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(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 1: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Protection of Fish.
B. Sea Resources on the Decline.
C. Unlimited Sea Resources.
D. Threats to Animals and Birds.

Question 2: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Unlimited
B. Declined.
C. Depleted
D. Limited.
Question 3: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. None of the above.
B. The protection of African Elephant
C. Environment protection
D. The protection of Indian Tigers
Question 4: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Asia and America
B. The whole world
C. Europe and Asia
D. America
Question 5: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Sea resources can last forever.
B. Fish supply has no effects on people.
C. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
D. Sea resources are important to people.
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 6: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
Question 7: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
B. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
C. Sam would like to be an architect.

D. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
Question 8: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
B. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
C. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
D. The waiter warned me to another table.
Question 9: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. I failed to get to the last question.
B. I answered only the first four questions.
C. The last question was the most difficult for me.
D. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
Question 10: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
B. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
C. Mary is sorry they were very late.
D. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 11:A. diversity B. priority
C. vulnerable
D. extinction
Question 12:A. mosquito B. buffalo
C. crocodile
D. animal
Question 13:A. gorilla
B. destruction
C. expectancy
D. sociable

Question 14:A. panda
B. tiger
C. rhino
D. giraffe
Question 15:A. deforestation B. exploitation
C. population
D. education
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 16: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. It
B. excited
C. see
D. really
Question 17: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. modernized
B. many more
C. if
D. would
Question 18: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. for
B. giving
C. wrong
D. apologized Susan
Question 19: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. that
B. my
C. as soon as
D. on
Question 20: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. back

B. forget
C. evening
D. phoning
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 21:A. mention
B. decision
C. television
D. equation
Question 22:A. sew
B. news
C. few
D. new
Question 23:A. teeth
B. breath
C. there
D. thought
Question 24:A. could
B. stood
C. tool
D. hook
Question 25:A. trade
B. great
C. save
D. part
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(26)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(27)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(28)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(29)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(30)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(31)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human

activities, ...(32)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(33)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(34)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(35)... secure.
Question 26:A. have declined
B. had declined
C. declineD. declined
Question 27:A. have been B. are
C. were
D. had been
Question 28:A. exists
B. existed
C. existing
D. exist
Question 29:A. has largely B. were largely
C. largely were
D. has been been largely
Question 30:A. Hunt
B. Hunting
C. The hunting
D. Hunted
Question 31:A. as it has
B. as it does
C. like it does
D. like it has
Question 32:A. being reduced B. reduces
C. reducing
Question 33:A. protection B. protecting
C. protected

D. protective
Question 34:A. that
B. those
C. what
D. ones
Question 35:A. less
B. fewer
C. little
D. few
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 36: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. natural
B. natured
C. naturally
D. nature
Question 37: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. So he win
B. To win
C. Winning
D. So that he wins
Question 38: ......open the window for you?
A. Shall I
B. Do I
C. Shall I to
D. Should I to
Question 39: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. situation
B. A and C
C. position
D. opportunity

Question 40: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. will
B. ought
C. shall
D. must
Question 41: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. prior
B. first
C. early
D. initial
Question 42: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. labels
B. dots
C. marks
D. spots
Question 43: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. is doing
B. has been doing
C. did
D. does
Question 44: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. could do
B. should have done
C. should do
D. must have done
Question 45: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because of the raining heavily
B. because it is raining heavily
C. because the heavily rain it was
D. because it was raining heavily


Question 46: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. house
B. land
C. accommodation
D. home
Question 47: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. at
B. in
C. after
D. on
Question 48: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. for
B. in
C. to
D. of
Question 49: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. gain
B. All are correct
C. get
D. derive
Question 50: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 1: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. in
B. for
C. to
D. of
Question 2: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. at
B. on
C. after
D. in
Question 3: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. situation
B. opportunity
C. position

D. A and C
Question 4: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. naturally
B. natured
C. nature
D. natural
Question 5: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. dots
B. spots
C. marks
D. labels
Question 6: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. for
Question 7: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. To win
B. Winning
C. So he win
D. So that he wins
Question 8: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. does
B. has been doing
C. is doing
D. did
Question 9: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. must have done
B. should have done
C. should do

D. could do
Question 10: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because it is raining heavily
B. because it was raining heavily
C. because of the raining heavily
D. because the heavily rain it was
Question 11: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. must
B. ought
C. will
D. shall
Question 12: ......open the window for you?
A. Shall I
B. Shall I to
C. Should I to
D. Do I
Question 13: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. get
B. derive
C. All are correct
D. gain
Question 14: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. prior
B. initial
C. first
D. early
Question 15: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. land
B. accommodation
C. house

D. home
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 16: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Asia and America
B. America
C. The whole world
D. Europe and Asia
Question 17: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Threats to Animals and Birds.
B. Sea Resources on the Decline.
C. Unlimited Sea Resources.
D. Protection of Fish.
Question 18: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Unlimited
B. Declined.
C. Depleted
D. Limited.
Question 19: What does the author believe about sea resources?

A. Sea resources are important to people.
B. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.

C. Fish supply has no effects on people.
D. Sea resources can last forever.
Question 20: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. None of the above.
B. The protection of African Elephant
C. The protection of Indian Tigers
D. Environment protection
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(21)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(22)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(23)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(24)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(25)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(26)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(27)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(28)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(29)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(30)... secure.
Question 21:A. have declined B. decline
C. declined
D. had declined
Question 22:A. were
B. are
C. had been
D. have been
Question 23:A. existing

B. exists
C. exist
D. existed
Question 24:A. has largely B. has been been largely
C. were largely
D. largely were
Question 25:A. The hunting B. Hunt
C. Hunting
D. Hunted
Question 26:A. as it does B. like it has
C. as it has
D. like it does
Question 27:A.reduced
B. reducing
C. being reduced
D. reduces
Question 28:A. protected B. protecting
C. protective
D. protection
Question 29:A. what
B. those
C. ones
D. that
Question 30:A. few
B. fewer
C. less
D. little
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 31:A. giraffe
B. panda

C. tiger
D. rhino
Question 32:A. extinction B. vulnerable
C. priority
D. diversity
Question 33:A. sociable
B. expectancy
C. destruction
D. gorilla
Question 34:A. education B. population
C. exploitation
D. deforestation
Question 35:A. animal
B. crocodile
C. buffalo
D. mosquito
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 36: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
B. Sam would like to be an architect.
C. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
D. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
Question 37: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
B. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
C. The waiter warned me to another table.
D. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
Question 38: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.

C. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
Question 39: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. The last question was the most difficult for me.
B. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
C. I failed to get to the last question.
D. I answered only the first four questions.
Question 40: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
B. Mary is sorry they were very late.
C. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
D. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 41:A. great
B. part
C. trade
D. save
Question 42:A. thought
B. breath
C. teeth
D. there
Question 43:A. sew
B. new
C. news
D. few
Question 44:A. stood
B. tool
C. hook
D. could
Question 45:A. television B. equation

C. mention
D. decision

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 46: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. evening
B. back
C. phoning
Question 47: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. modernized
B. if
C. would
Question 48: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. for
B. apologized Susan
C. giving
Question 49: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. that
B. on
C. as soon as
Question 50: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. see
B. really
C. It


D. forget

D. many more
D. wrong
D. my
D. excited

(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. few
B. new
C. news
D. sew
Question 2:A. thought
B. there
C. breath
D. teeth
Question 3:A. television B. mention
C. equation

D. decision
Question 4:A. trade
B. part
C. save
D. great
Question 5:A. tool
B. could
C. hook
D. stood
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 6:A. gorilla
B. expectancy
C. sociable
D. destruction
Question 7:A. rhino
B. panda
C. tiger
D. giraffe
Question 8:A. exploitation B. education
C. population
D. deforestation
Question 9:A. diversity
B. extinction
C. priority
D. vulnerable
Question 10:A. buffalo
B. animal
C. crocodile
D. mosquito
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.

Question 11: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. as soon as
B. that
C. my
D. on
Question 12: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. if
B. many more
C. would
D. modernized
Question 13: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. wrong
B. for
C. apologized Susan
D. giving
Question 14: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. forget
B. phoning
C. evening
D. back
Question 15: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. really
B. see
C. It
D. excited
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(16)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(17)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(18)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(19)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and

also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(20)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(21)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(22)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(23)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(24)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(25)... secure.
Question 16:A. decline
B. had declined
C. declined
D. have declined
Question 17:A. had been B. have been
C. are
D. were
Question 18:A. exist
B. existing
C. existed
D. exists
Question 19:A. has largely B. has been been largely
C. were largely
D. largely were
Question 20:A. Hunted
B. The hunting
C. Hunting
D. Hunt
Question 21:A. as it has
B. as it does
C. like it has
D. like it does
Question 22:A. being reduced B.reduced
C. reducing
D. reduces

Question 23:A. protection B. protecting
C. protected
D. protective
Question 24:A. those
B. what
C. that
D. ones
Question 25:A. few
B. less
C. fewer
D. little
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 26: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
B. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
C. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
D. Sam would like to be an architect.
Question 27: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. The last question was the most difficult for me.
B. I failed to get to the last question.
C. I answered only the first four questions.
D. I found the last question easier than the other questions.

Question 28: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.

Question 29: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
B. The waiter warned me to another table.
C. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
D. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
Question 30: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
B. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
C. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
D. Mary is sorry they were very late.
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 31: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. position
B. opportunity
C. situation
D. A and C
Question 32: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. in
B. at
C. after
D. on
Question 33: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because of the raining heavily
B. because the heavily rain it was
C. because it was raining heavily
D. because it is raining heavily
Question 34: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. at
B. on
C. in

D. for
Question 35: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. natured
C. naturally
D. natural
Question 36: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. of
B. to
C. in
D. for
Question 37: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. shall
B. must
C. ought
D. will
Question 38: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. gain
B. All are correct
C. get
D. derive
Question 39: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. home
B. accommodation
C. house
D. land
Question 40: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. first
B. initial
C. prior

D. early
Question 41: ......open the window for you?
A. Shall I
B. Should I to
C. Shall I to
D. Do I
Question 42: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. must have done
B. should have done
C. should do
D. could do
Question 43: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. is doing
B. does
C. has been doing
D. did
Question 44: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. labels
B. spots
C. marks
D. dots
Question 45: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. So that he wins
B. So he win
C. To win
D. Winning
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land

and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 46: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Fish supply has no effects on people.
B. Sea resources are important to people.

C. Sea resources can last forever.
D. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
Question 47: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Protection of Fish.
B. Unlimited Sea Resources.
C. Sea Resources on the Decline.
D. Threats to Animals and Birds.
Question 48: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Unlimited
B. Declined.
C. Depleted
D. Limited.
Question 49: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Europe and Asia
B. The whole world

C. America
D. Asia and America
Question 50: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. The protection of Indian Tigers
B. Environment protection
C. None of the above.
D. The protection of African Elephant


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.

Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 1: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. America
B. Asia and America
C. The whole world
D. Europe and Asia
Question 2: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19 century towards resources of the sea?
A. Depleted
B. Limited.
C. Declined.
D. Unlimited
Question 3: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Fish supply has no effects on people.
B. Sea resources can last forever.
C. Sea resources are important to people.
D. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
Question 4: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. The protection of Indian Tigers
B. The protection of African Elephant
C. None of the above.
D. Environment protection
Question 5: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Threats to Animals and Birds.

B. Sea Resources on the Decline.
C. Protection of Fish.
D. Unlimited Sea Resources.
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 6:A. trade
B. save
C. great
D. part
Question 7:A. thought
B. teeth
C. breath
D. there
Question 8:A. news
B. sew
C. new
D. few
Question 9:A. mention
B. decision
C. equation
D. television
Question 10:A. tool
B. stood
C. could
D. hook
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 11:A. diversity B. extinction
C. vulnerable
D. priority
Question 12:A. deforestation B. population
C. exploitation

D. education
Question 13:A. animal
B. buffalo
C. crocodile
D. mosquito
Question 14:A. rhino
B. giraffe
C. panda
D. tiger
Question 15:A. expectancy B. gorilla
C. sociable
D. destruction
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 16: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. back
B. phoning
C. evening
D. forget
Question 17: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. that
B. on
C. my
D. as soon as
Question 18: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. apologized Susan
B. for
C. giving
D. wrong
Question 19: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. would

B. if
C. modernized
D. many more
Question 20: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. really
B. see
C. It
D. excited
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 21: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam would like to be an architect.
B. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
C. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
D. Sam wants the architect to like his father.

Question 22: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
B. I failed to get to the last question.
C. The last question was the most difficult for me.
D. I answered only the first four questions.
Question 23: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary is sorry they were very late.
B. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
C. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
D. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
Question 24: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
B. The waiter warned me to another table.

C. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
D. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
Question 25: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 26: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. dots
B. spots
C. labels
D. marks
Question 27: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. of
B. in
C. for
D. to
Question 28: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because of the raining heavily
B. because it was raining heavily
C. because the heavily rain it was
D. because it is raining heavily
Question 29: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. get
B. All are correct
C. derive
D. gain
Question 30: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. has been doing

B. does
C. is doing
D. did
Question 31: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. natured
B. nature
C. naturally
D. natural
Question 32: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. must have done
B. should do
C. should have done
D. could do
Question 33: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. prior
B. initial
C. first
D. early
Question 34: ......open the window for you?
A. Do I
B. Shall I
C. Should I to
D. Shall I to
Question 35: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. To win
B. Winning
C. So that he wins
D. So he win
Question 36: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. land

B. house
C. home
D. accommodation
Question 37: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. situation
B. opportunity
C. position
D. A and C
Question 38: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. after
B. in
C. on
D. at
Question 39: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. at
Question 40: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. must
B. will
C. ought
D. shall
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(41)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(42)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(43)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(44)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(45)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(46)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(47)... the animal’s range.


The giraffe is currently a ...(48)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(49)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(50)... secure.
Question 41:A. have declined B. decline
C. had declined
D. declined
Question 42:A. were
B. have been
C. are
D. had been
Question 43:A. existed
B. exist
C. existing
D. exists
Question 44:A. has been been largely B. largely were
C. were largely
D. has largely
Question 45:A. Hunted
B. The hunting
C. Hunt
D. Hunting
Question 46:A. like it does B. like it has
C. as it has
D. as it does
Question 47:A. reducing B.reduced
C. reduces

D. being reduced
Question 48:A. protected B. protecting
C. protection
D. protective
Question 49:A. what
B. that
C. ones
D. those
Question 50:A. fewer
B. less
C. few
D. little


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

Question 1:A. breath
B. teeth
C. there
D. thought
Question 2:A. great
B. trade
C. save
D. part
Question 3:A. television B. mention
C. decision
D. equation
Question 4:A. sew
B. few
C. news
D. new
Question 5:A. could
B. stood
C. hook
D. tool
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 6: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
B. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
C. Sam would like to be an architect.
D. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
Question 7: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary is sorry they were very late.
B. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
C. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
D. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.

Question 8: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
Question 9: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
B. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
C. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
D. The waiter warned me to another table.
Question 10: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
B. I failed to get to the last question.
C. I answered only the first four questions.
D. The last question was the most difficult for me.
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 11: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. excited
B. It
C. see
D. really
Question 12: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. forget
B. back
C. evening
D. phoning
Question 13: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. many more
B. modernized
C. would

D. if
Question 14: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. my
B. on
C. that
D. as soon as
Question 15: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. giving
B. wrong
C. for
D. apologized Susan
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 16:A. priority
B. diversity
C. extinction
D. vulnerable
Question 17:A. giraffe
B. panda
C. tiger
D. rhino
Question 18:A. sociable
B. gorilla
C. expectancy
D. destruction
Question 19:A. crocodile B. mosquito
C. animal
D. buffalo
Question 20:A. exploitationB. population
C. education
D. deforestation

Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 21: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. gain
B. derive
C. get
D. All are correct
Question 22: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. prior
B. early
C. first
D. initial
Question 23: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because the heavily rain it was
B. because it was raining heavily

C. because of the raining heavily
D. because it is raining heavily
Question 24: ......open the window for you?
A. Do I
B. Shall I
C. Should I to
D. Shall I to
Question 25: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. So that he wins
B. To win
C. Winning
D. So he win
Question 26: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.

A. in
B. for
C. to
D. of
Question 27: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. labels
B. marks
C. spots
D. dots
Question 28: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. has been doing
B. did
C. is doing
D. does
Question 29: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
Question 30: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. on
B. after
C. at
D. in
Question 31: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. natural
C. naturally
D. natured
Question 32: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......

A. position
B. opportunity
C. A and D
D. situation
Question 33: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. shall
B. ought
C. must
D. will
Question 34: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. should have done
B. must have done
C. should do
D. could do
Question 35: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. land
B. home
C. accommodation
D. house
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(36)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(37)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(38)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(39)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(40)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(41)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(42)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(43)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(44)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(45)... secure.
Question 36:A. declined B. had declined

C. have declined
D. decline
Question 37:A. have been B. had been
C. are
D. were
Question 38:A. exist
B. existed
C. exists
D. existing
Question 39:A. has largely B. largely were
C. has been been largely
D. were largely
Question 40:A. Hunted
B. Hunting
C. Hunt
D. The hunting
Question 41:A. as it has
B. like it has
C. as it does
D. like it does
Question 42:A.reduced
B. being reduced
C. reduces
D. reducing
Question 43:A. protection B. protected
C. protecting
D. protective
Question 44:A. ones
B. what
C. that

D. those
Question 45:A. fewer
B. few
C. little
D. less
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 46: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Fish supply has no effects on people.
B. Sea resources can last forever.
C. Sea resources are important to people.
D. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.

Question 47: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Unlimited Sea Resources.
B. Threats to Animals and Birds.
C. Protection of Fish.

D. Sea Resources on the Decline.
Question 48: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Declined.
B. Limited.
C. Depleted
D. Unlimited
Question 49: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. The protection of Indian Tigers
B. Environment protection
C. The protection of African Elephant
D. None of the above.
Question 50: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Europe and Asia
B. Asia and America
C. The whole world
D. America


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(1)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(2)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(3)... only in
East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(4)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(5)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(6)... on some of Africa’s big-game
animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(7)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(8)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(9)... living in national parks and reserves, but
for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(10)... secure.
Question 1:A. have declined B. had declined
C. declined
D. decline
Question 2:A. had been
B. were
C. have been
D. are
Question 3:A. existing
B. existed
C. exists
D. exist
Question 4:A. largely were B. has been been largely
C. has largely
D. were largely
Question 5:A. Hunting
B. Hunt

C. The hunting
D. Hunted
Question 6:A. as it does
B. as it has
C. like it has
D. like it does
Question 7:A.reduced
B. being reduced
C. reduces
D. reducing
Question 8:A. protective B. protection
C. protected
D. protecting
Question 9:A. those
B. what
C. that
D. ones
Question 10:A. fewer
B. few
C. less
D. little
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 11:A. vulnerable B. diversity
C. extinction
D. priority
Question 12:A. panda
B. giraffe
C. tiger
D. rhino
Question 13:A. buffalo

B. animal
C. crocodile
D. mosquito
Question 14:A. exploitationB. deforestation
C. population
D. education
Question 15:A. sociable
B. gorilla
C. destruction
D. expectancy
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 16:A. part
B. trade
C. great
D. save
Question 17:A. few
B. new
C. news
D. sew
Question 18:A. hook
B. tool
C. could
D. stood
Question 19:A. decision
B. equation
C. mention
D. television
Question 20:A. teeth
B. thought
C. breath

D. there
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 21: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. America
B. Asia and America
C. Europe and Asia
D. The whole world
Question 22: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Limited.
B. Declined.
C. Unlimited
D. Depleted
Question 23: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Sea Resources on the Decline.
B. Unlimited Sea Resources.
C. Threats to Animals and Birds.
D. Protection of Fish.

Question 24: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Fish supply has no effects on people.
B. Sea resources can last forever.
C. Sea resources are important to people.
D. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
Question 25: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. None of the above.
B. Environment protection
C. The protection of Indian Tigers
D. The protection of African Elephant
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 26: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
Question 27: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
B. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
C. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
D. Mary is sorry they were very late.
Question 28: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam would like to be an architect.
B. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
C. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
D. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
Question 29: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter asked me moving to another table.

B. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
C. The waiter warned me to another table.
D. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
Question 30: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. The last question was the most difficult for me.
B. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
C. I answered only the first four questions.
D. I failed to get to the last question.
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 31: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. situation
B. opportunity
C. A and D
D. position
Question 32: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. home
B. land
C. accommodation
D. house
Question 33: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. labels
B. marks
C. dots
D. spots
Question 34: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. could do
B. should have done
C. should do
D. must have done
Question 35: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.

A. for
B. at
C. on
D. in
Question 36: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. prior
B. first
C. early
D. initial
Question 37: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because the heavily rain it was
B. because it was raining heavily
C. because of the raining heavily
D. because it is raining heavily
Question 38: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. Winning
B. To win
C. So he win
D. So that he wins
Question 39: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. derive
B. gain
C. All are correct
D. get
Question 40: ......open the window for you?
A. Shall I to
B. Should I to
C. Do I
D. Shall I
Question 41: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.

A. does
B. has been doing
C. is doing
D. did
Question 42: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. on
B. at
C. after
D. in
Question 43: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. in
B. of
C. for
D. to
Question 44: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. naturally
C. natural
D. natured
Question 45: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. ought
B. shall
C. will
D. must

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 46: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. for

B. apologized Susan
C. giving
Question 47: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. forget
B. back
C. phoning
Question 48: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. as soon as
B. on
C. that
Question 49: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. modernized
B. would
C. if
Question 50: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. really
B. It
C. see


D. wrong
D. evening
D. my
D. many more
D. excited


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. sew
B. news
C. new
D. few
Question 2:A. mention
B. television
C. decision
D. equation
Question 3:A. trade
B. part
C. great
D. save
Question 4:A. teeth
B. breath
C. there
D. thought
Question 5:A. tool
B. hook

C. could
D. stood
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 6: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. excited
B. see
C. really
D. It
Question 7: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. evening
B. phoning
C. back
D. forget
Question 8: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. modernized
B. would
C. if
D. many more
Question 9: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. that
B. on
C. my
D. as soon as
Question 10: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. for
B. apologized Susan
C. wrong
D. giving
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 11: A leopard cannot change its.......

A. dots
B. labels
C. spots
D. marks
Question 12: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. will
B. shall
C. ought
D. must
Question 13: ......open the window for you?
A. Should I to
B. Do I
C. Shall I
D. Shall I to
Question 14: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. for
B. in
C. of
D. to
Question 15: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. position
B. opportunity
C. A and D
D. situation
Question 16: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. first
B. prior
C. early
D. initial
Question 17: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.

A. land
B. accommodation
C. house
D. home
Question 18: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. at
B. after
C. on
D. in
Question 19: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. So he win
B. Winning
C. So that he wins
D. To win
Question 20: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. should have done
B. must have done
C. should do
D. could do
Question 21: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. on
Question 22: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. natural
C. natured
D. naturally
Question 23: We postponed the picnic.......

A. because of the raining heavily
B. because it is raining heavily
C. because the heavily rain it was
D. because it was raining heavily
Question 24: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. does
B. is doing
C. did
D. has been doing
Question 25: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. derive
B. All are correct
C. gain
D. get
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(26)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(27)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(28)... only
in East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.

The decline of giraffe populations ...(29)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(30)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(31)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(32)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(33)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(34)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(35)... secure.
Question 26:A. declined B. decline
C. had declined
D. have declined

Question 27:A. had been B. are
C. were
D. have been
Question 28:A. exists
B. exist
C. existing
D. existed
Question 29:A. were largely B. has largely
C. has been been largely
D. largely were
Question 30:A. Hunt
B. Hunting
C. The hunting
D. Hunted
Question 31:A. as it has
B. like it does
C. like it has
D. as it does
Question 32:A. reduces
B. reducing
C. being reduced
Question 33:A. protected B. protection
C. protecting
D. protective
Question 34:A. ones
B. those
C. what
D. that
Question 35:A. few

B. little
C. less
D. fewer
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 36: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
B. Sam would like to be an architect.
C. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
D. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
Question 37: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
B. Mary is sorry they were very late.
C. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
D. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
Question 38: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter warned me to another table.
B. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
C. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
D. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
Question 39: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
C. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
Question 40: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. The last question was the most difficult for me.
B. I answered only the first four questions.
C. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
D. I failed to get to the last question.
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.

Question 41:A. mosquito B. crocodile
C. animal
D. buffalo
Question 42:A. extinction B. diversity
C. priority
D. vulnerable
Question 43:A. panda
B. rhino
C. tiger
D. giraffe
Question 44:A. destruction B. sociable
C. expectancy
D. gorilla
Question 45:A. deforestation B. population
C. education
D. exploitation
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important
part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 46: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?

A. Unlimited Sea Resources.
B. Protection of Fish.

C. Threats to Animals and Birds.
D. Sea Resources on the Decline.
Question 47: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Sea resources can last forever.
B. Sea resources are important to people.
C. Fish supply has no effects on people.
D. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
Question 48: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Unlimited
B. Depleted
C. Declined.
D. Limited.
Question 49: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?
A. The protection of African Elephant
B. Environment protection
C. None of the above.
D. The protection of Indian Tigers
Question 50: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Europe and Asia
B. The whole world
C. America
D. Asia and America


(Đề gồm có 03 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017
Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề


Mã Phách ……….

Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
Question 1:A. stood
B. could
C. tool
D. hook
Question 2:A. sew
B. few
C. news
D. new
Question 3:A. equation
B. decision
C. mention
D. television
Question 4:A. great
B. save
C. trade

D. part
Question 5:A. teeth
B. breath
C. thought
D. there
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Like many of Africa’s large animals, giraffes ...(6)... in numbers and in range over the last century. At one time, herds of
over 100 animals ...(7)... common in savanna regions across the continent, but today concentrations like these ...(8)... only in
East Africa - particularly Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park.
The decline of giraffe populations ...(9)... due to hunting. In Africa, the giraffe is a traditional source of skin and hair and
also of tough but nutritious meat. ...(10)... of giraffes has not yet has a catastrophic effect, ...(11)... on some of Africa’s biggame animals, but it is a cause for concern. The natural habitat of the giraffe is also being impacted more and more by human
activities, ...(12)... the animal’s range.
The giraffe is currently a ...(13)... species throughout most of its range and is classed as conservation-dependent by the
World Conservation Union. The giraffe’s prospects for survival are good for ...(14)... living in national parks and reserves,
but for animals living outsides these areas the future is ...(15)... secure.
Question 6:A. decline
B. declined
C. had declined
D. have declined
Question 7:A. had been
B. were
C. have been
D. are
Question 8:A. exist
B. existing
C. exists
D. existed
Question 9:A. has been been largely B. has largely
C. were largely
D. largely were

Question 10:A. The hunting
B. Hunting
C. HuntedD. Hunt
Question 11:A. as it has
B. like it does
C. like it has
D. as it does
Question 12:A. being reduced
B. reducing
C. reduces
Question 13:A. protected B. protection
C. protecting
D. protective
Question 14:A. what
B. those
C. ones
D. that
Question 15:A. few
B. little
C. less
D. fewer
Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 16: They......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. All are correct
B. get
C. derive
D. gain
Question 17: The context......which you learn something can affect how well you remember it.
A. in

B. to
C. for
D. of
Question 18: ......open the window for you?
A. Do I
B. Shall I to
C. Shall I
D. Should I to
Question 19: Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
Question 20: The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable......
A. opportunity
B. situation
C. position
D. B and C
Question 21: My boss is angry with me. I didn't do all the work I......last week.
A. should have done
B. must have done
C. could do
D. should do
Question 22: The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. home
B. accommodation
C. house
D. land
Question 23: ......the gold medal, he will have to do better than that.
A. So he win

B. To win
C. So that he wins
D. Winning
Question 24: He is tired now. He......the gardening for hours.
A. has been doing
B. is doing
C. did
D. does
Question 25: “The......bird catches the worm.”
A. early
B. initial
C. first
D. prior
Question 26: I'm afraid I have to leave......a few days’ time.
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. after
Question 27: The panda’s......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. natural
B. natured
C. naturally
D. nature
Question 28: Jane's glasses are on the desk, so she......be here.
A. shall
B. will
C. must
D. ought

Question 29: We postponed the picnic.......
A. because the heavily rain it was
B. because it was raining heavily
C. because it is raining heavily
D. because of the raining heavily
Question 30: A leopard cannot change its.......
A. marks
B. spots
C. labels
D. dots
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting.
Question 31: The factory would be able to produce many more work if it were modernized.
A. many more
B. modernized
C. would
D. if
Question 32: John suggested that my putting a better lock on the door as soon as possible.
A. as soon as
B. my
C. on
D. that
Question 33: Paul apologized Susan for giving her the wrong telephone number.
A. apologized Susan
B. for
C. giving
D. wrong
Question 34: Don’t forget phoning him back this evening.
A. back
B. evening

C. forget
D. phoning
Question 35: You really must see that new play. It is very excited.
A. really
B. excited
C. see
D. It
Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words.
Question 36:A. gorilla
B. expectancy
C. destruction
D. sociable
Question 37:A. deforestation B. population
C. education
D. exploitation
Question 38:A. buffalo
B. crocodile
C. animal
D. mosquito
Question 39:A. panda
B. giraffe
C. rhino
D. tiger
Question 40:A. diversity B. vulnerable
C. priority
D. extinction
Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one.
Question 41: “You spent so much money on elothes, Ann,” her mother said.
A. Ann’s mother blamed Ann for spending so much money on clothes.
B. Ann’s mother told her to spend so much money on clothes.

C. Ann’s mother advised Ann not spending so much money on clothes.
D. Ann’s mother accused Ann of spending so much money on clothes.
Question 42: Mary apologizes for having kept them waiting.
A. Mary is sorry that she made them wait for her.
B. Mary says they called to say that they will be late.
C. Mary has been waiting for them so long time.
D. Mary is sorry they were very late.
Question 43: I took more time on the last question than I did on the first four.
A. I failed to get to the last question.
B. I answered only the first four questions.
C. I found the last question easier than the other questions.
D. The last question was the most difficult for me.
Question 44: Sam wishes to be an architect like his father.
A. Sam wants the architect to like his father.
B. Sam wants his father to be an architect.
C. Sam would like to be an architect.
D. Sam and his father wish to become architects.
Question 45: The waiter said, “Would you mind moving to another table?”
A. The waiter warned me to another table.
B. The waiter asked me moving to another table.
C. The waiter asked me to mind moving to another table.
D. The waiter asked me to move to another table.
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
During the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea are
unlimited. For example, a noted biologist writing in the mid-19 th century commented that none of the great sea fisheries is to
be exhausted. Today though, there is evidence that the resources of the sea are as seriously endangered as those of the land
and the air, and that the endangered species include Herring and Carp as well as the African Elephant. Indian Tiger, and the
American Eagle.
Furthermore, the threats to fish are more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds.
This is because fishes are a much needed food resources and people throughout the world depend on fish as an important

part of their dish, and the decline in the fish supply could have extensive effects on hunger and population. Fishermen in the
North Atlantic alone annually harvest 20 billion pounds of fish to satisfy food demands, but it is important to recognize that
these practices cannot continue without depleting fish storage within the next few years. Sea resources are rapidly declining
in many parts of world, and the problem cannot be ignored.
We can predict that food supplies in the sea cannot last forever.
Question 46: According to the author what was the attitude in the 19th century towards resources of the sea?
A. Depleted
B. Declined.
C. Limited.
D. Unlimited
Question 47: What purpose does the author mention the endangered species for?

A. Environment protection
B. The protection of Indian Tigers
C. The protection of African Elephant
D. None of the above.
Question 48: What is the range of the decline in fish supply?
A. Europe and Asia
B. America
C. The whole world
D. Asia and America
Question 49: What does the author believe about sea resources?
A. Fish supply has no effects on people.
B. None of the great sea fisheries is to be exhausted.
C. Sea resources can last forever.
D. Sea resources are important to people.
Question 50: Which of the following titles best describes the purpose of the lecture?
A. Threats to Animals and Birds.

B. Protection of Fish.
C. Sea Resources on the Decline.
D. Unlimited Sea Resources.


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