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Sound all around

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Physical Sciences
Standard Set 1. Physical Sciences
1. The motion of objects can be
observed and measured. As a basis
for understanding this concept:
1.g. Students know sound is made by
vibrating objects and can be described
by its pitch and volume.



Comprehension Skill

Ask and Answer

Text Features

• Captions
• Glossary

Science Content


Scott Foresman Science 2.2

ISBN 0-328-23498-2

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Picture Credits
Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The
publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions.
Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the copyright © of Dorling Kindersley, a division of Pearson.

ISBN: 0-328-23498-2
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
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How Sounds
Are Made
Things that vibrate make a sound. Vibrate
means to move back and forth quickly.
When the boy plays the cymbals, you can
see them vibrate. The cymbals make the air

around them vibrate too. You hear sound when
the vibrations get to your ear.

Musical instruments
each have their
own sound.


Parts of you vibrate when you make sound.
Put your fingers to your throat as you talk. You
will feel vibrations on them.
Many other living things make sounds. A lion
makes a roaring sound with its throat.

The girl’s
throat vibrates
as she sings.

The lion’s
throat vibrates
as he roars.


Loud or Soft?
Volume means how loud or soft a sound is.
Some sounds are loud. A large truck driving by
makes a loud sound. Other sounds are soft. A

bicycle riding by makes a soft sound.

Look at the pictures of things that make loud
and soft sounds. Can you think of something
else that makes a loud sound? Can you think of
something else that makes a soft sound?
Birds make soft sounds. Gongs
make louder sounds. Elephants
make the loudest sounds of all!

The sounds made by
trucks and bicycles
have different volumes.



High or Low?
Some things make a high sound. Other things
make a low sound. Pitch means how high or
low a sound is. Things with a high pitch vibrate
quickly. Things with a low pitch vibrate slowly.

The recorder has a high pitch. The double
bass has a low pitch.
Can you think of another musical instrument
that has a high pitch? How about one with a
low pitch?

The girl’s recorder has a high pitch.
The man’s double bass has a low pitch.
The girl on the right is
playing the triangle.
Triangles make sounds
with a high pitch.




What did you learn?
1. What happens when an object vibrates?

how high or low a sound is
2. What kinds of sounds have a high pitch?


move quickly back and forth


how loud or soft a sound is



Use an encyclopedia to
look up the definitions of two musical
instruments. Write a sentence that tells if
each instrument has a high pitch or a low


Ask and Answer Questions With a
partner, take turns asking and answering
these questions: What objects can you think
of that make loud sounds? What objects can
you think of that make soft sounds?

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