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"Working together as a team means winning

together as a team."

Group assignment

In exam room

To get her heart

Or to do a very importance thing..

"Coming together is a beginning...
Keeping together is progress...
Working together is a success."

• “A distinguishable set of two or more
• who interact dynamically, interdependently
• adaptively to achieve specified, shared and
• valued objectives”
(Bowers, Clint A., et.al)

• “Group of people with a full set of complementary
skills required to complete a task, job or project.
• Team members operate with a high degree of
interdependence, share authority and responsibility
for self-management, are accountable for the
collective performance and work toward a common
goal and share rewards.
• A team becomes more than just a collection of
people when a strong sense of mutual commitment
creates synergy, thus generating performance
greater than the sum of the performance of its
individual members.”



A joint action by two or more people.
Each person has complementary skills.
Express individual interests and opinions.
To achieve common goals.

• “Teamwork is the definition of cooperative
members of a same group working together
to obtain the same goal.”
• “The process of working collaboratively with
a group of people, in order to achieve a goal.”

Team Characteristics
• A team consists of two or more people who work
interdependently over some time period to
accomplish common goals related to some taskoriented purpose.
– A special type of “group.”
– The interactions among members within teams revolve
around a deeper dependence on one another than the
interactions within groups.
– The interactions within teams occur with a specific taskrelated purpose in mind.

Formal and Informal Groups
• Formal group
– formed by the organization.
– have designated work assignments and specific tasks.
– appropriate behaviors are established by and directed
towards organizational goals.

• Informal group
– formed by friends (friendships and common interests).
– are of a social nature.
– occur naturally in the work place in response to the

need for social contact.

Table 11-1

Types of Teams


Stages of Team Development

• Forming - try to understand the boundaries in the
team and get a feel for what is expected of them.


• Storming - remain committed to ideas, triggers
conflict that affects some relationships and harms
the team’s progress.

Norming • Norming - realize that they need to work together
to accomplish team goals.


• Performing - members are comfortable working
within their roles, and the team makes progress

toward goals.
• Adjourning – members experience anxiety and
other emotions as they disengage and ultimately
separate from the team.

Tuckman’s Five-Stage Theory of Group

A search committee has been created at ABC University
to hire a new dean of College of Business. During
which stage of the group development process
would the search committee address role
agreements and working as a team?
A. Storming
B. Performing
C. Adjourning
D. Norming

Team Interdependence
• Task interdependence refers the degree to which team
members interact with and rely on other team members
for the information, materials, and resources needed to
accomplish work for the team.
 Pooled interdependence
- Requires lowest degree of

required coordination,
- Members complete their work
assignments independently,
and then this work is simply
“piled up” to represent the
group’s output.

Team Interdependence (Cont’d)
 Sequential interdependence
- Requires different tasks to be done in a prescribed
- Members interact to carry out their work, the
interaction only occurs between members who
perform tasks that are next to each other in the

Team Interdependence, Cont’d
 Reciprocal interdependence
- Requires members to be specialized to perform specific
- However, instead of a strict sequence of activities,
members interact with a subset of other members to
complete the team’s work.

Team Interdependence (Cont’d)
 Comprehensive interdependence
- Requires the highest level of interaction and coordination

among members.
- Each member has a great deal of discretion in terms of what
they do and with whom they interact in the course of the
collaboration involved in accomplishing the team’s work.

Goal Interdependence
• A high degree of goal interdependence exists
when team members have a shared vision of
the team’s goal and align their individual goals
with that vision as a result.
– Develop a formalized mission statement that
members buy into.

Outcome Interdependence
• A high degree of outcome interdependence
exists when team members share in the
rewards that the team earns.
– Pay, bonuses, formal feedback and recognition,
pats on the back, extra time off, and continued
team survival.

Team Composition
• Team
is the mix of
people who
make up the


Group Member Roles


Team and Individualistic Roles
