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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1) A: potential
B: original
C: scientific
D: necessity
Đáp án là : scientific /ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk/ vì có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba. Các phương án còn lại có trọng
âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.
original /ə'rɪdʒənl/
potential /pə'tenʃl/
necessity /nə'sesəti/
2) A: population
3) A: ambulance

B: kangaroo
B: restaurant

C: wonder
C: agricultural

D: periodical
D: industry

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
4) A: solve

B: modern
C: notion
D: solid
5) A: leftover
B: secure
C: eliminate
D: reject
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Millions of people in the United States are affected by eating disorders. More than 90% of those afflicted are
adolescents or young adult women. Although all eating disorders share some common manifestations, anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating each have distinctive symptoms and risks.
People who intentionally starve themselves (even while experiencing severe hunger pains) suffer from anorexia
nervosa. The disorder, which usually begins around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss to at least
15% below the individual’s normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are
convinced they are overweight. In patients with anorexia nervosa, starvation can damage vital organs such as
the heart and brain. To protect itself, the body shifts into slow gear: Menstrual periods stop, blood pressure rates
drop, and thyroid function slows. Excessive thirst and frequent urination may occur. Dehydration contributes to
constipation, and reduced body fat leads to lowered body temperature and the inability to withstand cold. Mild
anemia, swollen joints, reduced muscle mass, and light-headedness also commonly occur in anorexia nervosa.
Anorexia nervosa sufferers can exhibit sudden angry outbursts or become socially withdrawn. One in ten cases
of anorexia nervosa leads to death from starvation, cardiac arrest, other medical complications, or suicide.
Clinical depression and anxiety place many individuals with eating disorders at risk for suicidal behavior.
People with bulimia nervosa consume large amounts of food and then rid their bodies of the excess calories by
vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking enemas, or exercising obsessively. Some use a combination of
all these forms of purging. Individuals with bulimia who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, bowel movements, or
urination may be in considerable danger, as this practice increases the risk of heart failure. Dieting heavily
between episodes of binging and purging is common.
Because many individuals with bulimia binge and purge in secret and maintain normal or above normal body
weight, they can often successfully hide their problem for years. But bulimia nervosa patients—even those of


normal weight— can severely damage their bodies by frequent binge eating and purging. In rare instances,
binge eating causes the stomach to rupture; purging may result in heart failure due to loss of vital minerals such
as potassium. Vomiting can cause the esophagus to become inflamed and glands near the cheeks to become
swollen. As in anorexia nervosa, bulimia may lead to irregular menstrual periods. Psychological effects include
compulsive stealing as well as possible indications of obsessive-compulsive disorder, an illness characterized by
repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can also accompany anorexia nervosa. As
with anorexia nervosa, bulimia typically begins during adolescence. Eventually, half of those with anorexia
nervosa will develop bulimia. The condition occurs most often in women but is also found in men.
Binge-eating disorder is found in about 2% of the general population. As many as one-third of this group are
men. It also affects older women, though with less frequency. Recent research shows that binge-eating disorder
occurs in about 30% of people participating in medically supervised weight-control programs. This disorder
differs from bulimia because its sufferers do not purge. Individuals with binge-eating disorder feel that they lose
control of themselves when eating. They eat large quantities of food and do not stop until they are
uncomfortably full. Most sufferers are overweight or obese and have a history of weight fluctuations. As a
result, they are prone to the serious medical problems associated with obesity, such as high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, and diabetes. Obese individuals also have a higher risk for gallbladder disease, heart disease,
and some types of cancer. Usually they have more difficulty losing weight and keeping it off than do people
with other serious weight problems. Like anorexic and bulimic sufferers who exhibit psychological problems,
individuals with binge-eating disorder have high rates of simultaneously occurring psychiatric illnesses,
especially depression.
6) Fatalities occur in what percent of people with anorexia nervosa?
A: 30%
B: 10%
C: 15%

D: 2%

Dựa vào câu văn trong đoạn 3: "One in ten cases of anorexia nervosa leads to death from starvation". (1/10
trường hợp mắc chứng chán ăn sẽ tử vong do bị đói quá).
7) Which of the following consequences do all the eating disorders mentioned in the passage have in
A: diabetes
B: heart ailments
C: stomach rupture
D: swollen joints
Bằng chứng nằm ở đoạn 2: "starvation can damage vital organs such as the heart " (tình trạng nhịn đói kéo dài
có thể khiến 1 số bộ phận cơ thể như tim bị tổn thương) và đoạn 4: "as this practice increases the risk of heart
failure." (việc này có thể tăng nguy cơ bị trụy tim).
8) According to the passage, people with binge-eating disorder are prone to all of the following
A: high cholesterol.
B: depression.
C: low blood pressure.
D: loss of control.
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu cuối của đoạn cuối cùng, đoạn văn chỉ ra rằng: "As a result, they are prone to the serious
medical problems associated with obesity, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes." (Do đó,
họ dễ bị mắc 1 số chứng bệnh liên quan đến bệnh béo phì, như cholestrol cao, huyết áp cao và tiểu đường).
9) Which of the following is NOT a statement about people with eating disorders?
A: Fifty percent of people with bulimia have had anorexia nervosa.
B: People with anorexia nervosa commonly have a blood-related deficiency.
C: People with anorexia nervosa perceive themselves as overweight.
D: The female population is the primary group affected by eating disorders.

Không được nhắc tới trong bài.◊Đáp án : People with anorexia nervosa commonly have a blood-related
deficiency (Những người bị chứng biếng ăn thường có vấn đề liên quan tới sự thiếu máu )

10) People who have an eating disorder but nevertheless appear to be of normal weight are most likely
to have
A: bulimia nervosa.
C: anorexia nervosa.
B: obsessive-compulsive disorder.
D: binge-eating disorder.
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu đầu tiên của đoạn 5: "Because many individuals with bulimia binge and purge in secret
and maintain normal or above normal body weight, they can often successfully hide their problem for years."
(Do nhiều người mắc chứng ăn uống vô độ vẫn có thể duy trì trọng lượng bình thường - ở mức cho phép, nên
họ có thể giấu bệnh trong nhiều năm).
11) Glandular functions of eating-disorder patients slow down as a result of
A: protective measures taken by the body.
C: lowering body temperatures.
B: excessive thirst and urination.
D: the loss of essential minerals.
Bằng chứng nằm ở đoạn 2: "To protect itself, the body shifts into slow gear: Menstrual periods stop, blood
pressure rates drop, and thyroid function slows." (Để tự bảo vệ, cơ thể hoạt động chậm lại: kinh nguyệt bị chậm,
huyết áp giảm và hoạt động của tuyến giáp bị suy giảm).
12) The inability to eliminate body waste is related to
A: an inflamed esophagus.
C: the abuse of laxatives.
B: weight-control programs.
D: dehydration
Bằng chứng nằm ở đoạn 2: "Dehydration contributes to constipation" (constipation means the inability to
eliminate body waste) (Tình trạng mất nước có thể dẫn đến bệnh táo bón).
13) According to the passage, which of the following is true of bulimia patients?
A: They frequently experience stomach ruptures.
B: They may demonstrate unpredictable social behavior.
C: They often engage in compulsive exercise.
D: They are less susceptible to dehydration than are anorexia patients.

Bằng chứng nằm ở câu mở đầu của đoạn 4: "People with bulimia nervosa consume large amounts of food and
then rid their bodies of the excess calories by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics, taking enemas, or
exercising obsessively." (Những người mắc chứng ăn nhiều tiêu thụ 1 lượng thức ăn lớn, sau đó thải lượng calo
dư thừa bằng cách nôn mửa, lạm dụng thuốc nhuận tràng hoặc lợi tiểu, bằng cách thông thụt hoặc tập thể dục
quá mức cần thiết).
14) Which of the following represent up to two-thirds of the binge-eating disorder population?
A: older females
B: younger males
C: younger females
D: older males
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu thứ 2 của đoạn 6: "As many as one-third of this group are men." (Theo câu này thì 1/3
bệnh nhân thuộc nhóm này là nam, suy ra 2/3 bệnh nhân là nữ.); "It also affects older women, though with less
frequency." (nghĩa là nữ giới lớn tuổi cũng có thể mắc bệnh, nhưng ít). Từ 2 ý này suy ra đáp án “younger
females “là đáp án đúng.
15) What does the word "It" in the last paragraph refer to?
A: binge-eating disorder
B: recent research
C: one-third of men
Căn cứ vào đoạn cuối ta thấy "it" là binge-eating disorder.

D: general population


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
16) This is a film that proves not only that Duval can direct but, as if we didn't know it, that he is one
of America strongest screen presences.
Đáp án: America . Theo nghĩa thì cần phải sử dụng sở hữu cách: 1 trong những nhân vật truyền hình quyền lực

nhất của nước Mĩ. Sửa: America => America's.
17) Woody Guthrie finally died, after a lengthy illness, in October 1967, but this project will help his
name live on, and perhaps provoke a re-evaluation about his influence on popular music in the 20th
Đáp án : about his . Sửa: about his => of his, vì sau "re-evaluation" là "of": đánh giá lại.
18) Full-time jobs for men are declining, while more women are finding part- and full-time work. This
result is declining social status for men so they lose their role as the sole financial provider.
Đáp án: so . Sửa: so => because
Nghĩa của câu: Địa vị xã hội của nam giới bị suy giảm do họ đánh mất vai trò là trụ cột trong gia đình.
19) The economy is heavy dependent on industry, and economic growth has always been of greater
concern than environmental preservation.
Đáp án: heavy . Theo cấu trúc: adv + adj. . Sửa: heavy => heavily
20) The increase population and rapid economic growth in recent years have put a large and
increasing stress on the water resources and environment in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Đáp án : increase . Theo trật từ: adj + noun. Sửa: increase => increasing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
21) The designer window treatments in her house, installed 17 years ago, were outmoded.
A: worthless
B: out-of-date
C: pointless
D: unnecessary
Đáp án : outmoded = out-of-date: bị lỗi mốt.
Phương án sai: unnecessary: không cần thiết.
Phương án sai: pointless: mất công.
Phương án sai: worthless: không có giá trị.
22) I wrote in my journal every day, hoping in the future to author a book about my trip to Paris.
A: chapbook
B: notebook
C: diary

D: ledger
Đáp án : journal = diary: nhật kí / ghi chép hàng ngày.
Phương án sai: notebook: sổ tay
Phương án sai: chapbook: sách văn học dân gian.
Phương án sai: ledger: sổ cái.
23) My friend asked me to lie for her, but that is against my philosophy.
A: regulation
B: personality
C: principle
D: introspection
Đáp án : philosophy = principle: nguyên tắc sống.
Phương án sai: regulation: sự điều chỉnh, sự chỉnh lý.
Phương án sai: personality: nhân cách, tính cách.
Phương án sai: introspection: sự nội quan.
24) The Morrill Act of 1862 authorized the states to use federal lands for the establishment of colleges that

would offer programs in agriculture and the mechanical arts.
A) challenged
B) persuaded
C) empowered
25) .

It is better to try to change things than to complain about them.
A) ramble
B) straddle
C) grumble

D) invited


D) dangle

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. Between 90-95% of the
estimated 13-14 million people in the United States with diabetes have non-insulin-dependent, or Type II,
diabetes. Because this form of diabetes usually begins in adults over the age of 40 and is most common after the
age of 55, it used to be called adult-onset diabetes. Its symptoms often develop gradually and are hard to
identify at first; therefore, nearly half of all people with diabetes do not know they have it. For instance,
someone who has developed Type II diabetes may feel tired or ill without knowing why. This can be
particularly dangerous because untreated diabetes can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys,
and nerves. While the causes, short-term effects, and treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types
can cause the same long-term health problems.
Most importantly, both types affect the body's ability to use digested food for energy. Diabetes does not interfere
with digestion but it does prevent the body from using an important product of digestion, glucose (commonly
known as sugar) for energy. After a meal, the normal digestive system breaks some food down into glucose. The
blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the body, causing blood glucose levels to rise. In response to this
rise, the hormone insulin is released into the bloodstream and signals the body tissues to metabolize or burn the
glucose for fuel, which causes blood glucose levels to return to normal. The glucose that the body does not used
right away in stored in the liver, muscle or fat.
In both types of diabetes, however, this normal process malfunctions. A gland called the pancreas, found just
behind the stomach, makes insulin. In people with insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not produce
insulin at all. This condition usually begins in childhood and is known as Type I (formerly called juvenile-onset)
diabetes. These patients must have daily insulin injections to survive. People with non-insulin-dependent
diabetes usually produce some insulin in their pancreas, but their bodies' tissues do not respond well to the
insulin signal and, therefore, do not metabolize the glucose properly, a condition known as insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is an important factor in non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and scientists are searching for the
causes of insulin resistance. They have identified two possibilities. The first is that there could be a defect in the
insulin receptors on cells. Like an appliance that needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet, insulin has to bind
to a receptor in order to function. Several things can go wrong with receptors. For example, there may not be
enough receptors to which insulin may bind, or a defect in the receptors may prevent insulin from binding. The
second possible cause of insulin resistance is that, although insulin may bind to the receptors, the cells do not
read the signal to metabolize the glucose. Scientists continue to study these cells to see why this might happen.
There's no cure for diabetes yet. However, there are ways to alleviate its symptoms. In 1986, a National Institute
of Health panel of experts recommended that the best treatment for non-insulin-dependent diabetes is a diet that
helps one maintain a normal weight and pays particular attention to a proper balance of the different food
groups. Many experts, including those in the American Diabetes Association, recommend that 50-60% of daily
calories come from carbohydrates, 12-20% from protein, and no more than 30% from fat. Foods that are rich in
carbohydrates, like breads, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, break down into glucose during digestion, causing

blood glucose to rise. Additionally, studies have shown that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than raw,
unpeeled foods. A doctor or nutritionist should always be consulted for more of this kind of information and for
help in planning a diet to offset the effects of this form of diabetes.
According to the passage, what may be the most dangerous aspect of Type II diabetes?
A: Insulin shots are needed daily for treatment of Type II diabetes.
B: Type II diabetes interferes with digestion
C: In Type II diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin.
D: Type II diabetes may go undetected and, therefore, untreated.
Theo đoạn 1, triệu chứng của bệnh tiểu đường tuýp 2 có thể xuất hiện dần dần, nên không được phát hiện sớm
và không được chữa trị: "Its symptoms often develop gradually and are hard to identify at first; therefore, nearly
half of all people with diabetes do not know they have it."

Which of the following are the same for Type I and Type II diabetes?

A: long-term health risks
B: short-term effects
C: treatments
D: causes
Theo đoạn 1 thì cả tiểu đường tuýp 1 và tuýp 2 đều có ảnh hưởng lâu dài đến sức khỏe: "While the causes,
short-term effects, and treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types can cause the same long-term
health problems." (Trong khi nguyên nhân, ảnh hưởng trước mắt và cách điều trị có khác nhau, cả 2 loại tiểu
đường tuýp 1 và 2 đều có ảnh hưởng lâu dài đến sức khỏe).

28) According to the passage, one place in which excess glucose is stored in the……..
A: liver
B: pancreas
C: insulin receptors.
D: stomach
Theo đoạn 2, khi cơ thể có nhiều hơn lượng đường cần thiết, lượng đường thừa này sẽ được tích trữ trong các
mô hoặc trong gan "The glucose that the body does not used right away in stored in the liver, muscle or fat."
29) A diet dominated by which of the following is recommended for non-insulin-dependent diabetics?
A: raw foods
B: fat
C: protein
D: carbohydrates
Theo đoạn cuối: "a National Institute of Health panel of experts recommended that the best treatment for noninsulin-dependent diabetes is a diet " (Các chuyên gia của Viện Y tế Quốc gia khuyến cáo rằng cách chữa trị
bệnh tiểu đường tuýp 2 tốt nhất là duy trì chế độ ăn hợp lí", "Many experts, including those in the American
Diabetes Association, recommend that 50-60% of daily calories come from carbohydrates." (Nhiều chuyên gia
khác, kể cả các chuyên gia thuộc Hiệp hội tiểu đường Mỹ cũng cho rằng, 50-60% lượng calo hàng ngày được
cung cấp bởi hydro-cacbon).
30) Which of the following is the main function of insulin?
A: It binds to receptors.
C: It carries glucose throughout the body.

B: It breaks down food into glucose.
D: It signals tissues to metabolize sugar.
Theo đoạn 4: "insulin has to bind to a receptor in order to function", "Although insulin may bind to the
receptors, the cells do not read the signal to metabolize the glucose." (để hoạt động, insulin cần được gắn với bộ
cảm biến; mặc dù insulin có thể được gắn với cảm biến, các tế bào vẫn không thể đọc được tín hiệu để chuyển
hóa đường).
31) Which of the following statements best summarises the main theme of the passage?
A: Adults who suspect they may have Type II diabetes should immediately adopt a high-carbohydrate diet.
B: Type II diabetes is a distinct condition that can be managed by maintaining a healthy diet.
C: Type I diabetes is an insidious condition most harmful when the patient is not taking daily insulin injection.

D: Type I and Type II diabetes are best treated by maintaining a high-protein diet.
32) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a possible problem with insulin receptors in
insulin-resistant individuals?
A: A defect hinders the receptors from binding with insulin.
B: There may be an overabundance of receptors present.
C: A defect causes the receptors to bind with glucose.
D: Overeating causes the receptors to function improperly.
Dựa vào câu văn trong đoạn 4: "there may not be enough receptors to which insulin may bind, or a defect in the
receptors may prevent insulin from binding" (Có thể không có đủ bộ cảm biến hoặc bộ cảm biến bị lỗi, khiến
cho chúng không thể kết nối với insulin).
33) According to the passage, in normal individuals, which of the following processes occur
immediately after the digestive system converts some food into glucose?
A: The pancreas manufactures increased amounts of insulin
B: Insulin is released into the bloodstream.
C: The glucose is metabolized by body tissues.
D: Blood sugar levels rise.
Dựa vào thông tin trong đoạn 2: "The blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the body, causing blood

glucose levels to rise." (Máu mang glucoza và đường đi khắp cơ thể, khiến cho lượng glucoza trong máu tăng)
34) Based on the information in the passage, which of the following best describes people with Type I
A: They comprise the majority of people with diabetes.
B: Their pancreases do not produce insulin.
C: They do not need to be treated with injections of insulin.
D: They are usually diagnosed as adults.
Dựa vào thông tin trong đoạn 3: "In people with insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not produce
insulin at all. This condition usually begins in childhood and is known as Type I " (Đối với bệnh nhân tiểu
đường phụ thuộc insulin, tuyến tụy không sản sinh ra insulin. Tình trạng này xuất hiện lần đầu khi còn nhỏ và
được gọi là tiểu đường tuýp 1).
35) What is the closest meaning of the underlined word offset in the final sentence of the passage?
A: cure
B: counteract
C: erase
D: soothe
Dựa vào thông tin trong đoạn cuối. Ngay từ câu đầu của đoạn cuối, tác giả đã nói rằng không có thuốc chữa
bệnh tiểu đường, vì vậy phương án cure và erase sai; hơn nữa, khi căn cứ vào ngữ cảnh của đoạn cuối thì ta có
thể hiểu rằng từ "offset" nghĩa là phòng ngừa hoặc làm giảm ảnh hưởng của bệnh tiểu đường, vì vậy phương án
"counteract" là phương án đúng.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions.
36) Only when she left the shop ................ her credit card was gone.
A: she realized
B: she had realized
C: did she realize
D: had she realized
Đáp án : did she realize : sau Only when sử dụng đảo ngữ ở mệnh đề chính .
Nghĩa của câu: Chỉ khi cô ấy rời cửa hàng cô ấy mới nhận ra thẻ tín dụng của mình đã hết.
37) "Who did you talk to about the new assignment?"
"No one ................ than the people involved in it."

A: except
B: rather
C: but

D: other

Đáp án : other than = except: ngoại trừ.
Phương án sai: except than (không tồn tại).

Phương án sai: but than (không tồn tại).
Phương án sai: rather than = instead of: thay vì.

38) "Has it been decided who will go to London next week?"
"No, they ................ to tell us."
A: yet haven't
B: haven't yet
C: have yet
D: yet have
Đáp án: have yet : Cấu trúc: have yet to do st = haven't yet done st.
Nghĩa của câu: they have yet to tell us = they haven't yet told us = they haven't told us yet: họ vẫn chưa nói với
chúng tôi.
39) "Peter's coming next week, ................ suits me just fine."
A: which
B: what
C: who
D: that
Đáp án : "which" thay cho nghĩa của toàn bộ mệnh đề đứng trước (Tuần tới Peter sẽ đến, và việc này rất phù
hợp với mong đợi của tôi).

Có thể hiểu đây là mệnh đề không xác định nên không thể sử dụng "that"; phương án Who và What sai về mặt
40) "Is this Peter's cell phone?"
"It must be. Only he was here a minute ago. It can't be ................ ."
A: anybody else's
B: nobody's else
C: nobody else
Đáp án : anybody else's : căn cứ vào nghĩa của câu và cách dùng sở hữu cách.
+ anybody else: bất cứ ai khác.
+ anybody else's: của bất cứ ai khác.
Các phương án khác vừa sai về cách sử dụng sở hữu cách, vừa sai về nghĩa.
41) "The lecture was over my head. I ................ understood anything."
A: somehow
B: nearly
C: hardly
Đáp án : hardly: hầu như không.
Căn cứ vào nghĩa của cấu trúc "over one's head": quá tầm hiểu biết của ai, quá sức ai.
Nghĩa của câu: Bài giảng quá sức của tôi. Tôi hầu như không hiểu gì.

D: somebody's else's

D: almost

42) "Why can't I enter? What seems ................ the problem?
"Your name is not on the guest list, I'm afraid."
A: to have to be
B: being
C: to be
D: is being
Căn cứ vào cấu trúc của "seem": seem to do st: dường như… Do đó, loại trừ phương án còn lại vì nghĩa không

hợp lí.
Nghĩa của câu: "Tại sao tôi không thể đăng nhập nhỉ? Dường như có vấn đề gì đó? - " Tôi e rằng, tên của bạn
không có trong danh sách khách mời".
43) She wants ................ with her staff before making a final decision.
A: the discussion of it
B: discussing
C: to discuss it
D: to discuss about
Cấu trúc: want to do st: muốn làm gì.
discuss st with sb: thảo luận với ai về vấn đề gì.
Nghĩa của câu: Cô ấy muốn thảo luận với đồng nghiệp của cô ấy trước khi đưa ra quyết định cuối cùng.
44) "But I thought she was coming."
"Well, in spite of ................ that she was coming, I don't think she meant it."
A: having her saying
B: she has said
C: her having said
D: she had said
45) The total amount, ................ tax, should come to around 100 dollars.
A: less
B: lessening
C: less than
D: at least

Đáp án : less . Ta có: less = minus: trừ đi.
Nghĩa của câu: Sau khi trừ thuế thì tổng số tiền là khoảng 100 đô.
Phương án sai: less than: ít hơn.
Phương án sai: lessening: làm giảm đi. Phương án sai: at least: ít nhất.
46) "And now I turn to ................ if you want a successful career in this line of work."

A: how important education is
C: how education is the important
B: the importance in education
D: how important is education
Cấu trúc: how + adj + Clause
Nghĩa của câu: “Và bây giờ tôi sẽ chuyển sang tầm quan trọng của giáo dục nếu bạn muốn có một sự nghiệp
thành công trong công việc.”
47) “Yes, I know he shouldn't be begging here, but he is homeless and ................ desperate need of
A: under
B: of
C: in
D: at
Cấu trúc: "be in need of / be in desperate need of”: vô cùng cần cái gì.
Nghĩa của câu: “Vâng, tôi biết anh ấy không nên van xin ở đây, nhưng anh ấy là người vô gia cư và vô cùng cần
sự giúp đỡ.”
48) "Would you like to go out tonight?" "No, I ................”
A: would not prefer
B: would rather not
C: don't prefer it
D: had rather not
Cấu trúc: would rather not + V: không muốn / không thích.
Nghĩa của câu: “ Tối nay cậu có muốn đi chơi không?” – “Không, tôi không muốn đi chơi”
49) Don't worry! The pain should ................ fairly soon
A: die out
B: fall off
C: break out
D: wear off
Đáp án : wear off: giảm đau.
Phương án sai: break out: bùng nổ.

Phương án sai: die out: tuyệt chủng. Phương án sai: fall off: giảm (về số lượng, chất lượng).
50) They have run ................ great difficulties since they embarked on the new project.
A: onto
B: into
C: in
D: to
Ta có: run into difficulties: gặp khó khăn.
Nghĩa của câu: Họ đã gặp khó khăn lớn kể từ khi họ bắt tay vào dự án mới.
51) “No, thank you. I don't really like wine, or any kind of alcohol ................ .”
A: for that matter
B: it matters
C: in this matter
D: for the matter
Ta có: for that matter: những thứ đại loại như thế.
Nghĩa của câu: “Không, cảm ơn bạn. Tôi không thực sự thích rượu vang, hay bất kỳ loại rượu nào như vậy.”
52) "Last I heard, she was working in South Africa." "................?"
A: How did she
B: Why did she
C: Why come
D: How come
Ta có: How come = Why: Tại sao? Bằng cách nào mà điều đó xảy xa?
Nghĩa của câu: “Lần cuối cùng tôi nghe thấy là cô ấy đang làm việc ở Nam Phi.” – “Tại sao lại như vậy?”.
53) "So, who's the better player?' "Ronaldo. He's ................ of the two."
A: the fastest
B: fastest
C: the faster
D: faster
Đây là so sánh với 2 người, nên phải dùng so sánh hơn, do đó phương án “the fastest” và “fastest” sai; phương
án “faster” cũng sai vì 1 trong 2 người này đã xác định nên cần có "the" trước tính từ ở so sánh hơn.
54) I don't understand this. Everyone knows it wasn't her fault and yet they're treating her as if she's

the one ................ .

A: blaming
B: has blamed
C: to blame
D: been blamed


Đáp án : be to blame: phải chịu trách nhiệm / có lỗi.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to choose the word or phrase that best fits
each of the numbered blanks.
The growth of cheap and readily available air travels has helped turn tourism into one of the world's largest
(55)............... But behind the image projected by the glossy brochures, there is a less positive (56) ................ to
the situation. In Goa, for example, indigenous people have been displaced to (57) ................ way for hotels and
golf courses, and local fishermen have been (58) ................ access to beaches from which they set off for work.
One (59)................ study has shown that 60 per cent of foreign capital (60) ................in tourism in developing
countries returns to first-world countries, and although tourism often provides employment, much of it is lowskilled and very (61)................paid.
Recently, however, a British organization, Tourism concern, surprised everyone by mounting an extremely
vigorous campaign for tourism which respects the rights of local people. They argue that local people are at
present (62) ................ near as involved as they should be in decision about how to develop their area for
tourism. (63) ................ they believe tourists should be actively encouraged to use what is often perfectly
satisfactory accommodation offered by local communities, and to fly with airlines (64)................in the host
countries. This would ensure that jobs are provided at all levels and that capital does not disappear out of the
55) A: industries
B: trades

Đáp án : industry: ngành công nghiệp.
Phương án sai: production: sự sản xuất.

C: deals
D: productions
Phương án sai: trade: sự mua bán.
Phương án sai: deal: sự thỏa thuận.

56) A: edge
B: side
C: section
Căn cứ vào giới từ "to" (a less positive side to: mặt kém tích cực / mặt chưa tích cực).

D: face

57) A: get
B: leave
C: make
Đáp án : make : cấu trúc: make way for: nhường chỗ cho ...
58) A: disallowed
B: rejected
C: denied
Đáp án : denied : cấu trúc deny access to: không được quyền tiếp cận với .....
59) A: comprehensive
B: total
C: inclusive

D: move
D: stopped
D: complete

Đáp án : comprehensive nghĩa là: hoàn chỉnh, đầy đủ (tổ hợp từ là: a comprehensive study).
Phương án sai: inclusive: bao gồm.
Phương án sai: complete: hoàn chỉnh (nhưng căn cứ vào tổ hợp từ thì không chọn phương án complete).
Phương án sai: total: tổng.
60) A: placed
B: provided
C: invested
D: speculated

Đáp án : invested : căn cứ vào nghĩa và giới từ "in" (invest money in: đầu tư tiền vào ...), trong bài là: 60% vốn
nước ngoài được đầu tư cho ngành du lịch ở những nước đang phát triển.
61) A: weakly

B: hardly

C: roughly

D: poorly

Đáp án : poorly paid = badly paid: được trả lương thấp.
62) A: nowhere
B: no one
C: nothing
Đáp án : nowhere : căn cứ vào cấu trúc nowhere near = not at all: không tí nào.
63) A: Furthermore

B: On the contrary

Đáp án : Furthermore: Hơn nữa.
Phương án sai: Despite this: Dù vậy.

C: Nevertheless

D: nobody
D: Despite this

Phương án sai: Nevertheless: Tuy vậy.
Phương án sai: On the contrary: Ngược lại.

64) A: based
B: laid
Đáp án : based in = located in: đặt, có trụ sở ở.

C: stood

D: created

1. Years ago women were too busy to take part in social activities.
Years ago women didn’t .....................
2. “ The Times” was first printed 200 years ago.
It is .....................
3. John outran the others in the race.
John was .....................
4. Although he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon race.
In spite of .....................

5. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview.
My suit needs .....................
KEY: 6. Years ago women didn’t have ( enough) free time to take part in social activities.
7. It is 200 years since “The Times” was first printed.
8. John was the fastest runner in the race.
9. In spite of his tiredness, he managed to finish the marathon race.
10. My suit needs cleaning before the interview.
TOPIC: Write a paragraph to discuss the benefits of doing exercise.
Health is considered to be the most valuable thing we have and the most effective way to better one’s
health is doing regular exercise. One advantage of doing exercise is to reduce stress. People who exercise are
likely to feel more relaxed and healthier. Doing regular exercise helps the body produce happy chemicals that
make the exercisers reduce the worries. Another benefit exercising brings us is that we will feel more energetic
to overcome our daily difficulties. Doing exercise also helps us reduce the possibilities of being ill, protects us
from some fatal diseases as heart disease, cancers and diabetes. Controlling our weight is another value. Fats are
burnt during our practicing exercise, which helps us to keep fit. To sum up, doing exercise enables people to
have good body-buildings, keep fit and brings exercisers many benefits to have a longer, healthier and happier
