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Tổng Hợp 245 Câu Hỏi Ôn Thi Tiếng Anh B

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1. “You stole the jewels” the inspector said to him.
 The inspector accused him of stoling the jewels.
2. If it doesn’t rain soon, millions of pound’s worth of crops will be lost.
 Unless it rains, millions of pound’s worth of crops will be lost.
3. “Don’t move or I’ll shoot” the bank robber said to the clerk.
 The bank robber threatened to shoot the clerk if he move.
4. The drama critic of the “Daily News” regards the new plays as a major
 According to the drama critic of the “Daily News”, the new plays
as a major breakthrough.
5. Although the team played well, they lost.
 Despite playing well, the team lost.
6. Galileo is considered to be the father of modern astronomy.
 Galileo is regarded as the father of modern astronomy.
7. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard everyday.
 Only by training hard everyday can you become a good athlete.
8. He speaks more persuasively than his brother.
 He is a more persuasive speaker than his brother.
9. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
 If I were you, I wouldn’t have bought a new house.

10. “I don’t love you any more” said Eric to his girlfriend.
 Eric told his girlfriend that he didn’t love her any more.
11. He insisted on a full apology.
 Nothing but a full apology can please him.
12. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band’s decision to
stop playing.
 The moment I decide to get up to dance, the band decide to stop
13. The doctor advised me to rest.

 The doctor suggested that I should rest.
14. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.
 Only after a 12 hour wait did their flight leave.
15. Their teacher is making them study hard.
 They are being made to study hard.
16. They were just as good as we had expected.
 They certainly lived up to our expectation.
17. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
 Much as I admire his courage, T think he is foolish.
18. Would you mind not smoking in here?
 I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here.
19. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.
 Try as hard as I might I couldn't open the door.
20. We’ve run out of tea.
 There isn’t any tea.

21. Philippa asked Oliver if she could remember where she had put the
 Philippa said, “Oliver, can you remember where did you put the
22. It is a six- hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
 It takes six hours to drive from London to Edinburgh.
23. Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop.
 All the switches must be turned off before leaving the workshop.
24. It is ages since Alan visited his parents.
 Alan hasn’t visited his parents for ages.
25. Mrs. Taylor doesn’t like living in such a small house.
 Mrs. Taylor wishes she didn’t lived in such a small house.
26. Mr. Mills lost his job because he was late everyday.

 If Mr. Mills hadn’t been late everyday, he wouldn’t have lost his
27. James spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract.
 James didn’t sign the contract until he spoke to his lawyer.
28. They traveled across India, and then flew on to Japan.
 After they had traveled across India, they flew on to Japan.
29. “You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna.”
Henry said.
 Henry suggested Anna that she should go to the doctor if she has
got a pain in her back.
30. Your car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty
of spare parts.
 In case your car breaks down on the rough mountain road, you will
take plenty of spare parts.

31. “You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Margaret.
 Margaret accused John of damaging her bicycle.
32. It is one hundred years since the birth of D.H. Lawrence, the famous
 D.H. Lawrence who is the famous novelist was born 100 years ago.
33. John Speck failed to find the source of the Nile River.
 John Speck didn’t succeed in finding the source of the Nile River.
34. Maria didn’t apply for a job in the library and regrets it now.
 Maria wishes she had applied for a job in the library.
35. Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley’s hairdresser’s.
 Helen said, “Shirley, where do you have your hair cut?”
36. This furniture is so old that it’s not worth keeping.
 This is such an old furniture that it’s not worth keeping.
37. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult.

 It’s difficult for handicapped people to find shopping in
38. Why don’t you meet to discuss the pay offer?
 I suggest that you should meet to discuss the pay offer.
39. Without this treatment, the patient would have died.
 If the patient hadn’t followed this treatment, he would have died.
40. The critics were very impressed by her performance.
 Her performance made the critics impressed.
41. When are the council going to do something about the city’s traffic
 It’s high time something is going to do about the city’s traffic

42. I didn’t realize who he was until later.
 Only later did I realize who he was.
43. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week.
 There has been a considerable fall in the value of sterling in the past
44. It won’t make any difference if it rains because we’ll still go.
 We’ll still go in spite of the rain.
45. We left quietly, so that we wouldn’t disturb the children.
 So as not to disturb the children, we left quietly.
46. I would do anything for you.
 There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.
47. Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date.
 If you had told me about it in time, I could have avoided that date.
48. He remembered, and so did she.
 He didn’t forget and neither did she.
49. “Let’s go for a walk in the park,” said Andrew.

Andrew suggested that we should go for a walk in the park.
50. It is essential that Professor Van Heeling be met at the airport.
 Professor Van Heeling must be met at the airport.
51. You can’t visit the United States unless you get visa.
 If you don’t get visa, you can’t visit the US.
52. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.
 Peter asked if he borrowed Janet’s typewriter.
53. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
 She has worked as a secretary for 5 years.

54. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
 I don’t know about it as much as she does.
55. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
 My French friend isn’t accustomed to drive on the left.
56. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
 The owner of the house is thought to be abroad.
57. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
 If we had had enough money, we would have gone on holiday.
58. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough.
 The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.
59. What a pity you failed your driving test.
 I wish you hadn’t failed your drving test.
60. Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam
 In spite of the fact that Bob didn’t speak Dutch, he decided to settle
in Amsterdam.
61. He is said to have been in the French Foreign Legion.
 People said that he has been in the French Legion.
62. “How old is your little boy?” said the nurse to Mrs. Bindley.
 The nurse asked Mrs. Bindley how old his little boy was.

63. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs. Elton you saw because she is in Bristol.
 It can’t have been Mrs. Elton you saw because she is in Bristol.
64. How long have Catherine and Harry been engaged?
 When did Catherine and Harry engage?
65. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs seven miles before breakfast.
 Although Mr. Benson is old, he runs 7 miles before breakfast.

66. It’s a pity I didn’t take my doctor’s advice.
 I wish I had taken my doctor’s advice.
67. The bread is so stale we can’t eat it.
 The bread isn’t fresh enough for us to eat.
68. Who does this bag belong to?
 Whose bag is this?
69. “Never borrow money from friends,” my father said.
 My father told me not to borrow money from friends
70. The heat was such that I nearly fainted.
 It was so hot that I nearly fainted.
71. I’m going to the theatre tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to it.
 I’m really looking forward to going to the theatre tomorrow.
72. I thought it would be better than that.
 It’s not worse than that.
73. My brother and I both went to that school.
 I went to that school and so did my brother.
74. No one has ever discussed that question.
 That question has never been discussed.
75. I often get up early.
 I am used to getting up early.
76. I am sorry I interrupted your dinner.
 I apologize for interrupting your dinner.

77. Getting a good job doesn’t interest him.
 He isn’t interested in getting a good job.

78. When did you start working here?
 How long have you been working here?
79. The children should be in bed by now.
 It’s time for the children to be in bed.
80. His second attempt on the world record was successful.
 He broke the world record successfully at the second attemp.
81. Helen can play the piano better than Elizabeth.
 Elizabeth can’t play the piano as well as Helen.
82. I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.
 He couldn’t possibly have known that his brother was seriously ill.
83. What particularly impressed me was her excellent command of English.
 I was paticularly impressed with her excellent command of English.
84. She didn’t say a word as she left the room.
 She left the room without saying a word.
85. The result of the match was never in doubt.
 At no time was the result of the match in doubt.
86. This will be the orchestra’s first performance outside London.
 This will be the first time the Orchestra performed outside London.
87. I apply for the job but was turned down.
 My application for the job was turned down.
88. The Prime Minister was determined to remain in office.
 The Prime Minister had no intension of leaving the office.
89. He said, “I wish I knew the answer”.
 He said that he wished he knew the answer.

90. The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border.
 Not until the refugees had cross the border did they continue to feel
91. I don’t know the 1st thing about aeronautics.
 I am utterly ignorant about aeronautics.
92. The student’s riotous behavior should have been severely punished.
 The student deserved punishment for their riotous behavior.
93. There are more people out of work in this country than ever before.
 Never have there been more people out of work in this country.
94. The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgot by next term.
 In all probality the whole thing will have been forgotten by next
95. “Please don’t drive so fast!” Ann begged her boyfriend.
 Ann pleased her boyfriend not to drive so fast.
96. Despite his ungainly air he is remarkably agile.
 Although he has an ungainly air, he is remarkably agile.

97. She is proud of being such a good cook.
 She prides herself on her cooking.
98. My protests were ignored.
 Nobody took notice of my protests.
99. I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake.
 I’m sure he didn’t take your briefcase on purpose
100. An up- to- dated visa is necessary for Andorra.
 You’ll need an up-to-dated visa for Andorra.

101. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?” said John
 John suggested that Barry should put a better lock on the door.
102. Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out

of the car before it exploded.
 Despite his broken legs, he managed to get out of the car before it
103. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
 This is the 1st time I have eaten this kind of food.
104. After fighting the fire for twelve hours the firemen succeeded in putting
it out.
 The firemen managed to put the fire out after fighting it 12 hours.
105. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
 Plans have been drawn for an extension to the house.
106. In Stratford-on-Avon we saw Shakespeare’s birth place.
 We saw the house in Stratford-on-Avon where Shakespeare was
107. It is not necessary for you to finish by Saturday.
 You needn’t finish it by Saturday.
108. “How many survivors are there? Asked the journalist.
 The journalist wanted to know how many survivors the were?
109. It was such rotten meat that it had to be thrown away.
 The meat was so rotten that it had to be thrown away
110. Tim will be 18 next week.
 It’s Tim’s 18th birthday next week.
111. Unless he phones immediately he won’t get any information.
 If he doesn’t phone immediately, he won’t get any information.

112. How long is this since they bought the house?
 When did they buy the house?
113. He couldn’t repair the broken vase.
 The broken vase couldn’t be repaired.
114. The garden still needs digging.

 The garden still needs to be dug.
115. Have you got a cheaper carpet than this?
 Is this the cheapest carpet have you got?
116. I can’t get my feet into these shoes.
 These shoes is too small for me to get my feet into.
117. I am very pleased that we shall meet again soon.
 I’m looking for meeting you again soon.
118. “Keep away from this area,” said the security guard, when we
approached the fence.
 The security guard told us to keep away from this area when we
approached the fence.
119. I’ve never met such a famous person before.
 It’s the first time I have met a famous person.
120. How old do you think this house?
 When do you think this house was built?
121. “I must see the manager” he cried.
 He insisted on seeing the manager.
122. Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feelings.
 Arthur apologized for hurting her feelings.

123. I had better get back to work.
 It’s time I got back to work.
124. The last time it rained was a fortnight ago.
 It hasn’t rained for fortnight.
125. The noise next door didn’t stop until after midnight.
 It was not until after midnight that the noise nect door stopped.
126. The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired.
 The car was too rusty to be repaired.
127. He never has enough money.

 He’s always in short of money.
128. Yogurt is supposed to be good for you.
 Yogurt is supposed to do well for you.
129. Although the play received good notices, not many people went to see
 Despite good notices, not many people went to see the play.
130. We only dispatch goods after receiving the money.
 Only after the money receiving do we dispatch goods.
131. You pay $20 a month for a period of one year.
 You pay in twelve successive months for $240.
132. We’ll settle down. Then his performance will improve.
 Once he has settled down, his performance will improve.
133. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
 He is said to have escaped to a neutral country.

134. The truth only came out on the publication of the general personal
 Only when the general’s personal diaries was published did the
truth come out.
135. Oil was slowly coating the edge of the shore.
 The edge of the shore was being coated by oil.
136. In spite of the forecast it stayed fine.
 Although rain was forecasted, it stayed fine.
137. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
 We’d rather you didn’t smoke.
138. You really should be able to dress yourself by now.
 It’s high time you dress yourself.
139. Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your

 So long as the examiner find your handwriting, your answer will be
140. My father speaks very little English.
 My father speaks hardly any English.
141. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
 He denied stealing the car.
142. I’m sorry now that I didn’t ask her to stay.
 Now I wish I had asked her to stay.
143. They couldn’t trace who had supplied the information in the first place.
 The source of who had supplied the information in the first place
couldn't be traced.

144. There is always trouble when he comes to visit us.
 Whenever he comes to visit us, trouble happens.
145. Is this the only way to reach the city center?
 Isn’t there an other way to reach the city center?
146. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
 At no time did he suspected that the money had been stolen.
147. I have never seen such a mess in my life.
 Never in my life have I seen such a mess.
148. Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station?
 Does your aunt have to meet ai the station?
149. Their dog was so fierce that no body would visit them.
 They had a fierce dog so no one could visit them.
150. My husband didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the
 If my husband had left the car keys, I could have picked him up at
the station.
151. “I don’t think John will come,” said Bill.

 Bill doubted whether John would come.
152. The postman was bitten by our dog.
 Our dog bit the postman.
153. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
 The fog prevented us from driving.
154. Although his leg was broken he managed to get out of the car.
 In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car.

155. The cake was so hard that I could not eat it.
 It was too hard for me to eat.
156. We didn’t go because it rained.
 If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone.
157. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
 My mother cooks better than me.
158. I don’t suppose you have change for a pound, do you?
 Do you happen to have change for a pound?
159. He failed to win the race.
 He didn’t succeed in winning the race.
160. The mechanic served my car last week.
 I had my car served last week..
161. I’m always nervous when I travel by air.
 Traveling by air always makes me nervous.
162. He could not afford to buy the car.
 The car is to expensive for him to buy.
163. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” h
e asked.
 He suggested that I should put my luggage under the seat.
164. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
 In spite of having a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.

165. He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work.
 He objected to his secretary coming late to work.
166. I’m sorry I missed your birthday party.
 I wish I hadn’t missed your birthday party.

167. They haven’t cleaned the streets this week.
 The streets haven’t been cleaned this week.
168. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
 Apples are not as expensive as oranges.
169. I advise you to put your money in the bank.
 You’d better put your money in the bank
170. This pudding can be cooked in its tin.
 You don’t have to put the pudding out of its tin to cook it.
171. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager.
 The office manager wondered why he hadn’t got a computer before.
172. “You’d better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth” said John.
 John advised Elizabeth not to lend his money.
173. I started work for the company a year ago.
 I’ve been working for the company for 1 year.
174. Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes.
 If Susan hadn’t eaten 4 cream cakes, she wouldn’t has felt sick.
175. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview.
 I must clean my suit before the interview.
176. “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said William.
 William accused Amanda of stealing his best cassette.
177. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn’t sail.
 The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing.
178. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note.
 Don’t sign the delivery note until you check for damage.

179. Roses can’t possible grow in such poor ground.
 It is impossible for Roses to grow in such poor ground.
180. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
 It is such a dirty restaunrant that no one wants to eat there.
181. John only understood very little of what the teacher said.
 John could hardly understand what the teacher said.
182. Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house.
 We can only get into the house if someone has a key.
183. I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here is the key.
 You can’t lock the front door because the key is here.
184. He prefers golf to tennis.
 He’d rather golf than tennis.
185. He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party.
 He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
186. “Bring your swimming things incase it’s sunny”.
 He told me to bring my swimming things incase it’s sunny.
187. There’s no need for you to talk so loudly.
 You don’t need to talk so loudly.
188. I haven’t been to Bristol for three years.
 The last time I went to Bristol was 3 years ago.
189. No one has signed this cheque.
 This cheque hasn’t signed.
190. That dress has only the slightest mark on it.
 I can barely see the mark on that dress.

191. The trains couldn’t run because of the snow.
 The snow was too thick for trains to run

192. I didn’t arrive in time to see her.
 I wasn’t early enough to see her
193. I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday.
 I apologize for being rude to you.
194. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.
 If he had hurried, he wouldn’t have missed tre train.
195. Janet is the best tennis- player in the club.
 No one in the club plays tennis as well as Janet
196. I haven’t seen that man here before.
 It’s the first time I have seen that man here.
197. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it.
 The furniture was too expensive for me to buy.
198. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
 The bank manger was made hand over.
199. He learned to drive when he was 18.
 He has learned to drive since he was 18
200. She had never been unhappy before.
 She was unhappier than she had ever been before.
201. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too late to able to do anything.
202. I asked the hotel porter to wake me at 8 o’clock the following morning.
 “Please wake me up at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning”

203. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
 The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.
204. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
 We are going to go to the garage in order to repair the car.

205. The bus takes longer than the train.
 The train takes shorter than the bus.
206. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.
 It’s over six months since John got his hair cut.
207. Maria says she’ll like to have been put in a high class.
 Maria wishes she would have been put in a high class.
208. Would you like me to finish the work tonight?
 I’ll finish the work tonight.
209. You may get hungry on the train, so take some sandwiches.
 In case you get hungry on the train, take some sandwiches
210. You must see the manger tomorrow morning.
 You’ve to see the manager tomorrow morning.
211. There was never any answer when we rang.
 Every time we rang, there was no answer.
212. That’s an insulting name to use for him.
 Don’t call him with an insulting name.
213. John asked if it was the blue one or the green she wanted.
 “Which one did she want, do blue one or the green one?”
214. She liked Paris very little, and Rome less.
 She thought Rome less than Paris.

215. I can meet you if you arrive before eleven.
 So long as you arrive before eleven, I can meet you.
216. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.
 All the prisoners will be caught again by tonight.
217. I’ve warned you not to go near that dog.
 I’ve warned you about going near that dog.
218. No, please don’t tell him.
 I’d rather you didn’t tell him.

219. Why don’t you ask her yourself?
 I suggest that you should ask her yourself.
220. Mary rang hours and hours ago.
 It’s hours since Mary rang.
221. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night.
 I wish I had finished homework last night.
222. She asked John how he liked her new dress.
 “How do you like my new dress?”, she asked John.
223. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning.
 There is a train which leaves at 8 o’clock every morning.
224. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
 It can’t be denied that she has a beautiful voice.
225. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
 Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away?
226. The child will die if nobody sends for a doctor.
 Unless someone sends for a doctor, the child will die.

227. He would prefer you to pay him immediately.
 He’d rather you paid him immediately.
228. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.
 The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in.
229. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
 She had her car repaired yesterday.
230. The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light.
 If the train driver hadn’t ignored a warning light, the accident
wouldn’t have happened.
231. The keepers feed the lions at 3.00 p.m everyday.
 The lions are fed at 3PM everyday.
232. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.

 If we had had a map, we wouldn’t got lost.
233. “Where is the station car- park?” Mrs. Smith asked.
 Mrs. Smith asked where the station car-park was.
234. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
 I would rather you delivered the sofa on Friday.
235. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
 He regretted not saying goodbye to her at the airport.
236. It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired.
 That old typewriter is not worth being repaired.
237. The bridge was so low the bus couldn’t go under it.
 It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn’t go under it.
238. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I haven’t seen him since I was a student.

239. That was a silly thing to say.
 What a silly thing!
240. Without his help we would all have died.
 If it hadn’t been for your help, we would all have died.
241. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
 Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.
242. May I borrow your pen?
 Would you mind lend me your pen?
243. “I’d take a taxi if I were you,” said Peter.
 Peter suggested I take a taxi.
244. My boyfriend is very short-tempered.
 My boyfriend loses his temper very easily.
245. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
 No matter how long you use it, it won’t wear out.
