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Graduation Test




Graduation Test

Subject: Strategy Administration
Group: 13_ Class M0709
Full name:
Nguyen Thi Kim Anh
Phung Thi Thu Ha
Vu Danh Hiep
Do Thi Hoa




Graduation Test

1.1. General context, necessity and importance of theme research
1. 2. Research purposes and application capacity
1. 3. Research method
1.1.1 The concepts of strategy
1.1.2 Strategic Management
1.1.3 Benefits and the role of strategic management for the development of the
1.2.1 Environmental analysis Macro environment Economic factors Factors of law, government and politics Social factors Natural factors Technological factors Worldwide Micro environment Competitor Customers (Buyers) Suppliers: Potential rivals: Substitution product
1.2.2. Internal conditions of the Enterprise Human resources Research and Development (R&D) Administration: Production - Operation Marketing Information system Corporate culture:
1.2.3. Analyze labor forces to determine essential capacities.
1.2.4. Sep up long-term objectives
1.2.5. Select strategy:
1.2.6. Steps to establish strategy
1.2.7. Tools to establish and select strategy. Tool supplying information to establish strategy Tools to build optional strategy Tool to select strategy - Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
2.1. Overview of Enterprise
2.2 Analysis of factors impacting on business environment of Ben joint
stock company
2.2.1. Macro environment.





Graduation Test

2.2.2. Industry environment of BEN
2.2.3. Evaluating the opportunities and threats of BEN.
2.3. Operation analysis of Ben company
2.3.1. Human Resources
2.3.2 Research and Development
2.3.3. Management
2.3.4. Marketing.
2.3.5. Finance
2.3.6. Information system
2.3.7. The company’s culture:
2.3.8. General evaluation of BEN’s internal conditions
3.1. Perceptions of strategic objectives and strategy
3.1.1. BEN strategic perspective
3.1.2. The goal of the BEN to 2015
3.1.3. Prospects and market forecast
3.2. Construction development strategy of the company
3.2.1. SWOT analysis matrix to suggest strategies
3.2.2. The proposed strategy

3.2.3. Strategic choices
4.1. Solution to implement strategy


4.1.1. Solution to implement the strategy of market development.

4.1.2. Solution to implement strategies on quality improvement and product
4.13.Solution on implementation of human resource strategy
4.1.4. Solution on implementation of organizational re-structure strategy
4.1.5. Solution on implementation of other function strategies
4.2. Conclusion
4.3. Recommendations




Graduation Test


Ben company


External Factor Evaluation Matrix


Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix


Matrix Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats


Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix


Information Technology




Gross domestic product


World Trade Organization

Table 1: External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)
Table 2: Competitive Profile Matrix of BEN
Table 3 : Human Resources Structure basing on Business
structure of BEN
Table 4: Human resources Structure basing on Age:
Table 5: Qualification of the Human Resources
Table 6: Report of business activity results in 03 years
Table 7: Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix of BEN
Table 8: SWOT Matrix BEN Company
Table 9: Strategic Analysis Group S -O
Table 10: Strategic Analysis Group S-T
Table 11: Strategic Analysis Group W-O
Table 12: Summary of strategic options


1. 1. General context, necessity and importance of research
Vietnam joined the WTO organization and is now attracting investment from big
technological companies such as Intel and Microsoft. In 2006, Intel Corporation invested 1
billion USD to build the largest Chip production and testing plant in Asia and it went into
operation in October 29, 2010.



Graduation Test

In 2008, IDG, reputable International Data Group of USA decided to invest 500
million USD into Vietnam's IT market, and disbursed to the end of 2010. Therefore, along
with the $ 100-million fund of Vietnam Venture Capital Fund IDG operated from 2004 to
now, capital of the IDG in Vietnam will reach the figure of $ 600 million. IT services will
grow fastest with the second growth rank in Asia - Pacific region, after India.
According to data announced by GFK Market Research Company (Germany), the
market size of information technology (IT), Electronics and Telecommunications of
Vietnam in 2008 was $ 3.9 billion and was expected to reach $ 4.9 billion in 2009.
In 2008, despite the world economic downturn, the information technology industry
(IT) of Vietnam achieved the growth of 20%. Since 2007, Vietnam entered Top 30 of the
most attractive nations in the world of software outsourcing. Vietnam now ranks 18th in
the world with the number of 21 million Internet users, 6th in Asia on internet development
The Government, together with IT enterprises and training units set a target by the
year 2015: it is estimated that Vietnam will have 600 thousand professionals in IT and
increase to one million in 2020. The government also approved funding to support the

development of software industry and IT in Vietnam. The goal is that by 2020, Vietnam
will become a powerful nation in IT.
Vietnam has 75% of young and highly educated population and more importantly,
they always have a positive attitude and really look forward to application of information
technology to life. These are good conditions for further development of Internet in
Vietnam and also a big opportunity for companies trading in hardware and software in
Computer is considered a powerful and useful tool in life of a modern society. The
development of used computer generations can also show that a part of growth of a nation.
Year 2009 is the year that Vietnam Computer market witnessed a truly domination
of the notebook computer (laptop) compared to desktop computer (Desktop). Many experts
predicted this trend would continue in 2010.
According to Mr. Thieu Phuong Nam, Sale Manager of Intel in Vietnam and
Indochina, the growth of the computer in the Vietnam market in 2009 has exceeded
previously predicted expectations and forecast of Intel. In particular, the laptop is a product
group with the highest growth rate, about 70% in 2009.
There are three reasons for this result. First, in 2009, despite the impact of global
crisis, Vietnam's GDP growth was still positive. The second reason is the demand
stimulation program of the Government has had a direct impact to the expenditure of
Vietnam people, such as, tax reduction program from 10% to 5% for computer products.



Graduation Test

Another reason leading thriving of Vietnam Computer market in 2009 is thanks to
great demand for purchase of computers by pupils and students in the country. Computer

now almost become an indispensable learning tool of pupils and students.
In the condition of the growth and the average need of 20-25% annually for the
information technology sector, averagely and annually, dozens of large and small
companies are formed. BEN Computer Company was formed in 2001 with a very small
scale from a computer retail store with an area of 30 m2 and total staff of about 50 people.
From that it developed to BEN joint stock Company with its head office area up to nearly
1000 m2 with total staff of up to 200 people.
In an open economy and perfect competition environment, although Company has
had a certain place and a certain market share for customers and partners, the board of
Directors of company see that Company should have a clear business strategy planned
through the qualified experts in business to build the sustainable development competition
of the company. For this reason, in 2009, the Board of Directors of company assigned
managers to study MBA program of Master of International Business Administration
(GaMBA) linked to organize by Griggs University (USA) and the Center of Technology
Training and Employment System of the Hanoi National University with very clear
objectives to acquire knowledge in school and build business strategy for the company in
five years from 2011 - 2015.
The field selected by the Group 13 as the topic for graduation test is to build
business strategies for Ben Joint Stock Company to trade Notebook, set of computer,
computer assembly with Ben brand name and distribute IT products as a member of
the group is Vice Sale Manager of the Company.
1.2. Research purposes and application capacity
According to research by IDC, the PC market in Vietnam has faced many challenges
in the first half of 2010 due to falling demand. However, the laptop market continues to
grow despite the inventory and fierce competition on the retail price. Demand on desktop
decrease due to less demand of consumer, as well as budget cuts for government projects
on education.
IT Products business segment in 2011 is predicted 20% growth by IDC.
Based on the above predictions, Ben Joint Stock Company has also built a business
strategy orienting to 2015 with the following specific objectives:

+ To transform business form from distribution and retail to fully retail
+ To expand the scale by opening more shops of utility at new residential area: it is
estimated to open 03 Ben Store
+ Market share of about 10 - 15% retail market share in the North; to rank No. 1 on
sales of information technology products in the North


Graduation Test

+ Average revenue growth of 20-25% per year
+ To expand products: mobile phone, LCD TV
+ To coordinate with Intel manufacturers to produce computer with BEN 10 brand
with the average number of 5,000 products per year
+ To coordinate with other computer Corporate such as Acer, Toshiba, HP to build
link stores such as Hp Store; Toshiba store, Acer Store to continue success of two Stores in
2009 and 2010 namely Dell Store and Lenovo Store
+ To build a complete ERP system administration
* Applicability of theme
The Company has prepared the infrastructure and investment for long-term strategy
by hiring more spaces in 2010
According to the overall growth trend of the industry
Orientation of leaders about the possibility of sustainable and long term
development of enterprise
1.3. Research method
To complete the requirements and meet the objectives of the research process, the
group conducted concurrently the following methods:
Method of investigation, field surveys in the enterprise

Analysis of the overall strategy based on planning tools according to BCG
Matrix, SWOT and the theory of competitive strategy by Michael E. Porter
Comparison of evidence and from which to make comments, reviews,
effectively and feasible recommendations and solutions

Focusing on intensive research of business strategy (as a scheduled index) and
concurrently, add knowledge in the fields studied in other universities:
+ Marketing Administration
+ Corporate Finance


Graduation Test

+ Human Resource Administration
+ Development of leadership skills
Define the business strategy of the company: Different and low cost
1.1.1. The concepts of strategy
There are many different definitions of strategy; each definition is more or less
varied depending on the different views of each author.
In 1962, Chandler defined strategy as “The determination of the basic long-term
goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of the courses of action and the
allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.”1
In 1980, Quinn defined a more general strategy as "a strategy is the pattern or plan
that integrates an organization's major goals, policies, and action sequences into a

cohesive whole”2.
Then, Johnson and Scholes have redefined the strategy in the changeable
environment as: "Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term:
which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources
within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder
According to Mintzberg, definition of strategy can be summarized with the 5 Ps
Plan: Sequence of actions planned in a consistent manner.
Pattern: consistency in behavior, whether or not intended
Position: "match" between organization and environment
Perspective: A way of perceiving the world.
Ploy: a specific manoeuvre intended to outwit an opponent or competitor
In essence, the definition of strategy depends on standpoint, however, in the most
common, the strategic levels include: Company-level strategy, Business Unit level strategy
and functional strategy.
According to Charles W.L.Hill and Gareth R. Jones: "Strategy is a process of
determining the basic and long term objectives of an enterprise, choosing the method or the
direction of operation and allocation of resources necessary to implement that goal"
Fred David: "Strategy is the means to achieve long-term goals."
William J. Glueck: "Strategy is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan
designed to assure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved”.
Business strategy of an enterprise is a general action program towards the
implementation of the optimal objective of the enterprise. However, the strategy is not
Chandler, A (1962) Statregy and Structure.Cambrige Massacchusettes.MIT Press.
Quinn, J,B (1980)Statregies for change; Logical Incrementalism. Homewood.
Johnson, G, Scholes, K (19990 Exploring Corporate Statregy, 5th Ed.Prentice Hall.



Graduation Test

aimed to specifically outline how to achieve those goals but only to frame to guide thinking
and action.
The important feature of all business strategies when are formed and paid attention
to is the "competitive advantage" because it is used to distinguish them from other business
plans. In fact, any competitor develops their own strategies because strategy is the only
purpose and ensures for enterprise to search and gain their sustainable advantages before
their competitors.
Through access to the above definition, whether expressed, but we can generalize
the Strategy as
“A complex series of actions to mobilize the resources possible of an organization to
achieve a certain goal"
1.1.2. Strategic Management
According to Garry D. Smith, "Strategic Management is defined as the process of
studying the current environment as well as in the future, planning objectives of the
organization: propose, implement and supervise the implementation of decisions designed
to achieve the objectives in current environment as well as in the future”
According to Fred R.David, “Strategic Management can be defined as the art and
science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable
an organization to achieve its objective.
Strategic Management focuses on fusion of the management, financial and accounting
marketing, manufacture, research and development of information systems and business
sectors to achieve success. "
There are many different concepts of strategic management, but according to the

document "Strategy & business policies" of the doctor Nguyen Thi Lien Diep, we can set
the following three approaches:
•Environmental approach: "Strategic Management is a decisive process aimed at
connecting the internal ability of the organization with the opportunities and threats of the
outside environment." Characteristics of this approach are to make company-oriented
environment, exploit opportunities and deal with risk.
•Approach of the objectives and measures: "Strategic Management is a part of
decisions and administrative actions set long-term performance of a company." This
approach allows administrators to define precisely the objectives of the organization, which
is the foundation of management as well as to use efficiently the resources of the
•Approach of action: "Strategic management is carried out considering the present
and future circumstances, create goals of the organization, make decisions and control
decisions, focus on implementing objectives in the current and future situations. "


Graduation Test

Strategic Management is defined as the process of studying the current environment
as well as in the future, planning objectives of the organization: propose, implement and
supervise the implementation of decisions designed to achieve the objectives in current
environment as well as in the future as well as to enhance the competitiveness and position
of the business.
1.1.3 Benefits and the role of strategic management for the development of the
Strategic management process helps the business recognize its purpose and direction.
The knowing of desired results and objectives in the future allows leaders and employees to

understand what they need to do to achieve success.
Environmental conditions that organizations face is rapidly changing and often makes
surprises, Strategic Management helps administrators see clearly the future environment,
there they can better hold and take advantage of good opportunities, and can avoid or
reduce risks.
Strategic Management helps managers use effectively the existing resources of
enterprises and allocating them appropriately. It allows the company to associate the
decisions with the environmental conditions involved. In addition, strategic management
also brings harmony between needs of the organization, through which, inducing managers
at all levels and creates resonance to achieve the overall objectives of the Company.
The actual researches show that the companies applying strategic management often
achieve better results than the former results and compared with results of the Companies
that do not apply strategic management.
1.2.1. Environmental analysis
To build business strategies, the study of environmental factors is important, it can
help businesses identify opportunities to hold and realize the risks and challenges for a
Environment is factors, forces; institutions existing effecting the operation and
performance of the business. Business environment includes the macro environment, the
micro-environment (sector) and conditions of the enterprise.
The combination of strong points and weak points with the opportunities and risks
allows to form SWOT matrix and the strategies enable to select.
Research on operation environment of the company is focused on identifying and
evaluating trends and events beyond the control of the Company. The evaluation of
external factors shows opportunities, challenges that the company meets, so the manager
can plan out strategies, take advantages of opportunities and minimize risks. We turn to
analyze the operating environment of the enterprise including micro environment and
macro environment (Sector environment).



Graduation Test
Macro environment Economic factors
Referring to external factors, they not only orient and affect directly management
activities but also affect the micro environment of business. These factors are also the main
reason to create opportunities and threats to each business in different sectors. Research on
macroeconomic factors plays an important role for management activities of an enterprise,
including the following factors: economic growth, inflation, exchange rates, interest rates,
wages and income. Factors of law, government and politics
Factors of law, government and politics include systems of perspectives and
policies of the Government, the current legal system, political and diplomatic trends with
other countries, the political happenings in the country, region and world.
Political and legal factors can create opportunities or threats for enterprises. To take
advantage of opportunities and minimize risk, the companies must capture the perspectives,
regulations, priority programs of the Government and establish a good relationship, even
perform the lobby when necessary, in order to create a favorable environment for business
activities. Social factors
The social factors involve recreation interests, ethics, aesthetics, lifestyle,
occupation, customs, traditions, concerns and priorities of society, level of awareness and
education of society ... The social factors often change too slowly to recognize. Natural factors

Natural conditions consist of geographic location, climate, landscape, land, rivers
and sea; minerals in the earth, resources of sea forest, water and air ... The natural
conditions are important input factors for many economic sectors. In many cases, the
natural conditions become important factors to create competitive advantage of products
and services. Technological factors
This is a dynamic factor containing many opportunities and challenges for the
businesses, the pressures and threats derived from the technological environment are that:
The new technologies lead to appear and increase competitive advantages of substitute
products, threaten the traditional products, make pressure and require the businesses to
renew technology to increase competitiveness.
In addition of the above threats, technological environment also creates certain
opportunities for some businesses, such as: new technology creates conditions to
manufacture products of higher quality, cheaper price and competitiveness. Usually, the
following businesses have many advantages to make use of this opportunity rather than
existing enterprises in the sector.


Graduation Test Worldwide
In the trend of globalization today, the participation in associations, in international
economic organizations such as WTO, APTA... has considerable influence on the
enterprise. They need to identify orientation of economic integration with the world
economy in development strategy of the enterprise. The businesses will stay backward and
undeveloped if the growth of enterprises is not located in the trend of globalization and
integration. Micro environment:
Macro environment includes interior and external factors for the Company, deciding
features and competitive levels in the business production. There are five basic factors:
Competitor, Supplier, Customer, replacement product and potential rivals. Besides,
Distributor and Creditor are factors affecting business environment of the Company.
To give a successful strategy, the Company should carefully analyze each factor.
Understanding on these factors helps the Company realize its strengths, weaknesses
related to opportunities and threats faced by the business services. Competitor:
It is important to understand competitors for a Company because of many reasons.
Competitors go against, deciding features and competitive levels or trick for advantages in
the industry depends on competitors. Customers (Buyers)::
Customer is an integrated part of the Company; faithful customer is a big advantage of
the Company. Faithfulness of the customer is built by satisfaction of customers and desires
for better. Suppliers:
Companies must link with suppliers for different necessary resources for their own
business production such as materials, equipment, human resources, capital and so on.
Research for understanding suppliers, human resources for the enterprise can not ignore
during environment research. Potential rivals:
Potential rivals joining business in the industry is also a profitable factor of the enterprise
because they exploit new production capacities for market shares and necessary resources.
Therefore, on building strategy and protect the competitive status, the enterprise should
maintain legal barrier from outside. Substitution product:
Substitution product is result of technological- technical explosion. Pressure of
substitution product limits high price for Companies in the industry. If potential substitution


Graduation Test

products are not paid attention to, the enterprise can be backward against small markets.
Thus, the enterprises should pay attention and take human resources for development or
operate new technologies in their strategy for success.
1.2.2. Internal conditions of the Enterprise
Each Company has strong and weak points in its business. No Company is strong or
weak in all aspects. Internal strong and weak points together with external opportunities and
threats and clear tasks are basic points concerned when objectives and strategies of the
Company are established. Companies should analyze internal factors to clearly define their
strengths and weaknesses. Base on this, they give methods to reduce weaknesses, mobilize
strengths for maximum advantages. Key internal factors include functional areas as follows:
Human resources
Research and Development
Finance – Accounting
Information System Human resources
Human resources play an important role for success or loss of the Company.
Although the strategy is right without excellent persons for enthusiastic and active working,
that strategy does not bring any effect. Thus, the Company should prepare human resources
to carry out the given strategy, including recruitment, training, rewards and punishment as
appropriate. Research and Development (R&D)
Research and development are to create new products prior to competitors, raise
quality of the product, control or improve production process to minimize costs. Research
and development can help the Company keep the vanguard position or be backward against
rivals in the industry. Administration:
Administration includes:
* Planning: all activities related to preparation for the future: estimate, build
objectives, give strategy, develop policies and form plans.
(5) – Textbook of strategic Administration- Griggs University
* Organization: activities creating structure of relationships between rights and
responsibilities. Concrete works are: to design organization, specialize job, describe job,
detail job, expand the control, unify the order, coordinate, arrange, design and analyze job.



Graduation Test

* Leadership: includes attempts to orientate activities of human beings, specified:
lead, contact working groups, change method of operation, mandate, raise work quality,
satisfy job, satisfy demand and change organization.

* Control: management activities to ensure real result suitable to the given one. Key
activities: check quality, finance, sale, inventory, costs, analyze changes, reward and punish
and so on Production - Operation
Production and operations include all activities to transform inputs into goods or
services. Administration of production - operations requires five following requirements:
Firstly, the process: design the physical production system. Second, capacity: determines
the best output. Third, the inventory: management of raw materials level, work in process
and finished products. Fourth, the labor force: the management of administrative staff,
skilled workers and unskilled workers. Fifth, quality: producing high quality products. Finance - Accounting
Factors are concerned by administrators, weaknesses in this work often causes
difficulties for the implementation of objectives of the enterprise. Contents to be
considered: the ability of capital compared with the performance requirements of plans of
the enterprise; the ability to raise capital from outside; the situation of distribution and use
of funds; the control of costs, the revenue - expenditure and financial relations internally
and with other units. Marketing
Marketing is described as the process of identifying, forecasting, setting and meeting
the needs, desires of consumers for products and services. According to Philips Kotler,
marketing activities include four basic tasks: First, analyze the ability of the market; second,
choose target market; thirdly, draft program marketing mix (product, price, distribution and
promotion); fourth, conduct marketing activities. Information system
Good information system will receive raw data from the external environment and
inside the enterprise, help us keep track of environmental changes, identify threats as well
as support the implementation and evaluate and control strategies. Besides, an efficient
information system will create other competitive advantages for the enterprise.
Diagram 1 – Internal conditions of the Enterprise



Graduation Test Corporate culture:
Labor forces
Corporate culture plays an important role in strategicResearch
in the company.
Corporate culture
Corporate culture effectively
creates differences in values, norms,
rituals and festivals for
(orderly routine)
the development of companies and in guiding the behavior of workers.
Image 4 – Conditional diagram inside the Enterprise
Internal conditions of

1.2.3. Analyze
forces to determinethe essential

Every business has its strengths, weaknesses and unique environmental
characteristics. Therefore a strategy can help this business succeed, but not be effective in
other enterprises, situations. Development places the enterprise in front of the choice of
Productionbusiness domains and Marketing
markets. Companies can only focus on
one business area, develop
under the direction of vertical integration, or diversify new business areas.
Finance structure is to choose a set of appropriate
The objective of the analysis of business
products (services) through the review of future prospects of each business area. To
determine the structure of business, managers need to find probable strategic alternatives,
from which to choose strategies from the set of strategies according to different approaches.
If the company diversifies businesses, it can choose a set of relevant business areas
possibly achieved by using one or more the analytical tools of business structure.
Businesses can use the analytical tools of business structure or can define positions of
businesses in two criteria: highly or lowly tangible and intangible assets. There is also able
to identify businesses in three, four or more different parameters.
1.2.4. Sep up long-term objectives
Each objective typically requires a period of time and associates with a certain
criteria such as growth of revenue, capital or market share. So the timeframe for objectives
and strategies should be suitable together.



Graduation Test

It should be noted that in an era of integration and globalization trends, identifying
long-term goals should not be too ambitious for a too long period, usually from 2 to 5 years
is most appropriate.
1.2.5. Select strategy: Viewpoints and standards to select strategy:
The choice of strategy is based on following options:

First, the advantages of the Company, through analyzing the
following aspects:
- The strength or relative position of the company compared to
- Based on the profit / high investment capital in the future of the
- Analyze the value chain of customers, the Company and its
• Second, goals: Strategies selected for achieving goals
• Third, resources, financial conditions.

Fourth, qualifications, abilities of the Company: depending on the
quality and level of ability, different capacities of the company to
choose strategies
• Fifth, the legal basis and the reaction of stakeholders: suppliers,
alliance partners, customers.
• Sixth, to identify investment opportunities. Select strategy:
The strategy is long-term mode of operation. Thus the basic characteristics are
rooted in the economic nature and technology of the industry should be particularly paid
attention, much different to short-term factors which temporarily affect competition and

short-term profit of the business. The choice of strategy depends on cultural aspects,
political factors and the role of the strategic management board which is most dominant in
the selection of strategy.
Through the process of environmental analysis, the strategic makers have subjective
judgments based on objective information about politics, culture, morals and social
responsibility; they set out the strategy combination and analysis of feasible capabilities and
select process of particular action. Under organizational structure of enterprises, the extent
and coverage scope of the strategy can be divided into three levels:
* Company-level strategy: Focus on solving problems:
o How to allocate resources
o Which areas should be developed
o Which new areas should be maintained


Graduation Test

o Which areas should be involved in
o Which areas should be removed
* Monophyletic business unit level strategy: focus on defining mode of operation for each
business area of a multicompany or a SBU (strategic business unit) or an enterprise. This
strategy focuses on the problems: how to overcome the competitive forces? Defensive or
offensive? Based on low cost or product differentiation, main-point concentration? This is
also the focus of competitive strategy.
According to Michael E. Porter [6]: "The purpose of the competitive strategy of a business
unit in the industry is to find a position in the industry, where companies could succumb to
the competitive forces in best way or they may impact them to his advantage”
* Functional strategy: Determine mode of actions of each functional component:

Marketing, research and development of product, production, personnel, finance,
information and so on to support, ensuring the implementation of strategy of the company,
competitive strategy of the unit. Support for the implementation of strategy of the SBU and
company includes:
o Marketing Strategy
o Administrative Strategy
o R & D Strategy (technology strategy)
o Production strategy (services) / Activities
o Financial strategy
o Human resources strategy
The majority of small and medium-sized enterprises and even some large businesses
has no strategic business divisions, strategic business tasks is also considered and settled by
the company.
1.2.6. Steps to establish strategy
Process to build strategy is carried out through following steps: Phase 1: Input
This phase summarizes basic information entered necessary to form strategies. The
formation consists of analyzing the external and internal environment. The strategic
management techniques such as matrix evaluating external factors EFE, matrix valuating
elements inside the IFE, competitive image matrix and so on often used during this period. Phase 2: Combination
This is the time to focus on making feasible strategies possibly selected by
arrangement, combination of important factors inside and outside. The techniques which
can be used in this phase include: SWOT Matrix, strategic location Matrix and action
analysis (SPACE), BCG Matrix, internal and external elements Matrix (IE), key strategic



Graduation Test

In the framework of the subject and with the characteristics of the enterprise, SWOT
should be used, because it suits to the actual situation as well as the data can be met. On the
other hand, it is a method commonly used, easy to implement, fairly completed and
somewhat less time-consuming. Phase 3: Decision
This is the final stage to choose strategies for businesses to pursue. The strategy
chosen must be arranged in order of priority. To pick out the strategies, managers can use
quantified strategic planning matrix (QSPM). The decision to choose the strategy falls
under the jurisdiction of the best managers in each company.
In this thread, only preliminarily selecting appropriate strategies to suggest business to
pursue based on the analysis and evaluation of the business environment of the business
such as finance, human resources, marketing, competitor, and the law and so on. Criteria to
choose strategy:
• Ensure to achieve the objectives of the Company.
• The effectiveness of enforcement of strategies.
• Feasibility (feasibility on finance, staffing, level of technology, government
regulations and so on)
All the techniques in strategy formulation processes require a combination of
intuition and analysis process. The use of these techniques allows the analysis and synthesis
of many factors that impact and evaluate them objectively, interpret successfully by the
method of system thinking.
1.2.7. Tools to establish and select strategy. Tool supplying information to establish strategy External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)
EFE Matrix helps summarize and quantify the influence of environmental factors for
the Company.

According to Fred R. David, the EFE matrix is established through five steps:
Step 1: Make a list from 5 to 10 external factors which have a decisive role for the
success of the Company, including the opportunities and both the threats affecting the
Company and its business industry.
Step 2: Determine the importance from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important)
for each element. This classification shows the corresponding importance of the elements
for success in the business of the Company. Appropriate level of classification can be
determined by comparing successful and unsuccessful companies in the industry. Total
levels of importance must be equal to1.0.
Step 3: Classify from 1 to 4 for each element to see the company's response to these
factors. These levels are based on the effectiveness of strategies in the Company. In which:
4 is good, 3 is above- average; 2 is average, 1 is weak.


Graduation Test

Step 4: Multiply each of the importance of each factor to its kinds to get some
important points.
Step 5: Plus all important points of each factor to determine the total important
points of the company.
Regardless of EFE matrix has how many opportunities and threats, total scores of
the highest important points that a company can have is 4.0, average is 2.5 and the lowest is
1.0. If the total important points is 4, indicating that the Company reacts very well to the
existing challenges and opportunities in its environment. But total important one is 1,
showing that strategies given by the Company does not take advantage of opportunities and
avoid the external challenges. Competitive image matrix

In the events that affect a company's strategy, the impact of competition is
considered the most important. Competitive image matrix identifies the major competitors
as well as their particular strengths and weaknesses. This matrix is an extension of the
external factor evaluation matrix (EFE) in the case of important levels, classification and
total important points have the same meaning.
How to build competitive image matrix is similar to how to build the external factor
Classification level shows the Company's strategies response to each factor: 4 is
good, 3 is above average, 2 averages and 1 is poor. Internal Factors Evaluation Matrix (IFE)
(IFE) Matrix summarizes and evaluates the strengths, weaknesses of functional
business divisions and it provides the basis for determining and assessing the relationship
between these divisions. IFE matrix is established through five steps:
Step 1: List from 10 to 20 key internal elements, including strengths and
Step 2: define important levels from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important) for
each factor (based on industry). This classification shows the relative importance of factors
for the success of the company in the industry. Total important levels must be 1.0.
Step 3: Classification from 1 to 4 for each factor (based on the Company), in which:
1is the biggest weakness; 2 is the smallest weaknesses; 3 is the smallest strengths; 4 is the
biggest strengths.
Step 4: Multiply each of the importance of each factor to its kinds to get some
important points of each element.
Step 5: Plus all important points of each factor to determine the total important
points of the company.
Regardless of IFE matrix has how many elements, the total score of the highest
important points that a company can have is 4.0, the average is 2.5 and the lowest is 1.0. If


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the total score is greater than 2.5, indicating that the company has strong interior, and less
than 2.5, meaning its interior is weak. Tools to build optional strategy Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats Matrix (SWOT)
The purpose of the SWOT matrix is to give optionally feasible strategies but not to
decide which strategy is best. Therefore, in the strategy to set out SWOT matrix, only a few
best strategies are selected for implementation.
Model of SWOT analysis is a useful tool for understanding and deciding in any
situation for any business organization. 4 abbreviated letters are S (strengths), W
(weaknesses), O (opportunities) and T (threats).
Strengths and Weaknesses are the internal factors of the company, Opportunities and
threats are external factors of SWOT to help analyze different factors which have relative
influence on the competitiveness of the company. SWOT is often associated with PEST
(Political, Economic, Social, Technological analysis), model of market analysis and
evaluation of potential through external factors in terms of political, economic, social and
technological . SWOT analysis is the evaluation of the data arranged in the form of SWOT
in a logical order to help you understand as well as present and discuss to reach the
decision-making easier.
SWOT analysis is a subjective evaluation of the data arranged in a SWOT format in
logical order and easy to understand and present, discuss and make decisions, which can be
used in all decision-making process. SWOT samples enable to stimulate thinking rather
than based on the reactions of habit or instinct. SWOT analysis sample is presented as a
matrix of 2 rows 2 columns, divided into four sections: Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and threats. Therefore it is necessary to clarify the subject of analysis
because SWOT evaluates the prospects of a certain issue or subject, such as:
SWOT matrix is an important combination tool to help managers develop four types of the

following strategies:
- Strengths - Opportunities Strategy (SO): The strategies use the strengths
within the enterprise to take use of external opportunities.
- Weaknesses - Opportunities Strategy (WO): The strategies are to improve
internal weaknesses to the business to take advantage of external
- Strengths - Threats Strategy (ST): The strategies use the strengths within the
business to avoid or reduce the impact of external threats.
- Weaknesses - Threats Strategy (WO): The strategies are to improve internal
weaknesses to avoid or reduce the external threats.
The combination of internal and external important elements is the most difficult task
of establishing a SWOT matrix. It requires a good sense, appropriate and optimal


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combinations of the internal and external elements. If not, the development of strategies
will not bring the desired results. The construction of SWOT matrix is carried out through
eight steps:
Step 1: List important opportunities outside the company.
Step 2: List the important challenges outside the company.
Step 3: List the strengths within the company.
Step 4: List the weaknesses within the company.
Step 5: Combine strengths to opportunities to form SO strategy.
Step 6: Combine weaknesses to opportunities to form WO strategy.
Step 7: Combine strengths to threats to form ST strategy.
Step 8: Combine threats to weaknesses to form WT strategy Key strategic matrix
All organizations can be located in one of the four square corners of the key strategic
matrix. This Matrix assesses the position of the company based on two aspects: competitive
position and market growth. Strategies appropriate to the Company are listed in attractive
order in each square corner of the matrix. Tool to select strategy - Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
According to Fred R. David, QSPM matrix uses input information from the IFE
matrix, EFE matrix, competitive image matrix, SWOT matrix and key static matrix to
objectively evaluate the best alternative. Six steps to develop a quantitative strategic
planning matrix QSPM as follows:
Step 1: List the external opportunities / threats and internal strengths / weaknesses of
the company. The information is taken directly from the IFE and EFE matrix. This matrix
includes a minimum of 10 external important success factors and 10 internal important
success factors.
Step 2: Sort each internal and external important success factors. This classification is
similar to the IFE and EFE matrix.
Step 3: Identify possible alternative strategies that the Company should consider for
implementation. Collect strategies into separate groups if possible.
Step 4: Determine attractive points of each strategy (AS). Attractive score indicates
relative attractiveness of each strategy compared with other strategies. Only strategies
within a group can be compared with each other. Attractive score is distributed as follows:
1 is not attractive; 2 are somewhat attractive, 3 and 4 is quite fascinating and 4 are very
attractive. If success factor does not affect the strategic choice, do not mark strategic points
in this strategic group.
Step 5: Calculate total attractive score (TAS), by multiplying the classification score
(step 2) with attractive score (in step 4) in each row.



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Step 6: Calculate total attractive scores for each strategy. The higher score represents
more attractive strategy.
Conclusion of chapter I
Strategic management process is a very dynamic and continuous process and each change
in major component of the model can lead to change one or all other components.
Therefore, the formation of the activities, implementation and evaluation of strategies
should be implemented continuously.
Every company does not exist independently but is often influenced by environmental
factors. When environmental factors change, they may create opportunities or challenges
threatening the existence and development of the Company.
In order to business to be effective, not only requires managers to address internal issues,
but also to address the impact factors from the environment, and this is the important issue,
deciding the success of the enterprise in the market. Therefore, managers should spend time
to study and predict changes in environmental factors, and consider it a work to be carried
out regularly. Results of the research of business environment will provide managers the
important data to give strategies for proper and prompt corporate development.
The following are the analysis on operation environment of BEN Corporation, from which
to identify the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses as a basis for formulating
strategies in the development of BEN Corporation in coming years.

1.1. Overview of Enterprise
Company name: Ben Joint Stock Company


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Head office: 74 Nguyen Khanh Toan, Quan Hoa ward, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Certificate of Business Registration No.: 0101760800
Charter capital: 9,900,000,000 VND
Number of labor: 200 employees
Ben Joint Stock Company (Ben Computer) was established in 2001 with the BEN
trademark issued Certificate no. 42378 dated July 25th 2002 by Ministry of Science and
Technology. Ben Computer is a company operating in the field of trading Notebook, PC
units, assembly of computer with Ben trademark and distribution of its IT products.
Business Types: Retail, Online Sales, Distribution Sales
After nearly 10 years of building and development, BEN Joint Stock Company BEN COMPUTER has become one of the three largest retail companies in Hanoi and
became one of strategic distribution partner of famous computer corporate: HP, Lenovo,
IBM, Acer, Dell, Sam sung, etc. in Vietnam.
1.1.1. Business Philosophy
The core value of the enterprise
- Truthfulness: Help us with personal discipline and organizational discipline.
- Patience: Help us make commitment to the last
- Constant evolution: Help us to adapt flexibly.
- Passion for creativity: Help us actively overcome challenges
Enterprise’s Mission and Vision
We, with the technological products and services, strive to create mutual benefits
for the community with the highest value and the lowest social cost. We constantly create
to become an effective bridge between users and devices, future technology solutions.
1.1.2. Current position of enterprise
+ Average revenue growth of 20% per year
+ The third largest market in North and the fifth largest one throughout the country

in the field of computer retailing
+ 7% market share in the North
+As a strategic partner of Intel, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Acer, Dell
2.2 Analysis of factors impacting on business environment of Ben joint stock
2.2.1. Macro environment. Economic factors.

In 2010, Vietnam's economy continues to rebound quickly from the impact of the
global economic crisis. In the context of that world economic recovery is still slow and
the country has faced many difficulties, that Vietnam's economy achieved such a
relatively high growth rates is a success. With this result, average GDP growth rate for


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the period of 2006-2010 is 7% per year and average national income per capita in 2010 is
estimated at $ 1,160
Economic recovery is an important cause of promoting investment and
development. The capital source for whole society in 2010 has achieved positive results.
It is estimated that total social investment in 2010 reached 800 trillion VND, increasing
12.9% compared to 2009 and equal to 41% of GDP. In which, capital sources from
private forces and population led, by the 31.2% investment capital for whole society, state
investment capital (including investment from the State budget, Government bonds,
investment credit under the State plan and the investment of state enterprises) by 22.5%,
up 4.7% compared to 2009.These results show that domestic resources are mobilized

more actively. Capital of foreign direct investment (FDI), up to November, the country
has attracted 833 new projects with total registered capital of 13.3 billion, making up 60%
over the same period in 2009, in which, implementation capital is estimated to reach $ 10
billion, up 9.9%. Although the registered FDI capital is much lower than in 2009 but the
rate of implementation capital on the registered capital is much higher. This can be seen
as bright spots in attracting FDI in 2010. This also shows the long-term commitment of
foreign investors in Vietnam market. The high and rapid growth rate of investment, on
the one hand, shows that the accumulation and consumption relationship is transferring
positive direction, but on the other hand, shows the limitations of the investment
There have been positive changes in Vietnam's legal system in recent years. Many
laws, circulars and decrees related to the production and business activities are
promulgated to create a basic legal framework for business activities such as Law on
Enterprise, Commercial Law, and Law on Competition. Besides, Vietnam has officially
joined the WTO, regional trade organizations such as APTA, etc. This is an opportunity
as well a challenge for Vietnam enterprises in the process of international economic
integration because of tariff reduction and investment expansion for foreign investors in
Information technology industry, in general, and the activities of the BEN, in
particular, is area with investment incentives under the Law on Domestic Investment
Promotion. In addition, the Government has also built the technology information
development strategy by 2020, with resources sufficient to perform. This is a huge
opportunity for development of IT enterprises
Vietnam has pursued a strict management policy of foreign exchange through the
banking system to control exchange rates. Vietnam dong rate against the U.S. dollar has
remained the rate of 19,000 to 20,000 VND / USD, however, during the last time the State
Bank continuously adjust the inter-bank rates, discounts VND to reduce trade deficit and
increase reserves of foreign exchange, therefore, the people is reducing their belief in
