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Glossary of the coursebook english for business administration with vietnamese translatiton supplementary exercises

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MA. s6 :






cs. 2002 - 34



THANH I·Ho Ho cHi MINH 2oos




~I ·~ ~KJ'Q.J_




PHAN Mu DAU .................................................................................................... Trang 2



TAl .............................................................................................................. 3

GLOSSARY WITH VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION. ......................... 11
Recruitment and Selection ................................................................... 12

Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit II
Unit 12

Training .......................................................................................:................... 17
. Wages and salaries .................................................................................... 19
Adxninistration ............................................................................................ 22
Research and Development ............................................................. 24
Coxnpany organization .......................................................................... 26
Factory location ........................................................................................ 29
_ Manufacturing ........................................................................................... 32
Control of production ........................................................................... 35
Productivity ................................................................................................. 38
Distribution ................................................................................................... 40
Problexn solving ........................................................................................ 44

SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES ....................................................................... 48

Cloze exercises A, B & Word forms ........................................... 49
Past simple , Present perfect & Passive form .......................... 55
2&3 Coxnplcting flowcharts ........................................................................... 59
Describing graphs .................................................................................... 63
Describing bar charts ............................................................................. 69
· Reading a passage and completing a bar chart ................... 73
Choosing Connectors to complete sentences ................... 76
Reorganizing mixed up sentences in a suitable order....... 78
Describing facts by using given information......................... 81

HAP AN BAI T~P n6 SUNG (Answer Key) ................................................... 82




BANG CHI DAN (Index) ........................................................................................... 86
PHV LVC 1 (Th~ng tin tu phie'u di~u tra) .......................................................:. 88
PHV LVC 2 (Thong tin tu cu()c phong va'n) ....................................................... 90
'fAI LfflU THAM KHAO .............................................................................................. 92
GIAO TRINH "English for Business Administration" ............................ 93





PHfitt MO DfiO
Nang cao cha't h.tc;fng giang d<;ty va ht;~c ngo<;ti ngu nha't la d b~c d<;ti hqc la va'n d~ duc;fc
nhi~u nguoi quan tam.
Theo xu huang giao d~c d<;ti ht;~c hi~n nay Ia theo quan di~m Iffy nguoi ht;~c lam trung tam.
Bay la thtfc te', la n6 life, th:ich thuc cua cac tru'ong d<;li ht;~c Vi~t Nam. Vai phudng phap
giang d<;ly tkh ctfc nay do la chu tru'dng va chi d<;to duc;fc neu trong cac van ki~n cua B<)
Giao d~c va E>ao t<;to va tru'ong E><;li ht;~c Kinh Te'.
Theo xu huang giang d<;ly ngo<;ti ngu hi~n nay, phudng phap giang d<;ty tich ctfc la'y nguoi
hQC la dQ'i tuc;fng ph\}C V~ chfnh nen nhu du, sd thkh, ma'i quan tam va each hQC cua nguoi

hqc duc;fc d~c bi~t chu trqng.
Trong chudng tr1nh d~lO t<;lO cua tru'ong E><;ti ht;~c Kinh Te', tie'ng Anh duc;fc giang d<;ly d giai
dO<;ln 1 va 2 va la mtrong qua trlnh hqc t<;li tru'ong.
E>€ gop ph~n vao vi~c d<;ly va ht;~c tie'ng Anh cho sinh vien truong E><;ti hqc Kinh Te' noi
chung v~ sinh vien khoa Quan Tr(Kinh Doanh (QTKD) noi rieng ngay mtoi da thtfc hi~n 111Qt cong trlnh nghien CUu nhhm khao sat, tlm hi€u nhifng n<)i dung sau
1. Vi<$c sii' d\}ng ghio trlnh chfnh "English for Business Administration" co :
o E>ap ung duc;fc nhu du d<;ly va ht;~c cho sinh vien khoa QTKD khong?
f)ap ung dUQC lll\}C tieu dao t<;lO cua nha tru'ongkhong?
o C~n sii'a d6i I thay d6i khOng? Nc'u co, thl se la hlnh thuc nao?
2. Dtfa tren cd sd nao chung toi thtfc hi~n cong trlnh nay.
3. Ngoai ra, ke't qu:"i cua nhung thong tin duc;lc thu th~p , phan tich tu nhung va'n
d~ neu tren se co nhung d~ xua't gl va chung duc;fc thtfc hi<$n ra sao?
Chung toi xin duc;fc t6m t:lt qua trlnh thtfc hi<$n cong trlnh trong nhung trang tie'p theo .











C6 hai noi dung chfnh :
1. Til vtjng (Glossary)
2. Bai t~p bfl sung (Supplementary exercises)
- Bai t~p di€n tit (Cloze exercises).
- Di€n vao so d6 sau khi dQc 1 do(Fill in a diagram)
- Bai ~P vie't 1 do- Bai t~p sii' dvng tit n6i (Joining words) d€ lien ke't cau I do- Bai t~p sii' dvng word forms d€ hoan thanh cau.
- Bai t~p s~p xe'p l?i cac cau theo mot thu tl,l' hqp ly. ·

D€ tai nay duqc thl,l'c hi~n nhfim d€ lam tai li~u phv trq cho giao trlnh chinh "

English for Business Administration" ~a giao trlnh nay du'QC bien SOManage with English" clia P. L. Sandler va C. L. Stott, nha xua't ban Oxford University
Prsess , nam 1981; va quy€n "Early Business Contact" clia tac gia N. Brieger va J.
Comfort, nha xua't ban Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. nam 1994.
I>~ tai du'c;ic bien so~n nhhm giup ngu'O'i hQc :
- D€ dang hQC va hi€u bai khoa trong giao trlnh chinh.
- Trau d6i va phat huy ky nang vie't.
- Cling c6 nhung kie'n thuc da tie'p thu t?i lOp.


C6 hai co sd : co sd thgc ti€n va co sd ly thuye't


1. Mon tie'ng Anh trong chu'ong trlnh dao t(J.O t(J.i tru'ong D?i hQC Kinh Te' du'qc coi la mot
mon cong ClJ, h6 trQ cho sinh Vien trong qua trlnh hQC t(J.i tru'ong. Vl the', Vi~C d(J.y tie'ng
Anh cho sinh vien trong giai do(J.n 2 la d?Y tie'ng Anh chuyen nganh va c6 mvc tieu dao
t~o la:
• Cling c6 kie'n thll'c ca'u true ngu phap.
• Phat tri€n va ren luy~n tu Vl,l'ng chuyen nganh.
• Ren luy~n ky nang d9c hi€u van ban chuyen nganh.


2. C<ic bai khoa trong giao trlnh d~u c6 tu vl,fng kh6 hi~u va thu~t ngu chuyen nganh. E>i~u

nay lam cho sinh vien khong hi~u bai khoa, nha't la sinh vien ye'u khong theo Iqp.
3. Bai t~p b6 sung du'qc bien soc,1n them d~u c6 nli rae trong nhi~u sach ban tren thi
tru'ong, nhu'ng sinh vien khong c6 kha nang mua ta't
s6 sach d6. Hon nua, s6 bai t~p
trong giao trlnh qua ft ( thu'cmg chi' c6 mot bai t~p duy nha't).
4. Trong ky thi ki~m tra m6i cu6i hQc ky d~u c6 ki~m ra tu vl,fng, thu~t ngu va kha nang
5. Do d6, nhu du ngu'oi hQc mu6n c6 them bai t~p d~ thl,fc hanh, trau d6i va cting c6 kie'n
thlic sau khi da hQc tren lOp.
6. E)~ t1,10 di~U ki~n va dap ling nhu du ctia ngu'oi hQC, chung toi da thl,fc hi~n d~ tai nay.



II. co
1. Xu hu'ong giang d~y ngo~i ngii' hi~n nay : theo phu'ong phap d1,1y va hQc tich cl,fc. Theo
phu'ong phap nay, la'y ngu'oi hQc lam trung Him. Vl the', nhu du, m6i quan tam, sd thfch
ctia ngu'oi hQc duqc chu trQng.


Ly thuye't v~ chQn hfa va danh gia giao trinh
• Theo Cunningsworth (1995), mot giao trlnh phai dap ling nhu du ctia ngu'oi hQc
cilng nhu' phan anh sl,f su dt,mg ngon ngu ctia ngu'oi hQc 6 hi~n tc,1i va tu'ong lai.
E>6ng thoi xem xet de'n nhu du hQc t~p ctia ngu'oi hQc va t1,1o di~u ki~n d€ dang
trong qua trlnh hQc ctia hQ. Ngoai ra, giao trlnh cfing c6 vai tro h6 trq vi~c hQc ctia
ngu'oi hQC. Gi6ng nhu' vai tro ctia mot ngu'oi thgy, giao trlnh se la du n6i giua ngu'oi
hQC Va ngon ngii' rna hQ dang hQC.

• Nhu' J. Richards ( 1995) n6i, nhung sach hi~n ban tren thi tru'ong duqc xua't ban
nh~m vao tuy~t d:;ti da s6 ngu'oi hQc (global markets). Do d6, khong th€ ph\lc V\1
tung nh6m ngu'oi hQc C\1 th~ va nhu du C\1 th€ ctia hQ.
• Byrd (1995a) cho ding khong c6 quy€n sach nao hi~n c6 tren thi tru'ong c6 th€ hoan
toan phu hQp cho mot chu'clng trlnh hQC ngon ngii'.
• Richards (1990) cilng nha'n mc,1nh la nhung sach hi~n c6 tren thi tru'ong hie'm khi
du'QC SU d\}ng rna khong CO hlnh thuc SUa l1,1i cho phu hQp han tlnh hufSng C\1 th~.
• Theo Richards (1990), nhung hlnh thuc sua l1,1i d6la:
- Modifying content: noi dung ctia sach c6 th~ thay d6i vl nhung ye'u t6 lien
quan de'n ngu'oi hQc. Thf d\1 nhu' tu6i, giOi tfnh, ngh~ nghi~p. trlnh do kie'n
thuc ctia nguoi hQc.
- Adding or deleting content : giao vien ph\1 trach c6 th€ b6 sung them hay
giam bot noi dung ctia giao trlnh cho phu hQp voi chu'clng trlnh hQC.
- Reorganizing content : giao vien c6 th~ s~p xe'p lc,1i thu tl,f cac chu'ong trong
sach ho~c ngay trong mot chu'ong c6 th€ thay d6i trlnh tl,f tie'n hanh cac bai
t~pl cac hO(,lt dong ngon ngii' cho phu h- Addressing omissions : sach c6 th€ bo s6t nhung di~m ngu phap I ho1,1t dong
ngon ngii' rna giao vien ph\} trach cho r~ng dn thie't dfSi VOi nh6m ngu'oi hQC
C\1 th{ Vl v~y. giao vien se b6 sung them d~ dap ung nhu du ctia hQ.
- Modifying tasks :bai t~p I hoc,1t dong ngon ngu trong sach dn sua d6i d~ nha'n
mc,1nh hon ho~c lam cho ngu'oi hQc tha'y lien quan va su d\}ng rieng cho mlnh


nhung gl aa hQc. Thf dl.J nhu' trong sach c6 ho~t a<)ng ngon ngu Utvie't thu' cam
dn ( writing a letter of thanks ). Sau khi thlfc hanh bai t~p trong sach, giao
vien c6 th€ yeu du ngu'oi hQc vie't thu' cam dn rn<)t ngu'oi b~n I ngu'oi than aa
gii'i qua cho rnlnh nhan dip narn rnoi.
- Extending tasks : s6lu'<;fng bai t~p trong sach khong au a€ thlfc hanh nen giao

vien b6 sung them a€ aap ung nhu du ngu'oi hQc.




C6 hai giai ao~n : giai ao~n aanh gia giao trlnh chfnh va giai ao~n thlfc hi~n a8 xua't. tu
aanh gia giao trlnh .


1. Giai do~n danh gia giao trinh chfnh


th~ p

thong tin

Trong ph~n ffil.JC tieu chung toi trlnh bay 0 tren, cong trlnh nay au'<;fc thlfc hi~n a€
lam tai li~u phl.J tr<;f cho giao trlnh chfnh "English for Business Administration " rna chung
toi dfnh kern o cu6i cong trlnh d€ ngll'oi d9c d€ tham khao. Vi~c phat tri€n tai li~u h6 tr<;f
ph'ii xua't phat tu vi~c danh gia toan di~n giao trlnh chfnh a€ tim ra each giai quye't cho
nhii'ng di€m con thie'u cua giao trlnh cho phil h<;fp voi nh6rn ngu'oi hQC vien Cl.J th€. Do a6,
chung toi da tie'n hanh thu th~p thong tin v8 giao trlnh chfnh va nhu du cua ngu'oi hQC khi
SU dl.Jng giao trlnh nay bang hai cong Cl.J Ia phie'u di8u tra Va phong Vffn (chung toi CO dfnh
kerli ph~n phl.J ll.Jc cu6i cong trlnh nay.)
1. Phie'u di~u tra (questionnaires) danh cho sinh vien . Trong d6, chung

toi c6 nhung cau hoi a€ khao sat ba n<)i dung : v8 trlnh a<) tie'ng Anh cua ngu'oi hQc, v8
gia0,trlnh chfnh Va V~ nhu du cua ngu'oi hQC.
2. Phong va'n (structured interviews) danh cho giao vien phl.J trach lOp.
D€ dam bao tlnh nha't quan cua thong tin dn bie't, tru'oc khi tie'n hanh phong va'n chung toi
chuffn bi san m<)t s6 cau hoi lien quan de'n kinh nghi~m giang d~y cua gid~y tie'ng Anh va giao trlnh nay bao nhieu narn?), c6 sii' dl.Jng tai li~u phl.J tr<;f khong, nh~n
xet v8 u'u va khuye't di€rn cua giao trlnh va y kie'n cua giao vien v8 Sl.J' dn thay d6i I b6
sung cho giao trlnh.



Phan tich thong tin
Sau khi thu th~p, chung toi tie'n hanh phan tfch nhung thong tin tu phie'u ai8u tra va
cac CUQC phong vffn.
1. Thong tin tu phie'u di~u tra
Chung toi da phan tfch thong tin tu 116 phie'u di8u tra do sinh vien khoa
QTKD tra Ioi.
A. V~ giao trlnh:
Da s6 sinh vien cho bie't c6 th€ su dl.Jng giao trlnh chfnh nay tren lop va
nha.Khi au'QC hoi v8 ffiUC OQ kh6 CUa n<)i dung cac chu'dng trong giao trlnh, tren 50% sinh
vien cho la trung blnh va 43% cho la kh6. Trong giao trlnh chfnh, m6i chu'dng c6 6 ph~n
nho (6 sections). V8 cd ca'u, t6 chuc va n<)i dung cua tung chu'dng, 96,9% sinh vien cho bie't
section A ( Reading for comprehension) thi ly thu va hcru fch; chi 3,4% cho la nham chan



ca o

va t6n thai gian. Section B (Listening), 8,3% sinh vien nghi ding d~, phu hngu'oi hQC nhu'ng 91,7% cho la chu a€ nghe khong lien quan voi chu a€ cua chu'ong. B6i
voi sections C va D (Language study), 88,3% sinh vien cho la hG'u fch, thlfc ti~n va ly thu;
chi 11,7% nghi ding hoi nham chan va nen dtt(Discussion), c6 21,7% sinh vien thlfc hanh tfch clfc; 19,5% thlfc hanh mi~n cu'ong; 25,2%
thlfc hanh tht;t dong; 33,6% khong tham gia. V€ section F (Writing) 52% sinh vien cho la
nham chan va 47,7% cho la hG'u fch, ly thu.
Khi Ou'QC hoi v€ slf da d<;tng cua cac lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p. 76% sinh vien o6ng y; chi 24%
khong o6ng y. C6 76% sinh vien cho lac6 au lttnghi ding au bai t~p v€ ngii' phap cho m6i chttong (sections C & D); tuy nhien, chi 42%
cho la au bai t~p thlfc hanh vie't ( tuc la g§n 60% sinh vien cho ding khong au s6lttlo<;ti hlnh bai t~p vie't nay).Ngoai ra, c6 68% sinh vien cho r~ng lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p vie't mot
do<;tn van 60 -80 tu d~ mo ta bi~u bang va 64% nh~n xet r~ng lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p sll' dt;tng
WOrd forms 0~ ren luy~n tU Vlfng o€u khong OU s6 lu'm6i lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p nay thu'ong chi c6 mot bai t~p duy nha't. Vl v~y, sau khi da cling giao
vi en sll'a bai t~p d6 tren lop, sinh vi en mu6n thlfc hanh them d~ cling c6 kie'n thuc, nhttng
khong c6 bai t~p nao khac d~ thlfc hanh, nha't la o6i voi d<;tng bai t~p thlfc hanh vie't mot
OO<;tn van 60 -80 tu d~ mo ta bi~u bang.
B. v~ nhu c§u cua ngtiiii hQC
Du'QC hoi lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p nao la kh6 nha't o6i voi ngu'oi hQC, c6 66% sinh vien
d6ng y lo~ti hlnh bai t~p vie't mot do<;tn van 60- 80 tu mota bi~u bang va 58% cho ding
lo<;ti hlnh bai t~p sap xe'p l<;ti cac diu theo mot thu tlf hsinh vien cho ding din b6 sung d<;tng bai t~p vie't mot do<;tn van mota bi~u bang boi vl day
la mot ky nang dn thie't cho ngh€ nghi~p tttong lai cua sinh vien. H9 se la cac nha quan ly
tu'ong lai va vi~c OQC cac van ban c6 sll' d\}ng bi~u bang la ra't din thie't.
Ngoai ra, khi khao sat nhii'ng kh6 khan cua ngu'oi hQC khi lam bai t~p trong giao
trlnh chfnh thl c6 78% sinh vien cho bie't h9 thie'u tu vlfng/ thu~t ngii' d~ di~n d<;tt y; 61%

khong co can ban v€ kie'n thuc ca'u true ngii' phap; 42% khong th~ vie't nhung cau hoan hao
y nghia, 35% e ng<;ti vl s{j 16i sai va 24% khong bie't sll' dt;tng tu n6i.
Muc do anh hu'ong cua nhii'ng kh6 khan o6i voi ngu'oi hQc thl 93% sinh vien nh~n
xet r~ng v6n tu vlfng I thu~t ngii' qua ft anh httong ra't Ion ; 77% cho r~ng khong nam vii'ng
ca'u true ngii' phap co ban anh huang IOn, con 54% cho rang hai kh6 khan tren trong chung
mlfc lam e ng<;ti s{j lam 16i sai.


2. Thong tin tu cac CUQC phong va'n
Chung toi phong va'n 3 trong t6ng s6 4 giao vien ph\1 trach giang d<;ty ·giao trlnh
"English for Business Administration". Ca 3 giao vien o€u sll' dt;tng giao trlnh nay la tai
li~u giang d<;ty chfnh va o€u c6 sll' dt;tng tai li~u pht;t trQ khac d~ dap ling nhu diu cua ngu'oi
A. v~ giao trinh
u'u diim
C6 hai giao vien cho r~ng muc do kh6 cua noi dung cac chttong trong giao trlnh la
trung blnh va mot giao vien cho la kh6. Hai giao vien nha't trf la co ca'u, t6 chuc va noi
dung cac chu'ong phu h

lo~i h1nh bai t~p c6 hai giao vien ddng y va m9t khong ddng y. Slf khong ddng y nay se
du<;Jc tn110i d phh khuye't di~m ctia giao tr'inh~ Ca ba giao vien nha't tn la siich nay thoa

man nhu du ciia ngi1Cfi h<;>c Vl sinh vien c6 th~ sll dl)ng giao trlnh nay tren Wp va khi d
nha. Ngoai ra, con cung ca'p kie'n thuc vatu Vlfng chuyen nganh (d section A) ddng thC1i
cung c6 kie'n thuc ca'u true ngft phap va nha't la ren luyc$n b6n ky nang ngon ngft.
Ba giao vien cling dl~ng y la giao tr'inh nay dap ung dlt<;Jc ml)C tieu dao t~o ciia

Khuye't diim
V~ d9 kh6 ciia n9i dung, ba giao vien cho ding section E (Discussion) kh6.E>~ giiH
thich cho di~u nay cac giao vien nh~n xet ding nhftng chti d~l cau hoi thao lu~n d~ sinh
vien thlfc hanh ky nang n6i qua chuyen sau v~ kie'n thuc qmin trj, chi danh cho d6i tu<;Jng
la nhftng nguoi da kinh qua cong vic$c ma da s6 sinh vien th1 chua c6 vic$c lam. Hai giao
vien ddng y Iasinh vien tr'inh d9 ye'u tham gia thl) d9ng. Rieng section F (Writing) th1 kh6
d6i vdisinh vien ye'u.
Slf da d~ng cua cac Jo~i h'inh bai t~p, hai giao vien cho Ia da d~ng nhung c6 s6
lu<;Jng bai t~p it. Ca ba giao vien nh~n xet la khOng c6 lo~i h'inh b~li t~p c6 tinh l~p l~i (
recycling ) d€ nguoi h<;>c cung c6 kie'n thuc cling nhu la thie'u bai t~p ren luyc$n tu Vlfng
chuyen nganh.
Cd ca'u, t6 chuc va n9i dung cac chudng,
ba giao vien cho la section F (Writing)
te nh~t. c6 loi chi dftn nhilc di nhilc l~i. Hai giao vien nh~n xet bai t~p th\ic hanh vie't
khong dii.
B. Y kie'n v~ stf. thay d6'i I 1:>6' sung cho giao trlnh
Ca ba giao vien nha't tri dn b6 sung lu<;Jng bai t~p thlfc hanh vie't va bai t~p ren
fU'yc$n tir vlfng. Section E (Discussion) nen thay the' n9i dung khac phu h<;Jp tr'inh d9 nguC1i
hQC hdn. Ngoai ra, nen c6 nhftng ban in a'n ro va dyp hdn cho giao trlnh nay ( VI giao trlnh
dlt<;Jc danh may va tai sll dl)ng nhi~u l~n nen khong ro).


Ke't qua




Ke't qua
Tu slf phan tich thong tin neu tren, chung toi c6 nhftng ph at hic$n la:
• Giao trlnh h~u nhu dap ung dti<;Jc nhu du d~y va h<;>c tie'ng Anh chuyen nganh Quan
trj kinh doanh.
• Cung ca'p kie'n thuc lien quan de'n chuyen nganh.
• Cac lo~i h'inh bai t~p I ho~t d9ng ngon ngft c6 10i chi dftn ro rang va khong doi hoi
nguoi h<;>c qua nhi~u n13 llfc.
• V6n tu Vlfng I thu~t ngu ciia nguoi h<;>c qua it va khong nilm vftng kie'n thuc ca'u true
ngft phap can ban da anh hudng ra'r ldn de'n vic$c tht.ic hanh bai t~p cua nguoi hqc.
• Lo~i h1nh bai t~p vie't m9t do~n van 60 - 80 tu mo ta bi€u bang va bai t~p ren luyc$n
tit vlfng qua it ho~c khfmg c6. Do d6, khong dap ung nhu du mu6n ren luyc$n, cling
c6 cua nguoi hqc.
D~ xua't
Tir nhftng ke't qua tren, chung toi c6 nhftng d~ xua't cho giao tr'inh nay nhu sau :
• Tang cuC1ng vic$c ph at tri~n va ren luyc$n v6n tir Vlfng I thu~t ngft va cting c6 kie'n tht1c
ca'u true ngft phap can ban dn thie't cho nguC1i hqc.

Bd sung sefluE>S thoa man nhu c~u cua nguoi h<;>c, giao vien ph \I trach thuong xuyen tie'n hanh di~U:
tra nhu du cua nguoi hqc.
• C~n nha'n m~nh de'n vai tro ciia Th~y I Co, h<;> Ia nguoi t~o di~u ki~n d€ dang, nguoi
cung ca'p kinh nghic$m h<;>c, ng\toi giam sat vi~c hqc ciia nguoi hqc va nguoi phd bie'n
I truy~n d~t kie'n thuc.
Khi nhu du cua ngu'oi hqc du'neu tren, do se la d<}ng h!c gop ph~n vao sl[ thanh cong ciia nguoi hqc.

Chinh ttt nhung ke't lu~n va d~ xua't tren, chung toi da tie'n hanh thl[c hi~n cong trlnh nay.

2. Giai do~n thvc hi~n nhii'ng d~ xud't
Ttt nhung d~ xua't v~ tang Ctfong phat triSn va ren luy<$n vefn ttt vl[ng I thu~t ngl1 cilng nhu
cung cef kie'n thuc ngu phap dn thie't cho nguoi hqc. Hdn nua, bd sung seflut~p rna ngu'oi hqc dn; chung tOi da so~n cac ttt vl[ng I thu~t ngu chuyen nganh quan trj kinh
doanh va thu th~p. chqn Iqc , bien so~n them cac Io~i hlnh bai t~p sinh vien dn dS dap ung
nhu du hqc t~p cua hq.
A. Phtidng phap


tii Vlfng I


ngfi' chuy~n ngimh

Chung toi chi so~n va gi:H thkh ttt vl[ng I thu~t ngu chuyen nganh, con tit Vtfng thong dl,lng
ngu'oi hqc ttf tra cuu .
. M"QC tu (entries) : Hit ca llllJ.C ttt trong cong trlnh nay Ia m9t tli ho~c m9t Cl)lll tit dud~m va khong vie't hoa, ngo~i trtt m9t vai llllJ.C ttt du'mlJ.c ttt Ia ca cau vl nhung cau nay kho hiSu trong bai khoa. Do do, de' giup ngu'oi hqc d~
dang hie'u bai khoa hdn cht1ng toi gi3.i thkh ca nhung dl.u do .
.Thu ttf cac m'QC tu :du'ttt khi dqc bai khoa. Tuy nhien dS nguoi hqc d€ dang tra cuu ho~c on t~p cac thu~t ngu sau
nay khi cffn thie't, chung toi S~p xe'p cac llllJ.C ttt nay theo thu ttf mftu hf va ghi chu Vj td xufft
hi~n ciia chung trong cac chu'dng va sef trang trong giao trlnh d bang chi dftn (index) d~t (J

cuefi cong trlnh nay .
. Stf ghii thfch nghia cac ffi'QC tu:
M6i ffilJ.C ttt dtfvan canh CUa bai khoa trong giao trlnh chinh. f)oi khi CO mlJ.C ttt du'sau do la nghia br.ng tie'ng Vi~t. Nghia cua cac mlJ.c tli nay duqc tra cuu ttt ttt diSn chuyen
nganh ho~c trong cac sach v~ chuyen nganh Quan tri kinh doanh. Thi dl,l nhu quyGn
"Introducing Human Resource Management" cua tac gia Margaret Foot va Caroline Hook,
nha xuflt ban Addison Wesley Longman Limited, New York, nam 1996. V~ nghia tie'ng
Vi~t, co nhung mt.tc ttt dttchuyen nganh Quan trj kinh doanh. Vi dlJ. nhu' ml)c ttt Pert : sd d~ Pert ; mvc ttt batch
production : san xua't theo me, theo lo. Tuy nhien, co nhung mvc ttt du'tie'ng Vi~t dS ngtfoi hqc d€ hiSu mlJ.c ttt hdn. Vi dlJ. nhu ffilJ.C ttt planned experience (n) : kinh
nghi~m co du's~n).


. Chu thich ngu phap v~ lo~i til (word classes):
Lo~i tu du'<;fc chu thich ngay ben c~nh ml}c tU. Trong cong trlnh nay, chllng tOi sii'
dl}ng nhung hJ.nh thuc rut gQn v~ tu lo~i thu'ong xua't hil$n trong tu di6n .
Ne'u ml}c tu Ia danh tu de'm du'<;fc thi du'<;fc bllt d~u b~ng m~o tu a I an ; con danh til'
khong de'm du'<;fc thi khong Slf dl}ng Inl;lO tu nao ca va chu thich lo~i tu Ia (n)
Vi dl}: a vacancy (n)
an intt:rview panel (n)
job satisfaction (n)
Ne'u la dqng til' thl biit dffu b~ng "to" va chu thich lo<;1i til' Ia (v) ; tfnh til' la (adj) ;
tr~ng til' Ia (adv); gidi til' la (prep).
Vi dl].: to recmit (v), to shortlist (v)
varied (adj) , redundant (adj)

smoothly (adv)
in terms of ( prep)
. Thi dQ di minh ho~ stf. sti' dQng m~.tc til
Hffu he't cac lnt.IC til' du'<;fc cho thi dl} d€ minh ho~. Cac thi dt.l nay thu'ong la nhung
diu hoan hao y nghia, trong do ml,IC tu dtiQC in nghien va g~ch du'oi.
Vi dl} :An interview assessment form is used during an interview.
B. Phuong phap thu th~p, bit~n so~n bai t~p b6' sung

Chung toi da dt,ta vao nhung thOng tin du'<;fc thu th~p va ph an tfch til' phie'u di~u tra va
ca~ CUQC phong va'n d6 bie't du'<;fc nhu du ngu'oi hQC va nhung di6m dn b6 sung I thay d6i
cu~ ghio trlnh chinh "English for Business Administration". Do Ia co 62% sinh vien nha't trf
c~q..b6 sung them lo~i hinh bai t~p vie't my k~le'n dn co them sCS lt,tong bai t~p ren luyc$n til' vu'ng I thu~t ngu . Ngoai ra, theo nh~n djnh
ba giao vien du'<;fc phong va'n thl giao trlnh dn b6 sung lo~i hlnh bai t~p vie't m9t
do~n van mo ta bi€u bang VI day Ia m9t ky nang dn thie't cho ngh~ nghic$p tu'dng lai cua
sinh vien khoa Quan trj kinh doanh. Hdn nua, m9c dfch khi bien so~n giao trlnh " English
for Business Administration'' cua tac gia ( ten cac tac gia nay chung toi da d~ c~p (j ph~n
MlJC TrEU DE T AI ) la chu trQng ren luyc$n ky nang nay. M~c du cii ba giao vien nay cho
r~ng lo~i bai t~p nay te nh;;tt va co lOi chi dfin cua bai t~p ilhllc di nhiic l~i.
Do do, trong cong trlnh nay lo~i hlnh bai t~p b6 sung la hai d~ng bai t~p vua neu tren
d€ dap ung vic$c d~y va hQc khi sii' d~mg giao trlnh chinh "English for Business
Administration". Ngoai ra, chung toi ding thu th~p va bien so~n them lo~i ~lnh bai t~p sii'
dl}ng til' n6i d€ lien ke't cau I do<;1n van vl vic$c tht,tc hanh va ren luyc$n sii' d~mg til' no'i Ia mqt
trong nhung n9i dung chinh trong chu'dng trlnh dao t~o tie'ng Anh cho sinh vien tru'ong f>l;li
hQC Kinh te' (j giai do~n 1 V~l 2. Khi di~u tra nhu cffu cua ngu'oi hQC, co 58% sinh vien cho
r~ng lo~i hlnh bai t~p slip xe'p cac cau theo m9t thu tt,i h<;fp ly Ia kho dCSi vdi hQ; nhu'ng chung
toi vfin b6 sung lo~i bai t~p nay vl d~ng bai t~p nay dung d6 ren luyc$n ky nang dqc hi€u
cho ngu'oi h<;>c va do ding Ia mt.~c tieu dao tie'ng Anh cho sinh vien (j giai do~n 2 chung toi


da d~ c~p (j phan C0 SO THl/C TIEN ctia d~ tai. Do'i vdi giao vien, d~ng bai t~p nay la mqt
cong ClJ. danh gia kha nang dqc hi€u ma ngu'oi hQC d~t dtiQC.



Tuy giao trlnh chinh con vai die'm dn b6' sung thay d6'i nhu' section E (Discussion)
nen thay the' n(>i dung khac phil h<;1p trlnh d(> ngtfoi hQc hdn, nhttng chung toi khong tht.fc
hit;:n vl can cu vao tni)C tieu d~lO t~lO cua tru'ong la mon tie'ng Anh Ia mon cong Cl) giup ngu'oi
hQC stY dt.mg tie'ng Anh Ia d)ng C~l giao tie'p trong hQC t~p. t(fc la phat trie'n va ren luyc$n tu
vtfng I thu~t ngu chuyen nganh de' ngttoi hQc co the' dQc hie'u van ban lien quan. Day Ia ly do
de' ly ghii vl sao chung tt>i khong tht.fc hi~n nhifng die'm c~n thay d6i I b6' sung khac ma giao
trlnh chinh dn.
Trong cong trlnh nay, s6 bai t~p b6' sung chi dtf<;1c so~n cho m(>t s6 chtfdng vl nhung
lo~i hlnh bai t~p nay sau khi di€u tra, khao sat chung toi dtf<;1c bie't Ia nhu du ngttoi hQc dn.
Khong co bai t~p b6' sung cho units 6 va 12 vl hai units nay stl' d~mg de' on t~p trong giao
trlnh chinh nen da du'<;JC bien SOl;ln rfft nhi~U bai t~p cho ngtfoi hQC th\fC hanh, on t~p Va cung
c6. Units 8 va 9 khong du'<;Jc bien so~n bai t~p b6' sung vtlOl;li htnh b~ti t~p cua hai units nay
khong phai Ia dl;lng bai t?p ma ngu'oi h9C dn.
Nhung b~ti t~p b6' sung trong cong trlnh nay dtf<;1c thu th~p tu nhi€u sach hi~n co tren
thj tnfong (chung toi co d6 c(tp trong ph fin T AI ueu THAM KHAO ) va dtf<;1c bien SOl;ln ll;li
cho phil h<;Jp voi van canh Vll trlnh OQ cua ngtfoi hQC.

Loi ke't

Tom ll;li, chung toi tht.fc hi~n d~ ad nay de' Him tai li~u pht.t tr<;1 cho giao trinh chinh "English
for Business Administration'' nhhm giup sinh vien hQc t~p d~ dang hcfn, ctlng c6 kie'n th(tc
da hQc. Ngoai ra, d~ t~to di€u kic$n cho sinh vien co tai lic$u tht.fc hanh, ren luy~n them ngoai
giO tren lop.
Hy VQng ding cong trlnh nay gop ph~n vao vic$c hqc tie'ng Anh cho sinh vien tnfong
f)~li hQc Kinh Te' noi chung va sinh vien khoa Qt~Qm1 trlnh thifc hi0n d€ tai dT nhien se co khie'm khuye't, ra"t mong quy bl;ln dqc vui
long dong gop y kie'n. Thanh th?t cam dn.





Unit 1
vacancy (n)

Recruitment and Selection
a job I post that is not occupied .
Clt6 lrf/ng ( c/uln ai ddm nlt{jn )

Ex : If a company needs three accountants, but has two, there is a vacancy
for one accountant .

to recruit (v)

employ , hire, find personnel for vacancies .

Tuyin d{tng .
Ex : The Personnel Department is finding staff for the vacancies m
the company and it has recruited twenty employees so far

an appointment (n)

post , job , position .
Ciing vi?c, clute V(l.

Ex : The new engineer is assigned to an appointment that is vacant

a job description (n) : one that gives information about job duties, job
responsibilities required.

Bdn moA td cfing vi?c .
Ex : Applicants should examine the job description carefully
before applying for the post.

a personnel specification (n): gives information about an applicant's age, work
experience, qualifications , education .

Bdng lieu cltufln nhan vien ( nghla trong bai ).
Ex : To assess applications properly, management work from
a personnel specification .

references (n) :

information about the past performance of an applicant.

Giay xac nh{jn ;

giliy gio'i lhi?u .

Ex : I've got to obtain references from my recent employers


a profile (n)

c.v' resume
Sd ytulj licit; lj ljch ca nhlin .

Ex : Applicants who are interested in the job, please submit
your handwritten profile.

a shortlist (n ) : a list of suitable candidates I applicants for a job from
which the successful candidates ·will be selected .
Danh sach ngttili xin vi?c I 1Zng vien dll(lc ch{Jn vao v(mg trong .
c/t(/p/tong van.
to shortlist (v) :to select a few from a list of candidates.
Sd tuy~n
Ex : Only shortlistecl candidates are informed .
an interview panel (n) : an interview team =staff who together hold an interview .
H~i dlmg phong van ;
Ban phong vdn.

an interview assessment form (n) : a form used by an interview panel during an
interview when each applicant is checked under
the same points on the form:
Phitu ddnh gUi phong valz.
Ex : An inten,iel-1' assessment form is used during an interview .

conditions of work (n) : condition I requirements for a job .
Diiu ki?n lam vi?c .

One condi1ion of this job is that you must accept to
work at weekends.

new I fresh I young blood (n) : new people who are introduced into an organization
and whose fresh ideas are likely to improve· it and
make it better, stronger or more efficient.
Nlu'in vien mlli dll!lc tuyin d{mg .
Ex : This company is badly in need of new blood
Is this the job for which we need new blood ?


A Sample of a Job Description

Job Tittle:


Report to :

Office Service Manager

Responsible for :

Junior receptionist

Purpose of post :

To ensure that visitors to the company are received in a welcoming
fashion, to answer routine queries which are handled expeditiously
by the appropriate staff member. To ensure that all telephone
queries are handled in the same manner.
As the first point of contact for the company, the receptionist must
maintain high standards of customer care.


All customers and other visitors to deal with initial and routine
queries. All members of staff to pass on queries as appropriate .

Major duties :

. Greet walk-in visitors and ascertain purpose of their visit.
Handle or redirect queries as appropriate .
. Answer phone queries as above .
. Answer all initial queries about receipt of payments using the
on-line payment receipts system .
. Open and sort incoming post by department.
Organise delivery of post by assistant receptionists .

. Perfonn clerical tasks assigned by departments in agreement with
the Office Services Manager.
• Supervise assistant receptionists and delegate work as appropriate .
. Perform other duties as assigned by the Office Services Manager
or other authorised manager.


Sample of information on an Interview Assessment Form












A Sample of a Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth :
Place of birth :
Home telephone No :
1982- 1986 Eastleigh Comprehensive School, Eastleigh.
Secretarial Course . Typing 80 w.p. m. Shorthand 110 w.p. m
Short courses in word processing, data bases and spreadsheets ,
including software for Windows.
Short courses in health and safety , supervisory skills , equal
opportunities , and presentation skills.
1990- 1994 Secretary to General Manager, Dyason's Cleaning Products.
1994 - 1996 Office Manager , Dywell Clothing Company.
1996 - 1998 Personal Assistant to the Director of Personnel, Dywell Clothing
1998- 2002 Assistant Personnel Officer, Dywell Clothing Company.

Temporary jobs for Ace Recruitment Agency .
I have worked for six years in a personnel department and I have a wide range of
experience including recruitment and selection, administration of personnel records, and
running short courses in health and safety and supervisory skills . I am a trained secretary
and have kept up my typing skills as well as updating my skills in office software. I feel
that with my experience and background in personnel I have a lot to offer in a personnel
Mrs. Albe Jenkins, Owner
The Benlow Corporal ion
620 West Second Street
Terre Hame, Indiana 4781

Ms Sarah Cohen, Instructor
Judson Secretarial School
141 River Road
Telephone No : Berne, Indiana 46781


Unit 2


a job specification (n) : one that gives information about the behaviour, knowledge,
and skills expected of an employee to work in a specific

Bdng tieu c/wiln cfmg vi?c ( kltd niing c/wyen mon , kie'n tluic, va cac
ky nang k/tdc) cti'n tlti(t c/w mQt cong vi?c nllflt djnh .
Ex : The Training department can identify training needs by looking carefully
at a fob specification .
behaviour (n) :

acting patterns of employees in which a specific job is performed.
( a typical way in which a specific job is performed .)
Himh vi; each !tanh xi't

Ex : How do some employees change their behaviour in the office if
the boss is away ?
a training specification = a training plan (n) : one that specifies what to teach and
what methods to use for a training programme.
Tieu chuin dao t~o
Ex :

A training specification must be available for a successful
training programme .

job rotation (n) : moving workers around from one job to another to widen
their experience .
Phu'dng thuc xoay vi~c ; St.f Juan nhil;m ( tit phong ban nay sang
phong ban khac) di c6 th~m kinh nghi~m ; srf Juan chuyin cong tac
Ex : Trainees had better experience job rotation to widen their knowledge.
planned experience (n) :


gained by working at something according

to a plan I an arrangement.
Kinh nghi?m tlt{lc t( ( sau kltixong vi?c)

Ex : By means of job rotation, some staff can get planned experience .
natural experience (n) : (me that someone naturally I unintentionally gets by living
through something in their life.
Kinlt nglti?m diin gian ( tich lily dtl(lc kin It qua qua tr'inlt liun vi?c I
song trong mvt klwdng tltm gian dai.)

GIA. 0



80 ·


ouc VA DAO T/!.0

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DH KIN I-IT~ 1 p.




A?-Q\J..L -


Ex : The older he becomes , the more natural experience he gains ..

manpower planning (n) : planning for the number and kind of staff needed .
Hof!ch djnh I /Q.p ke'hOf!ch nluin s{l clin thiet ( clw ml)t cd quan)
Ex : Manpower planning is indispensable to business efficiency .
operators and technicians (n) : employees who are in charge of machines or who
are good at technical aspects , not at managerial jobs .
Nilan vien k)' tlwljt ( di~u ltfmh ky tlw{jt).
Ex : Operators are being trained to run the new machine while the technicians

take care of its maintenance.
management and supervisory training (n) : training which is done for staff who are
responsible for management and
supervisory job I task .
Vi~c dlw {Qo nhlin vien cap qudn trj.
Ex :It's difficult to mea-;ure the impact of management and supervisorv training.
to stay away from work (v) : to be absent from work ; not go to work .
Kltong di tam vi~c ( vi l.j do silc klwe ) .
Ex: Workers who work in night shifts are allowed to stav away from
work the next morning .
a pilot programme (n) : a programme used. to test something in order to know

whether it is good or successful .
Chtldug trinlt tltil nglti~m
Ex : They carried out a pilot programme before it was
for wider use .



feedback (n) : information about results of an experiment ; response that consists
of comments and information about something that someone has
done . It tells them whether or not it was successful or liked .
Thilng tin pltdn hfli .

Ex : The more [_eedback we get from viewers, the more we can improve
our programmes .


Unit 3 :

Wages and Salaries

varied ( adj ) : of different kinds • sizes or qualities

G6m nltie'ulOlJi k/uic nliau, tlm9c nltieltlOlJi kluic, da dq.ng.
Ex : Oranges are vmjed in tastes and colors depending on where they are grown.
accounts department (n) : one which is in charge of accounting.

Pl~lmg kt toan
Ex : The employees receive the wages from the accounts department .
a wage I salary structure (n) : a payment system that an organization may
design to determine the different pay levels for
its employees .
Tlta11g ltldllg I eel cliu lllfhlg

Ex : Before introducing a new wage and salary structure, there is a
negotiation between management and trade union representatives.
a wage
(n) : a wage tends to he paid weekly and may be based on an hourly rate of pay, with
possible deductions for lateness or absence and this hourly rate is often the rate
referred to in negotiations. Wage earners are often paid in cash and are less likely
to have fringe benefits.
Ti6n hi·-::.".~ ~

Ex: How to raise the employees' wages is often discussed in the board meetings.
a salary :

a salary tends to he paid monthly, and those monthly payments are normally
expressed as an annual salary. Salaried employees often have their salaries paid
directly into a bank and are also likely to have several fringe benefits. Salaried
workers either are in managerial posts or tend to identify very closely with
Tit~n hidng
Ex: Managerial staff often earn high salaries .

a trade I labour union (n) : an organization of workers that represents them and

has the aim of improving such things as the working
(:onditions, pay. and benefits of its members .
Co11g dolm.
Ex: The Managing Director will meet the trade union leaders tomorrow.


a value (n) :

a point

ml} t ( mtlc ) diim, mi}t djn h lr/(111 g gill lrj

In job evaluation, each of the requirements of a particular job is
given a value, usually in points.

job grade (n) : different kinds of jobs .
LOiJi cfmg vi~c, ngtJch cong vi?c
Ex : There are ).QQ_grade.s in administrative work.
job market

= labour

market (n) : one that provides for an exchange of work for wages .
Tltj trrldng lao di}ng.

Ex : ..... men wanting to break into the job market ··-··
The job market in big cities is very competitive.

labour supply (n)

supply of workforce.
Ngudn crmg cap lao dl)ng.

Ex: In less- developed countries there is usually an abundant, cheap labour supply .
an incentive (n) : a general term of motivation for encouraging employees to work better.
Bi?n plulp kldcll I? I klwye'u k!ticll .

Ex: In order to raise employees' morale, the company offers incentives.
There are two kinds of incentives:
Financial incentives
S{/ k!ten tlullJng bling tie'n.
Non-financial incentives

S{l khe11 tlullfng dt/Ui lt'inh t/ulc k!tfmg bliug tiin

a merit award (n) : a financial incentive by offering employees more in wages
or salaries to award them in retunt for higher productivity, or better job
perfonnance, or extra effort at a busy time of the year .
S{l khen tlutllug ( bling tie'u) do co t/tlwh licit cao !uhl ( 11/ut liim vi?c tot
lulll ' lli111g suat cao lullt' each Lam vi?c co lli?u qua luhl) lrong cong vi?c

Ex : If employees gain higher productivity, they will be offered merit awards.
a bonus (n) : a financial incentive by paying an extra payment to wages or salaries
for higher prodHctivity or extra effort at a busy time of the year
especially on special occasions such as on Christmas or New Year holiday.
Tiiu tlulllng


What is om company 's Christmas bonus this year?


fringe benefits (n} : advantages such as free housing, company car, free health insurance
or dental care, paid holidays offered by a company in addition to
salaries or wages ..

Pluic 1¢ ngoai ltto>1g ; quyen 1¢ ph{t ngodi ltidng

Ex: This company provides generous fringe benefits for its employees
including insurance, a pension plan and medical and dental care payment.
an direct worker ( a blue- collar worker ) (n) : an employee who performs manual work in
assemble line or in the production department (e.g., a machine operator)
and make products which are visible and measurable.
Coug 111lfi11 tn,tc tie'p son xuift

Ex : Direct workers have been able to work more efficiently by means
of mordern machinery.
an indirect worker ( a white-collar worker ) (n) : an employee such as a canteen assistant,
secretarial staff, or staff doing office work
who does not make the end products.
Nlu'iu vieu viin phong ( giau tie'p sou xuilt)
Ex: Most of the companies can currently reduce indirect workers by computerizing
the office systems.
a steel worker (n) = a robot :

llgllm may

Ex: Today steelworkers have become a science fact as technology has turned
them into a feasible means to increase productivity.
subgrade (n)

sorting into


kinds .

S{l pltli11 lo{li ( ulto luhl, clti

tiel luht)

Ex : The management system is more complex, with four subgrades in Grade II .


Unit 4


administration (n) : activities connected with orgamzmg and supervising.
Vi?c qudn tri , vi?c diiu hlmh.
Ex : It's difficult to measure administration.
office (n) : personnel who work in the company office ; an organization
Nilan vien viin phong ; ml)t td clu'lc

Ex : The function of the office is to perform administration .
commimications (n) : information sent out and received .
Thong tin ; thong bdo ; s{l giao ltlu truyin dq.t thong tin .
Ex : Management must be provided with full communications .
to service (v) : to provide services for.
Cung cap djclt


Ex : The Post Office services the post and telecommunication .
clerical staff (n) : staff who work in the company offices.
Nilan vien hlmh cltdnlt I van phong
Ex: All of
to employ (n) :


must attend a word- processor demonstration.

to apply, to use
Si'l d{mg

Ex : The mangers can employ the most appropriate business methods,
systems, and equipment .
paperwork (n) : work involved in file, paper, office documents.
Cong vi?c viin pltong
Ex : Everyday clerical staff have to deal with a lot of paperwork .
resources (n) : plant , personnel , equipment , money and property which can
be employed usefully .

Ngulin l{lc ( trang tltitt hi, nhan


tai ch4nh)

Ex : How office systems are mechanized and computerized will
depend on the size and resources of a company .


an objective (n)


an aim; a goal; target, intended result of activity .
M{tc tieu, m{tc die h.
Ex : One of the key objectives of a business is to maximize profits.

a centralized service (n) : service used by a central group of people .
Djch V(l tljp trung
Ex : Data processing must be ·a centralized service to contribute
to busines" efficiency .
to go along with (someone) (v) : to agree with (someone)
Nhflt tri, ddng j (vOi ai)
Ex : I can't go along with you on that point .
to call someone in (v): to send for; to summon; to ask someone to come to see you.
MUi; gpi ; tri?u tljp
Ex : I think we'd better call the secretary in to type the letter .

to change over (from one thing to another) (v): to stop using I doing I having one
thing and start using I doing I having another .
Clmyin dfli til (ml)t cai g'i sang ml)t cai khac)
Ex : We changed over to a computerized system for reasons of efficiency.
to build up (v)

to draw up ; to prepare ; to write out .
Clwiln hi ; h'in h thlmh
Ex : The paragraph was built up from the information in the table .

to call up (information from a computer) (v) : to instruct the computer to present the
information .
Truy cljp (dt1 li?u) til uuiy vi tinh
Ex : We can mll_l1]2 a lot of information in the Internet .
to feed into I to type in I to key in ( a computer ) (v) : to put information into a
using keys or a
Nh(lp duli~u vao may vi tinh
Ex: The data needs to be fed I keyed inunediately.
to switch off (v) : to turn off ; to stop using something .
Ttit (may) ; liun c/w ngi'lng hoqt dl)ng
Ex : All of participants must switch off their handphones while
attending the conference .
to take away (v) : to remove from.

Unit 5 :


& Development

R & D executives (n) : staff who are in charge of research & development.
Nlu!ln vien diiu lumh vi?c nghien cftu va p/uit triin
Ex : R & D executives must ensure that the company is supplied
with technically successful projects .
a promising scheme (n) : projects with good potential .
Dt;l an I ke' ho~ch di\y triin VQng
Ex : They chose promising schemes to develop
market forecasts : ideas about what and how products are expected to be
accepted on the market.
DEx : The research and development of a flow of new products are based
on market forecasts
a tlow (n)

plentiful supply .
Luling cung cap do'i dao I plwng p/ul.

Ex : R & D department can provide a flow of new and updated
products for the company .
a flow of new market winners (n) : a supply of successful and acceptable
products in a market.
Luling san pha'm dtlfiC tla c/mf)ng, thanh cong tren thj trtlling
Ex : The company has gained steady growth in profits because of
a flow o( new market winners .
full commercial potential (n) : possibiHties that a product may become
successful and acceptable in a market

Tiimniing t/uto'ng m(!i lun .
Ex : In some jndustries it may take from 11 to 18 years before
a product achieves full commercial potential .

