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Kiểm tra ngữ pháp chapter2 reported speech

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* Read the conversation between Paola and Lan and do the atsk below :
Paola :Hey ,Lan ! Have you finished your exam ?
Lan : Yes……..,I have .
Paola :Were the questions difficult ?
Lan :Well ,they were quite hard .
Paola :Did you pass ?
Lan : I ‘m not sure .The examiner didn’t tell me.
Poala :What questions did she ask you ?
Lan : First She asked me what my name was,and where I came from .
Paola :Thay were easy for you ,weren’t you ?
Lan : …Then she asked me why I was learning English ,…and if I spoke any other languages .
Paola : Go on
Lan : Then she aked me how I leaned English in my country ….And she asked how I used
English in the future .
Paola :What else did she ask you ?
Lan : Oh ,Paola ! let me try to remember !...Ah , She asked me what aspect of learning English I
found most difficult.
Paola : is that all ,Lan ?
Lan : Oh .There were a lot of other questions. She also asked me to read the passage .
Paola : What did she say in the end ?
Lan : I ‘m trying to remember …Oh yes ! Exactly she said “If you want to attend the course ,you
must pass the written examination.Good luck ! “
Paola : It ‘s terrible ,Lan .I don’t think I will be able to pass the exams.
Lan : Don’t worry ,Paola .Everything will be all right .
*Task : what exactly did the examiner ask Lan ? Look at the list of questions and check the boxes .

Examination in English as a foreign language
Stage one :Oral examination
(This list must not be shown to the candidates)
1) What is your name ?
2) Where do you from ?
3) Where do you live ?
4) Do you live with your parents ?

5) When did you begin studying English ?
6) Why are you learning English ?

7) Do you speak any other languages ?
8) How did you learn English in your country ?
9) How will you use English in the future ?
10) What aspect of learning English you find most difficult ?
11) What are you going to learn


12) What are your hobbies ?
13) Look at this picture . Describe it
14) Read this passage .


* Situation 1:
Lan ‘s father held a party to celebrate his mother ‘s birthday.Unfortunately,Mrs Thu ,her
grandmother ,has a hearing problem and she couldn’t hear what people were saying .After the
party ,Lan reported everything to her grandmother .
Example : “ I ‘m happy to see you .” (Aunt Xuan )
Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see you.
a) “This birthday cake is delicious. “ (Uncle Hung )
b) “ I love these roses “
(Miss Nga )
c) “ I ‘m having a wonderful time here .”
(Cousin Mai )
d) “ I will go to Hue tomorrow .”
( Mr Tri)

e) “ I may have a new job “.
(Mrs Hoa )
f) “ I must leave now “.
(Mr Quang )
* Situation 2 :
This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job.When she arrived home ,sh told her
mother about the interview.
Example :
Director ,Mrs Brown :”Do you like pop music ? “
Nga reported to her mother : She asked me if I liked pop music.
She asked me whether I liked pop music
Here what Mrs Brown asked Nga :
a. “How old are you ? “
b. “ Is your school near here ? “
c. “What is the name of your school ?”

“ Do you go to school by bicycle ? “

e. “Which grade are you in ? “
f. “ Can you use a computer ? “
g. “ Why do you want this job ?”
h. “ When does your school vacation start ? “

*Situation 3 :
Suppose you are Tim ‘s mother .Report Miss Jackson ‘s commands and requests in her
conversatiuon with Tim ‘s mother.
Miss Jackson said :
“ Can you give Tim this dictionary ? “
“Please give Tim this dictionary “
Tim ‘s mother reported it to Tim :
Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary .
Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary
a. “ Please wait for me outside my office .”

b. “ Please give Tim his report card for this semester “
c. “ Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation ? “
d. “ Can you meet me next week ? “
* Situation 4 :
Report Miss Jackson ‘s advice she gave in her conversation with Tim ‘s mother .
Example :
Miss Jackson said :
“ Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation .”
Tim ‘s mother reported it to him :
Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish Pronunciation
a. “ Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation .”
b. “ Tim should practise speaking Spanish everyday .”

c. “ Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV .”
d. “ Tim should practise reading aloud passages in Spanish .”

e. “ Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words .”
***Muốn đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu tường thuật ta phải thực hiện 3 sự thay
đổi :
1/ Đổi đại từ nhân xưng hoặc tính từ sở hữu :
-Đối với ngôi thứ nhất (I ,we / me ,us / my ,our ) ,ta đổi sang cùng ngôi với chủ từ
của mệnh đề chính.
-Đối với ngôi thứ hai(you / you / your ), ta đổi sang cùng ngôi với túc từ trong
mệnh đề
-Đối với ngôi thứ ba (she, he ,it , they / her ,him,it ,them / her ,his,its,their ),ta không cần
phải thay đổi gì cả .
2/ Đổi thì của động từ khi động từ trong mệnh đề chính dùng thì ở mốc quá
khứ,sau đây là bảng chuyển đổi thì :
**Note :
Trực tiếp
Gián tiếp
Simple present
Simple past
Present continuous
Past continuous
Simple past
Past perfect
Present perfect
Past perfect
Past continuous
Past perfect continuous

Simple future (will)
Simple future in the past (would)
Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề chính dùng thì ở mốc hiện tại (hiện tại đơn/hiện tại
tiếp diễn/ hiện tại hoàn thành ) hoặc tương lai thì không đổi thì .
Ex 1 :He says “ Two and two are four “
-----> He says that two and two are four .
Ex 2 : She has just said “ She likes to help the poor “
-----> She has just said that she likes to help the poor .
Ex 3 : I will say “ I am going to have lunch with them “
-----> : I will say I am going to have lunch with them
3/ Đổi tính từ và trạng từ :

Trực tiếp


Gián tiếp

Trực tiếp

Next week

Gián tiếp
That day
The day before
The week after

Direct : The doctor said to them , “ You will recover in a few days .”
Indirect : The doctor told them that _______ would recover in a few days .
a. you
b. I
c. we
d. they
Direct : The teacher says , “ Lots of students have not realized the difference between “
farther ” and “ further ” .”
Indirect : The teacher says that lots of students ______ the difference between “ farther ” and “
further ” .
a. had not realized
b. have not realized c. would not realize d. realized
Direct : He said , “ We knew nothing about video ten years ago .”
Indirect : He said that they had known nothing about video ten years ______
a. then
b. before

c. from now
d. after then
Direct ; He announced , “ We might publish this book .”
Indirect : He announced that they _____ that book .
a. might be published b. would have published
c. might be publishingd. might have
Indirect : The professor explained that Uncle Ho had devoted all his life to the salvation
of VietNam.
Direct : The professor explained , “ Uncle Ho ________ all his life to the salvation of VietNam.

a. has devoted
b. devotes
c. was devoted
d. devoting
Direct :They asked me , “ Can we study English ? ”
Indirect : They asked me ______ they could study English .
a. whether
b. now
c. rather
d. either
Direct : She wondered , “ Is listening linked with reading ? ”
Indirect : She wondered if _______ with reading .
a. was listening linked b. has listeninglinked c. listening was linked
d. listening has been

Indirect : The student asked whether computers had developed before the 1900’s.
Direct ; The student asked , “ _________ before the 1900’s ? ”
a. Have computers developed
b. Had computers developed
c. Computers developed
d. Computers have developed
Direct : He asked her , “ Will you enroll in the Faculty of Letters next year ? ”
Indirect : He asked her if she would enroll in the Faculty of Letters _____ .
a. next year
b. the previous year c. the year before
d. the following year
Direct : They asked their teacher , “ Have you printed your English course ? ”
Indirect : They asked their teacher whether he _____ his English course .
a. has printed
b. have printed
c. printed
d. had printed
Direct : He said to the engineers , “ Open a shopping centre in this area .”
Indirect : He told the engineers ______ a shopping centre in that area .
a. to open
b. open
c. opening
d. opened
*Direct : The director order them , “ Let not to launch that movement .”
Indirect : The director ordered them _________ that movement .

a. don’t launch
b. not to launch
c. not launch
d. launch not
Indirect : The physicist told his assistant to carry out his task right away .
Direct : The physicist said to his assistant , “ _______ your task right away.”

a. To carry out
b. Carry out
c. Carrying out
d. Carries out
Indirect : He asked the technician to start the engine at once .
Direct : He ______ the technician , “ Start the engine at once .”
a. says
c. tell
d. asked
Direct : He said, “ I did this exercise myself .”
Indirect : He said that _______ had done that exercise ______ .
a. he / himself
b. I / myself
c. he / myself
d. I / himself
Direct : “ My father went there last month .”

Indirect : He said that his father went _______ the previous month .
a. there
b. here
c. these
d. over here
Direct : “ The boy that is standing over here is my only son .”
Indirect : She said that the boy ________ was standing over there was her only son.
a. who
b. that
c. this
d. which
Indirect : She said she would do it there and then .
Direct : She said , “ I shall do it________ .”
a. here and then
b. here and now
c. here and now
d. now and then
Indirect : The teacher said that two and two are four .
Direct : The teacher said “ Two and two ______ four . ”
a. are
b. was
c. were d. have been
Direct : “ Don’t be shy .”
Indirect : Her boy friend told her _____ shy .
a. do not be
b. don’t be

c. not to be
d. to be
* EXERCISE 1 : Change into the reported speech :
1)“Listen carefully”,he said to us . .
1. Ann says “I ‘m tired “..
1. Tom says ,”New York is bigger than London “.
. >………………………………………………………………………………………
1. He told me ,”Don’t call me a champion “..
1. She asked me ,”Why didn’t you come to class yesterday ?” .
6)She asked him,” Have you read this book ?” .
* EXERCISE 2 : Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentences printed above:
1/. John said “ Did you meet my father at our school yesterday , Mary ?”
John asked………………………………………………………………………..
2/“When is the first day of your holiday, Lan?” Nam asked.
Nam asked Lan __________________________________
3/“Where did you put my gloves?” Mary said to him.
Mary asked him______________________________
4/ “How many student are there in your class ? “
The man asked me _____________________________________________ .
5/ “ You should take science appreciation courses at school “
The lady-researcher advised us __________________________________ .
6/ She asked him,” Do you like your job?” ( Write in the Reported Speech)
7/“When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me.

The interviewer asked me…………………………………
8/. “Do you like music?” Jane asked Lan
Jane asked Lan………………………….

9/. Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier ? the doctor asked
The doctor asked her…………………………………………………
10/. “Please sit down”, the thecher said to me
The teacher asked me…………………………………
11/. “What are you doing” she asked me
She Wondered………………………………………………………
12) He said “ I write home every day “
He said that…………………………………………………………………
13) He says “ This work is very difficult “
He says that ………………………………………………………………
14) I said to him “ don’t shout at girls ! “
I told him…………………………………………………………………….
15) He said “ Go away, boys !”
He ………………………………………………………………………………….

