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Exercise 1: ViÕt c¸c c©u íc sau dùa vµo t×nh huèng cho bªn díi:
1. I cannot swim. I wish/ can/ swim.
2. Mary plays the piano very badly. She/ wish/ play/ better/ future.
3. Tom didn’t meet Sam yesterday. Tom/ wish/ meet/ Sam/ yesterday.
4. Nga passed the exams in English, Maths and Literature very
excellently. She/ wish/ study/ abroad/ next year.
5. Tam failed the exam in Physics. He/ wish/ pass/ the exam/ Physics.
6. Ngoc doesn’t like cats. She/ wish/ never/ see/ cats.
7. They cannot afford to buy their own house.
They/ wish/ they/ have/ enough money/ buy/ house.
They/ wish/ they/ can/ afford/ buy/ house.
8. Lan doesn’t have a computer. She/ wish/ have/ computer/ now.
9. I didn’t see Peter again. I/ wish/ see/ Peter/ again.
10.I don’t have a car. I/ wish/ I / have/ car.
11.It is raining too heavy. I / wish/ it/ stop/ rain/ now.
12.Sam hates to be a boy. He / wish/ he/ be/ a girl.