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900 câu super english

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Unit1:Great beginning
Kim’s Note:
This is sthe great family. Get to know them well. These sentences
will help you in countless situations. Even George Bush got through his
whole trip to China by using simple “great” sentence.

You look great today.
Today is a great day.
That’s great.
That’s a great idea!
You’re a great girl.
I had a great time.
You did a great job.
You have a great family.

10. Your English is great.

(Special Tribute)



A: I’d like invite you to diner tonight.
B: Great! That sounds like a great idea.
A: You look great today.
B: Thank you. You look great, too.
A: Today is a great day.
B: It sure is. Today is a great day to be outside.
A: How was your trip to America?
B: I had a great time.
A: You dia a great job.
B: Thank you for saying that.



A: Let’s go to a movie tonight.
B: That’s a great idea.
A: You have a grear family.
B: Thanks. I’m vey lucky.
A: Your English is great.
B: I’m still workin on it.

Unit 2: Crazy Apolpgy
2. So sorry.
3. I’m very sorry.
4. I’m really sorry.
5. I’m terribly sorry
6. I’m incredibly sorry.
7. I’m extremely sorry.
8. I apologize.
9. Please accept my apology.
10. My sincere apologies.

(Special Tribute)



A: I’ve been here for an hour
B: I’m extremely sorry. I didn’t know you were waiting.
A: I’m really sorry for calling so late.
B: It’s Ok. I wasn’t sleeping.
A: I made a stupid mistake. Please accept my apology.
B: Forget it. We all make mistakes.

Unit3: Crazy Gratitude.
2. Thanks a lot.
3. Thank you.
4. Thank you very much.
5. Thanks very much.
6. Thanks for all your hard work.
7. Thank you so much.
8. Thanks for your help.
9. Thanks you for everything.
10. Thanks for everything.

( Special Tribute)

A: Thank you very much
B: It’s nothing.
A: Thanks for all yout hard work.
B: Don’t mention it. It was my pleasure.
A: Thanks for everything.
B: You’re very welcome.

Unit 4: Meeting New people.
Jennifer’s Note:
We are meeting new people very day! Here are some terrific
sentences for you to use when you meet them. Pleasantries make


everbody feel more comfortable and more at ease. You should be
able to effortlessly blurt these out during any introduction.
Nice to meet you.
2. Very nice to meet you.
3. It’s nice to meet you.
4. It’s really nice to meet you.
5. How nice to meet you.
6. I’m happy to meet you.
7. I’m glad to meet you.
8. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
9. What a pleasure to meet you!
10. I’ve heard so much about you.


( Special Tribute)
1. A: Very nice to meet you.
B: It’s very nice meeting you , too.
2. A: How nice to meet you!
B: It’s really nice to meet you, too.
3. A: What a pleasure to meet you!
B: I’m glad to meet you, too. I’ve been looking forward to
meeting you for a long time.
(Super tribute)
A: I’ve heard so much about you.

B: Really?Thanks. I’m so flattered.
A: I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a long time.
I am so happy to finally meet you.
B: Well, I hope you haven’t heard anything bad about me!
A: No! Of course not! I’ve only heard terrific things. I really
admire you so much.
A: Wow! I’m glad to hear that. I’m very happy to meet you

Unit 5: Meeting friends


How are you?
How are you doing?
How are you doing today?
How are you doing this morning?
How’s everything?
How’s it going?
How’s your family?
How’s business?

How’re things with you?
10. How have you been?

(Special Tribute)
A: How are you doing today?
B: I’m doing OK.
2. A: How’s it going?
B1: Everything is all right.
B2: Everything is great.
B3: Things are really bad.
B4: Things couldn’t be worse
3. A: How’s your family?
B: They are all doing great.

(Super Tribute 1)
A: How is school going?
B: very well, thanks. Thanks for asking.
A: I’m glad to hear that. The first year of college can be pretty
B. Actually, I got used to pretty fast and I have always enjoyed
A: Good for you. You’re lucky.

(Super Tribute 2)


A: Someone left his passport and flight ticket on the table. I
remember a man. He was drinking over there.
B: Thank you. I’ll broacast a notice at once.
C: Excuse me, officer. I’m Jiang Yi. I was so worried. I couldn’t
find my passport and ticket anywhere. Then I heard the notice.
B: Is this your passport?
C: Yes, it is, Thank you very much!

Unit 6: Crazy OK
Jennifer’s Note:
“ Ok! Is my favorite word! I use it all the time. Don’t
underestimate the power of this simple word. I know many Chinese
people know this word and use it often, but remember you can use it
ways than responding “OK!OK!” whenever a foreigner asks you a
question. Just take a look at the fol-lowing sentences! OK?
Are you OK?
Are you feeling OK?
Are you doing OK?
Is everything OK?
Is it OK with you?
Do I look OK?
Let’s go there , OK?
Is your family OK?
Is Kim OK?




10.Is it OK to smole here?


( Special Tribute)

A: Are you OK?
B: I’m Ok. Don’t worry about me.
A: Are you feeling Ok?
B: No, I have a stomachache.
A: Do I look OK?
B: You look fantastic.

(Super tribute)
A: It is OK to smoke here?
B: I’m sorry. Smoking is not permitted here.
It’s OK to smoke outside though.

Like most colleges, the food at St. Mary’s College of Maryland
scores low marks for both quality and variety. One exception is our
annual steal-and-shrimp night; but even this can’t escape the critis.
“This steak could be a little more rare, “ I overheard a felow student
“Pipe down, “ whispered her companion. “Once a year is rare


Unit 7: Crazy Agreement
2. Sure.
3. Right. /You’re right./That’s right.
4. Absolutely.
5. Of course.
6. That’s fine with me.
7. I agree with you 100%.
8. I couldn’t agree with you more.
9. I like it. I love it. I think it’s great.
10. We see eye to eye on this.

(Special Tribute)
A: I think it’s very important.
B: I agree with you 100%
2. A: English is very difficult to master.

B: I couldn’t agree with you more
3. A: I don’t think this project will work.
B: I don’t think so, either. We see eye to eye on this.


Unit 8: Crazy Disagreement
Jennifer’s Note:
Although you’re a beginner, you must learn how to say no!
Don’t suffer be-cause of your limited English! You can learn to
say no in many different ways. Some ways are more powerful than
others. Using the correct one in a particular situation will help
you communicate more effectively.
No. / No wat.
2. I don’t think so.
3. I disagree.
4. I disagree completely.
5. I ‘m afraid I don’t agree with you.
6. I don’t like it.
7. Absolutely not!
8. Forget it.
9. That’s a bad idea.
10. That’s out of the question = Impossible!

(Special Tribute)
A: I think we should buy a new car.
B: I don’t think so. Our car is still running OK.




A: We should shut down our American office. It’s
been losing lots of money.

B: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.

A: Mom, can I use the car?

B: that’s out of the question. You wrecked it last time.


Unit 9:Delights and surprises.
Kim’s Note:
No matter how poor your English may be, you must react to other
people’s words. Don’t be like a piece of dead wood!
These are extremely high-usage sentences in American English! Once
you can blurt out these sentences naturally, you will sound instantly
more like a native speaker. Native speakers blurt out these sentences
without even thinking. You need to be able to the same.
Oh, that’s wonderful!
2. Really? That’s super!

3. This is such a surprise!
4. Wow, I ‘m so happy for you!
5. This is incredible
6. This is terrific!
7. That’s totally fantastic!
8. It’s fabulous. It’s awesome!
9. That’s really amazing!
10. I can’t beieve it! That’s simply


(Special Tribute)

A: I passed the interview and got a
scholarship to Harvard University.


B: That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for you! That’s really
A: How do you like my new hairstyle?
B:It’s fabulous! I really like it.
3. A: Stone was promated to CEO of the

B: Are you joking? I can’t believe it. That’s simply unbelievable


Unit 10: Good manners and hospitality
Kim’s note:
With the following ten sentences, you’re qualified to be a real
international host!

Welcome to China. Enjoy your stay here.
Is this your first visit to our city?
China is full of interesting places.Chinese

people are also very friendly.
4. I wish you could stay longer.
5. How do you like the city?
6. I hope you enjoy your stay.
7. How do you like the food here?
8. How long will you be staying?
9. Please let me hnow if you need any help
10. I’d like to show you around.

(Special Tribute)

A: Welcome to China. Enjoy your

stay here.
B: thank you so much. I’m very excited to be here. I can’t
wait to explore China.
A: Is this your first visit?
B1: Yes. I’ve been planning this trip for years.
B2: This is my second visit.
3. A: I wish you could stay longer.
B: I wish I could stay longer, too.
4. A: How do you like the city?


B: The city is very exciting. It’s absolutely the bét place for
A: I hope you enjoy your stay.
B: I’m enjoying it very much.
6. A: How do you like the food here?
B: The food here is excellent. I find the Chinese food here

very different from the Chinese food in America.
7. A: How long will you be staying?
B: I’ll be here for two weeks.
8. A: please let me know if you need any
B: Thanks for the offer.
9. A:I’d like to show you around.
B:Thanks. You can be my tour guide.



Have you ever regretted doing
something you shouldn’t have done
or something you didn’t do which
you should have? At one time or
another we probably all have.
There’s no point in getting
depressed about it now – it’s no use
crying over spilt milk. However,
there may be some gain in thinking


about exactly what happened and
why because we might be able to
draw some con-clusions for the

One thing we all do now and again
is lose our temper with a friend or
close relative. The odd thing is that
we more often display great anger
towards someone we are fond of
than towards strangers. The

explanation may be that we see
steam in a safe environment, while
the consequences of insulting a


stranger could be far more serious.
Being honest is usually thought of
as a virtue and undoubtedly this is
the case. One the other hand, we
have all experienced occasions
when speak-ing our minds to
someone, telling them exactly what
we feel, and then have found
ourselves filled with feelings of
guilt. Perhaps we should have kept
our mouths shut?


Survival English 200
The expressions in this section are ones you’ll use again and
again. They are the expresions that you need the most in your daily
life. They are the fundamental building blocks of conversation. They
can help you to express your wants or needs and give you the ability
to function in the English-speaking world! We also included some
simple question forms because you can’t survive for long without
saking questions. It’s extremely important that you master these
sentences if you want to survive.


This is survival English.
This is the most basic English.
You don’t need to trouble your mind thinking about functions.
You don’t need to trouble your mind thinking about grammar.
You don’t need to trouble your mind thinking about big vocabulary.
Your goal is just to get by.
Your goal is accomplish your mission.
Your goal is to survive in the English-speaking world.
Just practice these sentences over and over and over.
You will find yourself able to blurt them out at the right time.
Then you will not only survive but thrive in foreign coutries!
This most fundamental English is your key.
Our only requirement is that no matter how short the sentence may be,
Even if it is only one word,
You MUST have beautiful and standard pronunciation!
The key to basic English is quality, no quantity.
It is best to master a small number of
Short sentences perfectly than it is to stumble
And stammer through lots of complicated sentences
That no one will understand!


Unit 11: Asking people to repeat
Kim’s Note:

Never pretend to understand whrn you don’t !
You could end up in big trouble.
You must definitely will end up being more embarrassed than if
you had just asked the person to repeat what they said in the first
Never be ashamed to ask someone do this!
In fact, that’s why there are so many different ways to make this
Pardon me?./ can you repeat that, please?
2. Excuse me./ What did you say?
3. Please say it again.
4. Please speak slower. My English is poor.
5. I’m sorry, What did you say?
6. Sorry, I didn’t quite get that.
7. I’m afaird I don’t understand you
8. Could you please repeat that?
9. I don’t think I follow you.
10. I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said.
(Special Tribute One)

A: Pardon me?/ Can you repeat that, please?
B: of course.
2. A: Excuse me?/ What did you say?
B: I said, “ Do you need my help?”
3. A: Please say it again.
B: OK.


A: Please speak slower. My english is poor.
B: I’m sorry. I thought you were American
5. A: I’m sorry, What did you say?
B: I said, “ You need to zip your fly”
6. A: Sorry, I didn’t quite get that
B: Let me explain it again.
7. A: I’m afaird I don’t understand you.
B: No problem. Let me put it another way.
8. A: Could you please repeat that?
B: Absolutely.
9. A: I don’t think I follow you.
B: Let me explain it in another way.
10. A: I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said.
B: OK. Let me repeat it for you.

Kim’s Tribute:
Communication is an unavoidable part of life.
Clear communication is so important.
If you aren’t sure about wht someone said you must find a way to
have them repeat it.
This skill is so necessary and so useful that we decided to give you
even more ways to say it.

Survival English 200



I beg your pardon? / could you repeat that?
I’m afraid I didn’t catch what you said.
Could you please write it down for me?
Would you mind saying that again?
Speak slowly, please! / Please speak more slowly.
Please don’t speak so quickly.

Would you slow down, please?
8. Could you say that one more time?
9. Please speak a little louder.
10. I’m sorry, but I need you to repeat what you said.

(Special Tribute Two)
A: I beg your pardon? / Could you repeat that?
B: Certainly.
2. A: I’m afraid I didn’t catch what you said.
B: I’m sorry for speaking so fast.
3. A: Could you please write it down for me?
B: Sure. No problem.
4. A: Would you mind saying that again?
B: No problem.
5. A: Speak slowly, please! / Please speak more slowly.

B: OK. I’ll try to.
6. A: Please don’t speak so quickly.
B: OK. I’ll try no to speak so fast.
7. A: Would you slow down, please?
B: Sure.
8. A: Could you say that one more time?
B: Definitely
9. A: Please speak a little louder.
B: OK.

Kim’s Note:
My advice to you is to choose the sentence you like the best and
use it every time you need someone to repeat. Using it over and over
will help you say it perfectly. When you are confident that you have
mastered one, more on and choose another.


No great thing comes to any man unless he has courage.

Unit 12: Copliments
Kim’s note:
Even if your English isn’t that good, you can still make someone
very happy by giving them a compliment.
It will mean even more if you are a beginner.
Take the time to master this topic and you will be able to spread
some good cheer and good will.
Compliments can also raise productivity.

A lot of great benefits can come from a few simple words of
So be generous witth your compliments!

You have really good taste.
You’re such a gentleman. You have excellent

3. Good work.
4. Nice job.
5. Very nice.
6. Very impressive.
7. You have a lot of potential.
8. I’ve been hearing some good things about you.
9. We’re very pleased with your work
10. You’re the best in the business.
(Special Tribute One)


A: You have relly good taste.
B: Thank ou. I’m glad think so.
2. A: You’re such a gentleman. You have excellent

B: Thank you for saying that. It’s very kind of you.

3. A: Good work.
B: Thanks.
4. A: Nice job.
B: I’m glad ou think so.
5. A: Very nice.
B: It’s nice of you to say so.
6. A: Very impressive.
B: I think so, too.
7. A: You have a lot of potential.
B: Thank you for your encouragement.
8. A: I’ve been hearing some good things about you.
B: really?
9. A: We’re very please with your work.
B: I’ve been working very hard.

Kim’s tribute:
There are two kinds of compliments. There are deep compliments
that praise your personality, character, or ability. Then there are
shallow compli-ments that just praise your appearance or possessions.
This section is a special bunus of ten shallow compliments!


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