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CMTR502 GX m2

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How to Set Up your
GX Series Microlog

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 1 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Module Objective(s)

To instruct the new GX Series Microlog User on how to
set the Microlog’s “system” settings and “global
measurement” parameters.

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 2 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Two General “Setup” Screens

Setup Mode for
System Settings

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 3 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Configuration Screen for
Global Measurement Settings

Setup Mode - “System” Settings

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 4 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Setup Screen Fields

Right arrow to open field.

Left arrow, or Enter
button to accept change
and close field.

Up/Down arrow to select
new setting.

apply new

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 5 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

“Setup” Fields
Route Memory – Internal or Card
Timeout - 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, or Off

IrDA – Disabled or Enabled (for use with ActiveSync operations)
Baud Rate – for serial communications / must match MA
Flow Control – Off or Hardware
Default Units – English or Metric (e.g., in/sec or mm/sec)
Time Zone – for use with ActiveSync operations
Date / Time - set current date and time

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 6 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

“Setup” Fields (continued)
Memory – Delete All Routes or Initialize

Delete All Routes - preserves your system preferences, but deletes ROUTE and
non-ROUTE measurements and data.

Initialize - erases all stored data, but preserves the system settings and parameters
and also refreshes the active memory if the Microlog is experiencing memory
related problems.

Purge Cache – On or Off

On - quickest resetting of ROUTE data, but requires more Microlog memory.

Off – select Off if memory issues exist.

Route Font – Big or Small (Small setting displays hierarchy level
Language - select language for GX Series Microlog displays
2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 7 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Configuration “Global Measurement” Settings

both ROUTE and Non ROUTE
provide access to Config. settings
2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 8 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

“Config” Fields
Freq. Units – Hz, CPM, or Orders
Fast Averaging – On or Off

On – display is updated as often as possible

Off – only final averaged spectrum displays

Auto Advance – On or Off (display spectrum during ROUTE

On – quickly advance through ROUTE data collection without displaying spectral

Off – display the resulting spectrum for each spectral measurement.

Aquisition – Single Shot or Continuous (stop measurements after
averaging process, or repeat measurements until Enter is pressed)

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 9 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

“Config” Fields (continued)
Input Range – Auto or Manual (set amplitude range scaling method)

Auto –automatically scales optimal amplitude range for the input signal.

Manual – applies the measurement’s Full Scale setting as in MA.

Autoranging – Conservative, Aggressive, or Fixed

Conservative – slower data collection, with higher quality data.

Aggressive – provides faster data collection, with greater potential for settling error.

Fixed – no autoranging is performed. Input range fixed according to the transducer
type and sensitivity.

Machine Speed – Normal or Slow

Normal – select for measurements on shafts rotating at or above 600 RPM.

Slow – select if ski slope or settling problems occur on shafts rotating below 600

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 10 [Code]

SKF [Organisation]

“Config” Fields (continued again)
Settling Delay – if ski slope problems occur, a settling delay of 2 or 3
seconds is recommended
High Pass Filter – Fixed or Variable

• Fixed – the High-pass Filter setting is always 1.1 Hz.
• Variable – the Microlog uses the Low Frequency Cut-off setting from
Machine Analyst software.

Route ICP – Never or Always (specified for your sensor, disable or
enable sensor ICP)

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 11 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

“Config” Fields (continued again still)
Memory – Purge, Delete ROUTE, Delete all ROUTEs, or Initialize

Purge – deletes all ROUTE and Non-ROUTE data, saves the ROUTE structure and

Delete ROUTE – deletes selected ROUTE and ROUTE data, preserves system settings.

Delete all ROUTEs – deletes all ROUTEs, ROUTE data, and Non-ROUTE data, preserves all
system settings.

Initialize – formats the active memory and deletes all ROUTEs, ROUTE POINTs, and
NonROUTE POINTs stored within the Microlog. Preserves system settings, and refreshes
memory if the Microlog is experiencing memory-like problems.

Fill Spectrum – On or Off
Trigger Level – Automatic or Fixed

Fixed – for ROUTE POINTs, always 2 V and expecting a TTL trigger. For NonROUTE POINTs,
setting in the NonROUTE mode’s User setup screen applies.

Automatic – for both ROUTE and NonROUTE POINTs, the Microlog examines the trigger signal
and automatically sets the trigger level to the signal’s mid-point.

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 12 [Code]
SKF [Organisation]

Quick Review

2010-04-21 ©SKF Slide 13 [Code]

SKF [Organisation]

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