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VIET ĐỢT 2 2016
1.A: marine
B: machine
C: engine
D: malign
Đáp án : engine: Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất, còn marine, machine, và malign có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết
thứ 2.
marine: /məˈriːn/
machine: /məˈʃiːn/

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engine: /ˈendʒɪn/
malign: /məˈlaɪn/

2.A: cartoon
B: opposite
C: bakery
D: animal
Đáp án : cartoon: Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2, còn animal, bakery, và opposite có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết
thứ nhất.
animal: /ˈænɪml/
cartoon: /kɑːˈtuːn/
bakery: /ˈbeɪkəri/
opposite: /ˈɒpəzɪt/
3.A: follow
B: low
C: yellow
D: allow

Đáp án : allow. /ow/ được phát âm là /aʊ/, các phương án khác được phát âm là /əʊ/.
allow: /əˈlaʊ/
follow: /ˈfɒləʊ/
low: /ləʊ/
yellow: /ˈjeləʊ/
4.A: knocked
B: naked
C: planted
D: crooked
Đáp án : knocked. /ed/ được phát âm là /t/, các phương án khác được phát âm là /id/.
planted: /ˈplɑːntid/
knocked: /nɒkt/
naked: /ˈneɪkɪd/
crooked: /ˈkrʊkɪd/
5.A: feather
B: header
C: feature
D: sweater

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Đáp án : feature. /ea/ được phát âm là /i:/, các phương án khác được phát âm là /e/.
feather: /ˈfeðə(r)/

header: /ˈhedə(r)/

feature: /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/

sweater: /ˈswetə(r)/

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
For millions of people, the Internet has opened up a whole new world. From their personal computers they are
ordering books, sending greeting cards and finding out about literally anything on Earth. For students it is
invaluable for homework, for travelers it makes planning and booking astonishingly easy, while for many others
it is a great way of keeping in touch with family and friends or, indeed, making new friends. It is, in short, a
wonderful resource for obtaining information, getting things done and communicating with others. And yet it is
also creating one of the fastest-growing social problems of our time: Internet addiction.
A recent study involving Internet users from all over the world found that 50 per cent of them claimed to be
addicted, spending an average of over 60 hours per week online. Some of these reported routinely logging on as
soon as they arrived home from work, university or school, often remaining online until the small
hours. “Sometimes I’m feeling absolutely exhausted, dying to go to bed,” said one respondent, “but then I think
to myself I’ll just try one more page, it might be really good. And then I think the same about the next page.
And the next. And so on.”
The study showed no difference in the rate of addiction between men and women and revealed that many heavy
users simply lost track of time. In extreme cases, they began to neglect themselves, their families and their
friends, apparently preferring the company of their computer to that of other people. They were also found to be
more likely to be depressed than moderate users, although it is as yet unclear whether this is brought about by
the excessive time spent online, or whether already depressed individuals have a greater tendency to stay at
home and engage in what is, essentially, a solitary activity.
The researchers compared it with other addictions such as gambling, which, they say, shares with it the element
of intermittent rewards: in the case of the Internet, the occasional discovery of an exciting web page. In
addition, both activities tend to take place against a background of darkness. Net surfing often takes place at
night; casinos deliberately keep the lights turned down low so that the punters, too, lose all sense of time.
Television addiction, however, appears to be different, as TV watching tends to be more passive, merely filling
the available free time.
Many Internet users, of course, would say the same of going online. So when does “normal” extensive Net
surfing become an addiction? In some cases the indications are clear: skipped meals, lack of sleep, strained
relationships, etc., but in others the symptoms are more subtle. Obsessive users may check and recheck their

email boxes unnecessarily. They may deceive themselves, and others, about how long they actually spend
online session. They might even rush to their PC’s the minute they have the house to themselves, relieved that
others are not there to pass judgement.
What, though, can those who recognize they have a problem actually do about it? The first thing is not to paniC.
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One expert points out that many people spend an enormous amount of time reading, say, or talking on the
telephone, sometimes to the detriment of family relationships. Yet nobody talks about “book addiction”, or
“phone addiction” as if they were in some way akin to chronic alcoholism or heavy smoking. If they are cutting
themselves off, so this theory goes, it is because of a weak relationship. Going online is merely one way, like
turning on the TV or going out for a drink, of avoiding conversation with those at home. The problem is the
relationship, not the computer.
Where an addiction genuinely does exist, the advice is to seek professional help similar to that for sufferers of
other compulsive disorders. This consists of gradually reducing the time spent online, as well as dealing with
any personal difficulties that may underlie the condition. Other experts advise the addict to talk to support
groups specifically formed to help people with the problem of Internet overuse. Ironically, these groups can
currently only be contacted via the Internet.
6.What did the study discover?
A: Half of all users always go online when they get home.
B: The heaviest users are usually male.
C: Some keep hoping to find something interesting online.
D: Many people remain online throughout the day.
Đáp án : Some keep hoping to find something interesting online.
“I think to myself I’ll just try one more page, it might be really good. And then I think the same about the next
page. And the next. And so on.” (Tôi tự nhủ là sẽ chỉ xem thử thêm một trang nữa, biết đâu sẽ có gì đó rất hay.
Và sau đó tôi lại nghĩ chính xác điều đó khi xem trang tiếp theo. Rồi trang tiếp theo cũng vậy. Và cứ thế.).
7.According to the text, depression ________.
A: is caused by Internet addiction
B: leads to overuse of the Internet

C: is associated with heavy Internet use
D: is common among all Internet users
Đáp án : is associated with heavy Internet use.
“many heavy users simply lost track of time. (…)They were also found to be more likely to be depressed than
moderate users.” (Những người sử dụng quá nhiều thường là đều mất ý niệm về thời gian. (…) Họ cũng được
chứng minh là dễ bị suy nhược hơn những người sử dụng ít.).
8.In the fourth paragraph, the writer implies that ________.
A: people prefer to gamble in darkened places
B: Internet addicts are often also gamblers
C: gamblers rarely win
D: gambling is less harmful than Internet addiction
Đáp án : gamblers rarely win
“The researchers compared it with other addictions such as gambling, which, they say, shares with it the
element of intermittent rewards”(Các nhà nghiên cứu đã so sánh nó với những loại nghiện khác như nghiện cờ
bạc, cái mà họ nói là có cùng một đặc điểm với nó, chính là phần thưởng lúc có lúc không).
9.Which of these is an example of a less obvious sign of addiction?
A: Telling other people how long they have spent online.
B: Being afraid that other people will criticise them.
C: Being shocked to discover how long they have spent online.
D: Not eating at proper times because of excessive surfing.
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Đáp án : Being afraid that other people will criticise them.
“in others the symptoms are more subtle. (…)They might even rush to their PC’s the minute they have the house
to themselves, relieved that others are not there to pass judgement.” (ở những trường hợp khác, những triệu
chứng này khá khó thấy. (…) Họ thậm chí sẽ lao đến chiếc máy vi tính ngay giây phút họ được ở nhà một mình
và thở phào nhẹ nhõm rằng sẽ không có ai ở đó để phán xét họ.).
10.In the sixth paragraph, the author likens heavy Internet use to ________.
A: smoking a lot of cigarettes

B: drinking too much alcohol
C: talking to relatives for many hours
D: having long telephone conversations
Đáp án : having long telephone conversations
“many people spend an enormous amount of time reading, say, or talking on the telephone, sometimes to the
detriment of family relationships. Yet nobody talks about “book addiction”, or “phone addiction” as if they
were in some way akin to chronic alcoholism or heavy smoking. If they are cutting themselves off, so this theory
goes, it is because of a weak relationship. Going online is merely one way, like turning on the TV or going out
for a drink, of avoiding conversation with those at home.” (ví dụ như rất nhiều người dành một lượng lớn thời
gian để đọc sách, hoặc nói chuyện điện thoại, đôi khi là đến mức có hại cho cả các mối quan hệ trong gia đình.
Nhưng không ai nói về “nghiện sách” hay “nghiện điện thoại” như thể chúng cũng giống như nghiện rượu lâu
năm hay nghiện thuốc lá nặng. Do đó theo giả thuyết này thì hiểu một cách sâu xa, nó là vì một mối quan hệ
nào đó đang suy yếu. Việc lên mạng, cũng giống như bật ti vi lên hay đi ra ngoài uống rượu, đơn giản chỉ là một
cách để lảng tránh tiếp xúc với những người trong gia đình.)
11.Which, according to the author, could have the opposite result from what is intended?
A: Discussing the addiction with specialist organizations.
B: Treating the possible causes of the addiction.
C: Attempting to spend less time online.
D: Obtaining the same treatment as for other conditions.
Đáp án : Discussing the addiction with specialist organizations.
“Other experts advise the addict to talk to support groups specifically formed to help people with the problem
of Internet overuse. Ironically, these groups can currently only be contacted via the Internet.” (Một số chuyên
gia khác khuyên người nghiện nên nói chuyện với các nhóm hỗ trợ đặc biệt được lập ra để giúp đỡ những người
gặp phải vấn đề với việc sử dụng Internet quá nhiều. Trớ trêu thay những nhóm này hiện tại chỉ có thể liên lạc
thông qua Internet.)
12.What is the author’s aim in writing this text?
A : To discourage people from using the Internet.
B: To describe Internet addiction and suggest remedies.
C: To call for more controls on the content of Internet pages.
D: To dismiss claims that the Internet is addictive

Đáp án : To describe Internet addiction and suggest remedies: Để miêu tả về chứng nghiện Internet và đề xuất
một số giải pháp.
13.What is the best title of this passage?
A: Addicted to the Internet
B: Addictions
C: A compare and contrast of common addictions
D: Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

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Đáp án : Addicted to the Internet: Nội dung chính của bài đọc là về chứng nghiện Internet nên tiêu đề phù hợp
nhất là Addiccted to the Internet (Nghiện Internet)
14.What does the phrase small hours refer to?
A: the early hours of the morning
B: a few hours
C: midnight
D: the time before midnight
Đáp án : the early hours of the morning : small hours = sáng sớm.
15.What is the difference between television addiction and Internet addiction?
A: TV watching leave you more free time
B: There is no treatment for television addiction
C: TV addiction is less severe
D: TV watching is more passive
Đáp án : TV watching is more passive
“Television addiction, however, appears to be different, as TV watching tends to be more passive” (Tuy nhiên
nghiện xem ti vi có vẻ hơi khác, bởi vì việc xem ti vi thường có xu hướng mang tính bị động hơn)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
16.A typical working day for me begins at 7:30.

A: average
B: painful
C: hazardous
D: abnormal
Đáp án : typical = đặc trưng >< abnormal = bất thường
17.The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.
A: decreased
B: added
C: allowed
D: criticized
Đáp án : increase = tăng lên >< decrease = giảm xuống
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
18.I’m extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.
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A: kind
B: healthy
C: thankful
D: supportive
Đáp án : grateful = thankful: biết ơn
19.Maybe he’ll come.
A: Definitely
B: Surely
C: Doubtfully
D: Perhaps
Đáp án : maybe = perhaps: có lẽ
20.Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.
A: victim

B: attention
C: emergency
D: caution
Đáp án : warning = caution: cảnh báo
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
21.It is the Internet which is considered one of the most wonderful inventions in the human history.
Đáp án : which
Sửa: which => that
22.Our urge to classify various life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race.
Đáp án : us Sửa: us => them (thay thế cho “various life forms”)
23.Animals living in areas that are covered in snow in winter change the color of their coats according the
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Đáp án : according Sửa: according => according to
24.The study of astronomy is so recent as the past centuries; however, astrology has existed for thousands
of years.
Đáp án : so Sửa: so => as
25.Culture and society are so interdependent that they never occur without each another.
Sửa: another => other

Kiến thức cần kiểm tra: Phân biệt “another” và “other”.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
26.We wouldn’t have missed the bus ________.
A: unless we used an out-of-date timetable
B: if we weren’t using an out-of-date timetable
C: would we not be using an out-of-date timetable

D: had we not been using an out-of-date timetable
Đáp án : had we not been using an out-of-date timetable: Dạng đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện 3: Mệnh đề điều kiện
(Had + S + V2…), mệnh đề chính.
Nghĩa của câu: Chúng tôi đã không bị nhỡ xe buýt nếu chúng tôi không sử dụng bảng giờ xe chạy đã hết hiệu
27.It is imperative ________ what to do when there is a disaster.
A: that he knew
B: that everyone know
C: we knew
D: he must know about
Đáp án : that everyone know: Câu nhấn mạnh: It is + N/ Adj/ V2 + that clause (sử dụng vị ngữ là động từ
nguyên thể).
Nghĩa của câu: Một điều hết sức quan trọng đó là mọi người đều phải biết làm gì trong trường hợp một thảm
họa xảy ra.
28.In the United States, there are 50 states, ________ has its own government.
A: each of them
B: each of

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C: they each
D: each of which
Đáp án là : each of which: Mệnh đề quan hệ có lượng từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ. Phương án “each of them”
không đúng vì dấu phẩy (,) không sử dụng để ngăn cách 2 câu đơn.
Nghĩa của câu: Ở Mỹ có 50 bang, mà mỗi bang trong số đó đều có một chính quyền riêng.
29.No one knows exactly ________.
A: how did speech begin
B: how the beginning of speech
C: of how beginning speech

D: how speech began
Đáp án là : how speech began
Nghĩa của câu: Không ai biết chính xác lời nói có nguồn gốc như thế nào.
30.For any adhesive to make a really strong bond, ________ to be glued must be absolutely clean and free
from moisture or grease.
A: the surfaces
B: when surfaces
C: surfaces that
D: and surfaces
Đáp án là : the surfaces
Nghĩa của câu: Để bất kỳ một chất kết dính nào tạo ra được một mối liên kết mạnh thì bề mặt được dán phải
được làm sạch hoàn toàn và không bị ẩm hay bị dính dầu mỡ.
31.________ no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was invented only once
and then diffused to the rest of the world.
A: Although
B: Even
C: So

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D: But
Đáp án : Although
Nghĩa của câu: Mặc dù chưa có đủ bằng chứng nhưng rất nhiều chuyên gia tin rằng bánh xe đã được phát minh
đúng một lần và sau đó được phổ biến ra toàn thế giới.
32.What’s the matter? Haven’t you started ________?
A: yet
B: by now
C: soon
D: already

Đáp án : yet. Trạng từ “yet” dùng cuối câu nghi vấn ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành.
Nghĩa của câu: Có vấn đề gì vậy? Bạn vẫn chưa bắt đầu à?
33.You must phone us as soon as you ________ there.
A: will get
B: will have got
C: get
D: are getting
Đáp án : get Nghĩa của câu: Bạn phải gọi điện cho chúng tôi ngay khi bạn đến đó.
34.I’ll take this hat. It’s the ________ thing I’m looking for.
A: very
B: sheer
C: just
D: quite
Đáp án : very. Tính từ "very" được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh rằng bạn đang nói về 1 người/ vật cụ thể, không phải
người/ vật khác.
Nghĩa của câu: Tôi sẽ lấy cái mũ này. Đây thực sự là cái tôi đang tìm.
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35.I tried to lift the heavy case but it was ________.
A: no less than good
B: no good
C: neither good
D: not good
Đáp án: no good Nghĩa của câu: Tôi đã cố gắng nhấc cái vali nặng đó lên nhưng không ích gì.
36.The weather is so awful that I don’t ________ going anywhere today.
A: like
B: fancy
C: try
D: want

Đáp án: fancy. fancy + V-ing = want + to V
Nghĩa của câu: Thời tiết kinh khủng đến nỗi tôi không muốn đi đâu hôm nay.
37.Do you want to go to that lecture? Yes. I am very ________ in the subject.
A: interesting
B: interest
C: interestingly
D: interested
Đáp án : interested Nghĩa của câu: - Bạn có muốn đến buổi giảng bài đó không? – Có. Tôi rất thích chủ đề đó.
38.Why don’t you come with us? Unfortunately, I have ________ plans.
A: another
B: other
C: others

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D: some others
Đáp án : other. Other + danh từ số nhiều/ danh từ không đếm được
another + danh từ số ít/ + số đếm + danh từ số nhiều: another three miles.
Nghĩa của câu:- Tại sao bạn không đi cùng chúng tôi? – Thật đáng tiếc vì tôi đã có vài kế hoạch khác rồi.
39.I saw you at the library yesterday. You ________. I was at home.
A: must have seen
B: had to seen
C: shouldn’t have seen
D: couldn’t have seen
Đáp án : couldn’t have seen
Nghĩa của câu: - Hôm qua tôi trông thấy bạn ở thư viện. – Hẳn bạn không thể đã thấy tôi được vì tôi đã ở nhà.
40.I didn’t sleep last night because I ________ to the noise of the night life here.
A: am not used
B: am getting used

C: don’t used
D: never used
Đáp án : am not used. Cấu trúc “be used to + V_ing”: quen với việc gì – thói quen (đang dần thích nghi) ở hiện
tại; cần phân biệt với “used to + V”- thói quen trong quá khứ.
Nghĩa của câu: Đêm qua tôi không ngủ được vì tôi không quen với tiếng ồn của cuộc sống về đêm ở thành phố.
41.How did the show go? There were ________ people than I’d hoped for due to the weather.
A: far less
B: plenty more
C: far fewer
D: as many
Đáp án : far fewer
Nghĩa của câu: - Buổi biểu diễn thế nào? – Số người tham dự ít hơn hẳn so với tôi hy vọng trước đó do điều
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kiện thời tiết.
42.The woman was safely rescued ________ the burning building.
A: from
B: at
C: by
D: with
Đáp án : from Nghĩa của câu: Người phụ nữ ấy đã được cứu thoát khỏi tòa nhà cháy một cách an toàn.
43.Jane must be so happy with her new car! ________, but she never drives it.
A: You would think
B: Would you think so think
C: You would think so
D: So would you
Đáp án : You would think so
Nghĩa của câu: - Jane hẳn rất vui với chiếc xe mới của cô ấy. – Có thể bạn nghĩ như vậy nhưng thực tế thì cô ấy
không bao giờ lái nó cả.

44.I know you don’t want to discuss this, but we can’t ________.
A: sweep it under the rug
B: burn the candle at both ends
C: go down the drain
D: bring the house down
Đáp án : sweep it under the rug Nghĩa của câu: Tôi biết bạn không muốn thảo luận vấn đề này, nhưng chúng ta
không thể che giấu nó mãi được.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
“How is the Dictionary getting on?” said Winston, raising his voice to overcome the noise.
“Slowly,” said Syme. “I’m on the adjectives. It’s fascinating.”
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He had brightened up immediately at the mention of Newspeak. He pushed his bowl aside, took up his hunk of
bread in one delicate hand and his cheese in the other, and leaned across the table so as to be able to speak
without shouting.
“The Eleventh Edition is the definitive edition,” he said. “We’re getting the language into its final shape – the
shape it’s going to have when nobody speaks anything else. When we’ve finished with it, people like you will
have to learn it all over again. You think, I dare say, that our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it!
We’re destroying words – scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We’re cutting the language down to the
bone. The Eleventh Edition won’t contain a single word that will become obsolete before the year 2050.”
He bit hungrily into his bread and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls, then continued speaking, with a sort of
pedant’s passion. His thin dark face had become animated, his eyes had lost their mocking expression and
grown almost dreamy.
“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but
there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn’t only the synonyms; there are also the
antonyms. After all, what justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other word? A
word contains its opposite in itself. Take “good”, for instance. If you have a word like “good”, what need is
there for a word like “bad”? “Ungood” will do just as well – better, because it’s an exact opposite, which the

other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of “good”, what sense is there in having a whole string of
vague useless words like “excellent” and “splendid” and all the rest of them? “Plusgood” covers the meaning, or
“double-plusgood” if you want something stronger still. Of course we use those forms already. But in the final
version of Newspeak there’ll be nothing else. In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be
covered by only six words – in reality, only one word. Don’t you see the beauty of that, Winston? It was B.B.’s
idea originally, of course,” he added as an afterthought.
A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston’s face at the mention of Big Brother. Nevertheless, Syme
immediately detected a certain lack of enthusiasm.
“You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,” he said almost sadly. “Even when you write it you’re
still thinking of Oldspeak. I’ve read some of those pieces that you write in “The Times” occasionally. They’re
good enough, but they’re translations. In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and
its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that
Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year?”
Winston did know that, of course. He smiled, sympathetically he hoped, not trusting himself to speak. Syme bit
off another fragment of the dark-colored bread, chewed it briefly, and went on:
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make
thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can
ever needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary
meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we’re not far from that point. But the
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process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range
of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing
thoughtcrime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need
even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is
Newspeak,” he added with a sort of mystical satisfaction. “Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the
year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation
as we are having now?”
(Extracted from science fiction “1984”)

45.It is most likely that Winston and Syme are ________.
A: in an office
B: in a library
C: in a cafeteria
D: at school
Đáp án : in a cafeteria:
“He pushed his bowl aside, took up his hunk of bread in one delicate hand and his cheese in the other” (Anh ta
đẩy cái bát qua một bên, bàn tay mảnh khảnh cầm khoanh bánh mỳ và tay kia cầm miếng phô mai…)
46.Syme likes ________.
A: to shout
B: talking about his work
C: the food
D: hearing Winston’s opinion
Đáp án : talking about his work: Xuyên suốt đoạn đọc hầu như chỉ là các câu thoại của Syme nói về công việc
anh đang làm.
47.What kind of words are being the most greatly reduced?
A: nouns
B: verbs and adjectives
C: everything except antonyms

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D: adjectives
Đáp án : verbs and adjectives : “the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives” (Sự lãng phí lớn nhất là nằm ở
các động từ và tính từ).
48.What can be gathered about Winston’s attitude towards Newspeak?
A: He studies it eagerly
B: He is outspokenly against it
C: He finds it exciting

D: He accepts it unhappily
Đáp án : He accepts it unhappily.
“You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston,” he said almost sadly. “Even when you write it you’re
still thinking of Oldspeak…”(“Cậu không thực sự thích Newspeak Winston ạ”, anh ta nói một cách buồn bã.
“Thậm chí khi cậu viết nó ra thì tâm trí cậu vẫn chỉ nghĩ về Oldspeak…”).
49.Which of the following best describes Newspeak?
A: It is a historical language being reconstructed
B: It was invented to help citizens escape an oppressive government.
C: It is a new language that is incredibly difficult to learn.
D: It is a highly simplified language designed to prevent thought.
Đáp án : It is a highly simplified language designed to prevent thought.
“We’re destroying words” (Chúng ta đang làm công việc tiêu diệt bớt từ ngữ), “Don’t you see that the whole
aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?” (Chẳng lẽ cậu không thấy rằng mục đích cuối cùng của
Newspeak là để thu hẹp bớt phạm vi suy nghĩ?).
50.What kind of future does Syme imagine?
A: People will not have enough language to think at all.
B: People will be safe because there will be no violent crime.
C: Everyone will be better educated.
D: People will communicate better and more effectively.
Đáp án : People will not have enough language to think at all.
“In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express
it.” (Cuối cùng thì chúng ta sẽ làm cho tội ác từ trong tư tưởng thực sự là không thể xảy ra được nữa vì sẽ
không có từ ngữ nào để diễn tả được nó nữa.)
51.What is Syme working on?
A: The adjectives of the Dictionary
B: Bread and cheese
C: Thoughtcrime
D: science fiction novel
Đáp án : The adjectives of the Dictionary “I’m on the adjectives…” (“Tớ đang làm đến phần tính từ…”)
52.According to Syme, his job is to help ________.

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A: invent new
B: publish a dictionary worlds words
C: destroy
D: investigate an ancient
Đáp án : destroy: “We’re destroying words” (Chúng ta đang làm công việc tiêu diệt bớt từ ngữ)
53.What does the phrase cutting the language down to the bone mean?
A: cutting down severely on the language
B: differentiating one language from another
C: slowing down the development of the language
D: dividing the language into different sectors
Đáp án : cutting down severely on the language: cut sth down to the bone = cắt giảm cái gì một cách đáng kể/
triệt để.
54.Syme mentioned the word “good” as an example of the fact that ________.
A: a word contains its opposite in itself
B: there is a need for the word “bad”
C: “plusgood” is stronger than “double-plusgood”
D: “bad” and “ungood” are equally necessary
Đáp án : a word contains its opposite in itself. “A word contains its opposite in itself. Take “good”, for
instance.” (Một từ thường chứa đựng từ ngược nghĩa ngay bên trong từ đó rồi. Hãy lấy “good” làm một ví dụ.)
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Research has (55) ________that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not
eat (56) ________ in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to (57) ________ meals at lunchtime.
Children can (58) ________ to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.
One shocking (59) ________ of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by
parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one (60) ________

of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes
(61) ________ by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps, and chocolate bars. Children (62) ________ twice
as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.
The research will provide a better (63) ________ of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has
(64) ________ in the last decade.
55.A: spoken
B: said
C: told
D: shown
Đáp án : shown “Research has shown that…” (Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng..)
56.A: properly

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B: approximately
C: possibly
D: correctly
Đáp án : properly “over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in
the middle of the day” (hơn một nửa số trẻ em ở Anh mang đồ ăn trưa đến trường không ăn uống một cách hợp
lý vào bữa trưa)
57.A: provide
B: make
C: do
D: take
Đáp án : provide “schools have to provide meals at lunchtime” (các trường học phải cung cấp bữa ăn trưa)
58.A: choose
B: like
C: prefer
D: want

Đáp án : choose Children can choose to bring their own food” (Học sinh có thể chọn việc tự đem theo đồ ăn
của mình).
59.A: finding
B: factor
C: fact
D: figure
Đáp án : finding “One shocking finding of this research is that…” (Một kết quả rất đáng ngạc nhiên của nghiên
cứu này đó là…)

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60.A: percentage
B: kilo
C: portion
D: bowl
Đáp án : portion
“There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one portion of fruit and
one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.” (Có một số tiêu chuẩn
nghiêm ngặt cho việc chuẩn bị các bữa ăn ở trường, mà trong đó một bữa ăn cần phải chứa một phần trái cây và
rau, cũng như thịt, sản phẩm từ sữa, và ngũ cốc như bánh mỳ hoặc mỳ ống.)
61.A: taken
B: tested
C: examined
D: looked
Đáp án : examined
“Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps, and chocolate bars.” (Những hộp ăn trưa
được kiểm tra bởi các nhà nghiên cứu đều có chứa nước ngọt, đồ chiên rán, và sô cô la.)
62.A: take
B: consume

C: consist
D: bring
Đáp án : consume “Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.” (Bọn trẻ đang hấp thụ
một lượng đường gấp đôi mức chúng cần vào bữa trưa).
63.A: reason
B: knowledge

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C: opinion
D: understanding
Đáp án : understanding “The research will provide a better understanding of why…” (Nghiên cứu này sẽ cung
cấp một hiểu biết rõ hơn về lý do tại sao…”
64.A: increased
B: extended
C: raised
D: added

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Đáp án : increased “… the percentage of overweight students in Britain has increased in the last decade.” (Tỷ
lệ học sinh thừa cân ở Anh đã tăng lên trong vòng một thập kỷ vừa qua).
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before
Question 1: Why don’t you go on a package tour?
If I _________________________________________________.
Question 2: You can play badminton both indoors and outdoors.
Badminton ___________________________________________.

Question 3: My best friend last spoke to me a month ago.
I last heard ___________________________________________.
Question 4: Linda didn’t feel like going out.
Linda wasn’t in _______________________________________.
Question 5: Whatever happens, I never trust him.
Under no ____________________________________________.
Question 1: If I were you, I would go on a package tour.
Kiến thức kiểm tra: Câu điều kiện 2, cấu trúc “If I were you…” dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên.
Question 2: Badminton can be played both indoors and outdoors.
Kiến thức kiểm tra: Câu bị động.
Question 3: I last heard from my best friend a month ago.
Kiến thức kiểm tra: Cụm động từ “hear from sb” = nghe tin từ ai.
Question 4: Linda wasn’t in the mood for going out.
Kiến thức kiểm tra: Cấu trúc “be in the mood for sth/ doing sth” = có tâm trạng để làm gì.
Question 5: Under no circumstances, will I (ever) trust him again.
Kiến thức kiểm tra: Đảo ngữ “under no circumstances” = trong bất cứ trường hợp nào thì cũng không…
In about 140 words, write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended
family. Give explanations and examples to support your ideA.
Write your paragraph on your answer sheet.
Xem lời giải, click vào đây
The advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended family
Topic sentence needs to emphasize: Living in an extended family, which consists of at least three generations,
has its own advantages and disadvantages/merits and demerits/good points and bad points/benefits and
downsides ...
Main idea 1: Advantages
- Supporting idea 1: In an extended family, traditions are preserved better. The modern lifestyles may
cause the youth to forget some traditionals, precious rules and customs such as making "chung" cake at Tet,...
The elderly people teach their children and grandchildren the ways to maintain those valuable traditions.
- Supporting idea 2: An extended family is ideal when everyone is in need of help. The older members
are source of life experiences while the younger ones have great enthusiasm and willingness. If there are any

problems arising, there will be more people to solve them.
Main idea 2: Disadvantages
- Supporting idea 1: Generation gap will be the worst issue in an extended family. Besides the good traditions,
grandparents also want to keep some old-fashion ideas and are unwilling to change them. Those can cause
arguments and conflicts with their children.
- Supporting idea 2: In an extended family, the lack of privacy is unavoidable. If you do something wrong or
have a small quarrel, the whole family will know.
Concluding sentence should emphasize: Every issue has its two sides, so does living in an extended family.
Overall, the benefits still outweigh the downsides. Therefore, this type of family should be developed.
