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Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
Wednesday, January 21, 2007
Unit 9: a first - aid course
Lesson: 1 Period:56 Section: Getting started
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students can know what they would do in
the situations which require first aid.
II. Contents: - Vocabulary
- Structure:
III. Teaching Aids: Pictures, cassette, drawing.
IV. Anticipated problems:
V. Proceduces:
1. Warm up: * Kim’s game:
- Ask students to open their books and look at the things. Tell them these things are
ofen used for first aid.
- Divide the class in to two groups.
- Ask students to close their books and go to the board to write the names of the
things they’ve just seen from memory.
- Tell them the group having the most right English words is the winner.
- Have studentd open the books again and go through the words in English.
* Answer Key:
1. emergency room 2. sterile dressing 3. medicated oil
4. ice 5. water pack 6. alcohol
- Ask students to discuss and write down what they would do in these situations
which require first- aid.
- Call on some groups to give their answers and correct.
* Possible Answers:
+ A girl has a burn on her arm. - Use cold water /ice to ease the pain.
+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg. - Use alcohol / medicated oil / sterile dressing.
+ A girl has a nose bleed. - Use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to live

+ A boy has a bee sting. - Use medicated oil.
2. Pre - Reading:
1. Pre - teach vocabulary :
An ambulance.
An emmergency.
To bleed
- Having students copy the vocabulary in their notebooks.

Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
* Checking technique: Slap the board.
- Put the new words all over the board - not in a list.
- Call on 2 students or 2 teams in both sides to the front of the class standing at equal
distance from the blackboard.
- Call out one of the new word in aloud voice.
- Two students must run forward and slap the word, the students who slaps the correct
word first is the winner and get a mark.
- Go on with the next 2 students ……
2. Gap fill Prediction:
- Hang the chart with the paragraph on the board.
- Ask students to predict the words in the gaps.
- Call on some students to go to the board and write their words.
3. While - Reading:
- Have students open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue.
* Answer key:
1. fell 2. concious 3. cut 4. bleeding 5. ambulace 6. awake
3. Comprehention questions:
- Ask students to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue.
- Tell students to write their answers on a sheet of paper and hand in after finishing.

- Collect students’ papers and correct.
* Answer Key: a, b, c, e, f
4. Post - Reading:
4. Role Play.
- Have students in turns play the roles to demonstrate the dialogue.
5. Write it - up.
- Ask students to write a story using the information from the dialogue.
- Tell students to begin their story with:
“ Yesterday there was an emergency at…….”
- Have students find some more words.
5. Home work:
- Let students do the exercises in the workbook.

Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
Unit 9: a first - aid course
Lesson: 2 Period: 57 Section: Speak
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice speaking
about the changes of a place.
II. Contents: - Vocabulary
- Structure:
III. Teaching Aids: Text book, pictures, poster.
IV. Anticipated problems:
V. Proceduces:
1. Warm up: * Revision:
- Draw the net work with an example on the board and use it as a game.
- Deliver posters to students and ask them to write as many words as possible
on their posters.
- Ask students to stick their posters on the board after they finish.

- Tell them the group to have most right words is the winner.
Situations which require
First - aid
Have a snake bite
* Possible answers:
Have a nose bleed
Have a burn
Have a cut
Have a bee sting .…
2. Presentation :
1. Set the scene:
- Ask students questions to elicit the models.
- Have students repeat 2 or 3 times before writing them on the board.
- Underline the key words.
* Questions:
1. I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say?
2. I’d like you to come to my party . how can I say?
3. I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime.
How can I say?
2. Model Sentences:
1. Will you (please) get me a bandage?

Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
2. Would you like to come to my party?
3. I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime.
3. Concept checking:
- Get students to work out the rules for themselves by asking questions.
- After formulating the model sentences, elicit some more phrases with the same use
from students.

1. To make a request:
Would You (please) + barein finitive
+ Sure / ok / all right.
- I’m sorry I can’t. / I’m afraid not
2. To make an offer:
Will / Won’t you
Shall I bare infinitive...?
Can I
Would you like + to infinitive..?
What can I do / get for you?
Can I get you……...?
Responses: + Yes, please. / That would be nice.
- No, thank you.
3. To make a promise:
I promise I’ll / I won’t…...
I will …….I promise.
I promise to……....
Responses: I hope so. / Good. / I’m glad. / Don’t foget.
- Get students to copy.
3. Practice:
4. Matching:
- Hang the chart with the statements on the board.
- Ask students to look at the pictures and match the situations with the statements.
1. The girl has a burn on her hand.
2. The girl has a bad fever.
3. The boy has just broken the vase.

4. The boy has a headache.
5. The boy has a snake bite.
* Answer Key:
1.a 2.d 3.e 4.b 5.c
4. Production:

Th¹ch Qu¶ng Lower Secondery School Teacher : TrÇn Thanh H¶i
- Ask students to listen to the dialogue and repeat if they think the sentence is right
and keep silent if the sentence is wrong.
- Read the dialogue aloud, sentence by sentence.
* Answer key:
1. Will 2. Will 3. Won’t 4. Shall 5. Will 6. ‘ll
* Role play:
- Ask students to look at the pictures and dialogues and fill the gaps with the right
- Monitor and correct
- Call on some pairs to play the roles in front of the class.
4. Homework:
- Let students do the exercises in workbook.
Thursday, January 22, 2007
Unit 9 : a first - aid course
Lesson: 3 Period:58 Section: Listen

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