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. ought
B. should
C. must
D. had better
Question 27: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. weren’t
B. would have been
C. hadn’t been
D. had been
Question 28: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. has been built
B. is built
C. will be built
D. was built
Question 29: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. will be
B. are
C. is
D. would be
Question 30: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. hadn’t been
B. weren’t
C. isn't
D. has no
Question 31: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. did
B. would do
C. has done
D. does

Question 32: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. was put
B. had been put
C. has been put
D. could be put
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 33: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. get
B. may correct
C. the brochure
D. are made
Question 34: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. have
B. If
C. my grandparents
D. this weekend
Question 35: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. miss
B. If
C. the direction
D. for
Question 36: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. by the police
B. A lot of
C. were found
D. in his flat
Question 37: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. house
B. if
C. Would you buy

D. enough
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...( 38).... However, little is known about the
long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(39)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's
natural ...(40)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(41)... to
feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(42)... on the earth must also be found as many
species are in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 38:A. polluting B. pollution
C. pollute
D. polluted
Question 39:A. problem
B. things
C. thing
D. problems
Question 40:A. resources B. sources
C. resource
D. source
Question 41:A. many
B. much
C. enough
D. a lot
Question 42:A. life
B. lives
C. wildlife
D. animals
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 43:A. percent
B. jellyfish
C. penguin
D. challenge

Question 44:A. terrified
B. received
C. influenced
D. designed
Question 45:A. sea
B. bean
C. idea
D. beat
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 47: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.

B. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
C. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
D. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
Question 48: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
B. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
C. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
D. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
Question 49: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
B. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.

C. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
Question 50: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
B. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
C. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
D. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. penguin
B. jellyfish
C. percent
D. challenge
Question 2:A. designed
B. received
C. terrified

D. influenced
Question 3:A. sea
B. bean
C. beat
D. idea
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 4: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. the 12th and 13th centuries
B. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
C. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
D. Everglades National Park
Question 5: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
B. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
C. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
D. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
Question 6: Everglades National Park is.......
A. an area of land that is full of water
B. All are correct.
C. in the south of the United States
D. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
Question 7: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The diversity of the national parks in the USA

B. The large number of national parks in the USA
C. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
D. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
Question 8: National parks in the USA.......
A. are completely different from other parks in the world B. are a lot different from each other
C. are made more interesting
D. change a lot in landscape and mood
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 9: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
B. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
C. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
D. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
Question 10: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 11: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
B. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
C. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
D. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
Question 12: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
B. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
C. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
Question 13: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.

A. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
B. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
C. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
D. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...(14).... However, little is known about the longterm effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(15)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's natural ...
(16)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(17)... to feed the
world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(18)... on the earth must also be found as many species are
in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 14:A. polluted
B. pollute
C. pollution
D. polluting
Question 15:A. problem
B. problems
C. thing
D. things
Question 16:A. source
B. resources
C. resource
D. sources
Question 17:A. much
B. a lot
C. enough
D. many
Question 18:A. wildlife
B. lives
C. life

D. animals
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 19: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. the brochure
B. get
C. may correct
D. are made
Question 20: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. If
B. this weekend
C. have
D. my grandparents
Question 21: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. If
B. for
C. the direction
D. miss
Question 22: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. were found
B. by the police
C. A lot of
D. in his flat
Question 23: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. if
B. house
C. enough
D. Would you buy
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 24: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes

A. equal
B. balanced
C. equivalent
D. scaled
Question 25: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. discover
B. investigate
C. look for
D. test
Question 26: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. has no
B. hadn’t been
C. weren’t
D. isn't
Question 27: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. watery
B. marine
C. water
D. sea
Question 28: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. won’t pass
B. passed
C. don’t pass
D. failed
Question 29: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. is built
B. has been built
C. was built
D. will be built
Question 30: To conserve forest, deforestation.......

A. should be controlled B. could be controlled
C. might control
D. would be controlled
Question 31: A lot of work......done yet.
A. weren't
B. hasn’t been
C. haven’t been
D. wasn’t
Question 32: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. mammals
B. reptiles
C. insects
D. fish
Question 33: His actions........his thought.
A. make
B. say
C. are
D. reveal
Question 34: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preservation
B. preserve
C. preserved
D. preserving
Question 35: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. big enough
B. oversized
C. too small
D. oversize
Question 36: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. knew

B. is known
C. knows
D. was known
Question 37: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. would be
B. will be
C. are
D. is
Question 38: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would be
B. would
C. would have
D. is
Question 39: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. did
B. has done
C. would do
D. does
Question 40: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. danger
B. at stake
C. at risky
D. dangerously

Question 41: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. will drive
B. drive
C. drove

D. would drive
Question 42: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. hadn’t been
B. weren’t
C. would have been
D. had been
Question 43: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conserve
B. conservational
C. conserving
D. conservation
Question 44: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. shrimps
B. starfish
C. crabs
D. krill
Question 45: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. would - stand
B. will - stand
C. would - stood
D. will - will stand
Question 46: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. should
B. ought
C. must
D. had better
Question 47: Our school........several times this year.
A. has repaired
B. is repaired
C. has keen repaired

D. repaired
Question 48: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. has been put
B. was put
C. had been put
D. could be put
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 49:A. technology B. mysterious
C. investigate
D. population
Question 50:A. tiny
B. surface
C. precious
D. marine


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.

Question 1:A. investigate B. technology
C. mysterious
D. population
Question 2:A. tiny
B. precious
C. surface
D. marine
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 3: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equivalent
B. equal
C. scaled
D. balanced
Question 4: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. had better
B. should
C. ought
D. must
Question 5: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. test
B. look for
C. discover
D. investigate
Question 6: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. fish
B. reptiles
C. insects
D. mammals
Question 7: Our school........several times this year.

A. has repaired
B. has keen repaired
C. is repaired
D. repaired
Question 8: A lot of work......done yet.
A. weren't
B. wasn’t
C. haven’t been
D. hasn’t been
Question 9: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. are
B. will be
C. would be
D. is
Question 10: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. hadn’t been
B. would have been
C. had been
D. weren’t
Question 11: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. oversized
B. oversize
C. big enough
D. too small
Question 12: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. watery
B. sea
C. water
D. marine
Question 13: To conserve forest, deforestation.......

A. would be controlled B. could be controlled
C. should be controlled
D. might control
Question 14: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. has done
B. would do
C. did
D. does
Question 15: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. drive
B. will drive
C. would drive
D. drove
Question 16: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. knew
B. knows
C. was known
D. is known
Question 17: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would have
B. would be
C. is
D. would
Question 18: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conserving
B. conservation
C. conservational
D. conserve
Question 19: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. would - stood

B. would - stand
C. will - stand
D. will - will stand
Question 20: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. danger
B. at risky
C. at stake
D. dangerously
Question 21: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. could be put
B. has been put
C. was put
D. had been put
Question 22: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. has no
B. hadn’t been
C. isn't
D. weren’t
Question 23: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preserve
B. preserving
C. preservation
D. preserved
Question 24: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. will be built
B. was built
C. is built
D. has been built
Question 25: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. starfish

B. crabs
C. shrimps
D. krill
Question 26: His actions........his thought.
A. are
B. make
C. reveal
D. say
Question 27: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.

A. won’t pass
B. don’t pass
C. failed
D. passed
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 28: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
B. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
C. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
D. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
Question 29: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
B. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
C. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
D. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
Question 30: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
B. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.

C. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
Question 31: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
B. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
C. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
D. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
Question 32: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 33: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. enough
B. Would you buy
C. if
D. house
Question 34: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. If
B. this weekend
C. my grandparents
D. have
Question 35: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. A lot of
B. were found
C. in his flat
D. by the police
Question 36: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. miss

B. for
C. the direction
D. If
Question 37: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. get
B. may correct
C. are made
D. the brochure
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...(38).... However, little is known about the longterm effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(39)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's natural ...
(40)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(41)... to feed the
world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(42)... on the earth must also be found as many species are
in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 38:A. pollution B. pollute
C. polluted
D. polluting
Question 39:A. thing
B. problem
C. things
D. problems
Question 40:A. resource B. source
C. resources
D. sources
Question 41:A. much
B. a lot
C. many
D. enough
Question 42:A. life
B. lives
C. animals

D. wildlife
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 43: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The large number of national parks in the USA
B. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
C. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
D. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.

Question 44: Everglades National Park is.......
A. All are correct.
B. in the south of the United States
C. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
D. an area of land that is full of water
Question 45: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
B. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
C. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
D. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
Question 46: National parks in the USA.......
A. change a lot in landscape and mood
B. are made more interesting

C. are completely different from other parks in the world D. are a lot different from each other
Question 47: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
B. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
C. the 12th and 13th centuries
D. Everglades National Park
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 48:A. percent
B. challenge
C. jellyfish
D. penguin
Question 49:A. bean
B. beat
C. sea
D. idea
Question 50:A. designed B. influenced
C. received
D. terrified


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017

Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. challenge
B. jellyfish
C. percent
D. penguin
Question 2:A. sea
B. beat
C. bean
D. idea
Question 3:A. terrified
B. designed
C. received
D. influenced
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 4:A. marine
B. surface
C. precious
D. tiny
Question 5:A. population B. mysterious
C. investigate
D. technology
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for

example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 6: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
B. The large number of national parks in the USA
C. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
D. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
Question 7: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
B. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
C. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
D. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
Question 8: National parks in the USA.......
A. are made more interesting
B. are completely different from other parks in the world
C. are a lot different from each other
D. change a lot in landscape and mood
Question 9: Everglades National Park is.......
A. in the south of the United States
B. All are correct.
C. an area of land that is full of water
D. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
Question 10: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. the 12th and 13th centuries
B. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
C. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
D. Everglades National Park
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 11: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes

A. balanced
B. equal
C. equivalent
D. scaled
Question 12: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. hadn’t been
B. weren’t
C. isn't
D. has no
Question 13: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conservational
B. conserve
C. conserving
D. conservation
Question 14: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. will be built
B. is built
C. was built
D. has been built
Question 15: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. passed
B. don’t pass
C. failed
D. won’t pass
Question 16: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. shrimps
B. crabs
C. starfish
D. krill
Question 17: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.

A. knows
B. is known
C. was known
D. knew
Question 18: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. marine
B. sea
C. water
D. watery
Question 19: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would be
B. would
C. would have
D. is

Question 20: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preserved
B. preserve
C. preserving
D. preservation
Question 21: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. ought
B. must
C. should
D. had better
Question 22: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. did
B. has done

C. would do
D. does
Question 23: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. fish
B. mammals
C. insects
D. reptiles
Question 24: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. will - stand
B. would - stood
C. will - will stand
D. would - stand
Question 25: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. would be
B. are
C. will be
D. is
Question 26: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. at risky
B. at stake
C. dangerously
D. danger
Question 27: A lot of work......done yet.
A. haven’t been
B. wasn’t
C. weren't
D. hasn’t been
Question 28: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. would be controlled B. might control
C. should be controlled

D. could be controlled
Question 29: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. investigate
B. test
C. look for
D. discover
Question 30: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. had been put
B. was put
C. has been put
D. could be put
Question 31: Our school........several times this year.
A. is repaired
B. repaired
C. has repaired
D. has keen repaired
Question 32: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. will drive
B. would drive
C. drove
D. drive
Question 33: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. weren’t
B. hadn’t been
C. would have been
D. had been
Question 34: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. oversized
B. oversize
C. too small

D. big enough
Question 35: His actions........his thought.
A. say
B. reveal
C. make
D. are
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 36: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. this weekend
B. my grandparents
C. If
D. have
Question 37: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. get
B. may correct
C. the brochure
D. are made
Question 38: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. enough
B. house
C. if
D. Would you buy
Question 39: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. If
B. the direction
C. miss
D. for
Question 40: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. by the police
B. were found

C. A lot of
D. in his flat
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...(41).... However, little is known about the longterm effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(42)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's natural ...
(43)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(44)... to feed the
world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(45)... on the earth must also be found as many species are
in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 41:A. pollution B. polluting
C. polluted
D. pollute
Question 42:A. problem
B. problems
C. thing
D. things
Question 43:A. resource B. sources
C. source
D. resources
Question 44:A. much
B. many
C. a lot
D. enough
Question 45:A. wildlife
B. animals
C. life
D. lives
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
B. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
C. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.

D. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
Question 47: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.

B. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
C. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
D. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
Question 48: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
B. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
C. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
D. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
Question 49: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 50: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
B. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
C. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
D. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.



(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 1: Our school........several times this year.
A. has keen repaired
B. has repaired
C. repaired
D. is repaired
Question 2: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. look for
B. discover
C. investigate
D. test
Question 3: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. will be built
B. has been built
C. was built
D. is built
Question 4: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. don’t pass
B. won’t pass
C. passed
D. failed

Question 5: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. at risky
B. danger
C. at stake
D. dangerously
Question 6: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. did
B. would do
C. has done
D. does
Question 7: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preserved
B. preserving
C. preserve
D. preservation
Question 8: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. drove
B. would drive
C. drive
D. will drive
Question 9: His actions........his thought.
A. reveal
B. say
C. make
D. are
Question 10: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. could be put
B. was put
C. has been put
D. had been put

Question 11: A lot of work......done yet.
A. wasn’t
B. weren't
C. haven’t been
D. hasn’t been
Question 12: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. would - stood
B. will - stand
C. would - stand
D. will - will stand
Question 13: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. big enough
B. oversize
C. too small
D. oversized
Question 14: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. marine
B. water
C. watery
D. sea
Question 15: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would be
B. is
C. would have
D. would
Question 16: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. is known
B. was known
C. knew
D. knows

Question 17: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. weren’t
B. had been
C. would have been
D. hadn’t been
Question 18: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conserving
B. conservation
C. conserve
D. conservational
Question 19: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. are
B. is
C. will be
D. would be
Question 20: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. krill
B. crabs
C. shrimps
D. starfish
Question 21: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. mammals
B. fish
C. reptiles
D. insects
Question 22: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equal
B. equivalent
C. balanced

D. scaled
Question 23: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. hadn’t been
B. weren’t
C. isn't
D. has no
Question 24: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. could be controlled
B. would be controlled
C. should be controlled
D. might control
Question 25: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. should
B. must
C. ought
D. had better


Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 26:A. investigate B. technology
C. mysterious
D. population
Question 27:A. precious B. marine
C. tiny
D. surface
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 28:A. jellyfish
B. percent

C. challenge
D. penguin
Question 29:A. influenced B. received
C. designed
D. terrified
Question 30:A. bean
B. sea
C. beat
D. idea
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 31: National parks in the USA.......
A. are completely different from other parks in the world B. are made more interesting
C. change a lot in landscape and mood
D. are a lot different from each other
Question 32: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
B. the 12th and 13th centuries
C. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
D. Everglades National Park
Question 33: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
B. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
C. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.

D. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
Question 34: Everglades National Park is.......
A. All are correct.
B. an area of land that is full of water
C. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
D. in the south of the United States
Question 35: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
B. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
C. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
D. The large number of national parks in the USA
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...( 36).... However, little is known about the
long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(37)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's
natural ...(38)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(39)... to
feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(40)... on the earth must also be found as many
species are in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 36:A. polluting B. pollution
C. polluted
D. pollute
Question 37:A. things
B. problems
C. thing
D. problem
Question 38:A. resources B. sources
C. source
D. resource
Question 39:A. a lot
B. enough
C. many

D. much
Question 40:A. life
B. animals
C. lives
D. wildlife
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 41: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. Would you buy
B. enough
C. house
D. if
Question 42: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. If
B. for
C. miss
D. the direction
Question 43: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. A lot of
B. by the police
C. were found
D. in his flat
Question 44: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. If
B. this weekend
C. my grandparents
D. have
Question 45: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. get
B. the brochure
C. are made

D. may correct
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.

D. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 47: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
B. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
C. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
D. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
Question 48: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
B. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
C. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
Question 49: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
B. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
C. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
D. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
Question 50: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
B. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
C. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
D. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. bean
B. sea
C. beat
D. idea
Question 2:A. challenge
B. percent
C. penguin
D. jellyfish
Question 3:A. received
B. designed
C. terrified
D. influenced
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 4: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.

A. get
B. may correct
C. are made
D. the brochure
Question 5: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. the direction
B. If
C. miss
D. for
Question 6: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. this weekend
B. my grandparents
C. have
D. If
Question 7: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. if
B. house
C. enough
D. Would you buy
Question 8: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. by the police
B. in his flat
C. were found
D. A lot of
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...(9).... However, little is known about the longterm effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(10)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's natural ...
(11)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(12)... to feed the
world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(13)... on the earth must also be found as many species are
in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 9:A. pollution

B. polluted
C. pollute
D. polluting
Question 10:A. problems B. things
C. thing
D. problem
Question 11:A. sources
B. source
C. resource
D. resources
Question 12:A. much
B. enough
C. a lot
D. many
Question 13:A. lives
B. animals
C. wildlife
D. life
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 14:A. mysterious B. investigate
C. technology
D. population
Question 15:A. tiny
B. precious
C. marine
D. surface
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 16: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preservation
B. preserved

C. preserve
D. preserving
Question 17: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. discover
B. look for
C. test
D. investigate
Question 18: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equal
B. balanced
C. scaled
D. equivalent
Question 19: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. starfish
B. krill
C. crabs
D. shrimps
Question 20: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. is
B. would be
C. will be
D. are
Question 21: A lot of work......done yet.
A. hasn’t been
B. weren't
C. wasn’t
D. haven’t been
Question 22: Our school........several times this year.
A. has repaired

B. is repaired
C. repaired
D. has keen repaired
Question 23: A new factory........in our town recently.
A. will be built
B. was built
C. is built
D. has been built
Question 24: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conservation
B. conservational
C. conserving
D. conserve
Question 25: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. could be controlled
B. would be controlled
C. might control
D. should be controlled
Question 26: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. don’t pass
B. passed
C. won’t pass
D. failed
Question 27: His actions........his thought.

A. reveal
B. are
C. say

D. make
Question 28: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. dangerously
B. at risky
C. danger
D. at stake
Question 29: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. insects
B. fish
C. reptiles
D. mammals
Question 30: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. must
B. had better
C. should
D. ought
Question 31: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. is known
B. knows
C. was known
D. knew
Question 32: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. would drive
B. drove
C. will drive
D. drive
Question 33: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. was put
B. has been put
C. had been put

D. could be put
Question 34: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. has done
B. would do
C. does
D. did
Question 35: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.
A. will - will stand
B. would - stand
C. will - stand
D. would - stood
Question 36: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. weren’t
B. has no
C. isn't
D. hadn’t been
Question 37: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. big enough
B. too small
C. oversize
D. oversized
Question 38: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. watery
B. water
C. marine
D. sea
Question 39: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would
B. is
C. would be

D. would have
Question 40: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. had been
B. weren’t
C. would have been
D. hadn’t been
Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 41: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
B. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
C. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
D. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
Question 42: Everglades National Park is.......
A. an area of land that is full of water
B. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
C. in the south of the United States
D. All are correct.
Question 43: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The large number of national parks in the USA
B. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
C. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
D. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
Question 44: National parks in the USA.......

A. are made more interesting
B. are a lot different from each other
C. are completely different from other parks in the world D. change a lot in landscape and mood
Question 45: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
B. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
C. Everglades National Park
D. the 12th and 13th centuries
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
Question 47: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.
A. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.

B. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
C. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
D. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
Question 48: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
B. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
C. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
D. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
Question 49: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
B. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.

C. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
D. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
Question 50: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
B. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.
C. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
D. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. designed
B. influenced
C. received
D. terrified
Question 2:A. penguin
B. percent
C. jellyfish

D. challenge
Question 3:A. sea
B. bean
C. beat
D. idea
II. Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.
In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 4: Everglades National Park is.......
A. All are correct.
B. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
C. an area of land that is full of water
D. in the south of the United States
Question 5: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
B. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
C. The large number of national parks in the USA
D. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
Question 6: National parks in the USA.......
A. change a lot in landscape and mood
B. are completely different from other parks in the world
C. are made more interesting
D. are a lot different from each other
Question 7: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.

B. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
C. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
D. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.
Question 8: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. Everglades National Park
B. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
C. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
D. the 12th and 13th centuries
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 9:A. investigate B. population
C. mysterious
D. technology
Question 10:A. precious B. marine
C. surface
D. tiny
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 11: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. for
B. If
C. miss
D. the direction
Question 12: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. are made
B. may correct
C. the brochure
D. get
Question 13: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. were found
B. by the police
C. A lot of

D. in his flat
Question 14: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. if
B. house
C. Would you buy
D. enough
Question 15: If I have free time this weekend, I would visit my grandparents.
A. my grandparents
B. If
C. this weekend
D. have
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...( 16).... However, little is known about the
long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(17)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's
natural ...(18)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(19)... to
feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(20)... on the earth must also be found as many
species are in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 16:A. pollute
B. pollution
C. polluting
D. polluted
Question 17:A. things
B. problems
C. problem
D. thing
Question 18:A. resources B. sources
C. source
D. resource

Question 19:A. many
B. much
C. enough
D. a lot
Question 20:A. life
B. animals
C. lives
D. wildlife
Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
Question 21: To conserve forest, deforestation.......
A. would be controlled B. might control
C. could be controlled
D. should be controlled
Question 22: We must.......our forests and woodlands for future generations.
A. conserve
B. conserving
C. conservation
D. conservational
Question 23: This jacket is...... . It doesn’t fit the small boy.
A. oversize
B. big enough
C. oversized
D. too small
Question 24: Oil is pilled from tankers. This makes the marine life be......
A. dangerously
B. at risky
C. danger
D. at stake
Question 25: The table.......collapse if you all........on it.

A. will - will stand
B. would - stood
C. will - stand
D. would - stand
Question 26: I am sure our form teacher would sympathizewith you if she......the truth.
A. knows
B. was known
C. is known
D. knew
Question 27: A lot of work......done yet.
A. wasn’t
B. hasn’t been
C. haven’t been
D. weren't
Question 28: The old building is in a good state of........except for the wooden floors.
A. preservation
B. preserve
C. preserving
D. preserved
Question 29: Like other......., whales give birth to live young and feed them with milk produced by the mother’s body.
A. mammals
B. reptiles
C. insects
D. fish
Question 30: Millions of fish and......mammals die annually from consuming discarded plastic items in litter.
A. sea
B. water
C. marine
D. watery
Question 31: A new factory........in our town recently.

A. will be built
B. is built
C. has been built
D. was built
Question 32: My parents would be disappointed if I........the exams.
A. don’t pass
B. won’t pass
C. failed
D. passed
Question 33: If I had a car, I.......to work every day.
A. would drive
B. will drive
C. drive
D. drove
Question 34: If Jane.......the work, she might get a good result.
A. does
B. would do
C. has done
D. did
Question 35: Without plants, most water......run off as soon as it falls.
A. would
B. is
C. would have
D. would be
Question 36: Nowadays, people pay more attention to the existence of different kinds of animals and plants, which makes
A. equivalent
B. balanced
C. scaled
D. equal

Question 37: You.......to wear a safety helmet when you ride a motorbike.
A. had better
B. must
C. ought
D. should
Question 38: The whale feeds by opening its mouth wide, waiting for masses of shrimp-like animals called......
A. krill
B. shrimps
C. starfish
D. crabs
Question 39: His actions........his thought.
A. reveal
B. make
C. are
D. say
Question 40: If I.......ill, I wouldn’t have been absent from school.
A. would have been
B. weren’t
C. hadn’t been
D. had been
Question 41: If there.......electricity, our life would come back to the Stone Age.
A. hadn’t been
B. isn't
C. has no
D. weren’t
Question 42: Our school........several times this year.
A. has repaired
B. repaired
C. is repaired
D. has keen repaired

Question 43: An expert was employed to......and find the cause of the symptoms.
A. investigate
B. test
C. discover
D. look for
Question 44: The fire.......out completely when the owner of the house returned.
A. could be put
B. had been put
C. has been put
D. was put
Question 45: If there were not the pull of the earth, everyone......of the same weight.
A. will be
B. are
C. is
D. would be
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 46: He didn’t take any medicine, so he feels worse now.
A. If he had taken some medicine, he would feel better now.
B. If he took some medicine, he wouldn’t feel worse now.
C. If he hadn’t taken any medicine, he would have felt worse now.
D. If he didn’t take any medicine, he would feel worse now.
Question 47: If I knew her new address, I would tell you.
A. I don’t know her new address, so I can’t t,ell you.

B. I couldn’t tell you although I knew her new address.
C. I didn’t know her new address, so I couldn’t tell you.
D. I know her new address, but I can’t tell you.
Question 48: Explosives are used for catching fish and other sea animals.

A. People catch fish and other sea animals by use explosives.
B. People use explosives to catch fish and other sea animals.
C. Fish and other sea animals are caught explosives used.
D. Fish and other sea animals are caught to use explosives.
Question 49: If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents.
A. Motorists are careful, but there are many accidents.
B. Motorists are careful, and there are few accidents.
C. Motorists are not careful, and there are many accidents.
D. Motorists are not careful, but there are few accidents.
Question 50: I am not 16 years old, so my parents don't allow me to ride a motorbile.
A. If I were 16 years old, my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.
B. Unless I am 16 years old, my parents wouldn’t allow me to ride a motorbike.
C. If I am 16 years old, my parents will allow me to ride a motorbike.
D. Unless I were 16 years, old my parents would allow me to ride a motorbike.


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề
Full Name ……………………….…….10 A….

Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage.

In the United States and its territories alone, there are more than 40 national paths, varying considerably in landscape and
mood. Each park was chosen for its unique features, representative of a particular region of the country. Everglades National
Park, for example, at the southern tip of Florida, is a huge sub-tropical swamp - wet land - which provides refuge for such
unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties of birds, including the graceful pink flamingo.
In sharp contrast to the Everglades are the arid, dusty parks of the west. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, for
example, preserves the ruins of an Indian civilization which flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Today, tourists can
wander through the awesome cliff dwellings that the Indians carved out of the steep rock.
Question 1: National parks in the USA.......
A. are completely different from other parks in the world B. change a lot in landscape and mood
C. are a lot different from each other
D. are made more interesting
Question 2: Everglades National Park is.......
A. in the south of the United States
B. home to alligators and many varieties of birds
C. an area of land that is full of water
D. All are correct.
Question 3: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The difference between Mesa Verde and Everglades National Park.
B. The large number of national parks in the USA
C. National parks as a wildlife refuge.
D. The diversity of the national parks in the USA
Question 4: The word “which” in the second paragraph refers to.......
A. the 12th and 13th centuries
B. Everglades National Park
C. Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado
D. one of the civilizations of the Native Americans
Question 5: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Evety national park in the USA has its special features.
B. Everglades National Park is in the region of wet land.
C. The ruins of an civilization are being preserved.

D. Everglades National Park has a cold climate.
Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
Question 6:A. marine
B. surface
C. tiny
D. precious
Question 7:A. investigate B. mysterious
C. technology
D. population
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 8:A. influenced B. designed
C. terrified
D. received
Question 9:A. beat
B. bean
C. idea
D. sea
Question 10:A. jellyfish
B. percent
C. penguin
D. challenge
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of ...( 11).... However, little is known about the
long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious ...(12)... of modern times is that man is destroying the earth's
natural ...(13)... and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow ...(14)... to
feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all the ...(15)... on the earth must also be found as many
species are in danger of disappearing from the surface of the earth.
Question 11:A. pollution B. polluted
C. polluting
D. pollute

Question 12:A. things
B. thing
C. problems
D. problem
Question 13:A. sources
B. resources
C. resource
D. source
Question 14:A. a lot
B. many
C. enough
D. much
Question 15:A. animals
B. wildlife
C. life
D. lives
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 16: Some mistakes are made in the brochure, but they may correct before you get back.
A. are made
B. the brochure
C. get
D. may correct
Question 17: If he had asked the woman for the direction, he wouldn’t miss that train.
A. the direction
B. miss
C. for
D. If
Question 18: Would you buy that house if you had had enough money?
A. enough
B. Would you buy

C. house
D. if
Question 19: A lot of money were found in his flat by the police yesterday.
A. A lot of
B. were found
C. in his flat
D. by the police
