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Unit 2: Listening (10NC)

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I. Aim
Listening for gist and specific information about life and career of Alexandre Yersin
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Be updated with background information about a famous doctor – Alexandre Yersin
- Improve listening skill through true or False and Multiple Choice exercises.
III. Materials
Textbook, cassette,
Pictures about Alexandre Yersin
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in listening to a long talk.
V. Procedure
Time Steps
Group Discussion
Ask Ss to work in groups and look at the pictures.
Tell Ss to ask and answer the following questions:
What cities do you think are shown in the pictures?
Group work
Time Steps
Why do you think so?
Who discovered the city in picture a?
Who founded the Pasteur Institute in Nha Trang?
Gather ideas and lead in the Listening.

Provide necessary background information before having Ss listen to the tape.
Vocabulary pre-teach
Baccalaureate (n): the degree of bachelor of arts, science (bằng cử nhân)
Citizenship (n): the right of being a citizen of a country (quyền công dân)
Thereafter (adv): after that (sau đó)
Wanderlust (n): desire to travel, wander (niềm say mê, ham thích đi du lịch)
Ranch (n): cattle-raising farm (trại chăn nuôi)
Immunology (n): science that study the immune system (môn nghiên cứu miễn dịch
Quinquina (n): cây kì na
Abandoned (a): empty, deserted (bỏ hoang)
Checking technique
Ordering vocabulary
Write all the new word on the board. Make sentences which contain the new words
Read the sentences aloud.
Ask Ss to write down the words they hear in order 1, 2, 3, ...
Whole class
Set the scene
As you know, Alexandre Yersin was a world – famous physician and bacteriologist.
In today lesson, you will listen to a talk about his life and contributions to
<st1:country-region w:st="on">Vietnam</st1:country-region>. First, listen to the
tape and decide whether the statements are true or false. Check (ü) the appropriate
boxes then correct the false statements.
Task 1 – True or False Individual work
Ask Ss to read the statements about Alexandre Yersin carefully and encourage them to

have a guess before listening to the tape.
Play the tape more than once if necessary.
Call on some Ss to explain their answer in front of the class.
Make necessary corrections.
Give correct answer:
1. F (He was born in <st1:country-region
2. T
3. F (His home is in Nha Trang.)
Time Steps
1. F (He built the Pasteur Institute in Nha Trang)
2. F (He was built in Nha trang.)
3. T
Task 2 – Gap-filling
Play the tape again. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer the question:
What happened to Yersin in the following years?
Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend.
Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of the class.
Pause the tape appropriately to check Ss’ answers.
Give correct answers.
1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D
Tape script

Alexandre Yersin was born in 1863 in Swetzerland. In 1882, he received a
baccalaureate degree in literature, and in 1888, after having graduated from a
medical school in Paris, he formally change his citizenship to French. He joined Dr.
Louis Pasteur’s team at about the same time. Thereafter, he became famous through
many of the pioneering work done by Pasteur’s team. His wanderlust brought him to
<st1:country-region w:st="on">Viet Nam</st1:country-region>. In July 1891, his
expedition to the highlands of <st1:country-region w:st="on">Viet
Nam</st1:country-region> brought to the discovery of Da Lat, and later many water
sources in this region. Al though Yersin loved Da Lat, his home was located in Nha
trang, where he built the Pasteur Institute.
He also had a ranch in Nha Trang. He raised horses to do his research in
immunology. He also contributed to the Vietnamese rubber industry, as he was
responsible for introducing the Brazilian rubber tree to <st1:country-region
w:st="on">Viet Nam</st1:country-region>, where quinine is produced.
Dr. Yersin was loved by the people in Nha Trang for his humanity and care he gave
to the people. He bought and old abandoned house and painted it while. It doubled
as both his living quarters and his laboratory. The locals lovingly called his home
Lau Ong <st1:country-region w:st="on">Nam</st1:country-region> or Thap Nga.
In 1940, he returned to <st1:country-region w:st="on">France</st1:country-
region> for the last time. In 1941, he returned to his home in Nha Trang where he
died in January 3, 1943, at the age of 80. He was buried in Nha Trang.
Individual work
Time Steps
Group Discussion
Ask Ss To Work In Groups And Talk About Yersin’s Contribution To Viet Nam

Encourage to use the in formation in the tape.
Gather ideas and give suggested answer:
Yersin’s contributions:
o Discover Da Lat and many water sources in this region.
o Raise horses to do research in immunology
o Contribute to the Vietnamese rubber industry by introducing the
Brazilian rubber tree to <st1:country-region w:st="on">Viet
o Set up the first quinquina plantation in <st1:country-region
w:st="on">Viet Nam</st1:country-region>
o .....
Group work
Summarize the main points
Assign homework.
Whole class
I. Aim
Talking about people’s backgrounds
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about people’s backgrounds by using given
prompts and answering questions.
III. Materials
Text book, whiteboard markers, ....
IV. Anticipated problems
Ss may have difficulty in collecting information about people’s backgrounds.
V. Procedure
Time Steps

Multiple Choice
Ask Ss to work in groups and choose the word that best describes
Louis Pasteur.
1. a. chemist b. teacher c. farmer d. driver
2. a. <st1:country-region w:st="on">England</st1:country-region>
b. <st1:country-region w:st="on">Japan</st1:country-region> c.
<st1:country-region w:st="on">France</st1:country-region> d.
<st1:country-region w:st="on">Laos</st1:country-region>
Group word
Time Steps
3. a. rabies b. measles c. flu d. headache
4. a. Ha Noi b. Vung Tau c. Can Tho d. Nha Trang
Call on some Ss different groups to explain their answers in front of
the class. Ask them to say the link between the words and Pasteur’s
1. a 2. c 3. a 4.d
Explain necessary vocabulary for discussion:
Doctorate (n): the degree, status, or title of one who holds a doctor
degree (học vị tiến sĩ)
Institution (n) : cơ quan, tổ chức
Cathedral (n): large, important church (nhà thờ lớn)
Ask Ss to make sentences with the above words.

Make certain that Ss understand the meanings of these words.
Whole class
Ask Ss to work in pairs. S1 makes questions about Louis Pasteur; S 2
reads the information in the box and uses them to give full answers to s
s questions.
Call on some pairs to conduct the conversation in front of the class.
Ask for comments from other pairs.
Gather ideas and make corrections.
Give suggested answers:
When and where was he born?
What did he do?
What did he develop?
What qualification / degree did he get?
What did he found in 1888?
When did he die?
Note: Encourage Ss to use their own background knowledge in the
conversation. The information in the box is only suggestion.
Pair work
Keep Ss working in pairs: Ask and answer about their favorite person’s
background. Use the suggested questions in the book.
Give Ss 5 to 10 minutes to prepare before doing the task.
Encourage Ss to ask and answer about their idols such as pop stars
(Britney Spear, ...), movie stars (Tom Cruise, ...)

Call on some Ss to give a short talk about their favorite person’s
Make necessary comments and corrections.
Summarize the main points.
Assign homework.

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