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Tiet 2 - E7 - U16 -B1

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Lesson Plan - English 7. PleiKan Secondary School Ngoc Hoi District Kon Tum Province
Week:33 Preparings date: April 21
, 2008
Period:95 Teachings date: April 24
, 2008

Unit 16: People and places
Lesson 3: B1

Famous people .
I.Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for details about a famous person
and historic place.
1. Vocabulary: - a quiz, a battle, the General, (to) lead, (to) defeat, force,
(to) be famous for, (to) be good at, (to) be interested in
2. Structures: - Practice more about the simple past tense.
III. Techniques: Pairworks, groupwork.
IV. Teachings aids: - Textbook 7, powerpoint lesson plan, overhead,
V. Teaching Procedures:

Teacher's and Students activities Contents
1.Warm up:
- T shows some pictures about famous
meaningful places in Viet Nam and aks Ss
some questions.
- Ss look at pictures and answer Teachers
- T remarks, then elicits the new lesson.
2. Pre-Listening:
a. Set the sence:

- T plays a video clip about Dien Bien Phu
battle. Aks Ss some questions to elicit the
new lesson.
- Ss look at the video clip and answer Ts
- T elicits to the new lesson.
- Ss listen and write down the tittle of
b. Teach vocabulary:
- T uses gestures, video clip and
explanation to teach some newwords:
- Ss listen and look
then write new words in their notebooks.
- T asks the class to read the new words
then calls some Ss to read again.
- Ss do after Ts requesting.
1. Where is it (this picture) ?
2. Which victory is the picture about?
(Đây là hình ảnh trong chiến thắng nào?)
2. Do you know the famous person who was in
this battle? (Chiến thắng này gắn với nhân vật
nổi tiếng trong lịch sử Việt Nam?)
3. Do you know about this person?
* Play video clip.
* Quetions:
1. Which place is in the video clip?
2. Who is the leader in this battle?
3. Do you know him?
- General (n) Đại tớng
- Battle (n) Trận chiến đấu

- Force (n) Lực lợng
- Defeat (v) Đánh bại
- Lead (v) Lãnh đạo
- (to) be good at: . giỏi về .
- (to) be famous for: . nổi tiếng về
- (to) be interested in: thích/ quan tâm đến
- History quiz: câu đố lịch sử
- Peoples Army of Viet Nam: Quân đội ND VN
Guider Teacher: Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga English Teacher in Pleikan Town Secondary School
Lesson Plan - English 7. PleiKan Secondary School Ngoc Hoi District Kon Tum Province– –
c. Check vocabulary:
- T asks Ss play game: “Rub out and
- Ss read the new words which is disappear
one by one.
3. While-Listening:
a. Listening.
- T introduces the dialogue again, asks Ss
to listen carefully to fill in the form:
- T plays the video clip. (two times)
- Ss listen the conversation between Ba
and Liz about Vo Nguyen Giap.
- Then, T asks Ss to work in pairs to
perform. - Ss work in pairs.
- T calls some pair to practice the dialogue
in front of the class.
- T listens and remarks their reading.
b. Comperihension questions.
- T explains the exercise, asks Ss read the
dialogue one more time to do exercise.

- Ss work individually.
- T has Ss cross-check.
- T asks some Ss to give their anwser.
- T asks Ss to correct the false sentences.
- Ss correct the false sentences.
- T calls some Ss write their correct
anwser on the board.
- T checks and gives feedback.
3. Post-Listening:
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to asks and
answer some questions.
- Ss work in pairs to ask and aswer. Then
write a short paragraph about General Vo
Nguyen Giap. (Using the form above and
the dialogue)
- T calls one good student to write down.
- T checks and guides Ss to write it at
B1. Listen. Then practice with a partner.

* Listen and fill in the form:
Name: ………………………………
Year of birth: .………………………
Job: …………………………………
Famous for: Leading the People’s . of VN…
The battle: ..…………………………
* True or False statement:
F___a) Liz knows a lot about General Giap.
=> a lot ..-> nothing…
F___ b) The people’s Army of Viet Nam

defeated the French in 1956.
=> 1956 . -> 1954…
T___c) The people’s Army of Viet Nam won
the battle of Dien Bien Phu.
F___d) General Giap was born in 1920.
=> 1920 .. -> 1911…
T___e) Ba does like history.
F___f) Liz will lend Ba some history books.
=> Liz will lend Ba . -> Ba will lend Liz…
* Questions:
1. Do you like Vo Nguyen Giap?
2. When was he born?
3. What is his job?
4. Why do you prefer him? (Vo Nguyen Giap)
VI. Homework: - Learn by heart the newwords.
- Read the section B3 and answer the questions below.
- Prepare: Unit 16- B2 and B5.
Guider Teacher: Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga English Teacher in Pleikan Town Secondary School–
Lesson Plan - English 7. PleiKan Secondary School Ngoc Hoi District Kon Tum Province– –
VII. Remark: ………………………………………………………………………………
PleikÇn, ngµy 21 th¸ng 4 n¨m 2008
DuyÖt cña gi¸o viªn híng dÉn Ngêi so¹n
NguyÔn H÷u Thµnh
NguyÔn ThÞ TuyÕt Ngµ
Guider Teacher: Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga English Teacher in Pleikan Town Secondary School–

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