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Unit 4: Our past
Period 22 : Speak + Listen

* Look at the picture and answer the questions
Where did Nga’s grandmother
Did she live in a nice house ?
How is life/ electricity now ?
Are there a lot of means of
transports for peole now ?
How was her clothes ?
How did she travel ?
Did she have much time for
entertainment ?
Was there electricity for her at that
time ?
Do people wear modern clothes ?

Patterns: USED TO +V
(+) S + used to + V
eg, I used to drink coffee.
(- ) S + did not + use to + V
(?) Did + S + use to + V?
I didn’t use to drink coffee.
Did you use to drink coffee?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t.
1, live/ Hue/Hanoi

Did you use to live in Hue?
No, I didn’t. I used to live in Hanoi.

2, have/ long hair/ short hair
Did you use to have long hair?
No, I didn’t. I used to have short hair.
3, go/ by motorbike/ by bike
Did you use to go by motorbike?
No, I didn’t. I used to go by bike.
* Answer the questions:
a, Where did they live in the past? And now?
b, How did they travel?
c, What’s about the electricity?
e, Did children use to go to sschool?
d, What’s about their life/ work?
f, What about their entertainments?

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