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Pride and prejudice themes

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Two themes:



Two Groups

The Wealthy

Mr. Darcy
Mr. Bingley
Lady Catherine de

The Not – So –

Mr. Bennett
Mr. Collins
Mr. Wickham

The First group

The Wealthy

mr. Darcy
• wealthy owner of the renowned family
estate of Pemberley in Derbyshire

• among the 400 wealthiest families in
the country

• having £10,000 a year

Mr. Charles Bingley

His family acquired fortune in
can afford to rent an estate;
his wealth is noted to be about
5,000 pounds a year.

Lady Catherine de Bourgh

• inherit the property Rosings Park and
great wealth from late husband

• her wealth is noted that just the glazing
on her estates windows costs 800 pounds.

The second group

The Not – So Wealthy

Money plays a key role in the marriage
market, not only for the young ladies seeking a well-off husband, but also for men who wish to
marry a woman of means.

Mr. Bennett

• his wealth is about 2000 pounds a year derived almost
from his estate of Longbourn;


works for Lady Catherine and lives in the
parsonage on her estate

• was to inherit the family farm upon
Mr. Bennett's death

George Wickham

grew up the son of a revered steward at Mr. Darcy's estate,


• exchanged the money that the clergy position was worth for a
one-time payment of 3,000 pounds.

• took advantage of Georgiana to seduce her, hoping to steal her
away and marry her, getting his hands on the young girl's
₤30,000 dowry.

married Lydia only because Darcy provides a financial


SociAL class

Social class


In countryide


Middle class


5 young daughters


On the edge of losing their home
to a relative, Mr.


Social class


Social class
* Mr. Collins


Relative of the Bennets
A clergyman
Consider the
importance of class


Spend most of his time toadying
his upper class patron,
Lady Catherine de


Social class
Lady Catherine de Bourgh


Upper- class
Mr. Darcy’s aunt
Lady Catherine wished to marry her own

daughter Anne to Mr. Darcy


Tried unsuccessfully to dissuade
from marrying Darcy


“ In marrying your nephew , I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere. He is a
gentle man; I am a gentleman’s daughter; so far we are equal”

Social class
* Mr. Darcy


wealthy gentleman with an income
exceeding £10,000 a year


Upper- class
Initially, he is an arrogant and selfish snob;
Tried to rid himself of his feelings for someone who
is far below him socially

-> Failed->capable of change/ natural generosity+ integrity

Thank you
for listening

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