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WRITING TEST b1 cách viết thư bằng tiếng anh

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I. Cấu trúc chung của bức thư bằng tiếng Anh
1. Heading
Heading hay còn gọi là tiêu đề. Phần này sẽ là tên của bức thư mà bạn muốn gửi.
2. Inside address
Địa chỉ bên trong (Thông thường chỉ dùng trong thư công việc mà không sử dụng
trong thư thân mật.)
- Thông tin người viết: Địa chỉ, điện thoại, fax hay địa chỉ hòm thư (e-mail) được
đặt đầu thư, ở chính giữa hoặc bên phải bức thư.Tránh dùng tên riêng của bạn trừ
khi đây là thư từ cá nhân vì khi viết thư giao dịch, người viết thường dùng tên
công ty.
- Ngày tháng: Trong tiếng Anh bạn nên chú ý khi viết ngày tháng. Người Anh sẽ
viết ngày trước tháng sau (04/ 02/ 2000) còn người Mỹ lại viết tháng trước ngày
sau (02/ 04/ 2000). Để tránh hiểu nhầm bạn nên viết đầy đủ thứ ngày tháng năm
như: 4 February 2000 hoặc February 2nd, 2000). Cách viết này không chỉ tránh
nhầm lẫn mà còn lich sự hơn cách chỉ dùng số.
- Tên và địa chỉ người nhận: Cách trình bày tên, chức danh, tên công ty, và địa
chỉ giao dịch của đối tác (người nhận) giống như cách bạn trình bày tên công ty
của bạn và các thông tin liên quan ở đầu thư. Chỉ có một điểm khác là những
thông tin về người nhận được đặt ở bên trái thư hay vì bên phải hay chính giữa.
- Cách xưng hô đầu thư: Ví dụ: Dear Mr. Smith/ Dear Mrs. Smith/ Dear Miss
Smith/ Dear Ms. Smith/ Dear Sir / Dear Madam / Dear Sirs / Dear Gentlemen
3. Body
Phần thân của bức thư được trình bày thành khối với những đoạn văn mạch lạc ,
rõ ràng trình bày thông tin mà bạn muốn chuyển tới người đọc. Đầu dòng sẽ bắt
đầu từ lề trái, không thụt vào như cách viết thư trước đây.


4. Complimentary close
Phần cuối thư nếu giao dịch với những người bạn không quen, người Anh thường
dùng những cụm như: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly.
Kèm thêm chữ ký và họ tên đầy đủ của người viết.
Trong trường hợp có tài liệu gửi kèm theo thư, bạn có thể viết cuối thư ghi chú về
số lượng tài liệu gửi kèm. Ví dụ: Enc: 2..
 Một bức thư phải bao gồm những phần sau:
1. The address and date (Địa chỉ/ ngày tháng)
2. The salutation (Lời chào hỏi) (Dear sir/ madam/ Sue, etc.)
3. Reason for writing (Lý do viết thư)
4. Development (Nội dung thư)
5. Closing remarks (Kết thúc)
6. Signature/ Name (Chữ ký/ Tên)
Lưu ý: Nên viết một đoạn văn cho mỗi phần chính
II. Một số lưu ý khi viết thư bằng tiếng Anh
1 Không viết tắt: Phải viết đầy đủ I am, I will, I have seen, I do not, … không
được viết I’am, I’ll, I don’t, I’ve seen.
2. Không sử dụng từ thông tục, tiếng lóng, các từ thân mật ví dụ như: wanna, kid,
dad, mate… trừ các bức thư đã quá thân mật.
3. Hãy lễ độ dù cho đang bực tức: dùng Dear ở đầu thư, và dùng please khi muốn
yêu cầu.
4. Hãy viết cho ngắn gọn, nhưng đủ ý. Câu văn cũng vậy, ngắn, không dùng câu
phức với 3, 4 mệnh đề (complex sentense). Câu phải có đầy đủ subject, verb,
direct object và indirect object nếu có.
5. Hãy nhớ dùng và dùng chính xác các dấu chấm câu: chấm, chấm phẩy, phẩy,
dấu hai chấm. nếu 1 ý chính có nhiều ý phụ, dùng dấu gạch đầu dòng. Hạn chế
dùng hoặc tuyệt đối không dùng dấu chấm than (!).
6. Cuối thư: Regards, Best Regards, Hai cách này dùng thông dụng trong nhiều
tình huống. Sincerely Yours, Dùng trong thư xin việc, thư khiếu nại, thư mời vì


mang nghĩa “chân thành”. Faithfully Yours, Dùng trong thư trả lời của nhà cung
cấp cho khách hàng, vì mang nghĩa “trung thành”.
III. Những bức thư tiếng Anh mẫu kinh điển
1. Reply to a friend on his interest in English
5, Market Street
15th May, 19...
Dear Ali,
Thank you for your delightful letter which came a short while ago. I am pleased
to learn of the new interest you feel in the English language, for it is the first step
in your journey to success. No one, in his right senses, can deny that proficiency
in English is essential to personal progress and happiness today.
One of the ways of improving your English is to read books on a variety of
subjects. If you read books on one or two subjects only, your vocabulary will not
expand fast enough. As you might know the English vocabulary consists of more
than 600,000 words. Each subject has its own vocabulary. Therefore, the more
subjects you read in English and more words you will learn to express yourself
with greater ease and satisfaction.
You should also learn the basic rules of grammar. It is indeed difficult to write
English confidently without some knowledge of grammar. The simplest books on
English Grammar are those written by Milon Nandy. They can be found in any
book shop. I am sure you have seen many of them.
Please write to me again if you need any help. Though I am not a master of the
English language, yet I think I can be of some help to you.
Yours sincerely,

2. Letter of thanks to a teacher
Lake View School,

7, Main Road, Penang
15th August, 2004
Dear Miss Jane,
As you are aware, I did very well in my last examination. I now wish to thank
you for all the good work that you had done for me and for all the others in the
You must believe me when I say that we found your lessons very interesting, and
your kind words were an added inspiration to us to study hard.
I am sure it was only because of your good work that I and many others in the
class did so well in the examination. I shall always remember you with affection,
gratitude and respect as well my friends who passed the examination together
with me.
You are indeed a teacher of outstanding calibre and it is a unique privilege to be
taught by you.
Yours loving student,
Ruby Nandy
3. Declining an invitation to a wedding
15, Jalan Multan,
Muar, Johor,
6th April, 19...
Dear Swee Moi,
Thank you for asking me to attend your sister's wedding on the 10th of this
month. Your sister is indeed very lucky, and I am sure that the wedding will be
an event to remember. I would certainly like to attend such a wedding, but as you
know, my mother is still very ill and I have to be nearby to attend to her needs.

You must therefore excuse me from attending the party. I shall try to meet your
lovely sister and the new member of your family, your brother-in-law, as soon as
I am able to do so.
Your loving friend,

I. Complete this letter. Write ONE word for each space (1-10). For question
1-10, write your words on the answer sheet.
1. Letter 1
17 Green Street
Camden, London
29th August 2002
Dear John,
Thank you for helping (0) me with my English. You are ____ (1) very good teacher.
I enjoyed my stay _____ (2) Cambridge.
Now I am staying at my brother’s flat. _____ (3) is studying to be a doctor. I will
stay _____ (4) him for two weeks and then go home ______ (5) Greece.
I like London very _____ (6). We _____ (7) to Regents Park by bus yesterday. It
____ (8) very sunny and we had a good time.
Tonight, I am _____(9) to see a film with my brother and some _____ (10) his
I’ll write again from Greece.
Best wishes,
2. Letter 2
Dear Maria,

It’s good to __be___ (1) back home in my country but I still think _____ (2) all the
friends I made in our English class, especially you. I cried _____ (3) I left England
because my visit ______ (4) too short. I would _____ (5) to return to England but
_____ (6) time I will stay in a different city.
I have started English classes again here. I learnt a _____ (7) things in England but I
know I ______ (8) to study even harder.
______ (9) about you? ______ (10) you still looking for a job? I hope you find
______ (11) soon.


3. Letter 3
Dear David,
I am going to visit your country ______ (0) month. I’m going to travel ______
(1) two friends. We don’t know ______ (2) to stay. Are ______ (3) any cheap
hotels in your town? We ______ (4) like to stay somewhere in the centre. Can
______ (5) help us?

Dear Carlos,
Hotels in the centre ______ (6) expensive, but I have good news. I ______ (7)
spoken to my aunt Gloria about you and she says you can all stay at ______ (8)
house. It ______ (9) more bedrooms than my house! That ______ (10) be all
right for you, won’t it?
4. Letter 4
23 Oak Avenue

Dear Sir or Madam,
I ______ (0) like a room at your hotel ______ (1) three nights from September
15th ______ (2) 17th.
I’d like a single room ______ (3) a shower. I also need ______ (4) telephone in
my room. Please can I ______ (5) a quiet room on ______ (6) ground floor?
I am going to drive to the hotel. Is ______ (7) a hotel car park?
I ______ (8) arrive at about 10:30 p.m. what ______ (9) does the restaurant close
in the evening? If possible, I would like a meal ______ (10) I arrive.
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Jones

5. Letter 5
Dear Jeff,
I’m having a good holiday ______ (0) Australia. When we arrived two weeks
______ (1) the weather was bad and ______ (2) was cold. Now the weather is
better and we go to the beach ______ (3) day.
This week we ______ (4) staying in Sydney but ______ (5) week we went to the
Great Barrier Reef. Because ______ (6) water was so warm, I loved swimming
there. The fish were all different ______ (7): read, yellow, purple! Australia
______ (8) very beautiful. We don’t want ______ (9) come home!
See you at the end ______ (10) September.

6. Letter 6
28 Long Road

22nd March
Dear Pat.
I arrived ___here___ (0) three weeks ago. I’m studying at a language school
______ (1) Brighton. The students come ______ (2) many different countries and
I ______ (3) made a lot of new friends.
There ______ (4) classes for five hours every day. I like ______ (5) teacher very
much. ______ (6) name is John and he helps me ______ (7) I make a mistake.
I want ______ (8) visit London next weekend because I ______ (9) going back to
my country on Monday. Can I see you there? Please write to ______ (10) soon.
With best wishes from


7. Letter 7
14 Sheffield Road
20th May 2002
Dear Mary,
I will ______ (0) in London ______ (1) Thursday morning. Would you like to
have lunch ______ (2) me? Write and tell ______ (3) when you are free and
where I ______ (4) meet you.
Hope to see you then.

22 May 2002
Dear Joan,
Thanks ______ (5) your letter. I got it this morning. Yes, I’d ______ (6) to see

you. How about meeting outside ______ (7) office at one o’clock? There’s
______ (8) good Italian restaurant near ther. ______ (9) you like Italian food?
I have to be back at work by two o’clock, so please don’t ______ (10) late!

8. Letter 8
Dear Sir,
I ___read___ (0) your advertisement for English courses ______ (1) the
newspaper. I would ______ (2) to have some more information. How ______ (3)
does a course cost? Also, ______ (4) long is each course and when does the next
course start?
Maria Gonzalez.


Dear Ms. Gonzalez,
Thank ______ (5) for your letter. Our next course starts in three weeks, ______
(6) Monday, 9 May. This is a 6-week course and it ______ (7) $150. If you prefer
______ (8) begin in June, we have ______ (9) 10-week course for $200. I hope
______ (10) is the information you want.
David May
9. Letter 9
Dear Sir,
I lost __my____ (0) bag on a train ______ (1) week. I was on the 8.30 a.m. train
to Cambridge ______ (2) 10th May. It is ______ (3) large blue bad and my name
______ (4) written on the outside. ______ (5) you found this bag?

Yours faithfully,
Mary Johnson

Dear Ms. Johnson,
I ______ (6) pleased to tell ______ (7) that we have your bag here. If you come
______ (8) this office, ______ (9) give it to you. The office ______ (10) at 9 a.m.
and closes at 6.30 p.m. every day.
Yours sincerely,
J Wilson


1. Exercise 1
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes for this task.
One of your pen friends is going to visit your city next summer vacation and he/ she
wants to know some more information in order to prepare for his/ her trip. Read part
of the letter from him/ her below
Thanks for inviting me to stay with your family when I visit your city next
summer vacation.
I’m not sure how to get to your house from the airport. Could you tell me how I
could get there? What would be the best method of transport for me? I’d prefer
one that isn’t too expensive! Also, I want to go cycling a lot, so is it easy and
convenient for me to hire a bicycle and take short cycling tours around your
Just one other thing – what will the weather be like when I get there? (Just so
I’ll know what clothes to pack!) …
Write a letter responding to him/ her. You should write at least 120 words. You are

not allowed to include your name. your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar




2. Exercise 2 - Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have received an email from your English-speaking friend, Lauren, who is
planning to visit you next month. Read part of her letter below.
I’m really looking forward to seeing you next month. I’ll probably het away
from the airport around 5 p.m. what’s the best way to get to your house
from there?
I’d like to go on a few trips while I’m staying with you. What are the best
places to visit? How about coming with me on some of the excursions? Are
you going to have much free time next month?
By the way, I’m starting my art degree next year, so I’d love to visit some
museums and art galleries while I’m there. Are there any near you?
Best wishes,
Write an email responding to Lauren. You are not allowed to include your name.
Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization,
Vocabulary and Grammar.
You should write at least 120 words.




3. Exercises 3
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have invited an American businessman, Mr. Noah Watson, to give a talk at
your English club monthly meeting. Read part of the letter from him below.
I would be glad to come and give a talk to your English club. In order to make a
good preparation, I would like some information about my audience. I could talk
about either my experience when starting up my company or some general rules
when doing business. Which one would be more interesting?
Also, I am staying in a hotel in the city Centre. Could you tell me where the
meeting is and how to get there?
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Write a letter responding to Mr. Noah Watson. You should write at least 120
words. You are not allowed to include your name.




4. Exercise 4
Task 1:
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You are keen to study English in London. Read the school advertisement and the

notes from your teacher. Then write an email to Mr Williams at the Big Ben
Language School asking for details.
Language courses in London at the Big Ben School of English
Our well-equipped school offers English language courses in the heart of
The school has a friendly atmosphere and organizes a full range of sporting and
social activities as well as excursions out of London.
The school is conveniently located near the museums and the river.
Accommodation can be arranged with carefully selected British families.
Contact Jim Williams by email () for further details.
When you write to the school make sure you find out:
 How many students there will be in the school and in each class
 What qualifications the teachers have
 What resources the school has
 What is included in the price
 What amenities there are in the area
You are not allowed to included your name. your response will be evaluated in
terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
You should write at least 120 words.




5. Exercise 5
TASK 1: you should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for
some information about one of your friends. Read part of her email below.
I’ve just got an email from your friend, An. She said she’s going to take a
course in London this summer. She asked if she could stay with my family until
she could find an apartment. Can you tell me a bit about her (things like her
personality, hobbies, and interests, and her current work or study if possible)? I
want to see if she will fit in with my family?

Write an email responding to Jane.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or
addresses. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment,
Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.







A Successful Essay Should Consists Of:
1. An introduction paragraph in which you clearly stated the topic to be

2. A main body, in which you clearly stated in separete paragraphs and
exemplified or justified.
3. A closing paragraph summarizing the main points of the essay, in which
you state/ restated your opinion, and/ or give a balanced consideration of
the topic.

- Use formal, impersonal style
- Use topic sentence to introduce the subject of each paragraph
- Giving reson and examples following the topic sentences
- Use linking words/ phrases
- Make references to other sources (e.g. experts have proved that….)
- Answer the question, not the topic

Should not:
- Use short form, informal/ colloquial language
- Use very emotional language (e.g. I absolutely detest people who…..)
- Express personal opinions too strongly (e.g. I know…) in stead, use
milder expressions (e.g. It seems to me that….)
- Use over-genelizations (e.g. all politicians are….)
- Refer blindly to statistics without accurate reference to their source (e.g. a
recent study shows…- which study?)
- Use cliches (e.g. nowadays, etc.)
- Use personal examples (e.g. in my school)

II. Types of essays
For and against (discuss both sides)

State both sides


State the side you agree with

Problems – solutions

State problem and solution

Techniques to begin your essay:
- Address the reader directly:
e.g. if you take time to train your dog, it will learn to obey you.
- Include a quotation/ direct speech:
e.g. As Gandhi said, “My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds
of people : those who do the work and those who take credit. He told me to try
to be in the first group; there was much less competition”
- Include a rhetorical question
e.g. is it true that a dog is man’s best friends?
Techniques to end your essay:
- The three ways as thoes to begin it
- Ask a provocative question
- End with a warning
- Suggest result or consequences
 You should avoid in your conclusion:
- Introducing new ideas
- Focusing on a minor point in your composition
- Apologizing for your view by saying such things as “ I may be not an
expert” or at least this is my opinion”


1. “For And Against” Essay
An essay sample:

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better
jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both
individuals and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university.
While some people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university
education is to improve job prospects, others think that society and the individual
benefit in much broader ways. This essay will discuss these two opinions.

It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better
job. The majority of people want to improve their future career prospects and
attending university is one of the best ways to do this as it increases a person's
marketable skills and attractiveness to potential employers. In addition, further
education is very expensive for many people, so most would not consider it if it
would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of living.
Thus, job prospects are very important.

However, there are other benefits for individuals and society. Firstly, the
independence of living away from home is a benefit because it helps the students
develop better social skills and improve as a person. A case in point is that many
students will have to leave their families, live in halls of residence and meet new
friends. As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow enabling them to live
more fulfilling lives. Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the

graduates can make to the economy. We are living in a very competitive world, so
countries need educated people in order to compete and prosper.

Therefore, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the
best job, there are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and encourage
university attendance, it will lead to a better future for individuals and society.

Exercise 1:

Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that
learning online is the best way to learn, whereas some claim that it is still better
to attend a class with a teacher.
Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.





