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De cuong tiếng anh Lớp 11 HKII Đống Đa Hà Nội

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I – Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fit each gap
1. His ___________ and humour made him popular as a teacher and public speaker. (ENTHUSIASTIC)
2. She needed only one more stamp to complete her ….
3. You could spend your time ….. more with a good book.
4. The girl sang to the …… of a piano.
5. Drawing and singing were among her many ….
6. He never lost the ……. of his students.
7. My doctor advised me to avoid ….. excessive in sweets and canned drinks.
8. We need something to keep the children……. in their summer holiday.
9. The books are into different categories to subject.
10. Confidence is the key to ……..
11. The room was littered with …….. newspapers.
II. Complete these sentences with one appropriate word.
1. The Asian Games take ….every four years.
2. In this event, people from all over Asia ……together to compete in sports.
3. There were eleven countries …….part in the 1st Asian Games.
4. In the 14th Asian Games, the athletes …in 38 different sports and won 427 gold.
5. Lewis established a new world …….with a time of 9.86 seconds.
6. Ly Duc won a gold medal in …… in the 14th Asian Games.
7. The 1st Asian Games were ……..in New Delhi, India in 1951.
8. The 14th Asian Games attracted 9,919 …….from 44 countries.
9. Swimming and water skiing are both ……..sports.
10. Germany ………..the World Cup finals in 2006.
11. Recreation and entertainment are important ______ people.
12. British people are very interested _____ watching and taking part sports.
13. Mark is keen ______ football, but his brother Mike is fond ______ tennis.
14. Snooker, pool and darts are the next most popular sports ______ men.
15. There is an enormous range of holiday courses ______ offer.
16. He agreed ______ me ______ the need for change.
17. We put ______ our tent in a little clearing in the wood.
18. We object ______ the commercialization of the game.

19. Mary likes the solitude ______ the Wilderness.
20. He longs ______ the day when he can turn professional.
21. Yuri Gagarin lifted ____ into space aboard the Vostok 1 ___ 9.07 a.m. Moscow time ___ 12th April, 1961.
22. He was ______ orbit around the Earth ______ a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour.
23. No one knew precisely what would happen ______ a human being ______ space.
24. How would the mind deal ______ the psychological tension?
25. How would the body react ______ the extreme changes in temperature?
26. We congratulate you ______ your successful flight.
27. The American people shared ______ the Soviet people their satisfaction for the safe flight.
28. After his death, his hometown was named ______ him.
29. China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry ___ manned space flights.
30. China launched its first manned spacecraft ______ space ______ October, 2003.
V. Complete the passage with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
Agatha Miller (1) ...... (bear) on 15 September 1890 in Torquay in south-west England. Better known as
Mrs Agatha Christie, she (2) ...... (write) altogether 78 mystery novels and 19 plays. Very few other crime
writers (3) ...... (write) more books than this, and few (4) ...... (become) so immensely popular.
Ever since she (5) ...... (publish) her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles in 1920, her books (6) ......
(never, be) out of print. They (7) ...... (translate) all over the world, and, perhaps surprisingly, her sales
(8) ...... (actually increase) since she, (9) ...... (die) in 1976. For a short time after her death they (10) ......
(fall), so it was perhaps the screen that (11) ...... (revive) her popularity.
People (12) ...... (enjoy) Agatha Christie's stories for years, and her popularity currently (13) ...... (seem)
higher than it (14) ...... (ever be). It is not of course the first time that an author (15) ...... (become) more
popular in death than in life.
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VI. Put brackets around the underlined relative pronoun if it can be omitted from these sentences.
1. We talked about the party which Sarah wants to organize for my birthday.

2. To get to Frank's house, take the main road that bypasses the village.
3. The paintings which, Mr. Flowers has in his house are worth around £100,000.
4. Let's go through the main points that he made in his lecture.
5. He received a low mark for his essay, which was only one page long.
6. Mrs. Richmond, who you met at the meeting yesterday, works in television.
7. Don is a friend who we stayed with in Australia.
8. In the shop window there's a sign that says 'Ten per cent off.
9. The couple who live next to us have sixteen grandchildren.
10. There was little that we could do to help her.
Add question tags to the following statements.
1. He hardly ever makes a mistake, ________?
16. Don't touch that button, ________?
2. Nobody liked the play, ________?
17. I'm too late, ________?
3. She'd save money if she bought fresh food, ___?
18. Not a very good film, ________?
4. She's very' funny. She's got a great sense of
19. Somebody wanted a drink, ________?
humour, ________?
20. They think he's funny, ________?
5. The area was evacuated at once, ________?
21. There aren’t any problems, _________?
6. Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's
22. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, _________?
birthdays, ________?
23. He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years, __?
7. It never -.works very well, ________?
24. Everyone can learn how to swim, __________?
8. He ought to have made a note of it, ________?

25. Nothing serious happened during the flight
9. Neither of them offered to help you, ________?
10. There'll be plenty for everyone, ________?
26. I’m old enough to join the club, ___________?
11. Let's go out for dinner tonight, ________?
27. This is your essay on space travel, _________?
12. That isn't Bill driving, ________?
28. Most space exploration has been conducted by
13. Nothing went wrong, ________?
robots, ___________?
14. There used to be trees here, ________?
29. That cannot be your decision, ___________?
15. This won't take long, ________?
30. You’ve never read a book on Apollo, ________?
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. Yuri Gagarin lifted ______ into space aboard the Vostok 1 ________ 9.07 a.m. Moscow time ______ 12th
April, 1961.
2. He was ______ orbit around the Earth ______ a speed of more than 17,000 miles per hour.
3. No one knew precisely what would happen ______ a human being ______ space.
4. How would the mind deal ______ the psychological tension?
5. How would the body react ______ the extreme changes in temperature?
6. We congratulate you ______ your successful flight.
7. The American people shared ______ the Soviet people their satisfaction for the safe flight.
8. After his death, his hometown was named ______ him.
9. China became the third country in the world to be able to independently carry ___ manned space flights.
10. China launched its first manned spacecraft ______ space ______ October, 2003.

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Use the cues given to write a complete sentence.
1. nowadays/ our lives/ improved/ much/ progresses/ science and technology//
2. II want/ become/ astronaut/ I/ able/ travel/ fast/ sound// _______________________________________
3. Sally Ride/ one/ five astronauts/ space shuttle Challenger/, completed/ successful six-day voyage/ space//
4. Neil Armstrong/ famous! American astronaut/ known/ first/ walk/ the moon//
5. July 20th 1969/ two Americans/ land/ moon/ spaceship/ name/ Apollo//
6. Yuri Gagarin/ first man/ travel/ space//
7. Yuri Gagarin/ make/ another space flight/ if/ tragic accident/ not occur//
8. China/ become/ third country/ world/ able/ independently/ carry/ manned space flights//
V. Read the information and complete each sentence.
1. A friend of mine helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of a company.
A friend of mine……………………………………………………..……………..………………………
2. Mike gave half of the £50,000 he won to his parents.
Mike won £50,000…………………………………………………………………………………………
3. London was once the largest city in the world, but the population is now falling.
The population……………………………………………………………………………………….……..
4. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting, but most of them were not very practical.
Most of the………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. It is a medieval palace. The king hid in its tower during the civil war.

6. I couldn't remember the number of my own car. This made the police suspicious.
7. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. Thank you…………..……..……………………..
8. Dr Andy Todd is head of Downlands Hospital. He has criticized government plans to cut health funding.
Dr Andy Todd ............................................................................ to cut health funding.
9. They are choosing the boys for the school's football team. All of them are under 9.
All of the boys ............................................................................................are under 9.
10. I went to see my nephew Jimmy. I used to look after him when he was small.
I went………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
V. Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined information. Start with it + be and an
appropriate wh-word or that.
1. She bought the car from Tom. …………………………………………………………………………….
2. My secretary sent the bill to Mr. Harding yesterday. …………………………………………………….
3. He already plays for national side; he only turned professional last year.
4. The film was made in Bristol. ……………………………………………………………………………..
5. We are coming to stay with Jane this weekend. ………………………………………………………….
6. Columbus sailed to America in 1492………………………………………………………………………
7. The president makes the important decisions …………………………………………………………….
8. I'm not looking forward to physics, but I'm most worried about, the statistics exam.
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9. She's been seeing a doctor at Newtown Hospital, but she's having the operation in the Queen Mary
10. Caroline has been feeling a bit depressed for some time, so she booked a holiday in Amsterdam to cheer

her up.
11. It's not that I don't want to have dinner with you tonight; I can't come because I've got so much work to
12. I had my wallet when I went into the sports hall, so I lost it somewhere in there.
13. She doesn't find learning language very easy, and she improved her Spanish only by studying very hard.
14. I have had great help from my best friend Dave in doing my research, and I delicate this thesis to him.
15. I don't mind her criticizing me, but I object to how she does it.
Combine the sentence with not only ... but also or both …and.
1. The city suffers from air pollution. The city suffers from water pollution. (both... and)
2. He is interested in gardening. He is interested in collecting stamps. (not only... but also)
3. Solar energy is free. Solar is inexhaustible. (both... and)
4. In the summer school he studied writing. He studied how to increase his vocabulary. (not only... but.
5. I was usually tired when I arrived home from school. I was usually hungry too. (both ... and)
6. My sister can sing beautiful. She can play the guitar very well. (not only... but also)
7. On the trip you can enjoy spectacular scenery. You can have a lot of outdoor activities. (both ... and)
8. He is good at math. He is good at English. (not only... but also)
9. Joanna enjoys listening to rock music, so does her brother. (both ... and)

10. She cleaned the house and she cooked the dinner. (not only... but also)
Write the sentences with either... or or neither ... nor.
1. The library doesn't have the book I need. The bookstore doesn't have the book I need.
2. We can fix dinner for them here or we can take them to a restaurant
3. I'll never speak to you again if you don't apologise.
4. Brian doesn’t play sports and he doesn't watch them on TV.
5. Did Mrs Michael feed Lulu? Did Mrs Michael feed Archie?
6. We didn't hear the window break. We didn't hear the thief come in.
7. You may begin working tomorrow or you may begin next week.
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8. I suppose we could watch TV this evening or we could go out for a snack.
9. My cousin can't draw well. He can't paint well, too.
10. I haven't seen him. I haven't heard him speak.
Complete the sentences with both... (and); neither... (nor) or either...(or).

1. I tried twice to phone George, but ______ times he was out.
2. Do you want tea or coffee? - ______. I really don't mind.
3. I was invited to two parties last week, but I couldn't go to ______ of them.
4. Where is Liz? Is she at work or at home? - ______. She's away on holiday.
5. To get to the town center, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You
can go ______ way.
6. I saw an accident this morning. One car drove into the back of another. Fortunately, ______ driver was
injured, but ______ cars were badly damaged.
7. I can meet you next Monday or: Friday. Would ______ of those days be convenient for you?
8. John and I couldn't get into the house because ______ of us had a key.
9. When shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon? - ______. I’ll be in all day.
10. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly, but ______ of us can play well.
11. Where did you go for your holiday - Scotland or Ireland?
- ______. A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland.
12. I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted, but ______ of them had it.
13. ______ the boat with the white sails and the one with the blue sails are in the harbour today.
14. I'm not sure where Maria's from. She's ______ Spanish ______ Italian.
15. Tom said he would contact me, but he ______ wrote ______ phoned.
Rewrite the following sentences using the structure it is/ was ... that + passive voice.
1. It was Mr. Johnson that every student respected to.
2. It was in Bristol where they made the film.
3. It was the manager that we saw.
4. It was wine that we ordered.
5. It is the English exam that the students most worry about.

6. It is pop music that my brother prefers.
7. It is Tet that Vietnameses celebrate, as the greatest occasion in a year.
8. It was the computer that my parents gave me as a birthday present.
9. It is Santa Clause who most children are waiting for on Christmas Eve.
10. It is English that people all over the world use.
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Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. Recreation and entertainment are important ______ people.
2. British people are very interested _____ watching and taking part sports.
3. Mark is keen ______ football, but his brother Mike is fond ______ tennis.
4. Snooker, pool and darts are the next most popular sports ______ men.
5. There is an enormous range of holiday courses ______ offer.
6. He agreed ______ me ______ the need for change.
7. We put ______ our tent in a little clearing in the wood.
8. We object ______ the commercialization of the game.
9. Mary likes the solitude ______ the Wilderness.
10. He longs ______ the day when he can turn professional.
VII. Rewrite the following as indicated, making any other changes necessary.
1. I haven't seen him and I haven't heard him speak either.
Neither _________________________________________________

2. Is the man's name Richard? Or is it Robert? It's one of the two.
That man's name _________________________________________
3. Tom arrived late .and started complaining.
Not only ________________________________________________
4. Most governments want to stop drugs coming into their countries.
What ___________________________________________________
5. Thanks to your help, I finished it in time.
But for __________________________________________________
6. I did not know what would happen, and I did not care what would happen.
I neither _________________________________________________
7. I have not experienced such a storm since I was a child
Not _____________________________________________________
8. I'd like to visit India more than any other country in the world.
It's India _________________________________________________
9. That was a silly thing to say!
What ____________________________________________________
10. Collecting stamps from foreign countries is one of Jane's interests.
Jane is __________________________________________________
V. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. My uncle is very good ...... accompanying people singing ...... his guitar.
2. My brother is fond ...... tennis.
3. I have not been very successful ...... playing the guitar.
4. He's keen ...... collecting coins.
5. I usually give ...... the common stamps to my friends.
6. She was free to indulge ...... leisure activity like reading.
7. I don't need these papers - you can throw it .......
8. John is very interested ...... all sorts of sport.
9. I classify my books ...... different categories.
10. Books provide the reader ...... so many facts and so much information.
VI. Rewrite the following as indicated, making any other changes necessary.

1. I don't like keeping fish. My sister doesn't like keeping fish either.
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2. We need to make people realize that drug-taking is self-destructive.
3. I suppose the hope of easy money tempts them.
I suppose it ............................................
4. I have not experienced such a storm since I was a child.
5. Those children were not very well educated.
Those children's ........................................
6. We expected that the report will be published shortly.
The report .............................................
7. It's all his' talk of poverty that really annoys me.
What .................................................
8. We only learnt the truth yesterday.
It .................................................
9. People sometimes suggest that we are not all equal. This makes some people very angry.
10. If it hadn't been for your help he would be in a worse mess.
If you .................................................

Add question tags to the following statements.
31. He hardly ever makes a mistake, ________?
46. Don't touch that button, ________?
32. Nobody liked the play, ________?
47. I'm too late, ________?
33. She'd save money if she bought fresh food, ___?
48. Not a very good film, ________?
34. She's very' funny. She's got a great sense of
49. Somebody wanted a drink, ________?
humour, ________?
50. They think he's funny, ________?
35. The area was evacuated at once, ________?
51. There aren’t any problems, _________?
36. Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's
52. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, _________?
birthdays, ________?
53. He’s learned a lot in the last couple of years, __?
37. It never -.works very well, ________?
54. Everyone can learn how to swim, __________?
38. He ought to have made a note of it, ________?
55. Nothing serious happened during the flight
39. Neither of them offered to help you, ________?
40. There'll be plenty for everyone, ________?
56. I’m old enough to join the club, ___________?
41. Let's go out for dinner tonight, ________?
57. This is your essay on space travel, _________?
42. That isn't Bill driving, ________?
58. Most space exploration has been conducted by
43. Nothing went wrong, ________?

robots, ___________?
44. There used to be trees here, ________?
59. That cannot be your decision, ___________?
45. This won't take long, ________?
60. You’ve never read a book on Apollo, ________?
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

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