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IELTS SPEAKING TASK 1 THÁNG 9 2017 hướng dẫn chi tiết và dự đóan đề thi

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Part 1

1.Where do you live?
  I live on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, in a district called Thu Duc, about 15
km from the city centre.
2.Do you live in a house or a flat?
  I live in a room for rent in Thu Duc district with my roommate.
3.Who do you live with?
  You know I just a student. So I share my room with my classmate
4.Is it a big place?
  It’s pretty big for a room for rent. Because I should share my room with 2 guys. It
has 1 large bathroom and large 1 bedroom. We also have 1 kitchen, it is small but
it is enough for me
5.What is your favourite room?
    Honestly, I keen on to live alone. So my favourite room is like a private room
with a lot of digital equipment such as television, laptop, air conditioner.
6.How is your apartment decorated?
    You know, I just a student and I just live in a room for rent alone. So I the
freedom to decorate my room. I have some pictures on the wall, and some flowers
put along the window. Because I think that is a great way to help them grown.
7.Is there anything you would like to change about your flat?
  Definitely, Yes. You know, I really concerned about my parking lot. It’s just very
small and I must be share with my neighbours. I didn't like it and I want to change
8.Do you plan to live there for a long time?
Definitely, Yes. You know I go to HCM city from a poor province for study. So I
have the plan to live for a long time here. I mean HCM city. Because I believe that I
can make lucrative income when I stay here
9.Do you have a garden?

Well, unfortunately I have to says no. You know, I just a student and I live in a room
for rent. So, that place not allow me to have a garden. But I really have one garden
in the future with a lot of fresh vegetables
10.Are there many amenities?
  Well, unfortunately I have to says no. You know, I just a student and I live in a
room for rent. So my room just has some things to serve for my life such as laptop,
fan, light. If I have to use some things like pools, good meals, good drinks. I should
go to about 20 minutes by motorbike.

What are you studying at the moment?
    You know, I’m a senior at University Technology and Education of HCM city.
Which is one of the top universities in Vietnam. My majoring in Mechanical
Engineering. Which is a job very hot in Vietnam nowadays.
Why did you choose that major?
You know, when I was young. I saw adults drive motorbikes, cars. I usually ask
myself. Why it’s can move while it’s not life. And it has given me a passion to
research about engines, motors, machines. And that why I choose this major.
Is it a popular subject at your university?
Well, Honestly, I absolutely to says Yes. Majoring is one of the top majors in my
university with over 4 thousand students with high quality.
If you could change to another subject, what would it be?
Well, unfortunately I have to say No. Because, you know, I’m a big fan of
mechanical. So I’m never give up my passion. 
What do you like most about your studies?
Well, Honestly. I have to says that. I learn a lot of things from my major. But one
thing I really love is that research about machines, about how to them work, how to
fix when they broke and how to manufacturing machines.
What do you hope to do in the future when you have finished?

Well, honestly, I have to say that I hope I will have enough IELTS mark to study
abroad in Canada to improve my knowledge about mechanicals and it also make
me have a lucrative income.

1) How did your parents choose your name?
  Well, Honestly, I have to say that I don’t know why my parents choose my name
because I never ask them about that. But I still love my name because This is a
part of my life and a valuable gift from my parents.
2) Does your name have any special meaning?
    Well, I absolutely say Yes. Because my name is very special, that is unique.
You will very difficult to find some guys the same my name. You know, my
university have over 30 thousand students. But, there are only 2 guys the same my
3) Is your name common or unusual in your country?
 Well, I absolutely say Yes. Because my name is very special, that is unique. You
will very difficult to find some guys the same my name. You know, my university
have over 30 thousand students. But, there are only 2 guys the same my name. 
4) If you could change your name, would you?
  Well, unfortunately, I have to say No. Because my name is very special, that is
unique. So it made people remember my name. It’s also a valuable gift from my
parents. I do love it so much.

1. What kind of jewelleries do you like?
  Well, Unfortunately, I have to say that I’m not keen on any jewelleries. Because
I’m a man and I didn’t really care about my outside.
2. Have you given other people jewelleries?
  Well, I absolutely say YES. But just one time, that is unique. I used to give my

girlfriend a ring when her birthday
3. Why do people like it?
Well, Honestly, you know I have to say that most people like it because that makes
them more beautiful, more luxurious when they hang out.  
4. What is your attitude toward jewellery?
  Well, Unfortunately, I have to say that I’m not keen on any jewelleries. Because
I’m a man and I didn’t really care about my outside. But I think it is suitable for
women because I think it makes them more beautiful.
5. Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewellery to maintain
    Well, Honestly, you know I have to say that there are several reasons make
people buy expensive jewellery. I guess they want to invest money to make
lucrative income or basically for decorating.
6. How often do you wear jewellery?
  Well, Honestly, I have to say that, I never wear jewellery last time. Exception in
a watch. Because it reminds me of time problem.

1. Do you usually eat fruit and vegetables every day?
  • Definitely yes. You know, I’m a big fan of fresh fruit. I eat them a lot of times,
exactly every single day. Because, you know, I think that is a great way to get lean.
2. What kind of fruit do you enjoy the most?
  Well, Honestly, you know, I have to say that I do love several fruits but one thing
makes me never forget is the banana. Because I keen on that taste and that is
good for my health.
3. Did you enjoy the same type of fruit when you were a child?
  Well, I absolutely say Yes. Because when I was young I really love banana. And
now I still do love it. It is delicious and good for my health
4. Do you prefer to eat fruit or vegetables?
Well, Generally speaking, I have to say that depends on the exact case. But

I think I love fruit more than vegetables.
5.Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?
Well, definitely yes, you know, most people in the world didn’t like green
onion, and I’m not the exception. I really hate green onion. Because of this taste,
this is very disgusting with me.
6.Do most people eat vegetables in your country?
  Well, I absolutely say YES. Most people in my country eat vegetables so much.
Especially adults. Because they believe that it good for their health.
7.Are there many vegetarians in your country?

    Well, I absolutely say YES. There are a lot of people in my country eat
vegetables so much. Especially people believe in Buddha. Because they believe
that it good for their health and their life.

1.At work or in your studies, do you often write things?
    Well, Unfortunately, I have to say No. You know I didn't have a habit to write
some things in my job. I'm just taking note on my hand phone. Because I think it’s
more convenient.
2.How often do you send e-mails?
  Well, Honestly I have to say that, I just send e-mails about 1 or 2 times a week.
Because I believe that it’s makes me more time than take a phone.
3.Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer?
Well, Honestly, I have to say that, I prefer writing on a computer to writing by
hands. Because writing on a computer faster than writing by hands.
4.Do you prefer to send letters or emails?
    Well, Honestly, I have to say that I prefer sending emails to sending letters.
Because I believe that sending emails faster than sending letters.
5.Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

  Well, I absolutely say Yes. Because, nowadays, the computer has become very
popular in the world. Most schools teach their students about how to use the
computer when they were young.

1. Do you like to learn about history?
  Well, unfortunately, I have to say No. Because, you know, I a big fan of maths.
So with me, history is very boring.
2. Do you think history is important?
    Well, I absolutely say Yes. History is very important. Because, you know. We
can know many things in the past when we learn history.
3. Do you think you can really learn history from films or TV programs?
  Well, I absolutely say Yes. Because, you know. We will feel comfortable when
we do some things we like. Films or TV programs are the methods make history
became not boring.
4. Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?
Well, unfortunately, I have to say No. Because Not every source is right. We can
learn some wrong information. I think it’s not good for my knowledge. I believe that
we should learn history from our schools. It’s the best way to learn history exactly.
5.Do young people feel that history is very important?
Well, unfortunately, I have to say No. You know, with young people, they keen on
about money while others fond of about power. They don't care about history.
Because it does not help them make a lucrative income
6.What is the value of learning about history?

Well, Honestly, I have to say that. There are a lot of valuable knowledge we can
learn from history. We can know how to people has created, how to weapons has
invented, the result of many wars in the world.

1. How did you get here today?
    Well, actually, you know. I get here by motorbike, and it makes me about 30
minutes from Thu Duc district.
2. Do you often use public transport?
  Well, unfortunately, I have to say No. Because, you know, in Vietnam, It usually
has traffic jams. So public transport usually makes me a lot of time. On the other
hand, I also have car-sick when I use public transport.
3. How could the transportation system be improved in your country?
Well, Honestly, I have to say that, Nowadays, In Vietnam, the government has
given a lot of policy to improve the transportation. They repair the roads, building a
lot of new bridges.   
4.What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?
Well, Honestly, I have to say that. I hope I will travel by plane to some countries in
the world. Because, you know, I never have a chance to go somewhere by plane.
It's my dream from young to now
5.How much time do you spend travelling on a normal day?
Well, Honestly, I have to say that, I just spent about 1 or 2 hours to go some places
special in HCM city such as around District 1, Village University in Thu Duc district.
6.What do you do while you are travelling?
  Well, Actually, I have to say that. There are a lot of activities I can do when I'm
going to travel. Firstly, I keen on to snap some photos and post them on my
Facebook account. Secondly, I fond of to eat many local foods, and finally, I think I
will visit some landscape.
7.Do you ever have problems with transport?
 Well, I absolutely say Yes. When I was a freshman. This time, I stay in the finals. I
have a test on the 8:00 a.m. This day, I get up very early on 6:30 am. But I still late
my test. Because, you know, I have a big problem with traffic jams. As the result, I
fall this subject. It’s the bad memories

1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?
  Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or
university. I've got one or two friends who are older or younger that I met through
  2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?
    I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends because everyone's too busy
during the week.
  3. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
  It was one of my friends' birthday last weekend. Six of us went out for a meal to
  4. In what ways are your friends important to you?

  I think it's important to have friends that you can talk to and share experiences
with. My friends make me laugh, but I know I can also rely on them whenever I
need help or support.
  5. Do you like to make friends?
  Answer 1: I like to do that on a regular basis. I’m a social person, so if I can’t
have more friends, I’ll be bored.
    Answer 2: Kind of. I don’t need too many friends, but it’s good to have some
new ones. It’s necessary for me.
  6. What are the differences between best friends and other friends?
    A best friend is someone you may not talk to very often, but you never feel
distant. General friends are easy to lose so you need to talk to them often.
1.Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?
  I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages give you
a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion to the general
news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have

access to the entire world.
  2.What type of stories do you like to read about?
    I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies because they
give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to know them when
they were the mango people and what they did to become what they became.
Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it
quite exciting. Other than this, I like reading non-fiction.
    3.Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?
    Yes, all the time. I lived in another country for several years, so reading in a
foreign language was a normal activity for me, not just newspapers and
magazines, but all kinds of documents and literature. I still do it to maintain my
reading skills.
    4.Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a
  Yes, but it depends on your language level. If you are just beginning to learn a
language then it can be very difficult and frustrating – certainly not the best way to
try and learn a foreign language – but as you progress and develop your
vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to common
topics in the news and current affairs, or related to a specific topic in the case of
  5.Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?
  I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, for example if
I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine will offer me better
articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one
does not wants to read.
  6.Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?
   Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it is very
important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically,
before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazine also help me to

understand the perspective of the other person for a same place that I have also

visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Not for the reasons of
fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to just spend time idly.
  Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace and
they are there, and there is no other alternative. Most of the time, I prefer doing
something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine. Cars and
their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantastic cars out there
and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, I rarely read. I
prefer getting the news on either phone or television.
1.What kind of holiday do you like?
    I try to avoid tourist traps ... I like to get away from it all and prefer going
somewhere off the beaten track ... last year I had the holiday of a lifetime ... a two
week wildlife safari in Kenya.
  2. What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?
  I enjoy visiting the local places of interest ... I like to go sightseeing and always
sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photographs
... one of my hobbies.
  3. Do you have many tourists in your country?
    Yes ... we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with
tourists... most people come on package holidays and stay in one of the many
hotels and self- catering apartments.
  4. Do you like holidays? Why / why not?
  Yes, I love holidays because I get the chance to take a break from work, to relax
and unwind, and to spend time with my family.
  5. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?
    If I can I prefer to travel. It's nice to get away from everything and to have a
change of scenery. Also, I like visiting new places and doing some sightseeing.

  6. What do most people do during their holidays in your country? Why?
    During the summer especially, I think most British people go somewhere hot
and sunny, to escape from the British weather!
  7. When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?
    I like taking my holidays just outside the main summer season, which is July
and August. If you go on holiday in May, June or September, everything is cheaper
and places aren't so crowded with tourists.
1.Do you like shopping for shoes?
  It's ok I suppose, but it's not something I especially enjoy doing. You know, for
me it's just a matter of finding the right shoes and buying them, and the faster I can
get it done, the better!
  2. How often do you buy shoes?
  Let me have a little think…um, I guess probably something like once every few
months, cos I mean, the shoes I buy tend to last quite a long time, sometimes even
a year or so, before I need to get another pair. So yeah, on average I'd say I buy a
couple of pairs a year. Something like that!
  3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?
    Well, thinking about it, the shoes I normally buy are just plain, simple walking
shoes, cos that's all I really need. Oh and I also occasionally buy trainers for
running, but that's pretty much it!

  Pretty much = more or less.
  4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?
  Ah, that's an easy one! I much prefer comfortable shoes, cos for me, comfort is
definitely the number one priority. But that's not to say I don't care at all about how
they look. I mean, I don't wanna go around wearing shoes that look hideous! You
know, that would be pretty embarrassing. But as long as they're ok looking, then
that's good enough for me.

  5. What kind of shoes do you usually wear?
  A) I mostly wear flat shoes rather than high heeled shoes because I find them
more comfortable. I also go for shoes that aren’t lace-ups so that I can slip them on
and off whenever I need to.
  6. Do you think the type of shoes someone wears reflects their character?
    A) Yes, I do. People say that first impressions are important and I think that
goes for shoes too. If you see a person wearing a worn out pair of shoes, it gives
you the impression that they that are sloppy. On the other hand, if you see
someone wearing brand name shoes that cost a fortune, you know that the person
has plenty of money to splash around and doesn’t care about costs. So, shoes can
tell you a lot about someone’s character.
1.Do you have a favorite teacher? / Who was your favorite teacher when you
were young?
  A: Certainly. I was lucky enough to study with a few amazing teachers, but the
most impressive one is probably a lecturer in my university.
  The most impressive one is-       
    Another possible answer:Of course, Yes. I studied with many teachers during
my academic career, but the person who inspired me the most was my Maths
teacher in high school.
    2.What you have learnt from this teacher?
    Besides knowledge, he also teaches us how to adapt to the society. I have
learnt comprehensive skills from him, such as how to get along with other people,
how to overcome difficulties and so on, which are essential to be an useful citizen
in the society.
  3.Do you still keep in touch with your teacher?
  yes, I often send them text messages on teachers' day. Sometimes i go back to
school to visit them. When we have a class reunion, we also invite them as well.
  4.Why do people become teachers?
  I personally love this profession. I think that people become teachers because

they want to help other people. Teachers play a very important role in the character
development of a student. In my opinion they are serving the society in a very
good way.
  5.Do you think you could be a teacher?
   I don’t think I am suitable to be a teacher, I am not a patient man and cannot
bear to repeat the same things frequently. Teachers’ job is really boring to me, you
have to make your explanations as easy as possible for students to fully
understand. It is a challenging job, I am afraid I cannot do it.
    6. In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing

    Not completely, no, because, as I mentioned just now, machines often need
humans to operate them, so I think, in all likelihood, it will continue to be a
combination of both machines and humans.

Forgetting thing
1.What do you remember to do every day?
  Well, there are many things I have to remember to do every day. For example,
after getting up in the morning, I need to take some simple physical exercises like
doing some crunches and push-ups. Besides, another important thing that I should
keep in mind is to teach my son to read the traditional Chinese poems in the
  2. What helps people to remember things?
  Well, it’s kind of hard to say but people I know around me use the to-do-list apps
in their mobile phones to help them remember what to do next; but maybe for
others, they may probably write the urgent things down in the notebooks.
  3. Why do old people forget about things easily?
    Well, I guess it’s quite normal that people are more and more forgetful when
they are becoming ageing. Apart from some negative emotional factors like stress

and depression, elderly people are easier to forget things because of their normal
  4. Have you ever forgotten something important?
  Oh yes, I nearly forgot the birthday of a woman I liked last time. I once asked
her what her birthday was, and told her I would send her a gift, but I just
unbelievably forgot it until the evening that day. Fortunately I asked her out to
dinner to celebrate with her.
  5.Why do people often forget small things?
  Well, I suppose it could be because they have a lot of things to think about or
remember and sometimes it’s easy to remember big important things - but little
things are more easily forgotten.
  6. What kind of things do you have to bring when you go out?
    Cell phone, of course. I take it with me wherever I go. And my keys, wallet,
lipstick are also must-have items. I always put them together in a small handbag.
  7.Did you ever forget to bring something?
    I rarely forget to bring something as I have a good memory. But there was a
time when I forgot to take my house key before I left home. What was worse, my
parents were on their trip. So I had to stay with my friend for onenight.
  8.How do you remind yourself?
    I always write a note about what I should bring, and stick it to the refrigerator
door. Everyday before I leave my home, I check it to find out what is missing. And it
really works.
  9.Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?
  For me, there is no difference between the things carried in the morning and in
the evening, almost the same.
1.How old were you when you started school?

    My school is in the vicinity of my house.I went there when I was 6 years old,

because it is not allowed to start school before than 6.
  2.How did you get to school each day?
  My school was just located near my home, so every day I walked to school with
myself, or sometimes with my neighbours.
  3.Tell me something about the school
  My school is called the Haiyang Elementary School, which was established 50
years ago in my hometown. The school was quite spacious as it was large but
there were no many students. Besides, the teachers there were always kindhearted and responsible for their teaching.
  4.What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?
  There were many subjects we had to learn at secondary school, such as maths,
English, physics, chemistry, history, geography, and so on. So you can see we had
a heavy burden at that time.
  5.Have you ever returned to see your old school again?
  Yes, every time I go back to my hometown, I’d like to visit my old school and I’ll
be very delighted to see how my school developed. I was really proud of it.
  6.Can you describe yourself as a good student?
  Well, overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver, nor the
teacher's pet... but I'm good at scientific subjects and, most importantly, I like
  7.Do you study English now?
    Yes, of course. I've taken an intensive course this year, where I've attend
classes three times a week... And I plan on pursuing my studies in the future, too...
  8.Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?
    I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm and a lot of humanities
subjects seemed too boring to me. However, the workload was not too big... The
other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. And fortunately, I
had wonderful classmates.
  9.What kind of school did you go as a child?
  I have always gone to co-ed schools, right from primary to intermediate and it
has helped me to be more comfortable while interacting with opposite sex.

1.Are you interested in robots? Why?
    Yes, i have to say that i am fanatical about robots. I used to watch a very
touching movie named Cyborg girl, which tells about the love story of a robot and
her owner. we often think that robots can not think and love, but the movie has
shown the opposite, by which i was deeply impressed.
  2.Why are robots part of many TV shows and movies?
  That's a very interesting question ! Scientists and science researchers improve
techniques by testing advanced technologies with robots to better understand our
world as well as the universe in the film-making field. The audience feel like they
have superpowers while the television or film is speaking to them .
  3. Would you like a robot to help out around the home?
  I hope so ! I'm in charge of making sure that everyone and everything is in the
right place at home . Almost every day I am in need of urgent help . A robot , my

most anticipated assistance , may reduce the frequency of my daily stress . It can
become a part of my family .
  4. Would you ride in a car driven by a robot?
    I would love to have a car with a robot in it, but only if there is an option of
manually driving the car as well. Having a robot every time in the car, will just take
away the fun of driving the car. The fun that you get, the rush of reaching to a
place, the fact that you can control something is amazing. Although, having a robot
will help in having those long trips but a permanent driver is something I’ll avoid.
  5.will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?
    Well, i don't think so. Even though robots are massively replaceing human
labour and this helps us avoid potential dangers as well as saving labour, the role
of human beings is rereplaceable. We still need to control robots as well as find
solutions for arising problems or process data as robots are still unable to do these

  6.What kinds of robots would like to have?
   Just as I mentioned, I really want to have a robot like Baymax. Since I am so
busy with my study every day, I don’t have any time to do any housework. So it
would be great to have a robot that could do laundry, cooking and cleaning for me,
which could save me lots of time.
  7.Will robots change our society significantly?
  Technology has already made great changes to our lives, and have made a lot
of jobs much easier. Therefore, I am sure there will continue to be changes.
However, it is hard to say how significant they will be.
1. Do you play any indoor games?
    Absolutely yes! Playing indoor games is a must-do activity for me and my
friends. The best part of it is that you don't have to prepare much or spend money,
by simply following the instruction you can get tons of fun together with friends.
  2. Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?
   Well, I'll definitely choose indoor games. Lazy bones as I am, playing outdoor
games is a basically a waste of energy. Even thinking about the burning sun and
clothes soaked with sweat makes me sick. On the contrary, indoor games can
energize me without spending too much energy. So indoor games is no doubt my
  3. What indoor games did you play when you were a child?
    Well, there are lots of indoor games to play for me when I was a child. Card
game, puzzles and indoor hopscotch       were all very much interesting. More
than that, I think it's also my parents' company that comforted me. No matter how
busy they were, they always took some time from their tight schedule and played
with me.
  4. Is there any particular indoor games that you liked when you were a child?
  Looking back to my childhood, playing hide and seek was the utmost important
activity to me. I always enjoyed the excitement when I was hiding. My heart
flooded with adrenaline as the seeker approached. As they left, the heart felt relief

again excited me. Moreover, playing hide and seek can also build a close
relationship with my friends. This indoor game now become my most cherished
childhood memory.
  5. What sort of indoor games do children play now?

  I think children nowadays are more than willing to play video games. Take my
nephew for example, whenever I propose to play hide and seek, he shows
obviously no interest in it. Nevertheless, the moment I start my PS4, he will rush to
my side and stare at me keenly. I guess virtual games now has taken over reality
  6. Do you think the young people should spend a lot of time on playing games?
  Well, I think so. I think the children can make many friends when playing games
together and I think it is a good opportunity for them to broaden the social circle.
Moreover, the children may play games with other friends, so I think the children
can be more active and cooperative during this process.
1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)
  My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there
are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of
sounds a guitar can make.
  2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
  I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I
don't play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.
  3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
  Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical
instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.
  4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
    It would probably be more difficult without a teacher. You need someone to
show you what to do and correct your mistakes. You need a lot of discipline to

teach yourself.
  5.If you could learn to play any musical instrument, what would you choose?
  I think I'd probably go for the violin. It's such a beautiful instrument and I think
the music that can be played on it can be really haunting and moving. Yes,I'd
definitely choose that one.
1.How is the weather today?
  It’s really lovely today. There were a few showers this morning and it was a bit
chilly, but it has brightened up this afternoon and I think it will stay that way for the
rest of the day.
  2.What’s your favourite kind of weather?
    It depends what I’m doing really. If I’m doing something outside, I like the
weather to be sunny but not too hot because it gets a bit uncomfortable after a
while. If I’m inside, I love listening to the rain beating against the window and the
wind howling outside.
  3.What is the climate like in your country?
  I’m from Ireland, so the thing people always complain about is the rain. It is right
on the edge of Europe so we get lots of rain rolling in off the Atlantic. However,
because we are an island it means that we don’t get very harsh winters and it
hardly ever snows. I think temperate is the word to describe our climate- not too
hot, not too cold.
  4.Does the weather effect people’s lives in your country?

  Yes, very much so. In the winter it is really grey all the time and it gets dark very
early in the afternoon. The lack of sunlight leads to some people getting a bit
depressed and I imagine that’s why people drink much more wine and whiskey in
the winter to cope with how dull everything is.
  5.Do people change in the summer?
  Absolutely, as soon as the sun starts to shine and it gets warmer, people start to

have barbecues, do more outdoor activities and are generally happier.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t last very long but people definitely make the most of it
while the weather is good.
  6.Is there any type of weather you really don’t like?
  I don’t mind when it’s raining or windy and I don’t mind when it’s cold, but when
it’s cold, windy and raining all that the same time, well that’s horrible, especially if
you have to work or do something outside. I remember when we were at school we
would have to go outside in horrible weather to do P.E. and I detested every
minute of it.
  7.Does bad weather ever effect transport in your country?
    As I said before, it rarely snows, but when it does the transportation system
collapses. People are just not used to driving in the snow and the whole country
pretty much grinds to a halt. Buses and trains normally stop running completely
until the snow thaws.
  8. Is it worse to feel too hot or too cold?
  Well, I suppose if it’s too cold you can just wear more layers, but nevertheless I
prefer to be too hot. At least it means the weather is good, and you can always go
for a swim to cool down. What I really can’t stand is being cold and wet. That’s the
worst combination and it makes me worry that I’m going to catch a cold.
  9.Does the weather affect your mood?
  Yes... Cold, gloomy days put me in a bad mood. I love summertime, when it's
warm and sunny.
  10.What is your favourite season?
    Well, I think it's spring... The weather is very pleasant and it's nice to see
everything come back to life and blossom.
  11.Do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?
    Yes, as Beijing is facing more and more oppressive haze, I always keep a
watchful eye on the weather forecast. I installed an app in my mobile phone, and
see the indicator of PM 2.5. It has been a routine for me.

1.What was your favorite color when you were a child?
  As a child, I remember not being very much fussy about the color, I loved all of
them and there was nothing like favoritism for any color. There were times when I
loved violet, the other times red, sometimes yellow and on and on.
  2. Is that still your favourite colour now?
    Not really. I love black colour now. I think black is very mysterious and
sophisticated at the same time.
  3.Do you think colors are important?
  Well, I think yes. Colors tend to suggest the mood of a person and bring more of
spark in a particular day. Like, on a wedding , people tend to wear bright clothes
and it uplifts the entire mood. I think every color has its own significance, and they
bring that significance alive.

  4.Is color very important for you when buying clothes?
    For me, the only thing that matters while buying clothes is that it should look
good on me. So, I really don’t bother much about the color as long as the dress is
looking nice on me.
  5.If you were to paint the walls of your room, what color would you choose?
    I would prefer white or beige color for the walls, with some drawing or styling
done on the room. White or beige make the room look more spacious and I like
room to be spacious and the styling brings more of personal touch to the room.
  6.Do you think different types of people like different colors?
  Sure, some people like pale colors and other like darker colors. Take me and my
sister for example – I love black and she almost hates it, she much prefers lighter,
pastel colors, especially for her clothes.
  Some people prefer dark colors because they’re somber and serious and others
prefer certain colors like yellow and white because they invoke a sense of serenity
and peace. So, yes, different types of people like different colors.

1.Do you wear hats/caps? Do you like them?
  I wear caps…I just had one big brown cowboy hat when I was in college but I
didn’t wear it much….never found a liking for it.
  2.Why do you wear them?
  I wear them every day as I ride to work on my bike and I don’t want my hair to
be wrecked…and since I need a cap every day, I have bought quite a few different
kind of caps so that I don’t repeat just the one or two.
  3.Why do people generally wear a hat?
  To shade their heads from the sun…or maybe to hide their baldness…I think in
my country these are the main reasons…and another reason can be for people
who are fashionable and want to try hats with their look…some people also wear
hats as it is a part of the uniform they’re wearing…for example, policemen.
  4.Does it represent any fashion?
    Yes they do…nowadays young boys and girls were these very quirky beret
caps…I think they are in trend right now…
  5.On what occasion people generally prefer wearing a hat?
  Muslims generally wear a small round cap when they go to the mosques to pray,
and in Hindu households, men wear a white cap called ‘Gandhi cap’ at the time
they are a part of any religious or traditional ceremony.
  6.Is wearing hats popular in your country?
  It’s not much sought after in my country where motorbike is the most common
means of transportation, and it is a must to wear a helmet whenever you ride a
motorbike for safety. I think you can imagine how much uncomfortable it is to wear
a hat under the helmet. Thus in most of the case, hats are for pedestrians and
1. Do you like to receive gifts?
  2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?
  3. Do you like giving gifts to people?
  4.When do people give gifts or presents in your country?

  5.Do you ever take a gift when you visit someone in their home?

  6.When did you last receive a gift? [What was it?]
  7.Do you enjoy looking for gifts for people?
    1.Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because I’m always moved
when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I
sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.
    2.Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm,
reading is my favourite habit. When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety
of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.
  3.Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the
friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts
because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.
  4.I think like in most countries we give gifts on special occasions; the main ones
would be birthdays, weddings, graduation from college or university, maybe when
people buy their first apartment or home; really anything that people think is an
event to celebrate.
    5.Yes, sometimes, but it's a little different, maybe I would take something like
some flowers for my grandmother or if it's a friend's house then maybe a bottle of
wine or something like that. I think it's nice to show your appreciation for the
invitation or in the case of my grandmother, I know that she loves flowers so they
always make her happy - which is great. The type of gift would depend a lot on
why I was visiting; maybe a dinner invitation or just to call round and see a friend. I
suppose it's considered normal when it's a social invitation but I certainly don't
always show up with a gift on every occasion.
  6.Ok, this is funny; just a couple of days ago I received a bag of potatoes from
the owner of the store at the corner of my street. Not exactly your usual 'gift' and I
still don't know why he did it, but he just gave them to me and said not to worry
about paying for them. It was a complete surprise, but a really nice gesture by him.

  7.Sometimes I enjoy looking for gifts, but not always. Again, it depends on what
type of gift I'm looking for and who it's for. Things like birthday presents can be
hard to choose sometimes, because they're so personal, unless you know the
person really well. Wedding gifts on the other hand are much easier - they even
give you a list sometimes! The gifts I like buying best are when I see something
and I just think of a particular person, so I'm not really looking for a gift but I find
something that I think one of my friends or family would love, and I buy it for them.
There doesn't always need to be a special occasion to give a gift.
1. Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?
  A. I am the person who is interested in spending my spare time with my family.
What matters is not about whether going out or staying at home, but being with my
family,so both is ok to me.We can stay at home watching a whole day of old
movies and ordering take-aways or we can make a wild field trip to the rarely
beaten part of the city.
  2. What will do if you go out?
  A. In weekends, I am used to hanging out with my family members and spend
on outdoor, sometimes we go to cinema or parks. In weekdays, I have to go to
work and study. This is the usual thing I would be doing if I go out. Apart from that,
sometimes I would like to hang out with my friends and visit naturally beautiful
places in my hometown.

  3.When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?
  I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are
busy or not. If they are free, I either choose to visit a park and spend time there
with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton.Sometimes I
go out for shopping in the evening if this is necessary or enjoy a movie in a movie
  4.Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?

  You bet!being alone is boring while being someone's company is joyful.So my
motto is the more the better.it really feels wonderful even when we just slob around
the streets and do some idle joking and poking at each other.
1. Do you play with toys when you were a child?
  Yes, of course. I enjoyed playing with toys when I was small. I think all children
  2. What kinds of toys did you like?
  I was attracted by dolls, cars and stuffed animal toys. My bed was full of stuffed
chicken, bear, panda toys and I always thought that they would protect me when I
was sleeping.
  3. In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?
  Not really. I think boys prefer playing with boy toys like cars, robots.. and girls
would choose Barbie dolls, stuffed animals... However, some boys and girls like to
play the same things and enjoy playing together.
  4. Do you think that toys help children to learn?
  Well, it depends on types of toys they play with. Violence toys such as plastic
swords or sticks would make them familiar with violent actions. If we provide them
suitable toys, toys will be a good way to encourage children to use their
imagination and creativity.
  5. How? (related to question number 4)
    Well, it is a fact that sometimes with even simple toys, children can use their
imagination to create situations or invent games and rules. For example, they use
colorful wooden bars to form a lot of things, even a castle.
1.What do you do in your spare time?
    I love reading and writing when I have some free time available. Apart from
these, I also like playing badminton. So, whenever I do get time, I usually read,
write or play badminton.
  2.What do you do to relax yourself?

   For relaxation, I prefer taking a short nap. It could be either for 20 minutes or
may be an hour. But, nothing helps me relax better than some sleep.
  3.What do you usually spend your weekends?
    During the weekdays, most part of the evenings usually gets lost doing the
office work. But, during weekends, I work on my blog for the entire day and so
during evenings I usually spend some time with my friends, going on long walks
together or have dinner at their place.
  4.What do you usually do after work or classes?

  There is nothing much that can be done after work because it really becomes
quite tiring. So, most of the times I am either working on my blog or writing
something or some drafts, here and there.
  5.Do you prefer staying at home or going out during evenings?
    I love taking long walks. So, if I am not busy at something during evenings, I
usually take long walks with my friends or for that matter even alone at times.
  6.Do you think modern lifestyles give enough time to people for leisure?
  I think it depends on the kind of modern lifestyle an individual is leading. So, a
person doing a corporate job might have less time to spare for leisure activity but
probably a person who does freelancing will find more time to leisure. Not because
a work is less time consuming but because the way things get done in each. Even
more, I think it all depends on how the person sets priorities for themselves.
    7.Do you think people today have more time to relax as compared to that in
    I certainly believe that people are more busy when compared with their past
counterparts. Earlier people lived a content life but with changing times people are
less satisfied with what they have and are always on the look out of doing more.
This has made lives much more hectic than ever.
  8.What do you think is the importance of leisure time in life?
    Leisure is the one thing that makes the life worth living. I surely believe that

apart from the daily mundane activities a person should always try to do things that
makes him or her happy. It could be either something that he or she likes doing or
could even be some person one likes spending time with. It is only through this
that a person is able to enjoy life.
  9.Do you think old and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?
  I believe it is not about young and old, it is more about individuals. I have seen
old people party harder than some of the young chaps out there and then some
young people reading better than the wiser older people. In my opinion, it is all
about the individual choices that people make.
  10.Do you like to travel in holidays?
  Well, I love travelling not only because everyone else does but because for me
travelling teaches so much more to me than anything else can ever do. Also,
travelling allows me to explore myself and the world in ways that opens up my
horizons, giving me a broader aspect of life.
  11.If you had a child, what leisure places would you go with your child?
  I think I would like to take my child to library and a field ( could be of any game)
as part of leisure activity. Also, I would love to travel with my child because in my
opinion, a child learns so much more from travelling, history and art than he or she
can ever learn from any of the text books or any motivational videos.
  12.What do you like to do in your free time?
    I do quite a lot of sport actually. I play football mostly - on Wednesday nights
and Sunday afternoon with a local team. I also play tennis and squash when I can
but I don't really get the time to do them as well every week. I work quite hard at
the moment, so I don't get a lot of free time unfortunately.
  13.Have your leisure activities changed since you were a child?
   Not a great deal actually. I used to love playing football when I was young as
well - I played a lot at school. Though of course I did all the other things kids loved
to do such as going out on bike rides after school and things.
  14.Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?

  It depends on my mood really. I think most people need some time on their own.
Sometimes my work is quite stressful and I spend a lot of time there with others, so
it's good to just get home and relax and read a book or something. But I get bored
if I am alone too much so I like to go out and meet friends in the evening or play
1.How do you usually spend your weekends?
    Well, it depends on if I have any special plans or not. For example, last
weekend I went to visit a friend for the weekend and while that’s not a usual
weekend, nearly every other weekend I try to go out and do something different,
either with friends, family or even by myself. But a normal weekend when I have
nothing particular planned would revolve around my family and just being at home
  2.Which is your favourite part of the weekend?
    Really, I don’t have a favourite part as in Saturday or Sunday or morning or
night time. I guess I like having big meals with my family at weekends which we
don’t always manage to do during the week, so that’s nice, but overall I enjoy all of
the weekend and just being around my family.
  3.Do you think weekends are long enough?
  In general, yes, I mean it’s not something that is probably going to change so
I’ve never really considered if two days are long enough or not. It’s always been
two days. I feel that it’s time enough to have a break in your routine from during the
week, and it’s also enough time to do things like traveling and visiting other places.
  4.How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?
  Having enough free time is very important for overall wellbeing and balance in
life, but it doesn’t necessarily all have to be at the weekends, it’s just that for most
people it’s the case that the weekends are the time when they have most of their
free time because they’re so busy during the week.
  5.What is a typical weekends or weekdays for you?

  Speaking Answer A) Well, with me, there are no particular weekends/weekdays,
it is more of the period when I am working and when I am on holidays. The job that
I do, is of a travel host, so in busy schedules, which we are in for most of the time,
we are only focused on work and not the day. However, in casual days, I tend to go
for either a spa or meet my family members or hang with my friends, especially
because they are free on week ends. Weekdays, when I am free, I tend to just stay
in home and read some book and cook food and spend some time alone.
  6.Do you wear a particular outfit on weekends and weekdays? Why /why not?
  I work at a software company, so there is a certain attire that I need to maintain
while at work, i.e. on weekdays. I prefer wearing Indian formals during weekdays,
because I am more comfortable in them and they look more classy as well. On
weekends, I put on t-shirts and jeans for most of the time. Because there is lot of
ground work that I need to do and tshirts for some reason are easier when you feel
like jumping and fighting.
  7.Do you spend all your weekends the same way?
  Well, too an extent you can say yes. My job is such that I have very less time for
travelling during weekdays, but travelling and blogging being very important for
me, it is in weekends that I do the travel blogging part. So, every weekend I travel
to a new place and get to know about the local culture and what is important about

the place, the history and the changes it has seen since the time it was built.
Sometimes, however, I travel with my friends as well and make some memories.
1.Where is your hometown?
    My hometown is on the south-east coast of Northern Ireland. It’s called
Dundrum and it’s about 1 hour south of the capital city.
  2.What do you like about it?
  It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty and for me, one of the most beautiful
places of earth. It has everything; fantastic beaches, rolling mountains, dense

forests and picturesque countryside.
  3.What do you not like about it?
    It can be a little bit boring because it’s really tiny. There are only a few small
shops and a couple of pubs and that’s it! In the summer, it’s OK because you can
enjoy the outdoors but it would be nice to have a few more indoor facilities for the
  4.How often do you visit your hometown?
   Not as much as I should. I only get to visit about once a year now to see my
family because I’m really busy with work and it’s quite far away, but I hope to visit
more in the future.
  5.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?
  There is an old Norman castle that sits on top of the highest hill of the town. It’s
a ruin now, but there are some breathtaking views from it and it’s easy to see why
they chose that site for a castle, because you can see for miles around.
  6.Do many people visit your town?
    Thousands of tourists visit every summer. They come from the capital city
mostly to get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the peace and quiet.
There are more and more international tourists visiting because lots of scenes from
the TV show ‘Game of Thrones’ were shot just outside the village.
  7.Is there any way your hometown could be made better?
  As I said before, the best thing about the town is its rural beauty and you can’t
really improve that. If I had to say something, it would be to improve the roads,
they are in a terrible state and cause a few car accidents every year.
  8.How has your hometown changed over the years?
  Since I was a child the town has almost doubled in size and population. It used
to consist of just one main street, but now there are many new housing
developments and apartments next to the water. With all these new people moving
in, it has changed the character of the town a little bit, people are not as friendly as
  9.Are there good transportation links to your town?

   The public transport system consists of just buses that pass through the town
on an hourly basis. One bus goes north to the capital city which is really
convenient if you need to do any shopping and the other bus goes south where
you can switch buses and go across the border to the Republic of Ireland, so you
could say we have international transport links which is not bad for a little town like
  10.Would you recommend the town to people with children?
  Yes and no. It is obviously a great place to bring up kids because there are so
many things for them to do like swim in the sea, play in the forest and run on the

beach. However, the good schools are pretty far away and I remember having to
get up really early every morning to catch a bus to school that was 20 miles away.
  11.Is there much to do in your hometown?
  Oh yes, there's certainly lots to do there as it's a fairly big city. If you like going
out in the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer
cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there
are lots of other things outside of the city which are easy to reach.
  12.What are the people like in your hometown?
  They are mostly quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is often busy
so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or having a chat. But if you
live there you know that most people are quite happy to have a chat if they have
time and will help you if needed.
1.Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
  I guess not only me, a number of young people have been highly impressed by
her for the past months- Deshauna Barber. She is our 2016 Miss USA and the
representative of USA in Miss Universe taking place in Las Vegas in the same
year. After the beauty contests, she became well-known for her outstanding
beauty, her amazing characteristics and also her professionalism.

  2. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
    Absolutely. The person I’m gonna talk about is my bias ever since I was a
teenage girl-Miley Cyrus. I guess most people at the same age as me grew up with
Disney Channel and among its successful series, Hannah Montanah starring Miley
Cyrus would always be on top of my list. Although now she’s grown up, I’m still a
big fan of her amazing voice and highly inspiring songs.
  3. Would you like to be a celebrity? Why?
    Well though I’ve never thought about it, I’m pretty sure that rising to stardom
would never be one of my life goals. I appreciate all the efforts that the celebrities,
no matter which field they’re working on, are making every single day. However, I
find myself not belong to that world, I mean, you never know what’s going on when
the curtains close, right? So yeah, I don’t think I want to become a public figure, to
be honest.
  4. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
  Indeed. As you probably can tell, these days fans, anti-fans and even non-fans
are so curious about what their bias are doing. Some are aggressive that they
mentally attack their bias by leaving bad comments online. Some even approach
them in person on the street, especially the so-called paparazzi. Thus I strongly
agree that there should be some regulations to protect the celebrities’ privacy.
  5. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?
  I think the influence of celebrities on fans is extensive. It’s somehow natural to
follow our bias and try to be like them. At the first place it could probably be just
physical changes like clothing, hairstyle or makeup. However thanks to social
network, fans and idols are much closer now, sometimes it’s just a status away.
However this mental connection is a two-edged sword, meaning the idols actually
need to be more careful about their lifestyle or their manners.

1.what is the busiest part of the day for you?

  From about 10 o'clock to noon. That is when i have to take care of my work and
tings are a bit hectic.
  2.What part of your day do you like best?
  My favourite part of the day is late afternoon, because the day's work is coming
to an end, I can go home, and i have the evening to look forward to, and the
weather is generally pleasant and cool.
  3.Do you usually have the same routine every day
    Almost. I start my day with coffee, then rush to the train station to go to work
and back home. Not too much room for flexibility when you work 9 hours a day and
you are 12 hours out of the house. I dream of becoming a freelancer especially for
this reason.
  4.What is your daily routine?
    In a typical weekday I have to wake up a bit early and revise my university
lessons and then I rush to the university campus to attend the lecture. At around
2.00 pm I eat my lunch in the cafeteria and spent the whole evening in the library.
After I return home at around 7.00 pm I spent my time in my study room and have
my dinner with my family members. I watch a news channel for an hour and then
get back to my room. I read a story book for a while and at around 1.00 am I go to
  5.Do you ever change your routine?
    I always want some changes in my life, so my routines also are constantly
changing. I do not like to have mundane or routine set of activities each day, that
would be boring. Also, having different patterns can keep others guessing about
your whereabouts, just adds to the security factor!
  6.Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
  Not really. I try to make each of my day a little different to the previous one, to
keep me motivated and to add to the fun.
  7.What would you like to change in your day to day routine?
  I would like to get up earlier in the morning than I do now. Next, I would like to
take up regular exercises in a gymnasium. Apart from that, I would like to leave

office/ university early to walk in the park for an hour. Apart from that, my current
daily routine is all good.
  8.Are all your days the same?
  Not really. For me, a day-off is quite different than the busy working day in every
perspective. Apart from that different circumstances and events make the days
different from each other. While Sunday is a day to spend time with my family
members and to meet friends and play with them in the evening, I have a tight
schedule at the university and work on Monday.
  9. when time do you get up?
    Well, let's see. Some days I wake up early. Maybe about 6 o'clock. Yeah,
sometimes I wake up at 6 o'clock.When I get up early, I like to get ready for the
day, take a shower and have breakfast. But other days, I don't like getting up early.
Maybe I'll sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00.

1.At work or in your studies, do you often write things?
    Yes, I write a lot of emails as part of my job. I work for a company that has
offices in several countries, so we use email to communicate.
  2.How often do you send e-mails?
  I probably write between 5 and 10 work emails every day, and I send emails to
friends or family a few times a week.
  3.Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer?
    It depends what I’m doing. I prefer the computer for most things because it’s
faster and you can save or copy things, but I still like making notes or writing ideas
down by hand.
  4.Do you prefer to send letters or emails?
    I prefer to send emails they’re so much quicker and easier. But then again I
suppose letters are more personal and a bit more special. I certainly prefer to
receive letters and I guess my real answer is that I get more pleasure out of

sending letters too.
  5.Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
  No, I think we will always write by hand as well. I think it’s an important skill, and
schools will continue to teach children to write by hand before they learn to type.
1. Do you like sunshine?Why?
    I love sunshine! When the sun shines, the flowers are extremely beautiful,the
colour of the sky is wonderful, even the air smells different.
  2. What do you like to do in sunshine/ on sunny day?
  Well, when the weather is lovely, I'd like to go to the beach with my friends. We
can play the sands,
    swim in the sea, or just enjoy the sunbath. Sometimes I'd like to go hiking or
cycling with my family, we chat at the same time, which makes me feel closer to
  3. What things do you think is hard to do in sunshine? / what do you dislike to
do when it's sunny
  Well, basically, I love sunshine and I'm willing to do everything in sunshine. But
the summer in this city is very hot and dry, I guess if someone moves in the
summer when it's sunny outside, it'll be very difficult. Coz you know, moving makes
one exhausted, especially when it's burning outside.
  4. Do you like going outside on weekends on sunny days?
  Definitely. As long as it's sunny outside on weekends, I'll go out with my friends
or family. We would go to the beach, go hiking or cycling. Sometimes just a walk in
sunshine would make me feel comfortable.
  5. Have you ever been a place without sunshine?
    Yes, I travelled to London with my dad two months ago. The weather there
made me depressed. It was raining all day. Plus, it's windy and freezing as well. I
didn't know what weather was like in London before I went there. It is said the
summer there is beautiful and sunny. I swear I won't go there in winter again.

1.Do you watch television a lot?
  Well, I used to watch but now I have altogether stopped watching it.
     Oh! I love watching television. It is something that helps me break off stress
after a tiring day.
  2.What’s your favorite type of TV program?
    Being an architect, I used to not only read books but also watch TV
documentaries in order to pick up information related to my field; but recently,
because I found that the Internet is full of better material, I’ve been streaming
videos, which is a much more efficient way to enhance my knowledge.
  3.Do you like watching TV?
    I don’t get time really to watch TV and I don’t like the fact that you have no
choice about what to watch, so no I would say I don’t really like watching normal
TV, I much prefer streaming something on my iPad and watching it when I like.
  4.How often do you watch TV?
  I’d say maybe only a few times a month when there is a good football match on.
I prefer watching football on TV with other people around because it’s a great
atmosphere, but if it’s a normal TV show I will just watch it alone at home on my
  5.What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
   I like dramas and thrillers. I don’t really like anything that is not set in the real
world, so I’m not a big fan of sci-fi or fantasy, although I have been getting in to the
latest season of Game of Thrones. I also really like to watch documentaries about
military history, especially anything to do with the Second World War.
  6.What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
  In my country these days reality shows and comedy shows are among the most
popular TV programs. I guess it’s because its content is suitable for audience of
any age from children to the elderly. The fans of reality shows feel interactive and

familiar with the competitors while that of comedy shows generally want to be
entertained with jokes and laughters.
  7.Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?
  Yes, most of the programmes I watch are from the United States. Networks like
HBO and Netflix have the biggest budgets and as a result can make some really
high quality shows. I don’t think Game of Thrones could be made without a huge
budget and America is probably the only country that can make a TV show on that
  8.Has the internet affected your viewing habits?
  Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normal TV.
There are so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV and it
suits me to be able to watch what I want, when I want. I also like to binge watch a
series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two rather than waiting
for the next episode.
  9.What is your favourite TV show?
    There was an American show called Fargo that I really loved. It was an
adaptation of a film made about 15 years ago. The plot lines and characters were
really interesting and the dialogue was well written. Unfortunately, there has only
been one season of it so far, so I have to wait another year to see the next season.
  10.What was your favourite show when you were a child?

  I was a bit of a strange child because I didn’t really like cartoons like most of the
other kids. But there were a few shows I loved like The A-Team, Knight Rider and
Air Wolf. They were so cool and always had great action scenes. I was a bit
obsessed with violent action films when I was kid. When I think about them though
they weren’t really all that violent compared to shows these days, I don’t think one
person was ever killed in any of those programmes.
1.Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?

  I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages give you
a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion to the general
news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have
access to the entire world.
  2.What type of stories do you like to read about?
    I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies because they
give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to know them when
they were the mango people and what they did to become what they became.
Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it
quite exciting. Other than this, I like reading non-fiction.
    3.Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?
    Yes, all the time. I lived in another country for several years, so reading in a
foreign language was a normal activity for me, not just newspapers and
magazines, but all kinds of documents and literature. I still do it to maintain my
reading skills.
    4.Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a
  Yes, but it depends on your language level. If you are just beginning to learn a
language then it can be very difficult and frustrating – certainly not the best way to
try and learn a foreign language – but as you progress and develop your
vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to common
topics in the news and current affairs, or related to a specific topic in the case of
  5.Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?
  I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, for example if
I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine will offer me better
articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one
does not wants to read.
  6.Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?

   Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it is very
important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically,
before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazine also help me to
understand the perspective of the other person for a same place that I have also
visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Not for the reasons of
fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to just spend time idly.
  Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace and
they are there, and there is no other alternative. Most of the time, I prefer doing
something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine. Cars and
their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantastic cars out there

and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, I rarely read. I
prefer getting the news on either phone or television.
  1. Do you like to take photographs? Why?
  If it were 3 to 4 years ago the answer would be a big no. But now it has become
one of my hobbies and I’m actually thinking of learning more about it. I had no idea
what I can do with my iPhone until I learned to make use of its wonderful camera
as well as some miracle apps. Unlike some people, I indeed want my photos to
look unique, lively and a little bit professional.
    To make use of (v) to use someone or something for a particular purpose,
especially one that brings a benefit to you
    2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your
photos? Why?
    It would be way more comfortable taking photos myself, as I can see crystalclear how ridiculous my face expression looks like or if there’s something on my
hair or stuck between my teeth. And in case it’s a scenery photo, I can apply the
techniques I’ve learned to produce stunning photos.

  Crystal-clear (adj) absolutely clear
  3. How long have you liked taking photographs?
  Just recently. As a final year student, I no longer can spend hours on drawing,
reading or singing. Only photography which is way more instant suits me now to
document my life. And as I enjoy my life on this campus, for example the road I
walk to school everyday, the sunset, the rainbow, the trees, photography is the
best way to store my memories.
  Document one’s life (expression) record the detail of one’s life
  4. In what situations do you take photographs?
  As I’ve mentioned, I snap a photo of anything that catches my eyes when I’m in
a good mood. So I take photos when my friends and I hang out or when I
participate in social activities of the university and meet amazing people. However,
when it comes to practicing for professional photography, I prefer taking photos of
scenery and foods.
  In a good mood (idiom) a cheerful, well-disposed state of mind
  When it comes to Sth/V-ing (adv) as for something; speaking about something
  5. What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?
  Food and scenery are definitely my inspiration. I just can’t sit still when beautiful
breakfasts and stunning landscape keep appearing on my Instagram everyday.
What is more, it is my natural instinct that helps me to go find the simple
uniqueness of my university, namely the sunset, the lake, the trees and flowers
and show people how beautiful my university is. However, I’m not good at taking
photos of people so activities or street-life is not my style.
  Sit still (idiom) to remain seated
