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Mobile phone in ours life

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Mobile phone is a good technology which is not lacking from our lives. This report will discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.
Today, mobile phone has become popular to everybody since it is very convenient. The most
advantage of having a mobile phone is you can communicate to your family and your friends
no matter what where you are. For instance, you can contact easily to your friends by calling
or sending messages everywhere without electricity. It is maybe the main reason why almost
all people today choose to own a mobile phone. From the customer’s point of view, it is
obvious that mobile phones assist you in business a lot, such as, make schedule of working,
surf the internet, and keep in touch with their companies. Moreover, you can relax with
mobile phone’s applications, for example, play games, listen to music, or chat with your
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Using a lot mobile phone can harm your
brain, particularly teenager and children who are under 16 years old. If you use mobile
phones too much, you will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In
addition, when you use mobile phones while you are driving, you will get an accident. It is

essential not good for you and others. Moreover, “radiations emitted from the phone are dead
harmful for the eardrum”, has proved by many scientist.

Nowadays the mobile phone forms an important part of our everyday lives. In fact it has virtually become a
necessity for people everywhere. Indeed, if we go back twenty years or so, it is used to be very difficult to
reach somebody by means of the traditional phone when you needed to. This was because it was not
portable so you could only contact friends or colleagues when they were at home or in the office. Since the
arrival of mobile phones, this problem has disappeared altogether.
The main benefit of mobile phones is that they enable us to make contact much faster and more efficiently.
Mobile phones have made it very simple to get in touch with people even when they are in very remote
parts of the world. For example, in the past when I called my friend in Afghanistan most of the time he was
not in the city or he was in places where he had no access to a telephone. By using my mobile phone, I
now can reach him at any time in any location. However, there are some drawbacks connected with
mobile phones. They have been linked to health problem such as tiredness, head-aches and loss of

concentration. A further disadvantage is the lack of privacy. When we use a mobile phone in a public place
someone may be listening to us. Finally, mobile phones can be costly both to buy and maintain.
On balance, however, I feel that the advantages of owing a mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages. It is
necessity for a modern day living because it makes our lives easier and more confident.
The quickest way to contact somebody is to phone them. Nowadays, the mobile phone plays a substantial role in our
lives. We use it to connect with people and to organise our daily routine. Nevertheless, I think there are both
advantages and disadvantages about it. To begin with, there are many benefits the phone offers. You can get in touch
with people in a matter of seconds and important conversations can be carried out. Another advantage is that you can
always keep up to date with global and current issues. What is more, by using the latest apps for smartphones you can
check your profile in social networks and update your status wherever you are. On the other hand, there are some
disadvantages, as well. People, especially teenagers, have become too addicted to using these devices. For example,
they use their phones while they are studying at home or having classes at school. Another argument against them is
that teenagers talk too much with friends and their parents have to pay enormous bills. All things considered, the phone
is a very important device. It makes our everyday life easier but should be used with a sense of measure. in our days,technology is very importanta to us.We use technology in our life,when we work and almost everywhere all
the time.A striking example of this,is the mobile phone.Its necessity has made the mobile phone the most common thing
in our hands.It needs to be pointed out tha mobile phones offer both advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with the advantages,I think that its main utility,the ability to make phone calls,has rendered it very useful to the
people.In other words,you can communicate immediatelly with everybody,everywhere and anytime.For example,if you
have had an accident,you can call the police or an ambulance.Besides,this gadget provides a huge number of other
functions.For instance it enables its users to listen to their favourite music or take photos.You can also use many
software programmes that it includes in order to make notes,save and transfer data.It is obvious that the access to the
internet through the mobile phone gives you the opportunity to check your e-mails,get information,like reading news and
many more benefits.In addition to all these advantages,portability should not be forgotten,as it can fit in your pocket.All
in all,cell phones makes our life more convenient.
However,there is the negative side of mobile phones.First af all cell phones reduces our privacy.For example,someone's
position can be found by satellites or somebody can hear you phone calls.It is obvious that the radiation emitted from
phones can be harmful to us.For instance,when you talk on the phone it can damage your ear and affect your
brain.What is more,people tend to just contact each other through mobile phones and,thus,become more distant.
To conlcude,cell phones entail both advantages and disadvantages.We must use our cell phones carefully,since
controlled usage is the best sollution to avoid having to deal with the harmful effects.

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