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Test 9 tmt key

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Test 9
101. Roberta Hawkins, the candidate with the most
experience, has been ____ as the new general
(A) chosen
(B) choosing
(C) chose
(D) choose

109. To speak with a Hoyts representative, ___ send
an email to or call us at 0800887-887.
(A) either
(B) none
(C) both
(D) neither

103. The board of directors _____ approved the
consultant’s proposal to reduce the company
workforce by 8.5%.
(A) reluctant
(B) reluctance
(C) reluctantly
(D) more reluctant
reluctant (a): miễn cưỡng
approve (trans v): chấp thuận
workfore (n): lực lượng lao động
104. The senior members of the marketing team
will visit department stores in the area to conduct
product _______.
(A) to research
(B) research

(C) researching
(D) researched
senior (a): cao cấp
conduct (trans v): thực hiện
product research: sự nghiên cứu sản phẩm
105. Mr. Cornwall wants to be notified _____ the
repairs to the digital server are completed.
(A) for
(B) except
(C) since
(D) once

110. An EPA report describes the harmful effects of
mercury, a chemical substance _____ known for its
use in toy manufacturing.
(A) primacy
(B) primary
(C) primal
(D) primarily
harmful (a): có hại
effect (n): hệ quả, hiệu quả
mercury (n): thủy ngân
chemical (a): thuộc hóa học
substance (n): chất
primary (a): đầu tiên, chính yếu
112. _______ the majority of employees were
concerned about the new policy, the director called
an assembly to discuss the matter.
(A) In
(B) Until

(C) Because
(D) About
majority (n): đa số
concerned (a): lo lắng
assembly (n): hội
matter (n): vấn đề
114. Hamilton & Blackwell, In(C)always makes a
____ donation to charity at the end of the fourth
(A) generous
(B) more generously
(C) generosity
(D) generously
charity (n): tổ chức từ thiện
generous (a): rộng lượng
116. The meeting facilitator suggested that
attendees _______ a short break while the
equipment was being repaired.
(A) taken
(B) have taken
(C) take
(D) are taking
facilitator (n): người trợ giúp việc tổ chức

107. There are several varieties of potatoes that
_____ specific weather conditions during the
growing season.
(A) to require
(B) require
(C) requiring

(D) requires
variety (n): loại
several (determiner): 1 vài
specific (a): cụ thể

108. Experts worry that the quality of the oil in the
underground reserve is too poor to ______ a largescale extraction project.
(A) justify
(B) justification
(C) justifiable
(D) justifiably
expert (n): chuyên gia
quality (n): chất lượng
reserve (n): sự dự trữ, mỏ
scale (n): qui mô
extraction (n): sự chiết xuất
120. Many members of the public remain ______
that further government action is needed to protect
the environment.
(A) convincingly
(B) convinced
(C) convincing
(D) convince
remain (intr v): vẫn, duy trì
convince (trans v): thuyết phục
convinced (a): bị thuyết phục
122. The entire crowd watched in amazement
_____ the spectacular finale of the celebratory
fireworks display.

(A) while
(B) during
(C) from
(D) although
crowd (n): đám đông
amazement (n): sự ngạc nhiên, sự sửng sốt
spectacular (a): ngoạn mục
finale (n): chung kết, buổi cuối
celebratory (a): có tính ăn mừng
124. Company sales of automobiles this quarter are
off to their __ start in nearly 5 years.
(A) slowing
(B) slowly
(C) slowest
(D) slower
automobile (n): ô tô
126. Mr. Warren has spent over 30 years working
_____ an electrical engineer at the multinational
corporation, B&A, Inc.
(A) to
(B) at
(C) in
(D) as
multinational (a): đa quốc gia
corporation (n): tập đoàn

equipment (n): thiết bị
118. Seven different machines ____ the process by
which the advanced computer chips are put

(A) are controlled
(B) controlling
(C) to control
(D) control
process (n): tiến trình
advanced (a): tân tiến
computer chip: bộ xử lý điện tử máy tính
132. _______ named “the Employee of the Month”
for your consecutive times, Barbara Hudson finally
gained a promotion.
(A) Having
(B) Had been
(C) Having been
(D) Been
consecutive (a): liên tiếp
gain (trans v): đạt được
promotion (n): sự thăng tiến
133. Mr. Hertz had _____ traveled outside of the
country prior to his trip to Japan last month.
(A) always
(B) late
(C) soon
(D) never
prior to + N: trước cái gì
134.The electronic organizer recently unveiled by
the rival manufacturer is striking similar to ___.
(A) our
(B) we
(C) us
(D) ours

organizer: máy lên kế hoạch, máy ghi kế hoạch
unveil (trans v): tiết lộ
rival (a): đối thủ
be similar to: tương tự với, giống với
136. The CEO wants his mangers to determine the
department in _____ the processing error
(A) which
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) where
determine (trans v): xác định
originate (intr v): bắt nguồn
138. Your ___ is requested at the fifth annual Mega
Corp. Charity Dinner and Ball taking place on
August 30.
(A) attendance
(B) attending

127. More research needs to be conducted by the
scientific institution before any ____ on the issue is
(A) act
(B) action
(C) activation
(D) actor
institution (n): viện, viện nghiên cứu
take action: hành động
issue (n): vấn đề

128. The general consensus ______ the directors is
that the parent company should sell the subsidiary.
(A) among
(B) within
(C) around
(D) between
consensus (n): sự đồng thuận, sự nhất trí
subsidiary (n): cơ sở, chi nhánh, công ty con
130. Ms. Michaels would have been on time for the
meeting if she ____ the subway instead of the bus.
(A) rode
(B) had ridden
(C) would ride
(D) rides

(C) attendee
(D) attends
139. After inspecting the wrecked car, the insurance
agent declared that it was damaged _______ repair.
(A) toward
(B) into
(C) about
(D) beyond
wrecked (a): bị hư hỏng
insurance (n): bảo hiểm
declare (v): tuyên bố
damage (trans v): phá hủy
beyond (prep): bên ngoài
140._____ takes a customer order over the phone is
responsible for recording the information on the

correct form.
(A) Everybody
(B) Whoever
(C) Anyone
(D) Whichever
take order: ghi đơn đặt hàng

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