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Business letters in english

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Business Letters in English
Business letters are formal paper communications between, to or from businesses and usually sent through the Post Office or
sometimes by courier. Business letters are sometimes called "snail-mail" (in contrast to email which is faster). This lesson
concentrates on business letters but also looks at other business correspondence. It includes:


Who writes Business Letters?
Most people who have an occupation have to write business letters. Some write many letters each day and others only write a few
letters over the course of a career. Business people also read letters on a daily basis. Letters are written from a person/group,
known as the sender to a person/group, known in business as the recipient. Here are some examples of senders and recipients:

business «» business
business «» consumer
job applicant «» company
citizen «» government official
employer «» employee

staff member «» staff member
person «» person

Why write Business Letters?
There are many reasons why you may need to write business letters or other correspondence:

to persuade
to inform
to request
to express thanks
to remind
to recommend
to apologize
to congratulate
to reject a proposal or offer
to introduce a person or policy
to invite or welcome

to follow up
to formalize decisions

Formatting Business Letters
Block format is the most common format used in business today. With this format, nothing is centred. The sender's address, the
recipient's address, the date and all new paragraphs begin at the left margin, like this:


Wicked Wax Co. Ltd
22 Charlton Way
London, SE10 8QY

« may be printed company logo and address

5th December, 2006


Ms. Maggie Jones
Angel Cosmetics Inc.
110 East 25th Street
New York, NY, 10021


Your ref: 123

Our ref: abc


Dear Ms. Jones,


Forthcoming Exhibition


First paragraph...
Second paragraph...


Third paragraph...


Morris Howard


Morris Howard, President


cc: Brian Waldorf


Enc: catalogue


Planning a Business Letter
A business letter is not a place for chit-chat. Unlike business conversations where a certain amount of small talk is used to break
the ice, a business letter should be clear and concise. By taking time to plan your letter, you will save time in the writing and
proofreading stages. During the planning stage, ask yourself a few simple questions. Jot down your answers to create an outline
before you start writing.
Who am I writing this letter to?


Identifying your audience always comes first. Are you writing to more than one person, to someone you don't know, or to
someone you have known for a long time? This will help you determine how formal the letter needs to be. You may need to
introduce yourself briefly in the letter if the recipient does not know you. You may also need to find out the updated address and
title of the recipient. This is a good time to confirm the correct spelling of first and last names.
Why am I writing this letter?
The main reason for the letter should be understood from the subject line and first few sentences. You may cover more than one
thing in one business letter, but there will almost always be a general reason for the letter. Identify your main goal and what you
hope to accomplish. Review some example reasons why people write business letters on the introductory page of this lesson.
Are there specific details I need to include?
Gather any dates, addresses, names, prices, times or other information that you may need to include before you write your letter.
Double check details rather than relying on your memory.

Do I require a response?
Many types of business letter require a response. Others are written in response to a letter that has been received. Before you start
writing, determine whether or not you require an action or response from the recipient. Your request or requirement should be very
clear. In some cases you may even need to provide a deadline for a response. If you do require a response, how should the
recipient contact you? Indicate this information clearly as well. You may want to provide more than one option, such as an email
address and a phone number.
How can I organize my points logically?
Think about how you would organize your thoughts if you were speaking rather than writing to the recipient. First you would
introduce yourself. Second you would state your concern or reason for writing. After the main content of your letter you would
include information on how you can be contacted. The end of the letter is also a place to express gratitude, wish good-luck, or
offer sympathy. Here is an example outline:


Karen Jacobson
Acquaintance (met twice before, briefly)
Title: President, The Flying Club
Address: 44 Windermere Drive, Waterloo, Ontario L1B 2C5


To invite a board member to remain on the board for a second term.
Other members suggested that she has enjoyed this position and has been thinking about staying on.

No other volunteers have come forward to take over at the end of September.


If she decides to stay on she will need to be available for the national meeting on 5 November.
Board members who stay for two terms are sometimes asked to take on extra duties, such as taking minutes
or hosting social events.



She will need to respond by 1 September.
She can contact me by email or phone.


Return address of our institution
Karen Jacobson's title and address
Salutation: Dear Ms. Jacobson
First paragraph: Introduce myself briefly--remind Karen where we met before. Provide my reason for writing:
"I have heard from a number of board members that you may be interested in staying on for a second term.
We would be very pleased to have you stay on for another year."
Second paragraph: Explain what type of commitment this position will involve this year (once a month
meetings, national meeting, plus possible extra duties)
Third Paragraph: Provide deadline for response and how to contact me.
Closing: Express thanks to Karen for volunteering her time this year

Writing a Business Letter
The term "business letter" makes people nervous. Many people with English as a second language worry that their writing is not
advanced enough for business writing. This is not the case. An effective letter in business uses short, simple sentences and
straightforward vocabulary. The easier a letter is to read, the better. You will need to use smooth transitions so that your sentences
do not appear too choppy.
First and foremost, make sure that you spell the recipient's name correctly. You should also confirm the gender and proper title.
Use Ms. for women and Mr. for men. Use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is married. Under less formal circumstances, or
after a long period of correspondence it may be acceptable to address a person by his or her first name. When you don't know the
name of a person and cannot find this information out you may write, "To Whom It May Concern". It is standard to use a comma
(colon in North America) after the salutation. It is also possible to use no punctuation mark at all. Here are some common ways to
address the recipient:

Dear Mr Powell,
Dear Ms Mackenzie,
Dear Frederick Hanson:
Dear Editor-in-Chief:
Dear Valued Customer
Dear Sir or Madam:
Dear Madam
Dear Sir,
Dear Sirs

First paragraph
In most types of business letter it is common to use a friendly greeting in the first sentence of the letter. Here are some examples:

I hope you are enjoying a fine summer.
Thank you for your kind letter of January 5th.
I came across an ad for your company in The Star today.
It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference this month.


I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response.

After your short opening, state the main point of your letter in one or two sentences:

I'm writing to enquire about...
I'm interested in the job opening posted on your company website.
We'd like to invite you to a members only luncheon on April 5th.

Second and third paragraphs
Use a few short paragraphs to go into greater detail about your main point. If one paragraph is all you need, don't write an extra
paragraph just to make your letter look longer. If you are including sensitive material, such as rejecting an offer or informing an
employee of a layoff period, embed this sentence in the second paragraph rather than opening with it. Here are some common
ways to express unpleasant facts:

We regret to inform you...
It is with great sadness that we...
After careful consideration we have decided...

Final paragraph
Your last paragraph should include requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures. If necessary, your contact information should
also be in this paragraph. Here are some common phrases used when closing a business letter:

I look forward to...
Please respond at your earliest convenience.
I should also remind you that the next board meeting is on February 5th.
For futher details...
If you require more information...
Thank you for taking this into consideration.
I appreciate any feedback you may have.
Enclosed you will find...
Feel free to contact me by phone or email.

Here are some common ways to close a letter. Use a comma between the closing and your handwritten name (or typed in an
email). If you do not use a comma or colon in your salutation, leave out the comma after the closing phrase:

Yours truly,
Yours sincerely,
Sincerely yours
Thank you,
Best wishes
All the best,
Best of luck
Warm regards,

Topic 1:
You are looking for a part-time job
Write a letter to an employment agency.In your letter
 Introduce yourself
 Explain what sort of job you would like
 And say what experience and skills you have
Topic 2:
You have seen an advertisement for part-time work in a hotel for three months over the summer.
Write a letter to the Manager.
In your letter
 Say what experience you have


 Ask what the work involves
 Enquire about conditions
Topic 3:

You are going on a short course to a training college abroad. It is a college that you have not been to before.
Write a letter to the accommodation officer.In your letter
 Give details of your course and your arrival/departure date
 Explain your accommodation needs
 Ask for information about getting to and from the college
Topic 4:
Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college.In your letter:
 Explain your situation.
 Describe the accommodation you require.
 Say when you will need
Topic 5:
You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there.
 Ask them for help finding accommodation
 Tell them where you would like to live
 Tell them the type of place you are looking for
Topic 6:
You live in a room in college which you share with another student.You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has
friends visiting.They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you.

Topic 7:
You are due to move into a rented apartment next month but you will not be able to because you have some problems.
Write a letter to the landlord.In your letter:
 Explain your situation
 Describe your problems
 Tell him/her when you think you can move in
 You should write at least 150 words.
 You do NOT need to write your own address.
Topic 8:
You cannot go to a company where you got an offer.Write a letter to the HR supervisor to
1.Explain the reason why you decline the offer

2.Express you gratitude
3.Explain you like your current job very much.
Topic 9
One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city.For some reasons,you cannot manage to meet him at the airport on time.
Write a letter asking him to wait for you at the airport and tell him how to identify you.
Topic 10:
You have been offered a job,asking you to start next week.You want the job very much but,because of a previous commitment,you
want to delay the start for another two weeks.
Write to the Manager, accepting the job,but explaining your situation and asking for the change to your start date.
Topic 11:
You have just spent a weekend at a friend’s house.When you returned home,you discovered you have left a coat containing some
belongings in his house.
Write a letter to your friend telling him that you left the coat.Tell him what the coat looks like,where you think you left it and what
was inside it.Make some suggestions about how to get it back.
Topic 12:
You borrowed an important textbook from a classmate last term.
You now realize your classmate has returned home overseas and you still have the book.
Write a letter to him/her.In your letter
 Apologize for the mistake
 Find out how important the book is to him/her
 Say what you will do
Topic 13:
You are an international student and have borrowed a book from the local public library.You left the book on a bus and when you contacted
the bus company,they could not find it.Write a letter to the librarian explaining the situation and asking what you should do.


 You should write at least 150 words.
Topic 14:

An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice.
Write a letter to your friend.In your letter
 Offer to find somewhere to stay
 Give advice about what to do
 Give information about what clothes to bring
Topic 15:
A friend of yours is going on holiday soon and has asked you to recommend a destination.
Write a letter to your friend and recommend a good place for a holiday that you have visited before.Say where you went,where you
stayed,what you can do there and what the food was like.
Topic 16:
A friend you met last year has invited you to visit them in their country.
You have never been there before and need some information before you leave.
Write a letter to your friend.In your letter
 Request advice about a gift for his/her family
 Ask about activities and clothing
 Find out about the food
 You should write at least 150 words.
 You do NOT need to write your own address.
Topic 17:
You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days.You hadn’t seen each other for a long time..
 Say how you felt about the visit
 Refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him/her
 Invite your friend to visit you
Topic 18:
You recently visited a place that had a strong impact on you.
Write a letter to a friend about the place.In your letter
 Explain where the place was and how you got there
 Descibe what you saw
 Offer to take your friend there
Topic 19:

You eat at your college cafeteria every lunchtime.However,you think it needs some improvements.
Write a letter to the college magazine.In your letter
 Explain what you like about the cafeteria
 Say what is wrong with it
 Suggest how it could be improved
Topic 20:
You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a nearby town.
Write a letter to the shop and ask if they have the things you want or whether they will be able to order them.Ask what the prices are and
how long they will be able to hold the goods for you.
Topic 21:
Your neighbors have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your flat.
Write a letter to your neighbors.In your letter
 Explain the reasons for the noise
 Apologize
 Describe what action you will take

Samples for writing
Topic 1- 2 (format letter) Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải
hỏi gấp. Học xong thì phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong
sách. Học từ vựng mỗi ngày để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in position you have advertised for……1…….as (a waiter, a waitress, a receptionist, a wait
staff, an assistant staff, a reception desk, Hotel Housekeeping Attendant). I saw it on…………
I am studying ………….at…………….university. I am looking for this job to get experience and money for my life. I can
work from…….to…….all weekdays.
I worked as…… at………hotel (company) last year. I enjoyed it because I got a lot of experience and skills such as the
customer interaction, team work, communication skills, customer service skills, adaptability, problem solving, interpersonal skills.


In this position, I honed my interpersonal skills through customer service, clerical responsibilities (in-phone, telephone, and
electronic correspondence, mail), and by assessing and responding to the various tasks a vibrant work environment brings.
I am honest, reliable, friendly and easy to get along with, as well as being a quick learner.(I have the skills and experience
required to competently take on this role and I am confident that I would work to exceed your expectations)/ (I believe that
these are the kinds of skills and abilities you are seeking in this position and I can meet your demands).
Thank you for your consideration. I would like to meet you next week to discuss this position with you further. I would
appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience by calling me at 232-231-4563 or sending email .
I very much look forward to hearing from you and thank you for considering my application.
Yours Sincerely,

Topic 3-6 (recommendation letter format) Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không
hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong thì phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu
trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi ngày để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.

Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is … … … I am a (student at XX
university/ a farmer from …/ a worker from…)
I am writing to inform you that … (1)…
I will be arriving on … … … and will be leaving on
I will require … (a single room/ a double room/ a
room in a family house).
I would prefer … (2) …
I would be grateful if … (3) …
Could you please tell me how much this will cost and
how I should make a payment?
Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate
a reply at your earliest convenience by calling me at
223-231-4563 or sending email

Yours sincerely,

Topic 3: (1) I will be attending the Advanced Life Insurance course at the
University of Hartford.
(2) My own bathroom, if this is possible, but do not mind sharing if I have
(3) You could provide some information about getting to and from the
University. Will I need to take public transport from the station or is there a
University bus service?
Topic 4: (1) I have been accepted to take a one-month training course at
Green mount Agricultural College starting next January.
(2) A room nears the college because I will not have time to learn my way
(3) You could either find me accommodation for the month or give me a list
of addresses which I could write to.

Topic 5: (1) I will move to live in the city for work.
(2) To live somewhere new with a private bathroom, a kitchen and some
kind of living room.
(3) You could give me somewhere to live close to where I am going to be
working, or in the downtown district. If possible I would like to be near
some shops and near a park.


Topic 6 :(1) I wish to move into a new room next term, as I find the present
sharing arrangement inconvenient. The reasons are that my roommate

always has friends visiting, having parties in the room and sometimes
borrow my things without asking me.
(2) My own bathroom.

(3) You could find a room for me, preferably not in the same building but as
near to the college campus as possible.

I regret to inform you that … (1) …,

7: (1) I will no longer be able to move in, as my plans have had to change. I am really
so sorry about this
8: (1) I decline your generous invitation and I am really so sorry this has happened.
9: (1) I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive. I am really so
sorry about this.
10: (1) I have delayed the job which you have offered although I really want it. I am
really so sorry about this.

I have received your letter to request me to
do this immediately. However, After
careful consideration I have decided (not)
to do this. Because …..

7: (2) I had a problem. Last summer vacation, I traveled to ….. I had a traffic accident. I
fell on the road and broke my hand (leg…). My head hurt. I went to see a doctor. The
doctor advised me to take a rest about…in hospital. I am unable to write for the time
being. (last month, my mother got sick, she went go see a doctor. The doctor advised her
to take a rest in hospital. Unluckily, My family has only 2 people: my mother and me So
I had to take care of her.)
8: (2) my family has just moved to another place which is far from your company. So it
is difficult for me to travel to work.

( I have got a MBA scholarship. Next month, I will go Singapore to attend this course.
So I don’t have time to work with you)
9: (2) Your flight will arrive early in the morning, and I cannot get to the airport on time
because I have to take my brother to school.
10: (2) I have a important previous commitment which is my sister's wedding. After the
wedding, I will travel a few days with my parents who wanted me to travel because I
have lived for 4 years far from home.
I love this job so much because it is suitable for me and my major. It is difficult to
find a good job. I passed your interview successfully and the company chose me. I
promise to bring a lot of benefits for your company.

I would like to delay … (3) …
I hope this will not cause you any
I am really sorry that I am informing
you about this change so late but I am
also sure that you will understand my
situation and cooperation with me.

7: (3) for five weeks. When I recover and feel better. I will call you to discuss this
8. this offer. I passed your interview successfully and the company chose me. I am
happy because I want to do this job so much. it is suitable for me and my major.
9: (3) for an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You should
have breakfast there while you wait.
By the way, as we have never met I tell you how to recognize me: I am (of medium
height/ tall/ short) and have (a small mustache/ black hair/ blond hair). In addition, I will
be carrying a (newspaper/ black suitcase/ bunch of flower) on my hand.
10: (3) for another two weeks. Could you delay the start date for me?

Bài 11 -13 Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong
thì phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi
ngày để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.


I’m writing this letter to inform you

11. I has forgotten my coat in your house
12. I still have your book which I borrowed you
13. I have lost a book which I borrowed you

I am …..I am a student at …… I am
really so sorry this has happened. As
you know,

11. I have just spend a week at your house to do
university project. I was very happy when we did the project well. We had good
12. I borrowed your grammar book on ……. It was very useful for me. It was a
good book. I could understand and it helped me learn and improve English quickly.
So I could do the final exam with good marks.
13. I borrowed …….. on …… It was very useful for me.
It was a good book. I could understand and it helped
me learn and improve English quickly. So I could do
the final exam with good marks


11. I have forgotten my coat in your house. While I was eating dinner with your
family, I hang my coat on …..beside your bathroom. It is white/ brown/. It looks
beautiful. The coat has my usb, ID card, passport, pens, student’s card, … inside it.
12. When the final exam ended. I quickly returned home overseas. I now realize that
I still have the book. I forgot return it to you.
13. when I was on the bus going home, I read this book. I was tired so I fell asleep. I
woke up at the bus stop and got off the
bus. I realized that I forgot to bring this book on the bus. I tried to contact the bus
company and a driver next day. However, they could not find it.

I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience caused by my mistake

11. Can you return it for me next week? Or my friend, John, will get it for me next
12. I will return it for you next week if you need it. Or Can I send you money so that
you can buy a new one.
13. I will buy a new one and return it to you or Can I send money so that you can buy
a new one?

I’m writing this letter to inform you that I has forgotten my coat in your house. I am …..I am a
student at …… I am really so sorry this has happened. As you know, I have just spend a week at your house to do university
project. I was very happy when we did the project well. We had a good marks.
Unfortunately, I have forgotten my coat in your house. While I was eating dinner with your family, I hang my coat on …..beside
your bathroom. It is white/ brown/. It looks beautiful. The coat has my usb, ID card, passport, pens, student’s card, … inside it. I
sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by my mistakes. Can you return it for me next week? Or my friend, John, will
get it for me next week?
Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. Please call me at 232-231-4563 or send

I’m delighted that … (1) …
I think you can stay… (2) …
There are lots of things to do. You can enjoy
many beautiful places in my country. There
are … (3) …
You should bring … (4) …
Please let me know exactly when you're
coming so that I can meet you at the airport.
Thank you for your consideration. I would
appreciate a reply at your earliest

14: (1) you are coming to Vietnam next month to spend a two-week holiday.
(2) with me and my family in Binh Duong province. Otherwise, if you prefer, I
can easily book a cheap and comfortable hotel for you near the beach where you
can be more independent.
(3) several interesting museums and temples which I’m sure you will enjoy.
One place you really should visit is an excellent theme park called Dai
Nam, where you’ll want to spend the whole day. Also, you ought to go to our
excellent night safari, which is about an hour away by bus.
(4) a coat, T- shirts, Jeans and a jacket because it’s a bit cooler in the evening.


convenience by calling me at 223-231-4563
or sending email

(I am writing this letter to inform you that I

have received you letter.)

15: (1) you are free and you‛re thinking of going on holiday. Well I can
certainly recommend one destination for you. Lask year, I went to .........they are
beautiful places in VN.
(2) at the …… hotel in the centre of town, and a campsite just outside town.
(house for rent near….)
(3) a beautiful beach, a golf course, explore Cat Tien national forest, the fishing
is excellent and there are fantastic hills nearby for walking in amazing scenery.
If it‛s wet there‛s a small cinema in town but that‛s about all. Take some board
(4) comfortable clothes to move easily.
The food is good in the hotels. You can eat special food such as :…. They are
17: (1) I stayed with you for a few days. It was good to see you after so long,
and to be able to spend some time with you, talking about old school friends and
teachers. I particularly enjoyed our trip to the wildlife and appreciated the
opportunity to see so many rare birds and animals. I saw many beautiful places
such as… moreover, I enjoyed many kinds of food. I loved it so much. I gave
me a lot of experience and good memories.
(2) with me next month so that I can introduce special things in my country.
(3) plenty of places we can go and my brother would really like to see you.
(4) comfortable clothes with you .
18: (1) I had a wonderful holiday in…... In the morning, I climbed a mountain
(hill) called ….. in the afternoon, I explore …..caves. In the afternoon, I go
swimming with my brothers. The beach is beautiful. In the evening, my family
and I go to coffee shop and eat seafood. It is very interesting. We hired a car to
travel everywhere we wanted. In fact, ….. is the most beautiful place I have
ever seen.
(2) with me next month to join in our next trip.

(3) some mountain walks for us to exercise.
(4) comfortable clothes with you.

Topic 16: Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong
thì phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi
ngày để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.
Dear xx,
Hi there, I hope you're enjoying your college year. Thanks very much for asking me to come and visit you in Singapore. As
you know, I haven't travelled to Asia before, so I thought I'd write and ask you a few questions.
I want to bring a present with me and I wondered what would be appropriate. Perhaps you could let me know what your
mum's/dad’s hobbies are and then I could come up with an idea based on one of them.
Also, what sort of clothes should I bring? Do I need jumpers or a coat? What sort of activities are we likely to do while I'm
there and should I bring things like swimming costume/ swimming gear/ trainers/ hat.
Lastly, what about the food? I hate to be nuisance but I hope you remember that I'm vegetarian. I do eat fish and eggs but I don't
eat red meat and chicken at all. Is that going to be a problem?
Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience by calling me at 223-231-4563 or
sending email
Look forward to hearing from you.


Topic 19 Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong thì
phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi ngày
để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.
Dear …
I am writing this letter to inform you that I would like to appreciate your cafeteria and suggest some improvements.
I eat at college cafeteria every lunch time. The college cafeteria provides some foods for students college. I like to have lunch

there because the situation and condition this place is good to relax. The foods are very delicious. Besides, the price of foods are
cheaper than other location in the campus (reasonable).
However, the students sometimes must wait a long time if they already ordered some menus. Moreover, they have to search other
places to eat because the area of the college cafeteria is small and very dirty. The tables and chairs are dirty so the students could
not stay a long time to enjoy.
Because of that, I would suggest that the college cafeteria should clean the area and replace chairs and tables in around this place.
Furthermore, the college cafeteria should realize that they have to give the best service to consumers.
I wish my letter could help to improve this place. Thanks for your attention.
Yours Faithfully,
Topic 20 Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong thì
phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi ngày
để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.
Dear Mr…………,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I would like to …………. They are …………(TVs, air conditioners, fans, washing
machines, Electric irons, Electric rice cookers…). As we discussed, these…….. cost $...... and ……….. cost $...........
I would appreciate it if you would deliver this order on or before....................... because I need them for my new house. (give them
to my wife). These goods are important to me so you can let me know: Are they available now? And are there any changes in
prices?. How long can you hold the goods for me?I am enclosing a money order for $...... If there are additional charges, please let
me know.
Thank you for your kind understanding. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.Please confirm that you received
this order by calling me at 232-231-4563 or sending email anytime during business hours, Monday to
Topic 21 Chú ý: Đọc kỹ cấu trúc lá thư. Viết lại nhiều lần theo ý của mình. Có gì không hiểu thì phải hỏi gấp. Học xong thì
phải về nhà học lại ngay để tránh tình trạng quên bài. Có thể tham khảo nhiều bài mẫu trong sách. Học từ vựng mỗi ngày
để viết tốt. Học tốt nhe.
Dear Mr Jones,
I am writing in response to your letter, complaining about the noise from your fat. I am sorry and ask for your forgiveness .
Actually, I am a student at Thu Dau Mot University. My major is…. Next week, I have taken the final exam. So I and my friends
often gather and discuss lessons. We often stay up late to learn lessons until 2 AM. Some friends speak very aloud because they

are eager to discuss lessons. Sometimes they are joke and laugh too noisy. To achieve my goal I am supposed to learn about 3


Once again, please accept my apologies for doing the lessons in inappropriate hours. I told my friends about this problem so that
they controlled their voice. Next week, we will finish the final exam. There are no noise from my flat.
Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience by calling me at 223-231-4563 or
sending email
Yours sincerely,

Anna Frank

 Could you show me your identification card please?
 Could you tell me your full name please?
 What shall I call you?
 Does your name have any special meaning?
 Why do so many people change their names?
 Is your name important to you?
Hometown or birth place
 Where do you come from?
 Where do you live?
 Can you tell me something about your hometown?
 Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic
spots in your hometown?
 Can you tell me some history of your hometown?
Personal background and information

 Are you a student or do you have a job?
 What do you like most about your study?
 What kind of you prefer after graduation?
 What is your major?
 What do you do for living?
 Could you tell me a typical day of yours?
 How do you get your job?
 Are you satisfied with your job?
 What do you like most about your job?
 What kind of job do you prefer in the future?

Hobby or inclination
 What do you usually do in your spare time?
 Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?
 What do you usally do on weekends and weekdays?
 What do you usually do when you go out?
 What do you usually do with your friends?
 Do you like reading?
 What kinds of books do you like best?
 Do you like English? Why or why not ?
 What do you think of the importance of English?
 What are the good hobies and bad hobbies? Why ?

Here you are
My full name is ……………….
Please call me……..
Yes, it has special meaning. It means (hero, flower,
I think they like new names to make them luckier.
Yes, it is very important to me because it brings luck to me.

I come from…..
I live in ….
My hometown is very beautiful….
Such as….

I am a student at …..university
It is an interesting subject. It is practical.
I want to be a…….
My major is ……
I am a student so my parents support me.
In the morning, I go to school. In the afternoon, I sleep, then I
play sports. In the evening, I learn and prepare lessons before
I am a student. I stay at home and attend classes.

I often listen to music, play sports, go coffee shop with my
friends. Go travelling….
When I study, I prefer to stay alone. It helps me study faster.
Sometimes, I prefer to stay with my friend. I like chatting with
On weekdays, I go to school. On weekends, I come back my
When I go out, I often invite my friends to go to coffee shop…
I often chat with them, study and discuss lessons with them.
I love reading so much.
I love reading comic books, novel books, science books,
cartoon books.
I like English because I can learn many things such as cultures,
customs and I can make new friends.


English is very important because I can get a good job and I can
read a lot of English books.
Good hobbies are like good friends. They help us better in life.
Bad hobbies are like bad friends. They are not good for me in
life. Such as stay up late (bad for health). Eat a lot of fastfood.
Future plan
 Why do you take the TOEIC or IELTS test?
 What do you planning to do in the next five years ?
 What are you planning to do in the next ten years ?
 What is the first thing you will do when you arrive at
the new place?

Because I want to get a good job and I want to improve my
In the next five years, I will find a good job and get marriage.
In the next ten years, I will have babies and build my own
The first thing, I will find a good and convenient place, then I
will eat special food, next I will go sightseeing.

 Do you like traveling?
 Do you like traveling alone or with your friends?
 Have you traveled to other places? Where are they?
 What do you usually do when you first arrive in a new
 What are the benefits of traveling?

 Why do so many people like traveling nowadays?
 Do you think it’s true that travel broadens the mind?
 Do young people and older people benefit differently
from traveling?
 How can you make sure you get the most from your


I love traveling so much when I have free time I often travel.
I love traveling with my friends because we can share joyness.
Yes, I have travelled to …….
The first thing, I will find a good and convenient place, then I
will eat special food, next I will go sightseeing.
It helps me reduce stress and learn new things….
Because they work hard, they travel to reduce stress and learn
new things.
Yes, I think so. Because I can learn new things about cultures,
customs, food….so on.
Young people want to explore new places and learn new things.
Old people want to reduce stress.
I think, we need to prepare and find information about places
we want to travels.

Tell me something about your family.
What do you like doing most with your family?
Who are you close to in your family?
In that way is your family important to you?
In that ways have families changed in the last hundred
Should we rely heavily on our families or is it better
to try to be independent?

I love my family so much. I love watching TV and discuss with
my family.
I am close to …. He/she always teach me good lessons in life.
They are very important to me. They share joyness and sadness
with me.
I think so because in the past, our families love to gather and
watch tv together. Nowadays, there are many places and
technologies attracting us. Such as: facebook, cellphone, coffee
I am a student so I rely on my parents. However, when I
graduate, it is better to be independent. I will find a good job.

 Do you have many friends?Are they casual
acquaintances or close friends?
 Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your
 Do you prefer one or two close friends or many
 Can you talk about your best friend?
 How to make friends?

 What do you usually do with your friends?
 Is the time you spend with your friends as much as that
you spend with your family?
 What do you expect from a good friend?
 Are friends as important to you as family?
 Do you think friendships change as we get
 What are the benifits of listening to music?
 What kind of music do you like best?
 Why do you like kind of music?
 What is your favorite musical instrument?

I have 2 friends. Their name are…. They are my close friends.
I prefer to stay with my friends because we can discuss lessons
and share many funny stories.
I prefer 2 close friends.
My best friend is ….. she is beautiful. She is tall. she is very
intelligent. She is good at English. She teaches me English. She
always helps me overcome problems in life.
I am a student. I live in a rent house. Everyday, I go to school
so I spend a lot of time with my friends.
I expect form my good friend is loyal (he/ she need to be loyal),
sense of humor (quick to laughter, slow to anger), passion (if
the person doesn’t have passion, they have no goals. Respect
(respect me, my parents… ). Trust is the foundation of a
I think so, because I think she considers like my sister in my
I think so. When we get older, we will have different hobbies so
friendships change as we get older.

The benefits of listening to music are to reduce stress, love our
life, feel confortable.


I love pop music, K. pop, country music, ballad, classical
music. ..
I feel happy when I listen to this music. I move my body. I feel
confortable and reduce stress.
I love piano, violin, trumpet, harmonica, flute, guitar becauce
the sound is beautiful. When I have freetime, I will learn to play

 Can you say something about the transportation in
your hometown?
 What is the common means of transport in your
 Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the
city where you live?
 How to solve the problem?
 What changes in transportation have taken place in the
past several years in your country?

Are you good at sport?
What sport do you play?
What is the most popular sport in your country?
What do you do to keep fit?
What are the best ways to keep fit?
Do you think most people consider exercise a chore or
do they find it fun?
What is the most popular form of exercise in your

I am living in BD province, the transportation in my hometown
is good.
We often use motorbikes in my country.
Not often. In rush hour, traffic jams in parking lots often occur
at ….street.
I think we should reduce motorbikes, expand roads.
In the past, a few people have motorbikes in my countries.
However, there are a lot of motorbikes ,cars, and buses in my

No, I am not
I often play…..
in my country, the most popular sport is football (soccer)
I often play…. And eat healthy food such as vegetables, fish…
I think the best way to keep fit is play sports and eat healthy

Most people consider exercise a chore so many people do not
like exercise everyday. It is bad for their health.
We often play sports in park, pavements and so on. We can
gather or stay at home to exercise.

Part 2
Famous people that you admire(why?)
1. According to you,what does famousness mean?
2. Which famous people have you known?
3. Among them,whom do you admire the most?
4. How long have you known that person?
5. Why do you admire that person?
6. What personalities do you learn from that
7. Do you think that person also has some weak
8. Can you list some of that person’s weak points?
9. So,what do you think about that person in
10. How do you apply what you have learnt from
that person to better your life?

Today, I want to talk about the person I admire. To me, the
famousness means outstanding. When we master something. We will
be famous. A lot of people will know us.
There are a lot of famous singers, teachers, doctors, writers, such as:
The person I admire most is my English teacher. He is …. He
is….years old. He is working at…… school (university).

I have known him for ….year.
I admire him because he is intelligent, patient (kiên nhẫn), hardworking, and considerous. I have learnt a lots from him. However,
He has some weak points such as: talkative, untidy, Overcritical (khắt
khe) , nervous….
In General, he is a good person. I love him so much. He is careful
when he concludes something.
He never shouts at me when I make mistakes. He always gives me
good advice and says “ do not make these mistakes again. He is a
good example for me.

Career and jobs
1. What is your major?
2. What kind of job do you want to do when you
finish your study in TDMU?
3. Why do you want to do that job?
4. How do you do to apply for that job?
5. Where do you want to work after your

Today, I want to talk about my (career and jobs). My name is… I am
a student at TDM University. I am a freshman, sophomore, Junior,
senior. My major is ……… when I finish my study, I want to be a
This job is good for me and our society. I love this job when I was a
child. My parents want me to choose this job, too.
Vietnam is a developing country so it needs a lot of good…. It is easy
for me cho apply for this job.



How can English help you in your job?
How much salary do you want to be paid every
month when you apply for a job?
8. According to you,what is the most important
qualification for an employee?
9. How do you do to have a job interview?
10. What do you say in your job interview?

Recent technological
devices(computer,cellphone,etc)that have helped
mankind change life
1. What are recent technological devices, as you
have known so far?
2. According to you,which recent technological
device has change mankind’s life the most
3. Why do you think so?
4. What are its strong points?
5. Has it got any weak points?
6. In your opinion,who will enjoy its benefits the
7. Why do you say so?
8. Who may suffer from its weak points?
9. What should we do to invalidate its weak

Study and school life
1. What is your major?
2. Why do you choose that major?
3. Have you got any difficulties in your study in
the present time?
4. Where do you live at present?
5. What do you think about student life ?
6. According to you, what are advantages of the
student life?
7. What are the disadvantages of the student life?
8. What do you do to overcome difficulties in
your student life if any?
9. Can you cook?
10. What do you think about student love in the

1. In your opinion, what is “Media”?

English is very useful for my job because information, good books,
materials are written in English so I can search on the internet. I can
communicate with foreigners.
When I apply for this job, I will want to be paid $ …. Every month. It
helps me support my life and my family.
To me, the most important qualification for an employee is
knowledge (experience) because we can solve problems quickly.
I will apply for companies to have a ob interview.
In my job interview, I will discuss many things such as: my
knowledge, experience, salary, and why I choose this job and I can
help the company better.

I have known a lot of recent technological devices such as cellphone,
laptop, tablets, so on.
To me, cellphone (laptop, computer..) has change mankind’s life.
Because it is easy to communicate with other people. We can search
good books and materials for studying. We can play games for
The strong points of …. We can use it for our work, save time, and it
helps people connect easier.
However, the weak points of …. We spend a lot of money, waste of
time when chatting or play games. Addictive, (cause bad health.
Affect our eyes)
To me, everybody will enjoy its benefits.
For example, students can search good books and materials. Adults
can use for work. It helps them solve the problems quickly.
Teens may suffer form week points because they use the device a
We should balace how to use it suitably to invalidate its weak points.

I am a student at TDM university. My major is …….
I choose this major because it is interesting. This job is good for me
and our society. I love this job when I was a child. My parents want
me to choose this job, too.
Vietnam is a developing country so it needs a lot of good…
There are a lot of difficulties in my study in the present time . For
example, it is hard for me to find good books and places for practice.
Our major need to practice much. And I need to learn living skills.
We need experience to prepare for future job.
I am living in Binh Duong province.
To me, the student life is great. I have happy memories and sad
memories with teachers and friends.

The advantages of the student life are that I can do what I want and I
am free when going out with my friends. I can live independently. I
can learn myself.
The disadvantages of the student life are that I have to take
responsibilities what I choose in our life. I have to solve problems in
the student life because I am old enough to solve these problems.
Sometimes, I feel alone. I am studying so I do not have enough
money to spend private life.
I try to overcome difficulties in my life. I share my point of view with
friends or parents so that they can understand me and help me
overcome difficulties easier.
I can cook some simple meals such as: fried eggs. Boiled eggs. Rice
noodle, sweet and sour fish broth (canh chua), tofu, soya cheese (đậu
phụ). Curry chicken. .. grill (nướng), roast (quay), fry (chiên, rán),
stew (hầm, ninh), steam (hấp).
To me, student love in the campus is normal. Because they are old
enough to choose the best ideal person in their life.

Media is tools which are used to store and deliver information or



What kinds of media do you know?
What kind of media do you often use in your
daily life?
4. How do you use media to help yourself on life

and study?
5. What kind of media do you like most?
6. Can you explain the reason why you like it?
7. Have you got a hand phone?
8. How much money do you spend on your
handphone in a month?
9. Do you know how to use the internet?
10. What do you often do on the internet?
Travel and Holidays?
1. Do you like traveling?
2. Which places did you travel to?
3. What do you often do in your trips?
4. What have you learnt from your trips?
5. When do you often travel?
6. Whom do you like traveling with?
7. What holidays do you like most in a year?
8. In your holidays, where do you often travel?
9. Why do you choose those places?
10. How much money you do often spend in each

Traffic and Transportation?
1. Have you got a motorbike?
2. How do you travel in your daily life?
3. How much money do you often spend on your
traveling in a month?
4. What means of transportation do you like
5. Why do you like that means of transportation?
6. Have you had any traffic accident?

7. Could you tell me about that traffic accident?
8. What do you think about the traffic situation in
our country?
9. In your view, what should we do to solve traffic
problems in our country?
10. What should we do to avoid traffic accidents?

City vs. Countryside
1. Where are you from?
2. What do you think about your homeland?
3. Where do you like living, a city or the
4. Why do you like living there?
5. According to you, what are advantages of
living in a city?
6. What are disadvantages of living in a city?
7. What should we do to overcome disadvantages
of life in a city?
8. What are advantages of living in the
9. What are disadvantages of living in the
10. What should we do to overcome disadvantages

Such as: newspaper, magazines, TV, radio, cinema, advertisement,
computer networks (email, facebook. Yahoo…)
I use internet everyday because it is popular and convinent for me to
use it. I search good ebooks, materials relating to my study.
Moreover, I use facebook to chat and contact with my friends.

I use cellphone. My father gave me for my birthday. I spend about
….a month.
I love use the internet everyday because I can find information I

I love traveling so much.
I love traveling to ….. because they are beautiful.
I often travel with my friends. I go sightseeing, go for work to
explore new places.
I have learnt many things from my trips. Such as: different cultures,
food, and experience in life.
I often travel when I have free time or on holidays.
I often invite my friends or my brother go with me.
I love tet holiday, because it is a traditional holiday in Vietnam. My
family can visit ralatives and enjoy good food.
In my holidays, I often travel to ……
Because they are beautiful and I can enjoy my life in there.
Every year, I often save money to travel places I like. I often spend
… in each trip.
I have a motorbike which my father gave me on my birthday.
I use it to travel anywhere I like such as going to school, going
supermarket, going to travel…
However, it is very expensive for me to pay for petrol. I spend about
…… on my traveling in a month.
The mean of transportation I like most is motorbike (bus).
Because I can travel anywhere I like and it is convenient and easy to
use motorbikes to go out in my country.
I had a traffic accident when I was in high school.
On the way to school. I was late. I sped up.It was dangerous because
I drove fast and hit old man. That was a traffic accident I never forget

in my life. Luckily, no one was injured.
To me, the traffic situation in our country is complicated. (complex).
We need a good method to solve traffic problems in our country. The
government should give laws to fine bad drivers. Moreover, we
should be educated how to drive carefully and protect our life.
We should realize that traffic accidents are bad for everyone. No one
wants this. We should learn a lot traffic laws and take responsibilities
what we do. We are living in modern life so we obey laws so that we
can make our country better.
I am from…. province. It is big province in Vietnam.
To me, homeland is a place I was born and have a lot of memories.
My homeland is …..there are a lot of beautiful places.
I like living in a city because it is the busy place for young people.
There are a lot of good companies and opportunities for young people
in their career.
The advantages of living in a city are that we can choose and find our
favorite job in big company to get high salary. We can learn good
knowledge from famous schools. We can learn different cultures
from friends and enjoy different food in many places. The services
are good.
The disadvantages of living in the city are that it is too crowded, the
air and water is polluted. People don’t care what you do. Who you
are. We feel lonely. There are a lot of robbers.
In a big city, it is the place for us to learn new knowledge and get a
lot of money to make life better so I try my best to get my goals.


of life in the countryside?


Have you got any health problems?
What sicknesses do you often have?
What do you often do when you get sick?
In your view,why do we get sick?
What should we do to be healthy?
What kinds of food are good for health?
What kinds of food are bad for health?
What kinds of drink should we drink to keep
our health?
9. Do you often do body exercises in the
10. What kinds of sports do you like playing to
keep your health?

Rules and freedom
1. In your opinion,what is a rule?
2. Is it necessary for social activities?
3. Why is it necessary?
4. What happens if rules absent in public places?

5. What inconveniences appear if rules are present
in public places?
6. Do you like freedom?
7. According to you,what is freedom?
8. What can you do freely in your life?
9. What happens to you if your freedom is taken
10. What should we do when our individual
freedom clash with the others’?

Ideal life partner.
1. According to you, what do you think about
2. What are the advantages of marriage life?
3. What are the disadvantages of marriage life?
4. Do you plan to get married in life?
5. What positive characteristics do you expect in
your life partner?
6. What negative characteristics do you expect in
your life partner?
7. How do you do to adapt yourself with your
partner in marriage life?
8. What do you do to solve problems in your
conjugal life?
9. Do you think that you can find out your ideal
partner in your life?
10. Why do you think so?

The advantages of living in the countryside are that the air is clean,
people are close and friendly. The cost of living is low.

The disadvantages of living in the countryside are that the life is dull
and quiet. There are less big companies and schools. The services are
not good.
Living in the countryside is good for old people. To me, I prefer
living in the city to in the countryside.
Every year, I often get health problems.
Such as: sick, dizzy, tired and so on.
When I get sick, I often take a drug and take a rest for few days. If I
feel worse, I will go to see a doctor.
To me, I work so hard or travel. I feel tired. Sometimes, I often stay
up late for studying.
We should balance between our study and time for relax. Moreover,
we should play sport to improve our health.
We need to eat healthy food such as vegetables, tofu, fish….
We should avoid fast food and food contains a lot of fat. They are not
good for our health.
I often drink fresh water about 2 litter every day to keep my health.
I often exercise in the morning. I play….. because I love it.

Rules are principles or regulations that everybody must obey and
follow them to make our society in order.
It is necessary for social activities
Because it is a tool for everyone follow.
If rules are absent in public places, People will do what they want
which sometimes hurt other people. For example, we don’t have
traffic rules. Traffic accidents happen everywhere.
It is not convenient if rules are present in public places because the
government wants everybody to be good.
I love freedom so much.
To me, freedom is good for everyone. They can do what they like.

They can create new arts and so on. But we should be freedom in
In Vietnam, I have right to learn and work to get money.
I will feel bored and do not want to do anything when my freedom is
taken away.
We should respect our individual freedom. Because we are a human
being. We have right to do what we want. And other people can do
that, too.
To me, Marriage is very important. It is a new step to set up (build
up) happiness in our life.
There are a lot of The advantages of marriage life such as we have
true love, happy life, children, companion to old grow with,
emotional support, Someone who understands you, Encourages
personal growth, earn more money, responsibilities and so on.
However, there are the disadvantages of marriage life such as loss of
freedom (not be able to eat, sleep, watch television, go out late),
having financial expenses (spend a lot of money on our family) , not
being able to put one’s own personal need first, and not having the
time for his or her friends. Share everything with partner. Adjust
habits between two people.
The positive characteristics I expect in my life partner are loyal (he/
she need to be loyal), sense of humor (quick to laughter, slow to
anger), passion (if the person doesn’t have passion, they have no
goals. Respect (respect me, my parents… ). Trust is the foundation of
a relationship
The negative characteristics I do not expect in my life partner are not
loyal, not responsible, lazy, and so on.
I try to adjust my hobbies, habits to adapt myself with my partner in
marriage life.
When we misunderstand, we need to share, discuss and solve

problems. I think we should not hit or shout at my partner when we


English Language
1. Why do you learn English?
2. How long have you learnt English?
3. What difficulties have you got when you learn
4. How do you do to overcome your difficulties in
learning English?
5. According to you,which language skill is the
most difficult in English-learning?
6. Where do you often learn English?
7. With whom do you often learn practice
speaking English?
8. Which materials do you use to learn English?
9. What equipment do you often use to learn
10. How is English helpful to you in the present

Things that you can’t live without(things you’d hate
to be without)
1. What thing is indispensable in your life?
2. Why do you think so?
3. How does that thing affect your life?
4. How long do you need it in your life?
5. What will you suffer if you live without it?

6. When is it no longer necessary to you?
7. Why is it unnecessary to you since that time?
8. How will your life be after that?
9. Have you ever confided your indispensable
thing in life with other people?
10. How do they react after having heard your
heart-to-heart words?
Social customs
1. In your opinion,what is a social custom?
2. Do we have to learn the social customs of our
3. What happens to us when we follow our social
4. What happens to us if we don’t comply with
our social customs?
5. What do you think about a foreign tourist when
he does something that is strange to your
6. Can you explain the meaning of the proverd
“when in Rome,do as the Romans do”?

do not know what problems are happening.
I think I can find out my ideal partner in our life because marriage is
an important part in my life so I will choose a partner carefully .
English is a mandatory subject in my school. I need to pass the exam
to get my university degree. Moreover, it helps me to get a good job,
communicate with foreigners.
I have learnt English for … year. (since I was a child)
There are a lot of difficulties when I learn English such as cultures,
pronounciation, vocabulary and so on.

I have practice everyday. In fact, learning English is difficult for us
so we need to take a lot of efforts and try our best. I think practice
makes perfect.
To me, the biggest problem when we learn English is culture. We
have to know English culture to learn English quickly. Moreover,
vocabulary is difficult to remember. We often forget all vocabulary
after a week. Pronounciation is difficult. We need to pronounce
words exactly. Listening skill is difficult so foreigners speak English
too fast for me to listen. Reading is difficult because I do not have
enough vocabulary to understand. Writing is difficult because I need
a lot of vocabulary and to learn how to write English. Speaking skill
is difficult because we need to pronounce exactly and practice
I often learn English in my school and in a English centre.
I often learn practice speaking English with my teachers and with my
I often use textbooks such as: New headway, American English files,
smart choice, connect, solution, cutting edge, …..
I often use headphone, books, pens, laptop, mp3, cellphone to learn
English. There are a lot of softwares learning English and we can
learn English on the internet.
English is very important (helpful) for me in the present time because
we need to pass the exam. I can search a lot of books, materials on
the internet and I help me to be confident to apply for a good job
when I graduate.
Today, I want to talk about things that I can’t live without.
There are many things which we can’t live without them such as:
electrics, internet, cellphone, facebook, laptop, motorbikes.
Because it is very important for me.
Everyday, I use it to connect with my friends, my family…

I have used it for………..
I think I am addictive to use it.
When I get a new job, I spend less time to use it. I have to focus on
my job.
My life has changed after that. I feel I have more free time to do
good things in my life. For example, I can play sports, travel with my
friends and so on.
We should balance everything so that our life becomes better.

A social custome is something which people keep from this
generation to another generation.



Do you agree with the meaning of that proverd?
In your view,why are there different social
customs in the world?
9. What will happen when cultural differences
disappear in the world?
10. How should we prepare before we contact with
a foreigner?
The toughest decision of your life
1. What is your toughest decision in your life?
2. Could you tell me about that event in
3. Why did it happen to you?

4. How did you tackle that decision?
5. Why did it make you embarrassed?
6. What did you do to get to your final decision?
7. Did you ask people around you for their
8. What life lesson did you learn from that event?
9. Whom have you shared your experience with
till now?
10. In general,in your opinion, what should we do
when we have to make a tough decision in life?

Important or unforgettable event(s)in life.
1. Have you faced any unforgettable event in your
life so far?
2. Could you tell me about that event in
3. Why did it happen to you?
4. What experience lessons do you learn from that
5. How do you apply those experiences lessons in
your remaining life?
6. Have you ever shared that experience wish
7. Whom have you shared up to now?
8. Why do you share your experience with that
9. How do you react if that event happens to you
10. How does that event affect your life after that?

My toughest decision in my life is that I choose my major and I want
to be a good…..
My parents don’t want me to choose this major and want me to be a
good….. because the salary is low and it is a hard job for me. My
parents want me to be a….. but I cannot. I am not suitable for this
job. I felt sad but I finally choose my majod and I want to be a
good…I persuade my parents about 1 month so that they permit me
to choose this major.
My major is very intersting. I can learn and practice in the real life. I
can help many people.

I think that is the toughest decision of my life. Because it changes my
future life. I will never change my dream to become a good…
Today I would like to talk about ..
I cannot forget that moment when I knew I pass the exam and I
attend university. It was a big step in my life. It was my dream.
My parents were happy, too. They were proud of me. They love me
so much. My father gave me a cellphone. It ………
My mother cooked meals which I loved. They invited their friends to
enjoy the meal. I was happy so much. my teacher and my friend gave
me a picture…. We decide to go to travel to reduce stress. I cannot
forget this time. I overcame myself to get a good score.
I often share this moment to my brother so that he can learn better.
Now, I try my best to learn my major. I learn English so that I can
overcome the……test.


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