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(Dành cho hệ không chuyên)
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (không kể thời gian phátđây
Thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi



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CB chấm thi 1

CB chấm thi 2



(Đề thi gồm có 04 trang)
A. PHONETICS: Circle A, B, C or D next to the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from those of the other words. (1 point)
1. A. think
B. thick
C. this
D. thanks
2. A. shoulder
B. should
C. could
D. would
3. A. chemistry
B. kitchen
C. watch
D. catch
4. A. moments
B. slogans
C. combs
D. handbags
5. A. produce
B. huge
C. lunar
D. cure

I. Circle A, B, C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (3 points)
6. My house________in 1986.
A. is built
B. was building
C. was built
D. has been built
7. The doctor________me not to stay up too late at night.
A. advised
B. suggested
C. insisted
D. forced
8. People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival________is called Passover.
A. whose
C. which
D. where
9. I'd rather ________camping with them.
A. to go
B. going
C. go
D. am going
10. He asked me________ .
A. what is my phone number
B. what my phone number were
C. what my phone number was
D. what was my phone number
11. I don't know why she avoids telling us the ________about what happened.
A. true
B. truth
C. truly

D. truthful
12. He passed the examination ________he hadn't been studying seriously.
A. because
B. despite
C. unless
D. although
13. Each of the students________made to answer several questions.
A. was
B. are
C. were
D. have
14. We learn foreign languages ________know more about other peoples and countries.
A. so that
B. in order to
C. just as
D. for we
15. I planned to have a swim this morning but the weather is so ________
A. disappointed
B. amused
C. amusing
D. disappointing
16. You should tell your son ________football in the street. It's very dangerous.
A. not playing
B. not play
C. to not play
D. not to play
17. I don’t like this wine because it is made ________grapes.
A. from
B. of
C. on

D. with
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18. The room has ________space, so you shouldn’t bring in much furniture.
A. little
B. a little
C. few
D. a few
19. I shall be ready ________a moment.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. on
20. I am angry because you didn’t tell me the truth. I don’t like_________.
A. being deceived
B. to be deceive
C. be deceived
D. being deceiving
II. There is a mistake in one of the four underlined parts of each sentence. Identify the mistake
by circling A, B, C or D below the underlined part. (1 point)
21. In order to being a good salesclerk, you mustn’t be rude to the customers.
22. They have moved nothing in their room for they came to live here.

23. Florida, that is known to be the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.
24. Though they were poor, they had money enough to buy food and clothes for their family.
25. Most of books in the library have been bitten by termites.
III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap. Write your answers in the boxes. (1 point)
26. Everyone is happy that he is one of the most ___________ students.
27. The ghost film we saw on TV last night was not ___________ at all.
28. The company is not taking on any ___________ this year.
29. The village was ___________ damaged by an unexpected flood.
30. Phone the ____________ if the lights don't work.
26. ……………

27. …………….

28. …………….

29. …………….

30. ……………

I. Read the text carefully and then choose the best answers to the questions below by circling
the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (1 point)
In the early years of television, educational specialists believed that it would be very useful in
teaching and learning. Many schools have bought television sets intending to use them effectively to
improve the quality of education; but actually they are rarely used properly in classrooms.
Meanwhile, children spend the majority of their out-of-school hours watching TV and their typical
school days proceed as if television did not exist. There are some explanations for the failure of
television to get the interest of the teachers. Firstly, the schools that purchased television sets have not
set aside money for equipment repairs and maintenance, so these television sets are sooner and later
out of work. Secondly, these schools have not found an effective way to train teachers to integrate
television into their ongoing instructional programs. Lastly, most teachers do not regard the quality of
television and its usefulness in the classroom.
Teachers at the schools work hard for at least twelve years to train their students to become
good readers. However, according to recent statistics, teenagers seldom spend their free time reading
books and newspapers but watching television instead.
31. The text is about________
A. the use of television at schools.
C. educational specialists.

B. teaching and learning television.
D. watching TV outside school.
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32. When TV first appeared, educational specialists _________
A. did not appreciate it.
B. thought it was useless.
C. believed it would be useful for schooling.
D. banned children from watching TV.
33. According to the text, TV ________
A. has not been used properly in classrooms.
B. has been used effectively in classrooms.
C. has not existed in classrooms.
D. has not attracted students’ interest.
34. There are _____ explanations for the failure of television to get the interest of the teachers.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
35. According to recent statistics, children spend their free time _________
A. reading books.
B. reading newspapers.
C. learning foreign languages.
D. watching TV.
II. Circle A, B, C or D which best completes each blank in the following passage. (1 point)
The traffic light signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed
(36)_______the House of Parliament in 1868. It (37)_______like any railway signal of the time, and
was operated by gas. However, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident (38)_______
further development until cars became common.
Modern traffic lights are an American invention. Red-green systems were installed in
Cleveland in 1914. Three-color signals, (39)_______by hand from a tower in the middle of the street,
were installed in New York in 1918. The first lights of this type to (40)_______in Britain were in

London, on the junction between St. James street and Piccadilly in 1925.
36. A. outside
B. out
C. out of
D. outdoors
37. A. resembled
B. looked
C. showed
D. seemed
38. A. forbade
B. avoided
C. discouraged
D. disappointed
39. A. worked
B. operated
C. turned
D. held
40. A. show
B. appear
C. happen
D. Become
I. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that has the same meaning as the root one. (1 point)
41. His boss made him give up the job.
A. He was made giving up the job by his boss.
B. He was made to give up the job by his boss.
C. He was made give up the job by his boss.
D. He was made to be given up the job by his boss.
42. It started to rain at 2 o'clock and it is still raining.
A. It has been raining at 2 o'clock.

B. It has been raining since 2 o'clock.
C. It has been raining for 2 o'clock.
D. It has been raining in 2 o'clock.
43.I wish I had not missed the lecture.
A. I regret to miss the lecture.
B. I do not regret to miss the lecture.
C. I regret missing the lecture.
D. I do not regret missing the lecture.
44. Despite his wealth, Mr. Tom was not really happy.
A. Though Mr. Tom was rich, he was not really happy.
B. Though Mr. Tom was not rich, he was really happy.
C. In spite of being happy, Mr. Tom was not really rich.
D. Despite his happiness, Mr. Tom was really rich.
45. The weather has been so hot that few people want to go out.
A. The weather has been enough hot for many people to go out.
B. It has been such hot weather that few people want to go out.
C. The weather has been too hot to go out with many people.
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D. The weather has not been hot enough, so few people want to go out.
II. Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. (1 point)
46. They have considered me as their great friend.
47. “Do you know my teacher’s phone number, Nam?” said Mai
Mai asked___________________________________________ .
48. Chipu does not take exercise regularly, so she becomes obese.
49. All of the buildings in this town aren’t as high as yours.
Your building________________________________________.

50. I become familiar to living in this quiet neighborhood.
-THE ENDChú ý: - Thí sinh làm mất đề thi không được phát lại.
- CBCT không giải thích gì thêm.

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