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Survey of accounting 6e chapter 13

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Budgeting and Standard Cost


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Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Describe budgeting, its objectives, its impact on human
behavior, and types of budget systems.

Describe the master budget for a manufacturing company.

Describe the types of standards and how they are established.

Describe and illustrate how standards are used in budgeting.

Compute and interpret direct materials and direct labor


Describe and provide examples of nonfinancial performance

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Objective 1
Describe budgeting, its objectives,
its impact on human behavior, and
types of budget systems

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• A budget is a _____________ for a business.
• Objectives of budgeting:
• ___________________________
• ___________________________
• ___________________________

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Managerial Functions Affected

by Budgets
Exhibit 1: _________________________




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Human Behavior and Budgeting
• Importance of setting a reasonable budget:
• Budgets set too tightly _________ employees when
expectations are too high.
• Budgets set too loosely lead to budgetary slack –
called “padding” the budget. Employees may develop
a “spend it or lose it” mentality.
• ____________occurs when the employees’ or
managers’ self-interest differs from the company’s
objectives or goals.

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Continuous Budgeting Systems
• Continuous budgets maintain a _________
into the future.
Exhibit 3: Continuous Budgeting

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Developing Budget Estimates
• __________ budgeting requires managers to
estimate sales, production, and other data as
though operations are being started for the
first time.
• More common methods involve revising last
year’s budget:
• ________________
• ________________

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Static and Flexible Budgets

Static Budget: It is based
on _______ activity level
and does not change if
circumstances change.

Exhibit 4: Static Budget

Exhibit 5: Flexible Budget

Flexible Budget: It
shows expected results
at ________ activity

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Static and Flexible Budgets
Flexible budgeting adjustments produce lower actualto-budget differences.
Exhibit 6: Static and Flexible Budgets

No. of units
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Computerized Budgeting
• Speeds up and ______ the cost of preparing
the budget.
• Allow for various operating alternatives to be
easily assessed.
• Enables the company to tie all budgets

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Objective 2
Describe the master budget for
a manufacturing company

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Master Budget
• A master budget is a series of budgets that
are _______ together.
• Major parts of a master budget include:



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Relationship of the Various
Income Statement Budgets
Exhibit 7: Income Statement Budgets

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Sales Budget

• Indicates the quantity of __________and
the selling price per unit.
Exhibit 8: Sales Budget

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Production Budget
• Indicates the ________________________ to meet budgeted
sales and inventory level.
• Feeds the following budgets:
• ______________________ budget – quantity of direct materials
• ______________________ budget – labor required for each unit
of product.
• ______________________– estimated factory overhead costs
necessary for production.
Exhibit 9: Production Budget

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Direct Materials Purchases
Exhibit 10: Direct Materials Purchases Budget

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Direct Labor Cost Budget

Exhibit 11: Direct Labor Cost Budget

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Factory Overhead Cost Budget
Exhibit 11: Factory Overhead Cost Budget

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Cost of Goods Sold Budget
• Derived from the __________________ budgets.
• Needs the following information:
• Direct materials
purchases budget
• Direct labor
cost budget
• Factory overhead
cost budget
• Desired ending
• Estimated beginning

Exhibit 13: Cost of Goods Sold Budget

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Selling and Administrative
Expenses Budget
Exhibit 14: Selling and Administrative Expenses Budget

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Budgeted Income Statement
• Derived from the
– Sales budget
– Cost of goods
sold budget
– Selling and
expenses budget
– Other

Exhibit 15: Budgeted Income Statement

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Budgeted Balance Sheet
(summarizes plans for
acquiring fixed assets)

Projects capital
spending needs over
the next five years.

(expected cash inflows
and outflows during
a period)

Combines the following:
• Schedule of cash
collections – projects
cash inflows from sales.
• Schedule of cash
payments – projects
cash outflows for
manufacturing costs.

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Capital Expenditures Budget
Exhibit 19: Capital Expenditures Budget

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Cash Collections from Sales
Exhibit 16: Schedule of Collections from Sales

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