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08th OCTOBER 2011
and 10th March 2012


Effects of aging population?

 Type: Argumentative

 Field: Social problem.
 Target:

Showing advantages and disadvantages of the
Giving supporting ideas and relevant

 Organization:



(support to aging population)

(not support to aging population)

- Live long to enjoy life more.
- Aging population is conducive to
the booming of nursing and
healthcare related Industry.
- The old plays an important role in
preserve national character.

- The old goes along with diseases.
- More pressure of welfare for the
old on government.
- Old people’s conservatism limit
creativeness of the young.

Effects of aging population?

 Essay:

of the
first idea

The phenomenon of aging

population is gaining ground in developed
nations where longevity is lengthened
greatly by dint of higher living standards,
better health care and serene life. Some
people fear that this trend may cause threat
to the society in the long run for its cause of
young labor resource dearth while others
view it as inevitable and see positive effects
of this issue. My essay will analyze both
good and bad sides of this problem.
First of all, it is believed that
the longer people live, the more they
enjoy their lives. After years of diligence
and contributions, the idea of taking a
comfortable life in the twilight years
without the worry of suffering death is
wonderful; the senior can read books, write
their articles, or pursue their own passion
to the fullest extent. However, along with
their enjoyment are pains as well. The old
age is often associated with diseases which
deprive the senior minutes of basking
themselves in their twilight years, for
instance, the attack of insomnia,
hypertension, loss of memory and others.

Effects of aging population?

 Essay:

of the
first idea


Second of all, from a broader
perspective, say, the social view point, the
appearance of dense population of the old is seen
as a catalyst for the booming of nursing and
health-care related industry. With more old people
dominating, doctors and other health experts are
likely to work their brains to come up with new
medicines to treat diseases and enhance the quality of
healthcare of the old who, unlike other generation, put
their well being on the top of their list. Nevertheless,
the opposite truth is the probable danger of a huge
waste of money poured into welfare, which might
drive the government crazy while they are already
exhausted with so many responsibilities. Besides,
despite the existence of high-skilled products made by
the senior who have a wealth of experience and
knowledge, the society is in a dire shortage of the

young who have a bigger say over the economic
destiny of a nation. Third of all, it is thought that in
accompany with the presence of the old is the
possibility of the preservation of well-valued
traditional norms. It is reasonable to argue that the
old who often hold back on the past value tend to put
high emphasis on the sustenance of the old day
beauty. By contrast, the counter-argument is that as a
result of so-called conservatism normally noticed in
the old, the society will be in lack of new ideas and
ideals that are conducive to a dynamic and open
economy. In a word, the society would undergo gains
and pains when this trend prevails.
All in all, aging population is an
acknowledged trend, having positive
and negative impacts on each individual
and society as a whole.


Effects of aging population?

 Vocabulary:


Longevity /lɔn'dʤeviti/ tuỏ i thọ
Serene /si'ri:n/ thanh bình
diligence /'dilidʤəns/ sự chăm chỉ
Insomnia /in'sɔmniə/ chứng mấ t ngủ
Hypertension /'hâipə:'tenʃn/ chứng cao huyé t ấ p
Welfare /'welfe / phú c lợi xã họ i
Norm /nɔ:m/ quy tấ c, phong tụ c
Prevail /pri'veil/ thịnh hầ nh, phổ bié n

Effects of aging population?

 Translation into Vietnamese
Hiện tượng dân số già đâng tăng lên tại
những quốc gia pháp triển nơi tuổi thọ con người
được kéo dài lên rất nhiều nhờ vào mức sống cao
hơn, chăm sóc y tế tốt hơn và cuộc sống thanh bình
hơn. Một vài người sợ rằng xu hướng này có thể
gây lên một mối đe dọâ tới xã hội trong dài hậ n do
nguyên nhân về sự khan hiếm nguồn lao động trẻ
trong khi đó những người còn lại cho rầ ng điè u nầ y
lầ tấ t yé u và ghi nhậ n tấ c đọ ng tích cực củ a vấ n đề
nầ y. Bài luận củâ tôi sẽ phân tích cả hai mặt củâ vấn

Đầu tiên, mọi người tin rằng con người
càng sống lâu hơn thì càng hưởng thụ cuộc
sống của họ nhiều hơn. Sau những năm tháng
siêng năng và cống hiến, ý tưởng về việc hưởng
một cuộc sống thoải mái dễ chịu trong nhưng năm
tháng cuối đời mà không phải lo lắng về cái chết
thật là tuyệt vời; những người lớn tuổi có thể đọc
sách, viết báo, theo đuổi niềm đâm mê củâ riêng họ
đến đỉnh điểm. Tuy nhiên, đi cùng với sự hưởng
thụ củâ họ cũng là những sự đâu đớn. Tuổi già
thường liên quan đến bệnh tật cái điều sẽ lấy đi
những phút giây an nhan tuổi già củâ chính họ
trong những năm cuối đời, thí dụ như, sự công kích
củâ chứng mất ngủ, cao huyết áp, mất trí nhớ và các
bệnh lý khác.

Effects of aging population?

 Translation into Vietnamese
Thứ hai, từ một cái nhìn khái quát hơn, quan điểm
của xã hội có thể nói rằng sự xuất hiện của dân số già được
xem như là một chất xúc tác cho sự bùng nổ của nghành công
nhiệp liên quan đến việc điều dưỡng và chăm sóc sức khỏe.
Với số lượng người già lấ n át, các bác sĩ và các chuyên gia sức khỏe
khác dường như phẩ i bắt bộ não củâ họ làm việc liên tục để bắt kịp
các loại thuốc mới để chữâ trị các căn bệnh và nâng cao chất lượng
chăm sóc sức khỏe người cao tuổi những người không giống như
các thế hệ khác, đặt sức khỏe củâ họ lên hàng đầu. Tuy nhiên, sự

thật trái ngược là mối nguy hiểm có thể xảy ra củâ việc lãng phí
một khoản tiền lớn được rót vào phúc lợi xã hội, điều mà có thể
làm cho chính phủ phát điên trong khi họ lại kiệt sức do quá nhiều
trách nhiệm. Bên cạnh đó, mặc dù sự hiện hữu củâ các sản phẩm
công nghệ cao được làm ra bởi những người thâm niên giàu kinh
nghiệm và hiểu biết, nhưng xã hội lại đâng ở trong tinh trạng thiếu
hụt nghiêm trọng lao động trẻ những người có lời hứâ hẹn lớn hơn
cho vận mệnh kinh tế củâ quốc qia. Thứ ba, mọi người cho rằng
cùng với sự hiện diện củâ người già rất có khả năng sẽ bảo tồn
được các giá trị văn hó a đấ ng quý. Cũng dễ hiểu khi tranh luận rằng
người già người mà thường lưu giữ giá trị quá khứ có chiều hướng
tập trung cao vào thức ăn thức uống củâ vẻ đẹp xa xưâ. Ngược lại,
những ý kiến phản biện thì lại cho rằng như là một kết quả củâ cái
gọi được gọi là chủ nghĩâ bảo thủ thì thường chú ý đến người già,
xã hội sẽ thiếu đi những ý kiến và lý tưởng mới điều mầ sẽ tạo điều
kiện cho một nền kinh tế mở và năng động. Hay nói cách khác, xã
hội sẽ trẩ i qua những mậ t được và mấ t khi mầ xu hướng nầ y thịnh
Nói tóm lại, dân số già hóa là một xu hướng đã được
thừâ nhận, có cẩ những ẩ nh hưởng tích cực và cẩ tiêu cực đé n mõ i
cẩ nhân và toầ n xã họ i.

Written by Pham Thi Le Na
Timing: 7 minutes
Not all people stand a chance of experiencing the college years, but if studying at
university, they will definitely realize that those years are the most fabulous

periods of time for these following reasons. College years are the time we learn
how to be independent and responsible. Unlike years at secondary and high school
when we still depend on parents for decision, university periods of time give us
constructive freedom.
When we live far way from parents, everything we do is all of our own making, and
hence, we learn to be more responsible for our life. There would be no one there
giving directions or showing us how to cook, clean and do laundry, or telling us which
career we should follow or which course we should take. Only by doing all of them
on our own can we become more mature and be ready for later
Another advantage the student life promises us is the new experiences- a far cry
from what we tasted at earlier years. It is the first time we have the opportunity
to get engaged in social activities like student clubs, volunteer programs that bring
a meaning to our life. It is the first time all students are encouraged to stand in
front of public to make presentation or to debate or to show our reflections upon
controversial issues, all of which greatly enhance our confidence. It is the first
time we make friends with people from different regions of the country, helping
promote our interpersonal skills a lot. Such experiences are prerequisites
for us to move on with aplomb in the future.
Counter-argument paragraph: Opponents argue that their childhood or
adolescence is the best period of time because they do not have to worry about
anything. This is partly true, but when it comes to the real enjoyment of life, it
needs our awareness of true value of every moment we live. How can a child
understand much the meaning of happiness when they are just from 1 or 4 years
old? How can secondary or high school students truly feel happy when everything
they do is not what they want, but mostly what parents want or impose or

manipulate? It is only in such a heterogeneous environment like university that we
learn to be ourselves.

In the final analysis, I reckon that missing the college years means missing the
most meaningful part of your life.

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that
children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Understand strengths and weakness
Motivate people
A sense of pride and wonderful memories


Learn from friends
Social skills, team-work
A sense of community

Whether children should be encouraged to compete remains controversial. Several people claim that
this skill is indispensible to people’s survival in the cut-throat world like today while others cite that
there should be more cooperation, instead competition to foster children’s comprehensive
development. My essay will shed lights on this issue and present my personal view at the same time.
It is, firstly, true that the sense of competition engendered in children is conducive to their recognition
of weakness and strengths. For instance, no sooner have they competed with their friends in a football

than they realize what skills they lack and lessons they draw. However, it is reasoned that life is not
about winning or losing; in order to understand who they are in this society, they should know how to
cooperate, to communicate with others, support others and respect others in the fulfillment of we-goal.
Another disadvantage of competition is to provoke in children the aggressive feelings and selfishness.
Surveys have shown that such children that are raised in a more competitive environment tend to be
more violent, dictatorial and less willing to subordinate their needs to others. Yet, the fact is that if
children are too cooperative and hardly ready to fight for their interest sometimes, they may find
themselves inferior, unconfident and threatened by others all the time. The outcome of several studies
also states that as a consequence of excessively accepting things and compromising with others, these
would-be adults suffer mental disorders and always live in their little closet, staying distant to the real

In fact, both cooperation and competition are existent in any human’s activity. The absence of one of
them is harmful to individuals and the society as a whole. Let’s take the game of football as an example;
here each player is supposed to cooperate to score the goal against his competitors, or in work places
the promotional opportunities are only available for people who perform better than other colleagues,
but get along with their bosses and others.
In conclusion, both cooperation and competition are equally important to children’s development, but
over-emphasis on either of them will lead to disastrous consequences.

As a part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another
country to learn its language and culture. Agree or disagree?
Timing: 10 minutes
Written By Pham Thi Le Na
Word count: 478 words

Knowledge and experience
Enlarge relationship
Discover potential markets
Feel less stressed


Waste of money
Cultural shock
Affect studying
Health problem

Whether students should allocate a part of their time living in another nation
remains controversial. Some people claim that this trend has a positive effect on
the future of learners while others claim that it is a huge waste of money for
them. I partly agree with the statement for the following reasons.
On one hand, there are several benefits of following this trend. First, only by
traveling to a new place can learners expand their international knowledge and
experience. Meeting new people with different cultures, backgrounds and lifestyles, learners can learn novel things and apply them in their own nations in
their comeback. In addition, relationship enlargement is another benefit. Some
of international friends could be great shoulders for learners to cry on or help
them in difficulties while others can teach them meaningful lessons. One of my
sisters who learned abroad for one year made friend with an Australian that
introduced her to work in a multinational company there. Furthermore, studying
overseas for a while frees learners’ life from stress at home. Being in a place for
long, people find it bored and need a new land to set their mind at peace, reflect
upon their past and come up with the future plan with wider vision. By virtue of
being exposed to unique things abroad, they may feel inspired to make their
dream come true or at least stay away from unwanted pressure.

Nevertheless, pains are noticed in this scenario. Only because of earmarking a
big amount of money for this plan do people become bankrupt, especially in

times of financial crisis. Not only do they have to pay for tuition but
accommodation, transportation and other services are needed in their new
places. In addition, as a result of living in a totally different culture, some of
them may experience shock, loneliness and isolation, followed by their poorer
academic performance. Furthermore, if the weather in foreign countries is
inhospitable to them, their health is put in danger, which again affects their
entire journey and spirit of learning new things. Coming back home, they may
grow less willing to experience other cultures any more. Culturally speaking,
some little kids, after living abroad for some years, might grow hostile to their
own cultural identity. Several learners speak another language, wear strange
clothes and behave in a way which is absolutely unacceptable and incongruous
with that of their homeland. Sometimes, in case of studying in a country with
political instability, their safety is jeopardized. Surveys have shown that a
number of Vietnamese learners who studied in Russia lost their life because of
being killed. Discrimination and stigmatization may happen and impede their
studying overseas.
In brief, there are both positive and negative effects of learning overseas.
Whereas this experience can widen learners’ vision, experience and refresh
them, it can negatively affect their feeling, budget, culture, health and security.

--------------2012-------------WRITTEN BY PHAM THI LE NA
Word count: 639
TOPIC: What are problems in trying to achieve a balanced life? Solution


Make great sacrifices
Unstable Economic foundation
Pressure from the boss
Lose their identity- work becomes the national obsession

- List priorities
- Boss reduces their demand
- Social fixed scheme in leisure time
Hurry sickness is a modern disease as claimed by experts. There are people trying
out there to avoid it and redress the balance in their life while others enjoy the
so-called imbalance, believing it as a natural trend. My essay will shed light on the
problems people are suffering in an effort to create a balanced life and solutions
Numerous troubles are listed in an attempt to fight for our balance of life. To
some, to become balanced is to make sacrifices. Being obsessed with their work
for years and dreaming of promotional opportunities, people are hardly able to

give up their jobs for a while to enjoy leisure time while women who are labeled
themselves as inborn housewives feel stressed with house-chores and desire to
be outdoor or take outside jobs. The clear picture is that as a result of
concentrating on a target for long, it would be a struggle for them to re-arrange
their time-tables. Others, for sake of economic pursuit, see themselves in the
same rut when if they stop working, they are haunted with the idea that who is
going to take care of themselves in the rainy days? Particularly, with couples
craving for children’s best education in the future and secure retirement years,

their need for work is endless, which, again, drives them out of the balance scale.
To make the matter worse, only after the invention of the Internet has become
established have people suck in an endless rat race with deadlines calling and
productivity forced to be heightened at all cost by bosses who ought to put
pressure on their employees; otherwise, the cut-throat competition may dive
them down first. Socially speaking, work now turns into a badge for people in any
community, by dint of which their ability and personality are conventionally
measured. According to the world’s report, since the early twenty century,
despite the struggles for fewer working hours, the sad truth is that the amount of
working has been on a non-stop rise till the alarming point. Looking at this
scenario, we can fathom how hard people find in the endeavor to achieve the
balance of their life.
Much as difficult the situation proves to be, there are solutions suggested.
Personally speaking, it is time for each person to redefine his goal of life, instead
of following the herd voice and mistaking their goal for his. By taking part in a club
with people of the same interest such as playing golf, listening to music and
others, perhaps, people can again find their balance, staying away from the
workaholics and figure their inner voice. Several others opt for the involvement in
so-called meditation classes to contemplate in the mental world where they
belong to, after which no sooner have they feel relaxed than their balance is set.
Another step forward, namely for youngsters, is that they should know that
instead of working always, there are equally important needs such as their
families, friendship and hobby. Only by integrating such activities into their life
schedule are they able to begin what the value of a balanced life is. But individual

efforts are rarely sufficient, especially when the society still pushes people to the
imbalance by imposing high productivity and demands. To tackle this problem, I
strongly believe that governments should take actions to propose a fix scheme on
the number of leisure of hours for workers to avoid the escalating requirements

of greedy bosses and raise drastic punishments against any boss who violates to
protect the right of every worker. After all, they have the right to have a balanced
life and are not supposed to live in the dream of bosses only. In some nations,
positively, that each citizen is recently entitled to have the entire Saturday,
Sunday and at least 40 hours off is a must.

Some people believe that government should
encourage foreign companies and factories so that they
can develop the economy. Others argue that
government should keep foreign factories out and help
companies in their countries. Discuss
Written by Pham Thi Le Na
Essay 1
The appearance of international companies in my country in recent years has become more apparent.
Some people fear that this trend can adversely affect the destiny of local companies while others
subscribe to the belief that more opportunities for our growth are well seen. My writing will discuss
both opinions.
Cultural concerns are firstly raised in this issue. Those pessimistic believe that as a consequence of
consuming foreign products for a long time and working with them, local citizens are gradually putting
their cultural identity in danger. No sooner have several international companies along with the
frequent organization of festivals appeared and taken root in Vietnam does a part of our young
population become fans of their cultures, desiring to live and study there by seeking scholarships or
work training courses at all cost. Even worse, to reduce pollution cost in their own nations, rich ones are
ready to pour a greater amount of money into the construction of a series of industrial zones in
developing countries, which darkens the sky here and results in an increase in number of people
suffering respiration-related diseases. Both cultural and environmental damages are, thus, likely to be
seen in this scenario, but those in favor of this trend have their reasons for the belief that the mutual
understanding between nations is definitely fostered. It is also true that by virtue of cooperating with

international organizations can people in the third-world be imbued with positive cultural aspects from
punctuality, seriousness in working to pressure dealing. Also, the technological innovations applied in
industrial zones are partly conducive to the creation of a more environment-friendly working ambience,
not as serious as argued by critics.

Admittedly, opponents also have their reason in arguing that with foreign companies being established
in developing nations, cheap labor and natural resources are easily accessible, benefiting them greatly
and depleting the sources of the later. To specify, if rich nations erect such industrial factories in their
own places, they are supposed to pay a ten-time higher salary level for an expert, heightening their price
and forfeiting competitive edge in the world’s market while labor in the third-world is available. By this
way, the foreign factories can expand their market with their lower priced products being churned out
and more local citizens becoming their available target customers at the same time. For these reasons,
antis insist on the disappearance of these companies and urge government to build domestic ones
instead. However, only by dint of the existence of international organizations does the rate of
unemployment in less developed nations see a significant fall. Another advantage is that only after
working with foreign experts can local people enhance their professional ways of working and absorb
cutting-edge technological innovations to develop their economies. Also, that domestic citizens
consume global products does not necessarily endanger their economies, and in fact, internal
companies, because of suffering the smaller market share, should drive themselves to keep pace with
the former by upgrading their products to satisfy internal customers. In some countries, for instance,
where governments endeavor to push foreign-based entrepreneurs out of their boundary, internal
industries apparently enjoy significant protectionism, but in the long run, grow increasing dependent on
authorities. In particular, in the world of globalization, the creation of a level playing field for both
internal and external businesses totally makes sense. Economically, in other words, foreign companies,
domestic ones and citizens do gain benefits, as claimed by advocates of this tendency.
Word count: 571
Timing: 25 minutes


International companies have been mushrooming in my country, Vietnam recently. Optimists believe in
the future of our better economy with more jobs created by these factories while others visualize the
picture of long-term economic dependence as a result of this scenario. My essay will do an autopsy on
both ideas.
First, is it claimed that the birth of more foreign-based companies means more jobs generated for local
people in developing countries while developed countries are able to make use of low-priced labor and
available natural resources. To specify, outsourcing is a common trend in today’s world when most of
parts in a product are totally produced and assembled in developing countries where labor is
redundant, pushing the price of products to the minimum level, benefiting both foreign producers and
the world’s buyers. In other words, economic pluses are noticeable in this trend, yet there are more
pains than gains as argued by antis. The fact is that not until cheaper products flood in the internal
market by dint of cheap labor than such global factories actually expand their market and even swallow

the local ones which are still in the embryonic stages of growth. To illustrate also, Vietnamese people
are, at present, fans of international brand items than the domestic ones, deriving from the proliferation
of reputed companies from Canon, Unilever to Coca-cola, and for this reason, the local ones are always
placed on the verge of soon collapse.
Second, the advancement in labor skill and absorption of good cultural aspects are undeniable benefits
of the existence of foreign organizations. By having a chance to work, cooperate with international
friends, people in less rich nations fathom the key to enhance their labor expertise, producing better
items and developing their own countries whereas several cultural habits are inculcated such as
seriousness in working, punctuality and professionalism. In turn, international friends come to
appreciate the quintessence of our local areas and perhaps fall in love with people here, heightening the
mutual understanding between nations and flattening the world. That sounds too idealistic, though.
Opponents insist on the view that the cultures of host countries are actually put in jeopardy; as a result
of using their celebrated brands of foreign factories frequently, local people are subconsciously
assimilated. To make the matter worse, emissions which emanate from foreign factories where are
often designed to create chemicals and technological items often darken the sky of people in local
people, leading to an ever-increasing rate of pollution and endangering their health. According to

statistics, birth defects and other respiration-related diseases in the third-world are well seen in zones
which are home to hundreds of industrial international firms. Therefore, it is believed that it would
better for governments to urge these companies out of their nations and create the best condition for
their fledging internal ones.
In conclusion, both sides are equally validated from their economic, cultural and environmental
Word count: 481
Timing: 20 minutes

Key to ielts test on 10th, March, 2012
Written by Pham Thi Le Na
Timing: 5 minutes
Aging population is gaining its popularity, especially in the developed
countries. Some people believe this trend can have positive impacts on
the social development while others view as damaging, for its cause of
serious shortage of young labor. My essay will analyze both negative and
positive influence of this phenomenon on individuals and society as
Firstly, it is undeniable that as the old live longer, they can enjoy more
peaceful retiring years after a life of hard-work and pursue their private
dreams while it is believed that they may suffer struggles of age-related
diseases and put pressure on their families. In fact, there will either good
or bad effects on each person with his life longer
Secondly, when it comes to the entire society, it is clear that with the
accumulation of knowledge and experience for a long time, the old can
impart their wisdom, train the young labor professionally and produce
high-quality products, which guarantees sustainable development, as in

the case of Japan and North eastern nations. However, along with the
domination of the old in the work place is the deprivation of chance of
employment, promotion and ability manifestation of the younger ones.
Another benefit of this trend is that the old tend to preserve traditional
values, which contributes to setting a nation apart from others,
particularly in a global world, yet the conservatism is often found in the
older people, and this may endanger the birth of new ideas and ideas and

lead to backwardness in culture and stagnation in economy. Equally
important, it is claimed that the domination of the old is synonymous
with the booming of service industry, health care systems and insurance
whereas the opposing view is that behind this scenario are the increasing
welfare burden, the serious shortage of young labor and other unwanted
risks. In other worlds, the existence of more aged people in the society
can result in pains and gains.

Key to ielts writing on 8th, march, 2012
What is the importance of new types of media?
And their appearance has a positive or negative
effect on our society?
Word count: 499
Written: Pham Thi Le Na
Timing: 17 minutes
Human used to employ rudimentary such as stone and bone-notching to
communicate with each other centuries ago which are now replaced by television
and internet. In the view of some, the continuous appearance of the new types of
media is conducive to a significant growth of our society while others hold the
idea that there are more pains than gains, exacerbating people’s relation. My

essay will discuss causes and effects of the latest kinds of media.
Television, which appeared just five decades ago, has been seen as one of
revolutionary inventions. It is through images updated on television that people
can make sense of recent happenings and take actions in time. Let’s take the
natural disaster as an example. Only after seeing the casualties have governments
and people been aroused to raise campaigns in support of the needy. Also, for
students who are eager for knowledge, the programs on history, environment and
others are great sources for them to discover and dig deeper. Yet, the truth is that
so obsessed with entertainment programs on television are quite a few people
that they are rarely able to concentrate on their work and suffer eye problems.
What is shown on television as well is not always the authentic reflection of the
world, which is likely to mislead people. Studies have, too, shown that the rate of
people suffering obesity is on a non-stop climb as a result of a society full of socalled “couch potatoes”

Internet, viewed a badge as the king media in the recent times, plays an
important role. Since the arrival of the Internet, people around the world are
increasingly connected and are able to make use of the world’s intellectual pool
to the fullest extent. The birth of such internet websites as face-book, google and
the like is believed to dissolve people’s physical distance and turn the world into a
nest. According to the survey, up to billions of people are using these Internet
websites to search for information, a figure far exceeding that of other past
media. Equally important, businessmen who dream of bigger market share are
grateful to the Internet for expanding their business to anywhere within seconds.
Pessimists, however, fear that behind this amazing picture are immediate and
potential risks. Children who spend hours in front of computer screen grow
passive and alienate themselves from the real world. With flows of information
bombarding people from all fronts, individuals become disoriented and hardly
filter in the reliable news. Several kids, as a consequence of being passionate for
their games online on the internet, imitate the violent behavior of their virtual

heroes and end their lives as a series-killer like the case of Le Van Luyen, a
teenage boy that took the life of six people in my nation.
In brief, along with any development lie potential drawbacks, and the most
important is that we-human- should be well aware of both sides, and especially,
to children, certain guidance is necessary to keep them from unwanted influence

The news has no part in daily life. Therefore,
time is wasted when watching the news on TV
or reading newspapers.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Timing: 7 minutes
Word count: 331
Written by Pham Thi Le Na
- Agree
+ So much news
+ Lack critical thinking
- Disagree
+ Enrich knowledge
+ Widen vision
+ Critical thinking
How humans spend time wisely remains a question. It is claimed that since the
appearance of television and newspaper, people are well informed while others
that they actually waste time on the absorption of such news. I totally agree with
the latter idea for the following reasons.

First, it is believed that news is a source of joys for human. No sooner have they
finished their tedious work than they bury themselves in newspapers for
sensational news to feel refreshed. However, there exist other more useful

activities instead of sticking themselves to boring screens. Why not taking part in
physical activities that are conducive to their health improvement or volunteer
activities to help the needy out there? Harmful effects are, as well, seen in
people’s addiction to watching news on television and in newspapers, from eyesight problems, passive thinking to obesity. Surveys have shown that there have
been a greater number of people, especially children, experiencing overweight, as
a result of so-called “coach potato” syndrome.
Another argument in favor of the former idea is that through up-dated news,
people can make sense of things around them and enrich their knowledge. It is a
real-world if we only rely on news on media to feed our mind? For sake of profit,
media is sometimes distorted to the advantage of a few while human only expect
the real truth, not lies. Some children whose critical thinking is not mature
enough are more likely to be led to believe in news, which results in their
personal bias against others and aggressive behavior. Human already undergo
high pressure from their current work, but are now misled and spare their
specious time on this occasional lying machine. Is it worth, after all? Let’s make
use of such little time with our dear family’s gatherings to cement relationship,
friends to share ups and downs, book-reading habit exercising our imagination,
and wonderful journeys to the outside world where we can discover the genuine
truth and enrich our vision.

