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Đề thi tiếng anh đề TEST 25 giải chi tiết

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer for
each of the questions.
The pleasures which a movie film offers to our eyes have been paid for with the loss of sight of a man
whose name is hardly known outside the annals of science - Josept Plateau, a Belgian professor, born
in Brussels in 1801. He studied the mechanism of sight, beginning a series of most dangerous
experiments at the age of 28 by staring into the sun for 25 seconds to see what the effects on his eyes
would be, he was blind for nearly a month. But he went on experimenting, increasing the length of time
during which he looked into the sun, knowing that in the end, this would cost him his sight. At the age of
42, he was completely and incurably blind; the sun had destroyed the retina of his eyes. But he
continued to work as well as he could until he died at the age of 82. Science profited enormously from
his research. He studied the so-called inertia of the eyes, which makes a picture remain on the retina
for about one-sixth of a second after it has disappeared from our vision. This means that, if we see a
succession of individual pictures each of which appears only for a fraction of a second, they “overlap”
one another in our brain; and if they show consecutive phases of movement, that movement will appear
to us continuous.
1. The name of Joseph Plateau is______.
A: honoured by the motion picture industry
C: hardly known outside the field of science
B: well-known by most people
D: unknown even to scientists
Đáp án : hardly known outside the field of science
Dựa vào câu: " a man whose name is hardly known outside the annals of science - Josept
Plateau" (Một người đàn ông gần như không được ai biết đến trừ giới khoa học - Josept Plateau).
2. Plateau’s experiments were the first steps leading to the invention of_____.
A: telescopes
B: bifocals
C: eye glasses
D: motion pictures
Đáp án : motion pictures

Dựa vào câu: " The pleasures which a movie film offers to our eyes have been paid for with the loss of
sight of a man whose name is hardly known outside the annals of science - Josept Plateau". Câu này
có nghĩa rằng những lợi ích mang lại từ việc xem phim đã phải trả giá bằng việc hy sinh thị giác của
một người đàn ông .....
3. The result of Plateau’s first experiment was that_____.
A: he went blind for a month
C: he went permanently blind
B: he found what he was looking for
D: he stopped staring into the sun
Đáp án : he went blind for a month
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: "He studied the mechanism of sight, beginning a series of most dangerous
experiments at the age of 28 by staring into the sun for 25 seconds to see what the effects on his eyes
would be,' He was blind for nearly a month".

4. Plateau sacrificed his sight ______ .
A: sparingly
B: knowingly
C: partly
D: stingily
Đáp án : knowingly
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: "But he went on experimenting, increasing the length of time during which he
looked into the sun, knowing that in the end, this would cost him his sight."
5. After he went totally blind, Plateau____.
A: died
B: quit working

C: was unable to work
D: worked for 40 more years

Đáp án : worked for 40 more years
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: " At the age of 42, he was completely and incurably blind; the sun had
destroyed the retina of his eyes. But he continued to work as well as he could until he died at the age of
6. That which causes a picture to remain on the retina is called ______ .
A: inertia
B: overlap
C: continuity
D: the brain
Đáp án : inertia
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: " He studied the so-called inertia of the eyes, which makes a picture remain
on the retina for about one-sixth of a second after it has disappeared from our vision".
7. A picture remains on the retina for____.
A: 1 second
B: one-sixth of a second
C: 16 seconds
D: 6 seconds
Đáp án : one-sixth of a second
Ngay trong bài có đề cập thông tin: picture remain on the retina for about one-sixth of a second.
8. The images that we see are recorded in____.
A: the brain
B: the retina of the eye
C: the pupil
D: the eye
Đáp án : the retina of the eye
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: which makes a picture remain on the retina for about one-sixth of a second
after it has disappeared from our vision.
9. Motion pictures____.
A: show a succession of unrelated movements
B: cause inertia of the eyes

C: show consecutive phases of movement which appear continuous
D: show each phase of movement for one half of a second
Đáp án : show consecutive phases of movement which appear continuous
Bằng chứng nằm ở câu: if they show consecutive phases of movement, that movement will appear to
us continuous.
10. Scientific advancements are often the result of_____.
A: experiment
C: foolishness
B: individual sacrifice and experimentation
D: individual
Đáp án : individual sacrifice and experimentation
Câu này là ý chung của toàn bài. Nếu đáp án “individual” thì chưa đủ nghĩa, do vậy đáp án: individual
sacrifice and experimentation là hợp lý và đầy đủ.

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.

11. Every nation has a set of rules, either written or unwritten, which ________ how people act
with each other.
A: forces
B: decides
C: supports
D: determines
Đáp án: determine: xác định.
Phương án sai: force : ép buộc.
Phương án sai: decide : quyết định.
Phương án sai: support : ủng hộ.
Nghĩa của câu: Mỗi dân tộc có một chuỗi những quy tắc, hoặc bằng văn bản hoặc bất thành văn, mà
xác định cách mọi người cư xử với nhau.
12. Informal rules, often called “manners” or “etiquette” describe correct or incorrect _______ in

such situations as eating in a restaurant, going on a date or working in an office.
A: action
B: reaction
C: behavior
D: treatment
Đáp án: behavior: thái độ ứng xử.
Phương án sai: action: hành động.

Phương án sai: treatment: việc xử lý.
Phương án sai: reaction: phản ứng.

13. We’d better get the ball rolling or else we will never raise enough money for the blood
transfusion equipment for the International Children’s Hospital.
A: start throwing the ball.
C: start work without delay.
B: take action immediately
D: make a beginning
Đáp án : make a beginning = get the ball rolling: bắt đầu việc gì đó (đặc biệt là những thứ lớn lao), tạo
nên sự khởi đầu.
Phương án sai: start throwing the ball: bắt đầu ném quả bóng.
Phương án sai: take action immediately: hành động ngay lập tức.
Phương án sai: start work without delay: bắt đầu công việc không chậm trễ.
14. Now that there is the Channel Tunnel which connects England and France, traveling across
the English Channel by ferry is ________.
A: less seldom
B: more frequently
C: few and far between
D: as usual
Đáp án : few and far between = not frequently: không thường xuyên, hoặc không phổ biến .
Các đáp án còn lại đúng về ngữ pháp tuy nhiên ý nghĩa hoàn cảnh câu không đúng.

Nghĩa của câu: Giờ đã có đường hầm Channel nối Anh và Pháp, đi du lịch qua eo biển Anh bằng phà
thì không còn phổ biến nữa.
15. Her ability, ________ with a determination to succeed, should make her very successful.
A: connected
B: joined
C: coupled
D: related
Đáp án : Couple with determination: thành ngữ đi cùng với lòng quyết tâm.
Phương án sai: connect with: kết nối.
Phương án sai: joint in: tham gia.
Phương án sai: related to: liên quan tới.
16. When Bill saw my new car he was _________ with envy.
A: white
B: green
C: yellow

D: blue

Đáp án: green
Ta có cụm cố định: green with envy: ghen tức, đố kị.
Nghĩa của câu: Khi Bill nhìn thấy chiếc xe mới của tôi, anh ấy thấy đố kị.
17. Tim is going to visit some distant _________ in the next summer holiday.
A: parents
B: relatives
C: relationships
D: family

Đáp án : distant relative: họ hàng xa.
Nghĩa của câu: Tim sẽ đến thăm một vài người họ hàng xa trong kì nghỉ hè tới.

18. The two people involved in the accident were both_________ dead on arrival at Kingham
A: called
B: stated
C: pronounced
D: defined
Đáp án : pronounced
Ta có cụm pronounce dead : tuyên bố đã chết.
Nghĩa của câu: Hai người liên quan trong vụ tai nạn được tuyên bố đã tử vong khi vừa đến Bệnh viện
19. I _________ at my watch. It was already well after three.
A: faced

B: viewed

Đáp án: glance at: liếc nhìn.
Phương án sai: view sth: nhìn, xem xét.

C: checked

D: glanced

Phương án sai: face sth: đối mặt.
Phương án sai: check sth: kiểm tra.

20. If you visit a doctor, you must pay him a _________.
A: commission
B: tip
C: fare
D: fee

Đáp án : fee: phí, tiền thù lao.
Phương án sai: fare: tiền vé (tàu, xe, máy bay, ...).
Phương án sai: commission: tiền hoa hồng.
Phương án sai: tip: tiền boa, tiền thưởng.
Nghĩa của câu: Nếu bạn tới bác sĩ, bạn sẽ phải trả phí.
21. I know for _________ that he was away from home last night.
A: true
B: fact
C: correct
Đáp án : know for certain: chắc chắn rằng.
Nghĩa của câu: Tôi chắc chắn rằng anh ấy đã ra khỏi nhà đêm qua.

D: certain

22. He was unwilling to apologize but in the end I _________ him to do so.
A: made

B: had

C: persuaded

D: allowed

Đáp án : persuade sb to do sth : thuyết phục ai đó làm gì.
Nghĩa của câu: Anh ấy không sẵn sàng để xin lỗi nhưng cuối cùng tôi đã thuyết phục anh ấy làm vậy.
23. I’ll come to see you tomorrow _________ I am kept late at the office.
A: when
B: unless
C: as
D: because

Đáp án : Unless = If… not: Nếu không thì.
Đây là câu điều kiện loại 1. Câu viết lại sẽ là: I'll .... to see you tomorrow if I am not kept late at the
24. Do you know _________ makes people fat?
A: how
B: that
C: who
D: what
Đáp án : what
Chúng ta có cụm từ : what makes/ made you fat: điều gì làm cho bạn trở nên béo?
Các cụm từ khác không tạo thành cấu trúc trong tiếng Anh.
25. Nobody believed Paul at first, but he _______ to be right.
A: turned out
B: found out
C: worked out

D: came out

Đáp án : turn out: hóa ra rằng, té ra rằng.
Phương án sai: worked out: phác thảo ra.
Phương án sai: came out: lộ diện.
Phương án sai: found out: nhận ra rằng.
Nghĩa của câu: Lúc đầu không ai tin Paul nhưng hóa ra là anh ấy đúng.
26. The teacher asked the students _______ in joining the English club.
A: if they were interested
C: how they were interested
B: when were they interested
D: whether they are interested
Đáp án : if they were interested

Có thể sử dụng whether hoặc if, nhưng ở đáp án “whether they are interested” mặc dù có whether
nhưng câu lại không lùi thì => chọn ‘if they were interested ’
Nghĩa của câu: Giáo viên hỏi học sinh liệu rằng họ thích tham gia vào câu lạc bộ tiếng anh hay không..
27. I hope this headache____soon
A: goes out
B: comes away

C: passes away

D: wears off

Đáp án : wear off : giảm dần, biến mất.
Phương án sai: go out: đi ra ngoài hoặc đi chơi.
Phương án sai: come away: có nghĩa tác biệt khỏi cái gì. Phương án sai: pass away: đã mất, đã chết.
28. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete ________ to me.
A: indifference
B: importance
C: disinterest
D: interest
Đáp án : indifference to sb/sth: thờ ơ, không quan tâm tới ai/cái gì.
Phương án sai: disinterest in doing sth: không quan tâm tới điều gì .
Phương án sai: importance to sb: quan trọng với ai.
Phương án sai: interest in doing sth: quan tâm tới điều gì
Nghĩa của câu: Việc câu lạc bộ thể thao có thể trụ lại được hay không không làm tôi bận tâm.
29. I’d like to _________ a three-minute call to London.
A: do

B: set

C: make

D: phone

Đáp án : Make a call: gọi một cuộc điện thoại.
Nghĩa của câu: Tôi muốn gọi một cuộc gọi 3 phút tới London.
Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
30. A: poetry
B: sticky
C: grocery
D: terrify
Đáp án : terrify /ˈterɪfaɪ/ Có phần gạch chân phát âm là /aɪ/. Các phương án còn lại có phần gạch chân
phát âm là /i/.
poetry /ˈpəʊətri/
grocery /ˈɡrəʊsəri/
sticky /ˈstɪki/
31. A:pressure

B: closure

C: conclusion

D: pleasure

Đáp án: pressure /ˈpreʃə/ Có phần gạch chân được phát âm là /ʃ/. Các đáp án còn lại phát âm là /ʒ/.
closuse /ˈkləʊʒə/
pleasure /ˈpleʒə/
conclusion /kənˈkluːʒn/
Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

32. A: annoyed
B: politics
C: result
D: imaginary

Đáp án: politics /ˈpɒlətɪks/ Có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Các phương án còn lại có trọng
âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.
imaginary /ɪˈmædʒɪnəri/
result /rɪˈzʌlt/
annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/
33. A: appropriate

B: Japan

C: astronaut

D: unfortunate

Đáp án: astronaut /ˈæstrənɔːt/ Có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Các phương án còn lại có
trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.
Japan /dʒəˈpæn/
unfortunate /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənət/
appropriate /əˈprəʊpriət/
34. A: profile

B: controversy

C: satisfy

D: project

Đáp án: controversy /kɒn’trəvɜːsi/ Có trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Các phương án còn lại có
trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.
profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/
satisfy /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/
project /ˈprɒdʒekt/
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer for
each of the blanks.
If you are an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a
symbol of our wasteful, throw-away society. But these seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth
is, of course, that plastic has brought (1) _______ benefits even environmental ones. It’s not really the
plastic themselves that are the environmental evil - it’s the way the society chooses to (2) _______ and
abuse them. (3) _______ all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or
coal- non-renewable natural resources. We (4) _______ well over three million tons of the stuff in
Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high rate of our (5) _______
consumption is in the form of packaging, and this constitutes about seven percent by weight of our (6)
_______ refuse. Almost all of it could be replaced, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (7)
_______ is growing fast.
The plastic (8) _______ are extremely energy-rich - they have a higher calorific value than coal and one
method of “recovery” strongly favoured by the plastic (9) _______ is the (10) _______ of waste plastic
into a fuel.
35. A: effective
Đáp án : enormous

B: tiny

C: sufficient

D: enormous

Tính từ "enormous" kết hợp với "benefits": lợi ích to lớn.

36. A: use
B: store
C: dispose
D: utilise
Đáp án : use
Từ đứng sau chỗ cần điền là abuse (lạm dụng), do vậy ngược nghĩa phải là use (sử dụng).
Nghĩa của câu: Đó là cách xã hội để lựa chọn sử dụng và lạm dụng chúng.
37. A: Each
B: Almost
C: Every
D: Mostly
Đáp án : Almost
Cả ba đáp án khác đều không thể đi với "all" được, chỉ có đáp án "almost" là có thể, có nghĩa là "gần

như tất cả" .
38. A: consign

B: take

C: remove

D: import

Đáp án : import

Nghĩa của câu: Chúng ta nhập khẩu hơn ba triệu tấn vật liệu ở Anh mỗi năm.
Những đáp án khác không đúng nghĩa và hoàn cảnh của câu.
Phương án sai: consign: chuyển giao, ủy thác.
Phương án sai: remove: dời đi, di chuyển,
Phương án sai: take: cầm, nắm.
39. A: fortnight

B: biannual

C: daily

D: annual

Đáp án : annual
Trong câu ngay trước có nhắc đến each year (mỗi năm), nên chỗ cần điền phải là annual (hằng năm).
Phương án sai: fortnight: hai tuần.
Phương án sai: biannual: một năm hai lần.
Phương án sai: daily: hàng ngày.
40. A: domestic

B: inside

C: international

D: national

Đáp án : domestic . Có "our" nên phải có nghĩa là trong nước, tức "national" hoặc "domestic". Tuy
nhiên, khi nói đến hàng hóa tiêu dùng thì phải sử dụng "domestic".
41. A: industry

B: factory

C: manufacture

D: plant

Đáp án : recycling industry: ngành công nghiệp tái chế.
Phương án sai: manufacture: sự chế tạo, sự sản suất.
Phương án sai: plant: nhà máy, xí nghiệp.
Phương án sai: factory: nhà máy.
42. A: each

B: ourselves

C: itself

D: themselves

Đáp án : themselves
Ta thấy sau chỗ cần điền dùng động từ tobe là are => itself và each bị loại
Xét về nghĩa thì phải là themselves chứ không thể là ourselves .
43. A: medium

B: measure

C: manufacturers

D: mechanism

Đáp án : plastic manufacturers: những nhà sản xuất nhựa.

Những đáp án còn lại đều không hợp lý.
Phương án sai: medium: trung bình, trung gian.
Phương án sai: measure: phạm vi, giới hạn.
Phương án sai: mechanism: máy móc, cơ cấu.
44. A: change

B: melting

C: conversion

D: replacement

Đáp án : conversion . Cấu trúc: conversion sth into/ to sth: sự chuyển hóa cái gì thành cái gì.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correcting.
45. Deforestation is occurring most rapid in tropical regions of the world.
A: rapid

B: occurring

C: regions

D: the world

Đáp án : rapid .Từ rapid bổ nghĩa cho động từ occurr => phải là trạng từ. Sửa: rapid => rapidly
Nghĩa của câu: Nạn phá rừng đang diễn ra nhanh chóng trong hầu hết các khu vực nhiệt đới của thế

46. The ancient ruins may be discovered as early as 1820.

A: as 1820
B: as
C: may be

D: The

Đáp án : may be .Việc những ancient ruins những di tích cổ đại này) được phát hiện ra xảy ra trước
thời điểm nói => thì trong câu dùng sai. Sửa: may be => might have been
Nghĩa của câu: Các di tích cổ đại có thể được phát hiện sớm nhất là năm 1820.
47. The fastest you drive , the greater danger you get.
A: fastest
B: get
C: the

D: drive

Đáp án : fastest .So sánh càng - càng : The more S + V + O, the more S + V +O .Sửa: fastest =>
faster .Nghĩa của câu: Bạn càng lái xe nhanh bạn càng gặp nhiều nguy hiểm.
48. Most equipment in his office was badly in need of to be repaired.
A: badly
B: to be repaired
C: was

D: equipment

Đáp án : to be repaired . Cấu trúc: in need of + Ving: cần làm gì. Sửa: to be repaired =>being repaired
49. Measles have killed a large number of children in the Nagola region.
A: Measles
B: in the
C: have

D: a large

Đáp án : have . Tên các loại bệnh mặc dù có số nhiều nhưng luôn luôn dùng số ít . Do vậy từ Measlesbệnh sởi phải chia số ít. Sửa: have =>has
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer for
each of the blanks.
The name geese is used for birds belonging to one family called Anatidae. They include swans and
ducks. However, there are two types of geese that people are acquainted with. These are gray geese
from the Anser family and black geese from the Branta family. Geese are found in Europe, Asia and
North America. They are migratory birds that breed in the north and go south for the winter.
Geese are generally the same wherever they may be found. They have a tail, head and neck that are
black. The cheeks have a white patch and the body is white and various shades of brown. Their length
varies from about 25 to 45 inches. Male and female geese look very much alike, although the male may
be slightly bigger and have a higher-pitched voice.
Geese are more land birds than water birds. Their legs are farther up front on their bodies than those of
ducks. This makes it easier for them to walk on land. They get their food by grazing grasses and grain
in the spring field. A flock of geese can make a lot of noise, especially when a stranger comes near.

The most unusual thing about geese is their behavior to imprint. When a baby goose is born, it believes
that it is the same species as any moving object it first sees. [66A] Thus, if it sees a human being first, it
will believe that it is also a human. Scientists do not know why imprinting happens. [66B] Imprinting
allows the formation of a strong bond between the hatchling and the parent or whoever the young bird
sees. Geese that imprint a human being at birth treat the human like a parent when young, and as the
geese grow older they may not try to mate with the other geese. [66C] Hence , it is important for
fanners or other people living with geese 4 to make sure that the first living thing a baby goose sees is
another goose. The capacity to imprint can also be seen in ducks, but animals such as cats and dogs
do not imprint. Although they are born and see a human being first, they know immediately that they are
not humans. [66D]

50. What is the main idea of the passage?
A: How geese migrate during the winter and their special features.
B: The importance of geese’s imprinting and comparing geese with dogs.
C: A comparison of Anatidae family such as geese, ducks and swans.
D: The biological features of geese and their imprinting ability.
Đáp án : The biological features of geese and their imprinting ability.
Đọc cả bài ta thấy ở đoạn 1, 2 và 3 nói các đặc điểm sinh học của ngỗng, ở đoạn 4 nói về khả năng
imprint (in dấu lại) của chúng => đáp án “The biological features of geese and their imprinting ability.”
( Các đặc điểm sinh học của con ngỗng và khả năng của chúng.)
51. The word acquainted in paragraph I is closest in meaning to _______ .
A: familiar

B: guarded

C: available

D: complete

Đáp án : acquainted to = familiar with : quen với việc gì.
Phương án sai: available: có sẵn.
Phương án sai: complete: đầy đủ, trọn vẹn.
Phương án sai: guarded: thận trọng, ý tứ.
52. All of the following are typical features of common geese EXCEPT_____.
A: have a black tail, head and neck
B: are bluish-gray color with a white head

C: range between 25 and 45 inches long
D: are able to walk on land longer than ducks

Đáp án : are bluish-gray color with a white head

Bằng chứng nằm trong đoạn: "Geese are generally the same wherever they may be found. They have
a tail, head and neck that are black. The cheeks have a white patch and the body is white and various
shades of brown. Their length varies from about 25 to 45 inches." và trong đoạn: “Their legs are farther
up front on their bodies than those of ducks. This makes it easier for them to walk on land”
53. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence
in paragraph 2? (Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out
essential information)
A: Male geese are larger than female geese because of this their voice is higher.
B: The male and female geese are similar, but the male is a bit larger and its voice is higher.
C: The higher-pitched voice of the male geese is the only thing that differentiates it from the female geese.
D: Although male and female geese resemble each other, they are different in size.
Đáp án : The male and female geese are similar, but the male is a bit larger and its voice is higher.
Nghĩa câu gốc: Ngỗng đực và cái nhìn rất giống nhau, tuy nhiên những con đực có thể hơi lớn hơn và
có giọng cao hơn.

Chỉ có đáp án trên là đáp án đầy đủ và đúng nhất với câu gốc.
54. The word This in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A: grazing grasses and grain
C: walk on land
B: more land birds than water birds
D: legs farther up front on their bodies.
Đáp án : legs farther up front on their bodies.
Dựa vào nghĩa của câu: “Their legs are farther up front on their bodies than those of
ducks. This makes it easier for them to walk on land.” : chân trước của chúng dài hơn so với những
con vịt do vậy chúng có thể đi lại dễ dàng hơn trên cạn so với vịt => dễ dàng thấy “legs farther up front
on their bodies.” là đáp án đúng.
55. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to
the passage. They think it might be an instinct for survival Where would the sentence best fit?
A: 66A

B: 66B
C: 66C
D: 66D
Đáp án: 66B
"They" ở đây có ý nghĩa ám chỉ "scientists". Vì họ không biết tại sao ngỗng có khả năng lưu giữ imprinting do vậy họ mới phỏng đoán rằng đây là một bản năng sinh tồn.
56. According to paragraph 4, some baby geese become attached to human beings because
A: humans care for them properly
B: they walk on land just like human beings.
C: geese have an emotional connection for human beings.
D: a human being is the first thing they see when they are born.
Đáp án : a human being is the first thing they see when they are born
Dẫn chứng ở câu: " When a baby goose is born, it believes that it is the same species as any moving
object it first sees. Thus, if it sees a human being first, it will believe that it is also a human".
57. What is the author’s opinion of newborn geese?
Chọn câu trả lời đúng:
A: They should develop an instinct for survival
C: They cannot grow properly on farms.
B: They can survive best by bonding to other geese.
D: They should be exposed to their own kind.
Đáp án : They should be exposed to their own kind.
Dẫn chứng ở câu: “Hence, it is important for fanners or other people living with geese to make sure
that the first living thing a baby goose sees is another goose.”
58. Why does the author mention cats and dogs?
A: To argue that animals can develop the capacity to imprint
B: To explain that not all animals have the behavior pattern to imprint.
C: To give an example of other animals that are able to imprint
D: To suggest that some animals do not imprint because they hate water
Đáp án : To explain that not all animals have the behavior pattern to imprint.
Dựa vào nghĩa của câu: The capacity to imprint can also be seen in ducks, but animals such as cats

and dogs do not imprint (Khả năng để dấu ấn cũng có thể được nhìn thấy trong con vịt, nhưng con vật
như chó và mèo không dấu ấn).
59. What does the word “Hence” in paragraph 4 mean?
A: Therefore

B: However

C: Nonetheless

D: Nevertheless

Đáp án : Hence = Therefore: vì vậy.
Neverthless = Nonetheless = However: tuy nhiên.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
60. The famous racehorse Secretariat had to be destroyed because of a painful, incurable hoof disease. (bênh
long móng)
A. irreparable
incurable = irreparable :

B. vexatious

C. dangerous

D. disabling

không chữa được

61. In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.

A. superior

B. mandatory (bắc buôc)

C. beneficial

D. constructive

62. Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals.
A. irrefutable

B. imminent

['iminənt] sắp xảy ra

C. formidable

D. absolute

63. The aircraft carrier is indispensable in naval operations against sea or shore based enemies.
A. unique

B. novel

C. vital (thiết yếu)

D. exotic

64. The use of lasers in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years.
A. absolutely

B. relevantly

C. comparatively [kəm'pærətivli]

tương đối

D. almost

Part A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it.
1. She did the test in two hours. It took her two hours to do the test.
2. No other animal is as big as an elephant. Elephant is the biggest animal.
3. That girl is too shy to participate in the beauty contest.
That girl is so shy that she cannot participate in the beauty contest.
4. My father has someone check his car. My father has his car checked.
5. They have never been to HaNoi before. Nerver have they been to HaNoi before
Part B. Write a paragraph about one of the football matches you like best

Our School's Sports Club recently played a friendly football match with Hai Ba Trung School's Football Team to
ceclerabte the Independence Day. The match was held on September 1st, at 4:00 pm at My Dinh stadium. In the
first half, our team played pretty well. They tried to keep the ball away from the goal and as near to our rival's as
possible. By a combination of passing and dribbling, the opponents gave a shot into our goal. Fortunately, our
goalie could catch the ball. All the stands seemed to be exploded with merry and exciting shouts. And all the

schoolboys and girls jumped up and down cheering. In the second half, both teams played beautifully and
skilfully and tried to score the goal, but no-one succeeded. Finally it was a draw. When the game was over, all of
us were happy to have a fair game. I think all the schools in the area should hold such a friendly game to tie up

and promote the friendship and solidarity together.
